If I Could Turn Back Time.(Not)


  • November 11, 2016 at 10:35 pm

    I have only one thing to say, and that thing is…

  • November 11, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    Nice little tidbit: The senators that spoke out against Trump lost their seats.
    I wonder if the rest of the Senators will take that as a warning?

    • November 12, 2016 at 4:43 am
      • November 12, 2016 at 6:41 am

        One of those two was mine. Interestingly, the Repubs gained seats in the legislature, (Increased majorities), and now we have a Repub governor.

        Last year we passed Constitutional carry only to have the now junior senator veto it on orders from Bloomies and Soros. I think it will become law next session. 🙂

      • November 12, 2016 at 8:06 am
        Bill G

        Sadly, the Beltway Boyz only notice what they want to see.
        McConnell, for an example, could ignore MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN in flaming letters on a wall in front of hiim.

      • November 12, 2016 at 11:15 am

        I am impressed at your reference, and fear that you are right. (It also applies to a lot of others.)

    • November 12, 2016 at 7:51 am
      Old Codger

      Plus one of the three who lost has his picture in the dictionary beside the word “RINO”. Absolute enemy of the 2A. Yes we have a Dhimmicrat in the seat, now but I’d much rather face a sworn enemy than a friend who’ll stab me in the back when he gets the chance.

      sic semper RINOs!

  • November 11, 2016 at 10:40 pm

    Two years and twenty four dems are up in the senate again. When they start s*#! remind them of that.

  • November 11, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    Pamela, per your question/request from “yesterday”:

    Miz Pam,

    Heh. Looking for the link to the referenced precedent, I found this little nugget from the sad little pups at HuffPo.

    NYIAC had written a missive to the DT campaign before the first debate discussing it and Donald laid it out nearly word for word. Afterwards and realizing he had them dead to rights, the muzzie apologists mostly just shut up about it. But a few as in the article linked here, first acknowledge Constitutionality, and then attempt to demonize it as, what else, RACISM!

    Funny before, much more so now. Whether Trump’s campaign picked up on this from his communication, or it’s just a matter of great minds thinking alike, NYIAC is a pretty smart dude 🙂

    • November 11, 2016 at 11:05 pm


      I thank you Good Sir. I surmised that Foreign Nationals that do not adhere to our laws can be drop kicked straight out with no recourse and have the re-entry door slammed and locked for good. I’m hoping that the “Syrian Refugees” who think Rape is a daily part of living get taken deep sea fishing on their return trip.

      One thing that needs to happen is having the STD medical health rules Obama relaxed put back in effect. With certain strains now incurable and rising at alarming rates, Public Health protections need to be reinforced.

    • November 11, 2016 at 11:08 pm

      p.s. I agree NYIAC is a pretty smart dude.
      I always enjoy the results and information imparted during the many discussions on multiple subjects.

      • November 12, 2016 at 5:58 am

        I’m smoot? OK.

  • November 11, 2016 at 10:46 pm

    STONERS! I hate STONERS!. Not safe to work with at all.
    Never smoked or ingested it. Was more afraid of my Dad than the Cops.
    AARRGGH! Frickin’ STONERS!

    • November 11, 2016 at 11:38 pm


      All drinkers are not drunks, and all tokers are not stoners. Same difference. As a minor, you were right to fear your Dad for either. But there is no role here for cops or law.

      • November 12, 2016 at 1:54 am
        Polly Cy

        Well, as the daughter of a smoker who died of lung cancer, the niece of her three brothers who died of lung cancer, and her two sisters who died of lung cancer, all I can say is, Smoke in the lungs is smoke in the lungs. I don’t care if it has nicotine or not, it’s still smoke in the lungs. Of course, I have asthma, so I might be a bit biased.

        And it’s true that studies have shown that male marijuana users suffer significantly lowered sperm counts. I’m all in favor of letting them select themselves out of the gene pool.

      • November 12, 2016 at 11:37 am

        Very sorry for your losses Polly and I commiserate, this was from ’08 so it’s now been 23 years but still the hurt is fresh:

        Of course damage to livers etc by booze is as tragic and unnecessary but I still wouldn’t wish that misery on anyone or their “gene pool” (family).

        And no amount of self-inflicted harm can justify gov control which as I’ve said is hugely counter-productive, with the birth and growth of the mafia and the cartels being directly linked to such misguided efforts and actions.

      • November 12, 2016 at 12:41 pm

        I’ve never met anyone who baked tobacco brownies, or any of the other methods for partaking, so I’m not sure how to make this comparison, but I’m perfectly happy to try out the ‘medicinal cookies’… except I live in Arizona, and we didn’t get much out of this election…

      • November 12, 2016 at 8:03 am
        Old Codger

        I never tried the stuff, either and I grew up in the 60s. Was home on leave from the USAF on year and went to a party at one of my cousins’. I went looking for my cousin and found him in the back bedroom toking. I apologized for leaving suddenly but I was concerned about my security clearance. Apparently I am the only one of 8 cousins who never did weed. I have no problem with legalizing it, mind you. I cannot see anywhere in Article 1, Section 8 that would empower congress to say what substance(s) an adult may or may not introduce into their tender body.

        Funny story. That cousin whose house I was at had a Doberman. Named him “Roach”. My Aunt never could understand why he would name his dog after a bug. He is her youngest so nobody ever had the heart to tell her he didn’t. 😉

      • November 12, 2016 at 11:23 am

        Heh. A family member named his hound Mary Jane. Other folks thought that was an odd name for a pooch, but he had told me it was because she sniffed out his stash when she was a pup. The guy is a K9 handler with a big-city LE agency now. Go figger.

      • November 12, 2016 at 12:31 pm


        I’ve spent the last 10 years working in the Petro-Chemical Industry.
        Prior to that it was in Commercial and Housing. An accident in either industry due to usage of anything caused all sorts of lost time, investigations and untold grief until each episode was resolved.

        Dad was another issue all together. We had a set of rules that needed to be followed because of his clearances. Dad asked me one day why in the hell I was hanging out in a study group with a dope smoking member of the SDS and a guy who had been dishonorably discharged from the Army for being queer. Getting caught with weed in 1973 would have meant a possession charge and dealing with Dad after. Not worth it.

        During my work life, their was always there were always a few co-workers who never got any work done after lunch, causing the rest of us to pick up the slack.

      • November 12, 2016 at 2:58 pm

        Tokin’ in the bathroom, and everybody knows that tokin’ ain’t allowed in school (or biz).

        Three-martini lunches OTOH, are quite common in biz from the executive suite to the factory floor; equally harmful if somewhat less immediately in the former.

        Your Dad was a hardass and we need more like him. Still, double-standards are wrong in business, in gov service, and flat-out unconstitutional in gov rule.

  • November 11, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    God, how I came to hate that term over the last eight years…

    “Have a national conversation on (fill in oppression du jour)…”

    But that nightmare is behind us. Let’s leave it back there.

    • November 11, 2016 at 11:05 pm

      They didn’t want a conversation.
      They wanted a monologue.

      • November 11, 2016 at 11:30 pm

        And to impose actual oppression of my rights to assuage the fabricated oppression of theirs.

      • November 12, 2016 at 8:04 am
        Old Codger

        “They didn’t want a conversation.
        They wanted a monologue.”

        More like a responsive reading.

    • November 12, 2016 at 12:49 pm

      I totally agree with you. I cringe every time I hear some smiling, condescending idiot on TV uttering that phrase.

      There was a woman on O’reilly a few weeks who basically told Bill ” We need to have a conversation about the racist, sexist, homophobic remarks you have made on the air in the past.”

      Bill was so mad you almost see smoke boiling out of his ears. He controlled his temper very well. All he did was say ” So what exactly did I say and when exactly did I say it???”

      The woman’s idiotic smile disappeared and was replaced with an ” Oh shit!” look. Instead of answering him she starts fumbling through some papers she has. Bill lets her fumble and stutter for awhile and then says ” Next time come back when you are actually prepared to do an interview.” ” We’ll continue this another day.”

      To me, it was obvious she’d never actually watched his show and had relied on what other people had told her.

  • November 11, 2016 at 11:08 pm

    Did he just say “be Nice”?
    And, go frak yourself, Skype-bitch

    • November 11, 2016 at 11:52 pm
      Deplorable B Woodman

      It never hurts to be nice to the (mentally) handicapped.

      • November 11, 2016 at 11:53 pm
        Deplorable B Woodman


  • November 12, 2016 at 12:05 am

    Having spent a few years having to live with somewhat stoners; I think it is a disaster. They cannot keep a job, Too wasted to drive and did anyway. Would sell anything they could get their hands on to buy more weed. And down hill from there.

    • November 12, 2016 at 12:24 am

      Same with somewhat drunks. Plus they beat the wife and kids.

      Irrelevant though…The Man as Chris calls gov in this case, has proven that prohibition has the opposite and compounded deleterious effect from what is intended, and further is exactly the same as any other Constitutional infringement.

    • November 12, 2016 at 12:45 pm

      It’s certainly not universal. I know several in corporate IT doing just fine.

  • November 12, 2016 at 12:13 am

    Yoko has issued the definitive leftist response to the Trump Tidal Wave:

    That’s funny right there I don’t care who you are. Well, unless you’re a leftist.

    • November 12, 2016 at 12:23 am

      Yoko Ono? Isn’t that the useless bitch that’s been living off John Lennon’s estate these last couple of decades?

      • November 12, 2016 at 12:27 am

        One of many useless leftist bitches for whom that primal scream is perfect.

        And hilarious. And delicious. 🙂

      • November 12, 2016 at 12:49 am

        Got her stage name from her act. When she sang, they shouted Yoko? Oh, no!

      • November 12, 2016 at 3:09 am


  • November 12, 2016 at 2:24 am

    What I find so repellent in all of this is the destructive behavior generated by these greasy, obnoxious, self-centered little snots because their FAVE lost a contest. It was a contest with only one winner. (Was that participation trophy article on previous pg for real?)

    I do not recall any time in the last 240 years of this country’s existence, in which spoiled brats set fire to things or destroyed property or blocked traffic, just because they didn’t get the prize. There’s no excuse for what they’ve been doing. According to some people I know, they’ve been paid to act like that. Don’t know how much damage they’re doing in Portland, OR, but if it goes much further, it’s about time to get out the teargas and firehoses. Well, the firehoses, at least, especially if it gets really, really cold.

    Things should settle down soon, but do not expect any common decency from the lizards in the media. They were completely wrong. They are not good at being told they’re wrong about something. All that racist crap? They are the ones who start it. The popular vote? A 400K difference is NOT a qualifying majority. The vote would go to the House of Representatives to settle, and which party won the majority in BOTH Houses of Congress?

    And what part of ‘you lost, deal with it’ means it’s okay to destroy private property?

    Sometimes, I wish I could get into a time machine and go back to the 1950s, when things made some sense. I hope this election brings the crackpot crazy years to an end.

    • November 12, 2016 at 2:38 am
      The Valeyard

      (Was that participation trophy article on previous pg for real?)

      The site bills itself as “Your trusted source for Christian news satire,” so… probably not. 🙂 Though admittedly, it’s hard to tell the difference between satire and reality when it comes to the idiocy of the left…

      • November 12, 2016 at 1:11 pm

        My favorite site for satire is The People’s Cube.

        It was founded by a man who’d escaped the old USSR and came to America. When he got here he was dismayed to find people that spouted the same propaganda that he was forced to hear every day in communist Russia. He decided to fight back by poking fun of them on his website. He’s been shut down several times by angry activists. His humor is not for everybody. Some folks on the right think they have stumbled onto another Leftist website when they come across his page.

    • November 12, 2016 at 4:54 am

      Delilah, you’ve said it perfectly. I could not agree more.

  • November 12, 2016 at 3:31 am

    I remember seeing water cannon used against protesters in Germany. It was fun watching waterlogged radicals being rolled down the street by a high-pressure focused spray. Piled up at the curb like wet leaves, squirming and moaning. Bruises, broken bones and asphalt rash.
    Cuter than a box of puppies.
    Good times. And the Polizi were pretty good people, too.
    Ah, the good old days.

    • November 12, 2016 at 4:24 am
      Lucius Severus Pertinax

      I had this idea a few years back, of filling the water cannon trucks with liquid starch, heavily laced with Capsaicin.

      After a few publicized uses, I reckon any bunch of rioters, at the mere ARRIVAL of such a vehicle, would cause them to be knocking each other over in their efforts to vamoose the ranch.

  • November 12, 2016 at 3:38 am
    Neil Frandsen

    Folks, this son of the Crowsnest Pass, in SW Alberta, Canada, sees Donald Trump as an excellent choice! You ‘Yankees’ (and some of you are Cousins, cause Granpa Pete was a Millwright, and a Minnesota Dane, when he came to Canada, well over an hundred years agone) have accidentally hired yourself a very tough-minded fellow, who enjoys folk, and enjoys leading, and teaching! Yup, Teaching. That TV program was quite an interesting example of how to make sure smart folk did not try to ‘coast’, while working with you…
    I imagine his Cabinet as an equally tough-minded group, as least as smart as he! Just looking at the brains, and skills which his wives have, gives me strong reason to anticipate an excellent group of folks in his Cabinet, able to discuss problems, find solutions, and work hard to get the chosen solutions to work, in each his/her/it’s own part of the Government.
    I look at my experience in the Oilpatch, working for Geophysical Exploration Companies, and see many different Government departments involved, beyond the obvious Lands & Forests (later ‘Environment’, here in Alberta), including the RCMP (notify about site of an Explosives Magazine, then notify about moving the Mag to a different Site {lots of paperwork, eh?}. Therefore, the olde saw “You cannot do just ‘one’ thing, when making changes”, really applies.
    Organizing real estate deals, and supervising construction, must have resulted in lots of learning experiences, some of the “stomp on my hat”, type…
    For at least the next 4 years, after January 20, 2017, I see my Yankee neighbours, and Cousins, having a surprising ride, some of the “hold my beer” type. Have fun, eh?

    • November 12, 2016 at 4:27 am

      Yep. Donald Trump has a history of hiring people who know more than he does in specific areas, and listening to them.
      Kind of like when he listened to the normal people here in the USA, eh?

    • November 12, 2016 at 11:50 am

      “accidentally” and “surprising” eh?

      Wonder how many Canuckians and other furriners have paid such little attention to the cascade-cum-tidal wave that has just occurred? I mean, how can you learn and follow, ridding yourself of Mini-Tru and his ilk, if you don’t understand the actual process?

      • November 12, 2016 at 1:33 pm

        Sadly, we have a lot of voters who fall for the celebretard view that good looks and a catchphrase will make a good leader. You just had 8 years of President Teleprompter while we had a policy wonk who didn’t give a crap about the media-and told them so. So when Stephen Harper went up against Captain Selfie who do you think the media fawned over? The guy who actually worked for the country or the one who promised unicorns in every garage. Just too many people who believe the fairy tales told to them by the liberals (big or small “L”)

  • November 12, 2016 at 4:56 am

    Ah, that tasty, tasty salt from all those tears…

  • November 12, 2016 at 5:13 am
    S Hooks

    “Who’s Laughing Now” –

    This one is a masterpiece – destined to be a keeper! It should be shared with as many friends and family as possible, especially those who insisted Trump never stood a chance! I especially liked the soundtrack, from “In the Hall of the Mountain King” by Edvard Grieg.

    • November 12, 2016 at 9:25 am

      Thank You so much for this link. I played tuba in HS and that was one of my favorite pieces to play.

    • November 12, 2016 at 10:48 am

      Thank you for posting the video link. I’ll share it elsewhere.

      The strange things that have been going on post-election appear to be paid for by someone, don’t know who, so I won’t speculate.

      I think the change was long overdue. Ordinary people are fed up with being shoved aside and said so at the voting booth.

      I have wondered, since the Chicago Cubs won the NL pennant and then the World Series (from a very tough Cardinals team) if this was the start of a massive change. I have said before that the pendulum can only swing so far in one direction, and then swings in the other direction.

      Now let’s ALL be adults and make the good stuff happen. No spite, no sneering at the leftards, none of that. We’re grownups. They aren’t. Let’s BE what they are not. Does that work for you?

      • November 12, 2016 at 7:25 pm

        Sorry Chris – just realized this is a troll website. I know Soros is behind the violence, but haven’t found MSM covering any truth (as usual) Please withdraw my comment. Thanks! Joan

      • November 12, 2016 at 7:30 pm
        Chris Muir

        No problem, I get taken sometimes, too! 🙂

      • November 12, 2016 at 7:54 pm
        Deplorable B Woodman

        Not just yet. I need a couple of snerks at my family Libtards. Especially my dau-in-law from Calgary, Canadia. She’s such a tender snowflake, she says something, she expects the family to stop and give undivided attention and “DO SOMETHING”.
        Whereas, if I “intrude” with my facts and contrary opinions, I’m the bad guy. (and secretly, I love it).

    • November 12, 2016 at 3:22 pm

      ‘Sbeautiful, man…I mean ma’am (I think).

      Hell, Trump (we, really) could do nothing else except having slapped the smug off those slimy twits’ faces and it would all be worthwhile.

  • November 12, 2016 at 6:08 am

    Dudes. Like WOW, man. It’s legal.
    Like, now, ah, where do we get the cash, man.You got a job, Dude?

    Even if legal, I will not allow it on my property. It’s negative effects are well documented. Positive effects, even documented, are outweighed in the aggregate by the negative societal effects. Laws must be passed supporting employers and other their choice to discriminate against its use.

    • November 12, 2016 at 6:40 am

      Regard it as intoxication on the job. Pot, alcohol, or certain prescription drugs, anything that affects perception, motor control or cognative ability is not conducive to job performance, except in lab rats.

      Zar Belk!

    • November 12, 2016 at 8:37 am
      Old Codger

      “Even if legal, I will not allow it on my property.”

      And it is entirely your right to do so. You are the property owner, the business owner and the boss. However, you DO realize, don’t you, that the likelihood of a legislature in Kali actually passing a law protecting the hated moneyed class is somewhere between “No way, Jose” and “You got to be shittin’ me!”

    • November 12, 2016 at 12:08 pm

      Even smart dudes are subject to allowing their biases to affect their logic…

      The only laws necessary here as OC said, are to protect and enforce the concept of private property rights and rules, whether it’s to choose one’s own personal standards on one’s own personal property, choosing to bake a cake or not, require shirts and shoes or not, and obviously whether to protect oneself and livelihood from the liability of impairment of any kind at your place of business or any public place where harm to innocent third parties is an issue.

      We all have our personal standards, but the only ones that matter and apply are the ones enumerated and guaranteed by the Constitution…thank God we are on the path to understanding and blindly applying that standard once again.

    • November 12, 2016 at 3:43 pm

      Besides what I previously posted of my personal experience with those that insisted upon smoking pot, there is a much larger problem. One job I had in heavy steel, the man was killed the week he was retiring by a small mistake and was center punched by a large steel tube that slipped in the chains. Most of the places I worked and managed, you could Not hire a pot head. it was just too damn dangerous. One guy that was at a heavy forge and press shop before I started was a toker and I did not know about, worked on a large press. One late 2nd. shift, after break, “forgot” to clip his hand safety restraints back up. Lost a thumb and part of 2 fingers. One guy with a carrot top hair doo ducked under a spinning steel tube from a large lathe after lunch and became mostly bald. Think I’ll stop now.

      • November 12, 2016 at 6:46 pm

        In recollecting examples of WUI (working under the influence) we will find boozers to be a *much* longer list, partly because of acceptance across generational, social, and even political lines. Nothing could be more tragic, due to pure pervasiveness and the fact that alcohol is *the* gateway drug. Workplace impairment where innocent others are put at risk is reason for dismissal, arrest, and in some cases a self-imposed death sentence.

        All of which is -ad nauseam- irrelevant as pertaining to private personal behavior unless we are willing to head down the slippery slimy path to nanny state gov involvement and control of our vices, our food, our guns, etc. etc. etc.

        Government cannot and should not try protect a man from himself…because somebody has to decide what to protect from and how to do it.

  • November 12, 2016 at 8:24 am
    Old Codger

    The latest from Moore the Hutt:

    Michael Moore Predicts Donald Trump Won’t Last The Full 4 Years
    “He will break laws because he’s only thinking about what’s best for him.”
    “Michael Moore, . . . now says the president-elect’s first term will end in either his resignation or impeachment.”

    From the President and CEO of Bloviations R Us

    • November 12, 2016 at 7:23 pm
      Nom dePlume

      I love that underestimating our President Elect is advantageous to my country.

      Remember the 5 steps that all Trump’s opponents went through in the process of being beat.

      Now serving number 18, number 18!

      (Hillary’s on the loser list now, she’s 17.)

      The world-wide enemies of godly freedom and self-government can just queue up.

      Now serving number 18, number 18!

  • November 12, 2016 at 8:25 am
    Bill G

    “OMG, it’s the Man”, ayuh, authority figures terrorize the left, except for ones who are telling them to go farther left.

  • November 12, 2016 at 8:31 am
    Old Codger

    T-Shirt ideas: (freely offered. use em if you can)

    Trump Won
    Get Over It!

    Trump Won
    Suck It Up Princess!

    Trump Won
    Suck It Up Buttercup!

    • November 12, 2016 at 11:43 am

      I would like to see a ‘movement’ of folks wearing T shirts saying “Non-Hyphenated American”
      I think that could be a unifying force.
      It would also make the snowflakes melt.

      • November 12, 2016 at 5:10 pm

        I’ve always called myself a Nothing-American.
        I put nothing ahead of my nation.

  • November 12, 2016 at 9:32 am

    Re: Trump and the wall…it may or may not get built;
    Democrats want more immigrants to produce future
    Socialist Globalists, Republicans want them for cheap
    labor…they, want to come in to better their lives, but the
    fact remains…that immigration without assimilation, is

    • November 12, 2016 at 12:30 pm

      And immigration without control is suicide.

  • November 12, 2016 at 9:32 am

    To anyone who has read Ayn Rand – and if you haven’t read “The Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged”, it is time to stop putting it of – you know that at the base level, people such as Skye are merely sore losers.

    Those in the upper echelons of Socialist leadership, however, are already hard at work destroying our President-Elect. Words like “misogyny” and “racism” can be found in every article about Trump. They have also cataloged every promise he made over the last 16 months, and are making headlines about every one that he breaks, with the intention of destroying the faith of everyone who believes Trump will stop the rise of Socialism in America.

    “Trump backs off key pledge” says right now.
    “Trump team backs off some sweeping campaign pledges” says right now.

    I am deathly afraid they will succeed, and by January 21, all of America will consider him as just another politician.

    • November 12, 2016 at 10:52 am

      Are you aware that both CNN and WaPo have low ratings in viewer/readership?
      If you take them seriously, you do yourself no favor. Yes, be aware of what they say, but they lost. What part of ‘butthurt sore loser’ is not as plain as daylight?

    • November 12, 2016 at 11:44 am

      I would like to see a ‘movement’ of folks wearing T shirts saying “Non-Hyphenated American”
      I think that could be a unifying force.
      It would also make the snowflakes melt.

    • November 12, 2016 at 11:46 am

      Just finished re-reading Atlas Shrugged for about the 5th time.
      Yes, we’re watching the ‘looters’ wailing in the streets.
      Funny, I get angry every time I read that book.

    • November 12, 2016 at 12:20 pm

      JCTPatriot, I’ve seen all of those attempts to divide too, not to mention the coddling and soft peddling of the paid destructors on the streets as innocent and afraid like this sweet little cupcake:

      But it’s nothing new, they’ve all been saying and doing all of that for over a year now (eight years really) and look where it got them and us.

      They are helping; keep it up bitches!

  • November 12, 2016 at 7:47 pm

    Here you go. MAGA.

15 49.0138 8.38624 1 0 4000 1 300 0