We’re Learning.
Self Abuse.


  • July 30, 2024 at 12:27 am

    look up Brandon Herrera’s web site. He has a video going through the attempt on Trump. A very good video explaining all of this mess about the shooting. Plus he has other videos of various other stuff to look at.
    Hey have you received my donation yet? Just checking.

  • July 30, 2024 at 12:47 am
    Too Tall

    I’ve (mis)spent far too much of my life around the (un)hallowed halls of government at all levels, local, state, and federal.

    Since government spending now makes up more than 38% of GDP, unless you profess permanent vows as a Trappist monk, government is difficult to avoid.

    I have yet to meet a liberal who is a government employee or government contractor who will perform the duties found in their job description. Most are there to collect their paycheck and benefits while doing as little as possible. While this is wasteful and inefficient, one can generally ignore them. ‘An object at rest…” and all that.

    The terrifying ones are those who have no intention of doing their actual job, but firmly believe they have been anointed to carry out their pseudo-messianc misiion to save rule the known universe.In Truth (on so many levels) their name is Legion.

    The least dangerous among them make a convention of sociopaths and psychopaths look like a fun group with whom to hang out.

    • July 30, 2024 at 1:04 am

      And thanks to our post-modern “educational system” they no longer need to deliberately develop “Manchurian candidates” when there’s dirty work to be done.

      There are more than enough common or garden-variety “social justice warriors” ready and willing to be their cat’s-paws. All they require is an opportunity.

      I believe that was the case here.

      clear ether


    • July 30, 2024 at 10:50 am
      Brent Dotson

      Yeah, I agree with a lot of what you said. I worked for OSHA for 34 years (I was a conservative leaning centrist), Started as a GS2 in receiving chemical samples to the lab where I worked. Grunt work. I expanded the job so make it more efficient. Over the years, I got high ratings, made suggestions that saved the government money, etc. Actually, worked my way up to Gs7. Important point: the lab director was a chemist that was leading a bunch of chemists and support personnel. When he retired, they replaced him with an academic. Things went to hell quickly. I retired as soon as I turned 65. At least a dozen people (some with longer service than me) retired over the next year. The new director brought favoritism and cliches into the building with him. He actually scoffed at me when he caught me reading a Clancy book during lunch break. Still pisses me off and I retired over 8 years ago.

      • July 30, 2024 at 12:20 pm

        Pretty much the same here, when they replaced the ‘Regional Deputy Commisioner’ with someone from the fisheries dept that had never worn a badge in his life, even there, the writing was on the wall.
        Gov’t managers are fond of saying “a good manager can manage anything” whetehter or not they know the most basic things about what they’re managing. They depend on people’s wanting to keep their jobs to go along with their lunacy and competely unworkable policies, and then people die, but they’re never the ones held responsible, they’re just promoted to another position.
        It isn’t the gov’t worker that keeps the average citizen safe and prints the cheques they so quickly cash once there’s a new ‘program’ to buy their votes, it’s the appointed manager whose sole qualification is their ties to whoever is the Minister of the day and once appointed can’t be dismissed that lets their incometence destroy years of quiet service by those who have too much dignity, ethics and morals to want to be ‘managers’.

    • July 30, 2024 at 10:28 pm

      This is why the success of Javier Milei is so inspiring, as he is turning around Argentina with his reconfiguration of their government. Milei makes no bones about his view of the leftoids. Bureaucracy should be a swear word.

  • July 30, 2024 at 1:03 am

    8 days to go, so 8/6? Rest assured my long delay pittance of a c-note will make it under the wire…

  • July 30, 2024 at 1:14 am
    Too Tall

    Mari is “simply irresistible” and that is before I observe anything other than her eyes and face.

    Ian (if he’s still in the “picture,” heck, he hasn’t even made the “About” page) best get off Top Dead Center (TDC) and make an honest woman out of Mari, or Zed won’t have to worry about “the ratio,” anymore. The county will be overrun with single (or wannabe single), eligible (and not so eligible) men (and some gender confused Ivy Leaguers).

    C’mon Ian, do your future Mother-in-Law, Sam, a big favor, so she won’t have to keep going to Ol’ Bob’s and buy ammo by the trailer load when she fuels up the car

    Besides, Tucker’s got enough to do keeping the criminals out from south of the border. Don’t make him worry about the borders to the north, east, and west as well. Let’s not Californicate West Texas.

    Bonus: If you do this the correct way and ask for Zed’s and Sam’s blessing, you won’t have to worry about Zed’s left hook.

    • July 30, 2024 at 6:58 am

      Eh, I say let ‘er run for a bit. Adorable as she is, an unattached extra gun never hurts. Unless she brings a true force multiplier with her.

  • July 30, 2024 at 12:52 pm
    Here is the url to his web site. Hope it works for you. This is what I get when I go to his videos.

  • July 30, 2024 at 12:54 pm

    I clicked on the url. It works for my computer.
    Bing search is dead on my computer. Anyone have that problem on your computer?

    • July 30, 2024 at 1:24 pm

      My MS Windows comp keeps trying to make me use Bing, MS Edge, and G-Chrome.

      I keep making sure it does none of the above.

      Regular Google Search through Firefox works and is largely unbiased.

      For anything else, try Opera and DuckDuckGo.

      clear ether


      • July 30, 2024 at 4:30 pm

        I use Duck-Duck-Go on Firefox, with a bunch of ad blocking extensions added. So far, seems to be the only site I’ve visited where the ad blockers effect normal aspects of the site. It won’t show details. Oh, well. I can live with it.

      • July 30, 2024 at 8:29 pm

        I been using Duck Duck Go for a long time.
        Avoid Google AMAP; now Duck is advertising
        on Fox, must mean they are not worried about
        flak from google. I tell everyone to go to Duck,
        hope it dont come back and bite me.

        Dictators on the left and right first control
        the Press…….which now has to include
        social media. Tic Toc and etcl.

    • July 31, 2024 at 12:39 am

      Never mind it is now up and running bing is.

  • August 1, 2024 at 2:37 pm

    I think Cheatle was a Secret Service agent for 20+ Years before getting the Director’s slot. How capable she was as an agent prior to moving up the ladder could be telling.



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