Chris, please forgive my bringing this forward, but…
A comment by NotYetInACamp time-stamped 1:31 PM yesterday, a response actually to another who just doesn’t (or didn’t) get it, is one of the most empathetic, perceptive, gut-wrenchingly prophetic…and at the same time plaintive and hopeful…that I’ve seen.
I don’t know the history and experience of this gentleman except by his occasional obscure and mysterious reference, but it is certainly experiential and heartfelt; any who have not read it, please go back and do, along with the naïve and dismissive comment that it was in reference to. Forget the clunky syntax and structure…and just listen.
Bloody brilliant.
August 22, 2016 at 9:10 am
JTC well stated and I concur.
August 22, 2016 at 11:14 am
Thank you. Please read it. On a rereading,I like it myself.
So ole Gump here might have some ideers, but ah still gots that clunky syntax. 🙂
Y’all just wait fer the ideer ah had this morning. It has a credit angle. I’ll just put it up rough hewn, later.
This po’ Flowdah cracker fits into that awkward position of country boys calling him a city boy. And then them city boys call him a country boy. Florida cracker it is then. I like riding my mower while cutting my lawn. 🙂
We live in interesting times.
August 21, 2016 at 11:51 pm
Greg B
I certainly don’t see any bodacious DDQ panels to make up for yesterday.
August 22, 2016 at 11:48 am
Patience is a virtue.
Delayed gratification after a harrowing experience causes the outcome to be sweeter and more memorable.
August 22, 2016 at 2:11 pm
Greg B
August 22, 2016 at 12:26 am
How did Sam use Skye’s visa unless it was a cash/gift card with no name…
Anybody can use anybody’s card, unless or until the transaction or the card itself is flagged for some reason.
August 22, 2016 at 2:06 am
It must be an American thing – certainly can’t be done here in Oz.
Unless of course you break the card T&C’s by telling the other user the PIN.
August 22, 2016 at 6:27 am
Many US cards still aren’t chip and PIN, and a significant number of the transactions processed with those that are must still be swiped because retailers aren’t set up to process chip and PIN cards.
August 22, 2016 at 9:18 am
My debit card ( I refuse to use credit cards, I’m a “pay as you go” type) functions as a credit card as well. All you do is swipe it and sign the paper slip, no PIN required. If it didn’t have my picture on it, anybody could use it.
I consider this a huge security hole. even with the picture. How may cashiers ever actually look?
Almost none. Most times the card never leaves your hand whether you swipe it or insert in chip reader. And no PIN required either for “credit” transactions whether it’s on a debit or credit card. As for using debit to pay as you go, that’s admirable but leaves you much more vulnerable to bad guys accessing your accounty directly rather than being filtered through the card co.; so instead I use AMEX whenever I can due to their superior fraud detection and just pay in full at the end of the month with no int., just a yearly fee for the service.
Security hole? Hell yeah, which is why issuers are trying to transfer liability for fraud to merchants instead of themselves, that’s their whole push for the chip thing.
August 22, 2016 at 11:43 am
I show ID for any purchase over $25.00 except for fuel.
That, and most places I shop the employees know me.
August 22, 2016 at 6:20 am
Big Jim
Sam is probably just pulling Skye’s leg to get a rise out of her. Crank her UP!!
August 22, 2016 at 6:47 am
Bill G
Mommy must have put a monthly limit on Skye’s card.
August 22, 2016 at 7:20 am
OK, so COMMENTS on yesterday’s Masterpiece are closed but from a miserly $25.00 contributor, I say “How would you like your Pulitzer served, Sir?”
And your followers shout ” Well Done!”
August 22, 2016 at 7:46 am
B Woodman
Comey, you traitorous rat bastard, you did the world a massive disservice when you unleashed the “Hellery defense” (she didn’t INTEND to be careless).
Already a bubblehead squid tried to use the Hellery defense because he took classified (confidential) pictures of secured areas aboard the sub he was serving on. Unfortunately, that defense didn’t work so well for him, he got his pecker hammered flat with a one year hard time and other “goodies”.
August 22, 2016 at 11:43 am
In violation of Chris’ directive to me to keep it short stupid, I proceed. This is important.
Making people pay for the credit they have used and taken.
Upon my consideration that this site, Breitbart, Drudge, World Net Daily, Daily Caller, Daily Beast, Mother Jones, Gateway Pundit, Pamela Geller, and a vast number of other sites will be shut down upon the obtaining of totalitarian power by Hillary Clinton, Keene, and the entire support structure propping her up, I present some more information. October 31, 2016 is the day that Obama turns over control of the internet to the UN. They already are arresting people in Europe for speech on the internet, and, closing down their websites.
I presented a site that detailed much that will be done to sites come the revolution of Clinton wins.
Madame President Clinton’s Coming War on the Blogosphere, and Your Countermeasures
Everyone, please vote. Please help others to vote.
Liability is a concept.
Restitution is a concept.
Responsibility for one’s actions is a concept.
Responsibility to make good for illegal actions and supporting of illegal actions is a concept.
The recent hacking of Soros’ Open Society Foundation produced documents that showed Soros being responsible for illegal act and for funding illegal acts including the current migration asymmetric warfare invasions of Europe and the USA, and the overthrow of many nations, some that resulted in the invasions.
Soros has personally taken responsibility for many illegal act, for instance the overthrow of the government in Ukraine.
Soros has facilitated the illegal invasion of Europe and the USA.
The leap.
All of Soros assets and those of those who received or used those assets in the facilitation of those illegal activities must be seized and used to repair the situation.
All invaders must be returned to their nations, and, as per international law, all of their children born in the invader nations. There can be some assets used to do something for them.
Most assets must be used to repair the invaded areas and the people hurt.
There is more, but this gets the idea out. They used our assets to try to defeat us. Theirs are forfeit.
Again. Please vote. Please get others to vote. There is no next time.
August 22, 2016 at 12:06 pm
Revenge will be the ROL under Hilly and her trolls.
Wilhelm Zaisser would be so proud.
Better learn to be Grey.
August 22, 2016 at 12:36 pm
Chris Muir
Should that happen, all dbd patrons will receive a USB drive from me with instructions on how, and where, to read dbd and keep it going.
August 22, 2016 at 1:47 pm
Thank you.
August 22, 2016 at 12:36 pm
I’ve been thinking about how countries with Sharia Law will be having a say in how the internet is run…
August 22, 2016 at 1:55 pm
My family and tribe has fought against Islam for over a thousand years. I am an unapologetic American. I learned of my mother’s tribe later in life. My mother was a wonderful person. She was a realist on most things.
Truth and realism will be called “Islamophobia”. Then the “Islamophobia” will be called “hate” language. Then the “hate” language and all sites using it will be censored and banned. That site I referenced has some discussion and explanation of that.
Islamorealism, the truth, will be banned. In Islam, stating the truth about Islam can be considered insulting Islam, or halal (forbidden). Truth is no defense in a charge of Islamophobia, insulting Islam, harming Islam, or hate speech. Islamic countries have a huge group in the UN. Maybe it is October 1, 2016 that the iron fist comes down. Or shortly thereafter.
August 22, 2016 at 3:36 pm
Might as well get this out of the way now.
How can anyone follow a man whose wives got together and poisoned his raggedy ass? Everything is blood, pain and death.
August 22, 2016 at 3:49 pm
You noticed.
August 22, 2016 at 6:10 pm
Old Codger
Unfortunately, the redoubtable Mr. Rawles’ “solutions” are far out of the reach of those of us of “modest means”. Guess we poor people will have to do what poor folk have done from time immemorial – shut up and live with it.
August 22, 2016 at 6:27 pm
We didn’t do that in 1776.
August 22, 2016 at 7:16 pm
I’m with her.
Ooooh carP! I think I used a Helleryism! Dang it!
August 22, 2016 at 8:14 pm
I’m way better looking and shoot straight. 😉
August 22, 2016 at 8:30 pm
I love when a girl calls me sweetie. 🙂
Great other attributes to have also.
August 22, 2016 at 8:43 pm
My mother’s tribe always fought aand moved over a bit when necessary. There was one point in history that they just settled down and plundered Europe at will for about 70 years. From Scandinavia to Spain through Italy on to Constantinople and all points in between. Europe finally wised up and when they began moving again, five nations armies moved in unison. You know, that “Head em off at the pass!” did work at least once. They trapped them between the mountains of Switzerland and France heading towards Italy with easy exits blocked. They fought their way back, and then became normal fighting members of the European community. they later became the direct battle line between Europe and Islam. They lost about half their territory to Islam and Sharia Law was implemented ibn the lost half. They eventually kicked the Muslims out after a couple hundred years.
Some battles are old battles, yet they are still the same. Young trendies thinking differently notwithstanding.
Most must keep their head down to survive. Several other tribes were given areas of refuge over the centuries. Every person has their own line that cannot be crossed.
Skye has credit?
Long time, no hear.
You all right?
This is a facepalm sort of strip.
HAHAHA…love it…payback is a bitch…or in Skye’s case to a bitch…
Speaking of payback, I wonder who is paying Skye’s bills?
Chris, please forgive my bringing this forward, but…
A comment by NotYetInACamp time-stamped 1:31 PM yesterday, a response actually to another who just doesn’t (or didn’t) get it, is one of the most empathetic, perceptive, gut-wrenchingly prophetic…and at the same time plaintive and hopeful…that I’ve seen.
I don’t know the history and experience of this gentleman except by his occasional obscure and mysterious reference, but it is certainly experiential and heartfelt; any who have not read it, please go back and do, along with the naïve and dismissive comment that it was in reference to. Forget the clunky syntax and structure…and just listen.
Bloody brilliant.
JTC well stated and I concur.
Thank you. Please read it. On a rereading,I like it myself.
So ole Gump here might have some ideers, but ah still gots that clunky syntax. 🙂
Y’all just wait fer the ideer ah had this morning. It has a credit angle. I’ll just put it up rough hewn, later.
This po’ Flowdah cracker fits into that awkward position of country boys calling him a city boy. And then them city boys call him a country boy. Florida cracker it is then. I like riding my mower while cutting my lawn. 🙂
We live in interesting times.
I certainly don’t see any bodacious DDQ panels to make up for yesterday.
Patience is a virtue.
Delayed gratification after a harrowing experience causes the outcome to be sweeter and more memorable.
How did Sam use Skye’s visa unless it was a cash/gift card with no name…
It’s kind of like voting…no ID required.
Anybody can use anybody’s card, unless or until the transaction or the card itself is flagged for some reason.
It must be an American thing – certainly can’t be done here in Oz.
Unless of course you break the card T&C’s by telling the other user the PIN.
Many US cards still aren’t chip and PIN, and a significant number of the transactions processed with those that are must still be swiped because retailers aren’t set up to process chip and PIN cards.
My debit card ( I refuse to use credit cards, I’m a “pay as you go” type) functions as a credit card as well. All you do is swipe it and sign the paper slip, no PIN required. If it didn’t have my picture on it, anybody could use it.
I consider this a huge security hole. even with the picture. How may cashiers ever actually look?
clear ether
“How many cashiers ever actually look?”
Almost none. Most times the card never leaves your hand whether you swipe it or insert in chip reader. And no PIN required either for “credit” transactions whether it’s on a debit or credit card. As for using debit to pay as you go, that’s admirable but leaves you much more vulnerable to bad guys accessing your accounty directly rather than being filtered through the card co.; so instead I use AMEX whenever I can due to their superior fraud detection and just pay in full at the end of the month with no int., just a yearly fee for the service.
Security hole? Hell yeah, which is why issuers are trying to transfer liability for fraud to merchants instead of themselves, that’s their whole push for the chip thing.
I show ID for any purchase over $25.00 except for fuel.
That, and most places I shop the employees know me.
Sam is probably just pulling Skye’s leg to get a rise out of her. Crank her UP!!
Mommy must have put a monthly limit on Skye’s card.
OK, so COMMENTS on yesterday’s Masterpiece are closed but from a miserly $25.00 contributor, I say “How would you like your Pulitzer served, Sir?”
And your followers shout ” Well Done!”
Comey, you traitorous rat bastard, you did the world a massive disservice when you unleashed the “Hellery defense” (she didn’t INTEND to be careless).
Already a bubblehead squid tried to use the Hellery defense because he took classified (confidential) pictures of secured areas aboard the sub he was serving on. Unfortunately, that defense didn’t work so well for him, he got his pecker hammered flat with a one year hard time and other “goodies”.
In violation of Chris’ directive to me to keep it short stupid, I proceed. This is important.
Making people pay for the credit they have used and taken.
Upon my consideration that this site, Breitbart, Drudge, World Net Daily, Daily Caller, Daily Beast, Mother Jones, Gateway Pundit, Pamela Geller, and a vast number of other sites will be shut down upon the obtaining of totalitarian power by Hillary Clinton, Keene, and the entire support structure propping her up, I present some more information. October 31, 2016 is the day that Obama turns over control of the internet to the UN. They already are arresting people in Europe for speech on the internet, and, closing down their websites.
I presented a site that detailed much that will be done to sites come the revolution of Clinton wins.
Madame President Clinton’s Coming War on the Blogosphere, and Your Countermeasures
Everyone, please vote. Please help others to vote.
Liability is a concept.
Restitution is a concept.
Responsibility for one’s actions is a concept.
Responsibility to make good for illegal actions and supporting of illegal actions is a concept.
The recent hacking of Soros’ Open Society Foundation produced documents that showed Soros being responsible for illegal act and for funding illegal acts including the current migration asymmetric warfare invasions of Europe and the USA, and the overthrow of many nations, some that resulted in the invasions.
Soros has personally taken responsibility for many illegal act, for instance the overthrow of the government in Ukraine.
Soros has facilitated the illegal invasion of Europe and the USA.
The leap.
All of Soros assets and those of those who received or used those assets in the facilitation of those illegal activities must be seized and used to repair the situation.
All invaders must be returned to their nations, and, as per international law, all of their children born in the invader nations. There can be some assets used to do something for them.
Most assets must be used to repair the invaded areas and the people hurt.
There is more, but this gets the idea out. They used our assets to try to defeat us. Theirs are forfeit.
Again. Please vote. Please get others to vote. There is no next time.
Revenge will be the ROL under Hilly and her trolls.
Wilhelm Zaisser would be so proud.
Better learn to be Grey.
Should that happen, all dbd patrons will receive a USB drive from me with instructions on how, and where, to read dbd and keep it going.
Thank you.
I’ve been thinking about how countries with Sharia Law will be having a say in how the internet is run…
My family and tribe has fought against Islam for over a thousand years. I am an unapologetic American. I learned of my mother’s tribe later in life. My mother was a wonderful person. She was a realist on most things.
Truth and realism will be called “Islamophobia”. Then the “Islamophobia” will be called “hate” language. Then the “hate” language and all sites using it will be censored and banned. That site I referenced has some discussion and explanation of that.
Islamorealism, the truth, will be banned. In Islam, stating the truth about Islam can be considered insulting Islam, or halal (forbidden). Truth is no defense in a charge of Islamophobia, insulting Islam, harming Islam, or hate speech. Islamic countries have a huge group in the UN. Maybe it is October 1, 2016 that the iron fist comes down. Or shortly thereafter.
Might as well get this out of the way now.
How can anyone follow a man whose wives got together and poisoned his raggedy ass? Everything is blood, pain and death.
You noticed.
Unfortunately, the redoubtable Mr. Rawles’ “solutions” are far out of the reach of those of us of “modest means”. Guess we poor people will have to do what poor folk have done from time immemorial – shut up and live with it.
We didn’t do that in 1776.
I’m with her.
Ooooh carP! I think I used a Helleryism! Dang it!
I’m way better looking and shoot straight. 😉
I love when a girl calls me sweetie. 🙂
Great other attributes to have also.
My mother’s tribe always fought aand moved over a bit when necessary. There was one point in history that they just settled down and plundered Europe at will for about 70 years. From Scandinavia to Spain through Italy on to Constantinople and all points in between. Europe finally wised up and when they began moving again, five nations armies moved in unison. You know, that “Head em off at the pass!” did work at least once. They trapped them between the mountains of Switzerland and France heading towards Italy with easy exits blocked. They fought their way back, and then became normal fighting members of the European community. they later became the direct battle line between Europe and Islam. They lost about half their territory to Islam and Sharia Law was implemented ibn the lost half. They eventually kicked the Muslims out after a couple hundred years.
Some battles are old battles, yet they are still the same. Young trendies thinking differently notwithstanding.
Most must keep their head down to survive. Several other tribes were given areas of refuge over the centuries. Every person has their own line that cannot be crossed.