The Wall.
In Vito Veritas.


  • April 20, 2024 at 12:14 am

    Vidkun before or after the long drop?

    Pierre Laval was smiling.

    For about five seconds.

    clear ether


  • April 20, 2024 at 12:21 am
    Too Tall

    Three requirements for a GOP logo:
    1. No conscience
    2. No spine
    3. No testicles

    • April 20, 2024 at 6:35 am
      President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight


    • April 20, 2024 at 2:42 pm

      Too tall
      If you have no conscience you have no brain

  • April 20, 2024 at 12:48 am


    Walks like one, talks like one, looks a lot like one…

    He’s a quack, they’re all quacks…

    I’ll go with Quackers.

  • April 20, 2024 at 12:57 am

    Mules vary widely in size and may be of any color. They are more patient, hardier and longer-lived than horses, and are perceived as less obstinate and more intelligent than donkeys. A mule has 63 chromosomes, intermediate between the 64 of the horse and the 62 of the donkey. Mules are usually infertile for this reason.

    • April 20, 2024 at 1:47 am

      Odd little lesson, Mr. Arnold. I love it.

      My hometown is Muletown (Columbia TN) and my Daddy was very knowledgeable of mules, having worked with his uncle Jody Brown, a renowned breeder and trainer (Daddy would say the mule does the training).

      Anyway, don’t denigrate these tough smart critters by using them for politics.

  • April 20, 2024 at 1:29 am

    I lean toward some type of parasite: tick, tapeworm, leech…

  • April 20, 2024 at 1:44 am

    You know about the duck that fell into a well…
    He quacked up…

  • April 20, 2024 at 2:40 am

    Quisling, gosling, what’s the difference.

  • April 20, 2024 at 3:17 am

    Quisling WAS an animal, beating out vegetable and mineral by 10 points on the latest polls…

  • April 20, 2024 at 8:17 am

    Communists play the long game. Dems know if the Dead Elephants screw up another Speaker search they can get the House, what with those bailing out & all. SCOTUS said states can’t keep Trump off a ballot.
    But Congress can. Just for pondering.

  • April 20, 2024 at 8:53 am

    I think we fire them all, about 90% of them to start, and start over. Cowards and cronies. There are some morons running things. From the top, down and in between.

  • April 20, 2024 at 9:27 am
    Karl Sovik

    We all know the roots of the word “politics” – right?
    “Poli” is from the Greek “poly” meaning many.
    And “tics,” as we all know, are bloodsucking vermin.

  • April 20, 2024 at 9:41 am

    Long ago I had the occasion to have a long talk with a person heavily involved in one of those Governors’ Conferences.
    She said the consensus was that if everything inside the Beltway disappeared in a bright flash there might be some foot dragging involved in reconstituting the Federal Government, even to the point of just waiting until the next election rather than filling the vacancies by appointment.
    If that was the attitude thirty years ago, reflect on what the States think now!

  • April 20, 2024 at 10:44 am

    Here comes yet another RINO crap sandwich …with a large side order of Donkey droppings too.

    Animal crappers in my soup
    Donkeys and RINOs … lots of poop!

  • April 20, 2024 at 11:14 am

    Call me a RINO if you must, but I see nothing wrong with supporting the countries that are actively fighting the Russians, Muslims, and Chinese. I wish our country had the foresight to defend ourselves as well, but I will take 3 out of 4 and call it a (narrow) win.

    • April 20, 2024 at 1:07 pm

      Doggo – we have been sending money and materials to Ukraine for over two years with little to show for it. Many of us suspect a fair amount is going into either corrupt Ukrainians’ and\or Americans’ pockets. We do know some of the money is going for wages, pensions and other things that really don’t directly support the war. They are also not the freedom-loving democratic republic like many make them out to be. It is also not such a clear case that the Russians do not have an legitimate beef. Those two countries have gone back and forth and the majority of the people living in the two main disputed areas are mostly Russians.
      The situation has many parallels with the Cuba Missile crisis, in that Russia feels threatened by the ever-expanding NATO, something that I believe they were reassured would not happen.
      I personally have doubts that the cries of Russia taking over Europe coming from the war hawks are true. I believe that would be a bit too large of a bite for Russia to pull-off given the time this war has been going on. Such action would trigger the protection clause of NATO and the resistance would be fiercer than what they are facing now.
      All the while, our strategic supplies are being depleted faster than they can be restocked leaving us weak and possibly unable to mount a sustained defense of Taiwan or our own country.
      We also have an admin that ignores our own border allowing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of able-bodied men into the country from countries that hate us. When will they decide or be told the time is right to perform nefarious actions?
      While I do not support isolationism, at what point do we put our true security interest first?
      At what point do we tell the Ukrainians to shit or get off the pot? Or do we simply keep dumping treasure over there?

      • April 20, 2024 at 1:25 pm
        Brad Lon g

        I’ll say it simply. There is no ‘good’ side in that war that is worthy of support.

      • April 20, 2024 at 2:15 pm

        Poppa that was a brilliant breakdown right there, full of truth!

      • April 20, 2024 at 3:12 pm

        We don’t need to send money, just materiel.

        That Ukraine is not a vassal of Russia, with the FSB and GRU imprisoning and/or executing millions of Ukrainians tells me there’s a lot to show for it. That Russia has been stopped, has lost ground, has seen its Black Sea fleet made impotent, its energy infrastructure – specifically its petroleum infrastructure – damaged and producing a fraction of the output it was at the beginning of the “Special Military Operation” says something. That Ukraine has held off a military with a lot more men, a lot more more armor, a lot more artillery, a lot more combat aircraft – fighters, bombers, ground attack aircraft, helicopters – more trucks, and more ships, I’d say Ukraine has done a heck of a job. I’d rather have them fighting Russia than NATO fighting Russia.

      • April 21, 2024 at 3:07 am

        IF YOU DON”T WANT TO SEND MILITARY AID TO UKRAINE- Just Give the Ukrainians back their NUKES. USA took them away and promised to insure Ukrainian Sovereignty and Security. Return their NUKES and the War is Over.

        Kyiv doesn’t care about conquering or exterminating other people. They were happy trying to rebuild their country peacefully. Corrupt USA Dem-Rhinos and Commie-Terrorist Putin are the skunks in the woodshed.

        Muscovites have been (genocide) murdering Ukrainians and Kyivan Rus peoples for hundreds of years. Learned how from Genghis Khan and you don’t really want to know what that means.
        The Kyivans aren’t getting money; we are gifting them obsolete weapons and surplus equipment. Get it straight- The Kyivan Rus People are the VICTIMS. They are the ones getting raped, murdered, enslaved, exterminated. WAKE THE F UP.
        They aren’t the corrupt criminals; the Americans (Dems-Rhinos) Commie/Rapist/murdering /pedophile Obamas etc., Islamic Terrorist/Commie Agent CIA Brennan and the Clinton/Biden/Globalist Mafia are the scum suckers.
        The Kyivan Rus Peoples fought to hold the line of civilization against the Mongol Horde, Islamic Tatar enslaving terrorists, Islamic fanatics, Nazis/Communist terror states and you keep trying to blame the VICTIMS.
        Corruption ??? Try blaming the real human filth, not the Kyivan Rus peoples.

  • April 20, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    We don’t even need the House to do anything up here, the Governor-General, the King’s Representative (even if she was directly appointed by sockboy), who has the final sign-off on any legislation and who is supposed to remain strictly neutral has held a ‘celebration party’ for the most onerous screw-the-people Bill ever seen, which is still making it’s way through the House and Senate.
    A Bill making it a crime, punishable by massive fines and life in prison, to say something the liebrals don’t like and deem to be ‘hate speech’…or to be sent to prison if someone claims they ‘think’ you’re going to say it if you don’t.
    Just in time for election ads and debates…where a lot of people are going to say things that liebrals aren’t going to like.
    No Supreme Court required, no jury, just someone saying “I think the leader of the other party might be going to say something nasty about the chronic fuckup we have for a PM”
    Their only problem is that there aren’t enough prison cells since the liebrals closed most of the bedspaces down for ‘equality’ or somesuch foolishness.

    Oh well, at least when they come after me for this I’ll get a corner cell seeing as I know most of the staff 😉

    • April 20, 2024 at 12:32 pm
      Brad Lon g

      Relatively few have a problem with opposing Russia. They/we have a problem with endlessly supporting Ukraine which, for different reasons, is just as bad as Russia. There is no good side in that war.

    • April 20, 2024 at 12:39 pm

      Down here they are making a list and checking it more than twice. They already think we are all on the naughty side and it is going to get nasty.

    • April 21, 2024 at 7:51 am

      How can you tell this publication doesn’t receive gov’t funding for reporting things the ‘proper’ way ? and how can you tell that they’ll end up in court long before this even happens…they’ve already arrested ‘unapproved’ journalists for the High Crime of asking a Cabinet minister a question she wasn’t ready for.

      “…Discrimination is already banned under the Canadian Human Rights Act, but the new law will expand the definition of ‘discrimination’ to include online speech “likely to foment detestation or vilification of an individual or group”. To those worrywarts who are anxious about the risk that this new law might be weaponised by woke activists, the government has said that ‘detestation’ and ‘vilification’ are not the same as ‘disdain’ or ’dislike’, which will still be permitted (thank you, Mr Trudeau), or speech that ‘discredits, humiliates, hurts or offends’.

      Which raises the question: who gets to decide what speech falls foul of this new standard? And what qualifies them to make these Solomon-like judgments, parsing the difference between ‘dislike’ (acceptable) and ‘detest’ (verboten)? That job will fall to a new national agency called the Digital Safety Commission, comprised of five commissioners and an army of bureaucratic busybodies, which will have the same powers as a federal court, save for the fact that it won’t be bound by ‘any technical or legal rules of evidence’….”

  • April 20, 2024 at 8:16 pm
    Hotrod Lincoln

    The Ukranians are getting a severe case of dermatitis (AKA “dishpan hands”) from laundering all those US “aid” dollars they’re kicking back to politicians in the Uniparty. There’s at least as many RINOs on the take as dummycraps- – – -possiblty more!



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