Trenchant Commentary.


  • October 3, 2024 at 12:06 am

    Do unto others before they do unto you?

    Or at least the Excursus from Caliphate by Col. Tom Kratman.

    clear ether


  • October 3, 2024 at 2:53 am

    “President Joe Biden”
    “Vice President Kamala Harris”
    “Our precious democracy”
    “The Pandemic”
    “Mostly peaceful”
    “the Mainstream Media”
    “Free and fair elections”
    … the list is endlessly endless by now

    Let me take you down cuz I’m going to Strawberry Fields

  • October 3, 2024 at 5:30 am
    Unca Walt

    While we have an admitted mentally-failed president, and a whore for a vice-president at the moment…

    Why not give them a chance to really fix things by making the whore become the president and have a cowardly stolen-honor communist the vice-president.

    “I will fundamentally change America.” <– Said the African president

  • October 3, 2024 at 5:40 am
    Contrarian View

    The federal government is not merely “allowing” these invaders to come into our country. It is actively, deliberately bringing them here at great expense to the people. It knows that the millions of invaders contain criminal gangs, murderers, rapists, child traffickers. It knows that hundreds of thousands of children are being abused by the invaders. Yet it not only fails to enforce our laws, it defies them. Then it laughs in our faces and lies to us. Never has a federal official explained to the public why it is undertaking this massive project. But there must be a plan behind it all, and I think that plan has something to do with killing us and destroying our civilization. But how do the federal bureaucrats and their shadowy puppet masters benefit from the destruction of the society that made them rich and powerful? What do they have to gain? That’s the real mystery.

  • October 3, 2024 at 6:05 am

    It’s important to remember that while we think of ‘peace’ as an absence of conflict, a communist defines it as an absence of resistance. Yours. They will reduce you to ambient temp to achieve that difference.



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