By ‘can’t be true’ I mean her being fired. Why would anyone think she wasn’t given the questions beforehand ? she buggered the answers up when they weren’t asked in the same order she rehearsed them is all. Same with her latest ‘interview’, she rambled on with ‘answers’ that had no bearing on the question at all…the bluetooth earring she was wearing must have ran out of battery.
September 14, 2024 at 12:53 am
Like roaches. Fire ’em, dump ’em, croak ’em even…and there’s a whole nasty gob of them waiting to step in hoping it will be them that GETS TRUMP!
Was the “debate” just another Sting operation to further expose the cheating, deceitful MSM? Curious minds draw interesting conclusions, even without earrings…
You have to remember, he isn’t a career politician like the swamp critters…he’s done other things that the dems, and by extension the media, refuse to acknowledge. We can only hope that, if allowed to be elected, he goes door to door in the swamp saying “you’re fired..and you’re fired..and you’re fired…”
Which of Harris’ 25 lies were fact checked? After fact checkers checked the fact checkers, it appears THEY were the ones lying. It’s doubtful that ABC fires anyone. They may get chastised for being too obvious.
Harris launched her political career by lying (on her back) or at least kneeling. The only african american DNA she’s ever had in her belonged to Willie Brown.
‘West Indian’ and India-Indian, not a trace of African in her…well, not after she gargled.
September 14, 2024 at 11:53 am
They were warned it was going to happen…
Watch for more farmer’s fields to be picked clean by the imported locusts, maybe even ones that know the difference between cow corn and sweet corn, but it wouldn’t matter to them they’d take it anyway along with the livestock it was intended for.
It’s kind of a surprise that it’s taken this long to start happening and break into the news, even if it’s the alt-news.
Import the third world, become the third world is a true statement, and by now everyone knows the dirt isn’t magic. The effort behind this invasion knew that, of course. They’re counting on insulation.
There is really no reason for any non-progressive to even attempt to “debate” a progressive on the MSM.
Any more than there is on an Ivy League college campus.
Either one is little more than a progressive lynching, which the moderators will feel good about afterward.
clear ether
Hearing now that the female moderator and sorority sister of FKH was fired for giving her the list if questions 5 days in advance.
No, they weren’t fired. That came from a satire site on X, and some folks believed it and spread it about.
Sorry, it was a satire site on Facebook, called SpaceX Fan Club.
Can’t be true, she’d have been promoted not fired.
By ‘can’t be true’ I mean her being fired. Why would anyone think she wasn’t given the questions beforehand ? she buggered the answers up when they weren’t asked in the same order she rehearsed them is all. Same with her latest ‘interview’, she rambled on with ‘answers’ that had no bearing on the question at all…the bluetooth earring she was wearing must have ran out of battery.
Like roaches. Fire ’em, dump ’em, croak ’em even…and there’s a whole nasty gob of them waiting to step in hoping it will be them that GETS TRUMP!
First sighting of kiko’s baby? Blonde like Dad.
Was the “debate” just another Sting operation to further expose the cheating, deceitful MSM? Curious minds draw interesting conclusions, even without earrings…
Trump at the WWE?
Link, please
Here’s Trump’s official WWE page, with several videos:
You have to remember, he isn’t a career politician like the swamp critters…he’s done other things that the dems, and by extension the media, refuse to acknowledge. We can only hope that, if allowed to be elected, he goes door to door in the swamp saying “you’re fired..and you’re fired..and you’re fired…”
Which of Harris’ 25 lies were fact checked? After fact checkers checked the fact checkers, it appears THEY were the ones lying. It’s doubtful that ABC fires anyone. They may get chastised for being too obvious.
Harris lied more than 25 times.
Harris launched her political career by lying (on her back) or at least kneeling. The only african american DNA she’s ever had in her belonged to Willie Brown.
She’s still part black. Daddy is “Afro-Jamaican,” and part Irish.
‘West Indian’ and India-Indian, not a trace of African in her…well, not after she gargled.
They were warned it was going to happen…
Watch for more farmer’s fields to be picked clean by the imported locusts, maybe even ones that know the difference between cow corn and sweet corn, but it wouldn’t matter to them they’d take it anyway along with the livestock it was intended for.
It’s kind of a surprise that it’s taken this long to start happening and break into the news, even if it’s the alt-news.
Import the third world, become the third world is a true statement, and by now everyone knows the dirt isn’t magic. The effort behind this invasion knew that, of course. They’re counting on insulation.
Oh, gag. Blather the troll is back.
Not for long. Learned my lesson.
JTC -the Lewis & Clark of the Comment section here.