Blue Skies.


  • September 28, 2023 at 12:15 am

    Legal. Critical.

    CRA Now.

  • September 28, 2023 at 1:06 am

    Look for this to be a major issue in the battleground states during the 2024 campaign.
    If the progressives get this put in place, there won’t be a point to any more elections.

    • September 28, 2023 at 2:57 am

      There hasn’t been a point to elections in decades. The last man who threw the lever and knew he picked the next president was Lee Harvey Oswald.

      • September 28, 2023 at 7:28 am

        And he gave us Lyndon Baines Johnson! (That alone should have got him hung!)

        Zar Belk!

      • September 28, 2023 at 12:48 pm

        I will always vote.

        Even if there is no vote allowed. Especially then.

        I am conflicted. Can the presidential electors be challenged from those states, or does each state have that right to crap up. Did the state legislators specifically say that they count toward presidential electors?

        If Trump wins, will they say that he won in 2020 and say he is not eligible.
        Will the Democrats declare him the winner and give him the office for an hour and then say that counts as four years so he can’t take office?
        Will Hillary still complain that sh unfairly was not President starting in 2025?

        Will the good people flood the zones in the election offices? Maybe in the 6 states and 6 counties where enough votes were stolen, manufactured?
        Will I shut up?

  • September 28, 2023 at 1:09 am

    Their actions over the past number of years prove their attitude is something on the order of: “We don’ need no stinkn legals!”

    • September 28, 2023 at 9:27 pm

      They broke the contract.
      When. Where, why, How, Frequency, degree,

      They got my numbers. They have had them since I was a small child and I maxxed out their IQ test. It was not set too high. They guessed beyond that. IQ is not Common Sense. It is not all type of analysis. It is not morals. Or love or making society better. It is not helping my family, friends, nation, or tribe. It doesn’t overcome raging tinnitus. People have many varieties of intelligence.
      I must revert back to a skit I did for family members decades ago.
      Be funny or die. And variations on it later.
      There are others that do everything I do better. I can be only one.
      We all be where we are and who we are doing what we can. The others are not intentionally funny. Humor will destroy them. (Along with a .45 caliber .insert what was said in “ZULU.”) We won’t be the ones like in Zulu. Our enemy does not have the honor in battle that the Zulus displayed. Consider that they sexually mutilate children and call it good.
      There are people all over the nation seeing more of what has occurred. That free speech is spreading. I see it on the internet. I spoke with two young people who said their friends all get it. At a store. It is nothing more than me in one interaction. Me being me, right or wrong, but speaking freely. And listening to others speak freely. People say that I am nobody. We are all nobody. Brandon is the biggest nobody of all, excepting maybe this vice president who has taken really nobody to the summit.
      We are not supposed to make ourselves targets to be swept up by the official lawbreakers. We follow the law and the constitution. (A law violating the Constitution is void as are all actions taken as such)
      In the world of ideas, we have them. Do not confront the enemy in his battlefield unless, like the net, you state, and then are gone, leaving ideas behind.
      It is like being a grey man who tells my party chairman and then lawyers how Florida’s ballot counting system was flawed in the various ways votes were counted. The lawyers framed the legal argument so that the Court accepted it. I did not frame the argument. Know something and say so. Pass it on. Let others know what you think and then also listen and attempt to understanding what others are saying.
      Strength of military force will not win this for either side. The strength of morals, and good and what is right is what has to slowly be brought to bear and grow as more see and understand the situation. We want our citizens to understand. we want most of the people in government employ to see the truth.
      President Trump has said many truthful things lately. He must continue that. Mister President, you must not engage in character attacks. If you could make them laugh like President Reagan and President Kennedy, that would be marvelous. Please don’t give people who are getting it a reason to stop and turn off your good message. But like I should tell you? Maybe some should
      It is not only the President, But also It is all of us. Somehow be inclusive in the good way as you have done. I pity our opponents but crushing them is also part of it. They hurt children, and everyone in our nation (and world). We are there. You do what you do best. (I disagree with some, but…)
      You are a major part of our war effort. So are we. There is work to be done.
      We follow the constitutional law which is our contract.

  • September 28, 2023 at 1:26 am

    Here’s your phone, food stamp card, medical card, sign here and check “D” for dinero, this lets you vote…please get on the air conditioned bus, Beinveitos to USSA, next please…

  • September 28, 2023 at 2:03 am

    DemonRats believe Laws are to control “other people”, not for themselves.

  • September 28, 2023 at 4:33 am

    What was once legal is no illegal.

    What was once illegal is now legal.

    This is beginning to feel like C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters” and/or the Rolling Stones’ “Sympathy For The Devil” …

  • September 28, 2023 at 8:42 am

    Yet Voter I.D. is “Unamerican”!!

  • September 28, 2023 at 8:43 am

    The people in those 16 states are victims of the PTB, as are the rest of us. Division will only hasten our downfall.

    • September 28, 2023 at 11:08 am

      Bull. Fucking. Shit.

      Divide and conquer.

      Those that are there against their will can hie the fuck out to a Constitutional State. Those that stay behind are responsible for what happened to their state and for what happens to them there afterwards.

      CRA Now!

  • September 28, 2023 at 8:51 am
    Professor Ronin

    Lets start a rumor that illegals are polling as republicans and watch that wall get finished in a month.

  • September 28, 2023 at 9:46 am

    last nite`s debate was actually for Vice President.
    Trump is very smart, and watches all; he has said
    there will be a huge deportation of illegals as soon
    as he is re-elected. His platform should include that,
    and ending the tax on Social Security, and slowing
    the roll toward Land raping Chinese supplied batteries
    for electric cars. They may be feasible sometime in
    the future, but, not now.

    As a ‘Gearhead’, I would severely miss the sound of
    a well tuned IC engine, Dodge Demons, Hellcats,
    and Ford Mustangs most especially.
    Ok, Corvettes too.

    • September 28, 2023 at 12:08 pm

      In the unlikely event that a fair election is held in 2024 and DJT is elected?

      His perfect veep was not even on that stage of also-rans (sorry Ron I love you but there really is no chance at either potus or veep, and besides we need you right where you are for the foreseeable future. But there could not be a more compatible and more capable second in command than Kari Lake.

      Absolutely the chicom batteries are a no go…and to that end Ford just pulled out of a major battery manufacturing project using the strike as a guise but absolutely due to the pushback and anger, potentially even the BudLight treatment that their “partnership” with evil was headed for.,Executive%20Chairman%20Bill%20Ford%20announces%20the%20automaker%27s%20new%20BlueOval%20Battery,2023%2C%20in%20Romulus%2C%20Mich.&text=DETROIT%20—%20Ford%20Motor%20Co.%20said,can%20run%20the%20factory%20competitively.

      The Gigafactory and its capacity for battery production is the future of not just new-gen battery production for Tesla but for all ‘lectrics. His cars already dominate not just EV’s but all vehicle sales, and that trend will continue due to critical mass that at this point cannot be matched or beaten.

      Yeah I know, as a child of the 60’s there is nothing I love more than vintage tin and hotrod motors and that will never change even if my only connection anymore is at the car shows. Makes me sick but…

      But a few years ago when I was pulling down big dinero and swapped vehicles every year alternating my trucks with the old lady’s cars I never woulda thunk my last F150 in 2012 would be a V6 that beat the snot out of the 5.0 it replaced in power, torque, and speed, and our last Benz in 2015 would be powered by a DOHC 4 that is as quick as any of the Bimmers, Audis, and Lexus that it replaced, gets 30mpg+ all day long, been absolutely issue-free for all these years…and sounds like a damn Singer sewing machine. Also went through quite a few hotrods and motorcycles over the years and probably will still keep something in the garage. But both these main vehicles have become quasi-permanent, both now with 80k miles on the clock…but I just have to forget about those sweet V8 burbling pipes we love so much.

      All of that to say I may not swap again, pushing 70 and do a lot less driving these days and these things show no sign of breaking down…but if and when they do and I have to replace one or both? Probably gonna be a Tesla. I may be a dyed in the wool 60’s Detroit loving old fool, but being a gun guy I learned a valuable lesson from celebrated gun writer Jim Zumbo in 2007 when in his diatribe against AR’s vs. hunting rifles and going strong for the bolties, in effect killing his career, as a wag at the time brilliantly stated, “…he put his keyboard in his mouth and pulled the trigger.” You gotta change when you gotta change to stay real and relevant, and avoid being the Fudd that misses the boat as it passes by ala Zumbo, who lost everything even after trying to apologize and backtrack the damage was done.

      But yeah, chicom batteries are inferior and their underlying purpose is evil; don’t want them and don’t need them, good on Ford for bailing on that “partnership”. Americans built America in the last Industrial Revolution, and we will rebuild it and make it great again too with our homegrown geniuses and Patriots.

      • September 28, 2023 at 1:19 pm

        WRT Don, Ron, and Kari… Are any of the rest of you concerned about the misleading spin on the DeSantis covid response being put out but Don and his surrogates? I will vote for Don a third time if he is the nominee (and right now it appears he will be). And I’d vote enthusiastically for Ron if he is the nominee. Still, I’m disappointed in the Trump campaign’s approach to DeSantis. I’m interested in hearing what you all have to say on this topic. Thanks!

      • September 28, 2023 at 1:20 pm

        Oh, and my first car was a ’63 Buick Electra 225 with electric everything. Paid $100 bucks for it and you could start it with a butter knife.

      • September 28, 2023 at 4:58 pm

        Wonder why Donnie and Ronnie are a no-go team? You do not want to get between Trump and the prize because no holds barred and nothing else matters. Ron would never see the light of day anyway.

      • September 28, 2023 at 10:55 pm

        Against advice I put up political signs.
        I had both Ron and Don’s up. One sign’s ink faded, so I took both down. I have suggestions for both of them.
        I still recall receiving an invite for a joint planning session with Don Junior and Ron both there. I had a thug leave a group of security at the outside entrance of the auditorium. This was when an election and a reelection were being planned. I felt and was threatened if I walked any further in the plaza in front of it. I hate thuggery by anyone. I couldn’t use logic or facts with the security person. The others got ready to join him. I did not do the work I normally do. I left and mostly ignored the elections, and I had little effect on the, what I knew to be a vulnerable, election ballot counting system. I don’t still occasionally swim with the tarpon, grouper, sharks, and politicians. I am not in my home county. I don’t know politicians like I used to. If some clowns send a thug out at me for misjudging the traffic jam Orlando was with all of the construction, then I just leave them alone. I got no response to my few inquiries. Trump and DeSantis are their own worst enemies no matter how talented and capable they are. That I have heard.
        Stop it, you idiots.

    • September 28, 2023 at 5:08 pm

      ‘Course they got ‘lectric Mustangs now too…even a dang ‘lectric Mustang crossover SUV!

      • September 28, 2023 at 6:10 pm

        That abomination is NOT a Mustang!

      • September 28, 2023 at 8:02 pm

        Yeah, shoulda said “Mustang”.

        Not the first time the iconic label has been slapped on an abomination either, as any who remember 1974-’78 know all too well.

      • September 29, 2023 at 10:59 am

        I drive a Mustang…it doesn’t look or sound like that.

  • September 28, 2023 at 11:13 am

    A contract broken nullifies any deal. Far left has taken control. When the Cajun calls them out, you know its gotten stupid and dangerous. Constitutional Republic of America is a good start away from those who would do us and our great nation harm.

  • September 28, 2023 at 1:04 pm

    I don’t know why they even go through this joke smoke and mirrors. We all know illegals voting is illegal. We all know the voting results, aka the count will always favor them. Such as “mail-ins” 85% for Zao, and even less for President Trump. They have folded, spindled, and mutilated laws for years and their concern has been “What, Me Worry?”

    • September 28, 2023 at 11:09 pm

      Republican controlled state legislatures need to write new election law for the Presidential Elector ballots only, as applicable.
      Things like in person balloting only. (debate on some possible) No mass mailings.
      The US Constitution specifically empowers each state legislature to write their state’s presidential Elector selection law. I suggest verifiable Signature ID and photo ID required. And more.
      I would like one day balloting. Initial count at the precinct. Final count at the county election center. Random recounts to verify count.
      There are more that logic could suggest.
      I always liked the indelible ink on a finger like we force soe other countries to do.

  • September 28, 2023 at 2:03 pm
    Unca Walt

    It sounds like it is getting closer to the critical requirement for the military to take over control of “enemy occupied US territory”.

    The enemy occupied US territory is Washington, DC.

    The Law of War. It was activated first day of Trump’s presidency. TINS

    • September 28, 2023 at 11:24 pm

      The people must obviously be seen to support any action. This, I think, before they would even consider acting against some of the people.
      This is one reason why idiots should not punch cops or federals and any such action.
      Foolish action led to the entrapment at the Capitol on J6.
      Crowds and mobs can be manipulated easily, as Ross Perot showed us all in Tehran.
      The ballots must be kept safe from manipulation.
      That also includes censorship which got Obama reelected after Benghazi was censored. An Admiral of a battle group being arrested by an XO on his aircraft carrier and the rescue mission being stopped from Washinton that still is not widely known. Freaking video caused Benghazi???? Liars. Ambassador. You iied.
      The entire Hunter Biden coverup. Russia Russia Russia lies bought by Hillary. The Democrat insurrection from 2016 to 2020. Censorship.
      We have a small window of not complete censorship now. Censorship is being planned as we communicate.

  • September 28, 2023 at 7:51 pm

    Agree with Sam Re:Mustangs.

  • September 28, 2023 at 8:10 pm

    What is absolutely amazing to anyone here
    is the incredible, not only art, but the commentary.

    The fact that a bunch of old Bastids like us can
    even do this shit is also notable.



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