Three days. But on the second day (Saturday 7/30) if we ain’t at 95% we will have to follow through on doing a double-tap, so’s Muir can continue eating and drawing and pithing.
Well somebody here said as an RO he wouldn’t allow any skin on his range. I responded in Fla he’d have an empty range, and that a high-neck t-shirt, slick shorts, and closed sneakers is about perfect for avoiding errant brass burns.
OTOH it’s hard for me to argue against the au naturel approach. But I would suggest a table with a towel in front so if it happens the shootin’ iron can get dropped quick facing away in order to tend to the owie…don’t need no hot brass dance and muzzles sweeping around with nekkid sis standing right next to her.
Oh, man. First time I thought about this in decades:
Jose: “My name… Jose Jimenez. I am an astronaut.”
Ed: “Well now, I see you have some of your space equipment with you. What is that called: a crash helmet?”
Jose: “Oh, I hope not…”
Haven’t thought about that in years either, thanks for jogging an old memory
SJW’s would go berzerk but that’s half the fun, it doesn’t mention breakfast tacos or it would be perfectly alright with them, they have no concept of comedy and can’t accept that someone would use their own background and ethnicity to willingly create it.
I had a little memory lapse, the comedian as was so common in the day, was a Hungarian Jew (with a bronze Star from WW2) but he grew up in a Spanish neighbourhood and used many accents in his act.
The point about sjw’s blindly raging about anything they consider to be ‘racist’, even if it’s someone using their own background to make others laugh, still stands.
They’re so intent on controlling what other people do, say, and think that they can’t comprehend that others might resent being told what they are and how to act about it. Isn’t Chappelle supposed to be untouchable to them because he’s black ?
This guy is priceless and would drive them foolish.
Those two comedians are hilarious.
Calle Ocho was once a quaint and pleasant Florida Cracker street. Miami was a lovely Southern town. Most people were very helpful to the Cuban refugees. The saying also was that they were just here until the next revolution in Cuba which people expected in 8 months to two years. help them feel at home until things get better in Cuba. ……………………. Waiting ……………..
(People from politicians, newspapers, radio, people in general, the nuns and priests all were saying that. Welcome them into your homes. Treat them like family. They will be going back soon. )
There also is now a yearly festival called Calle Ocho that has attracted over a million people to it yearly for decades.
I will not touch the cafecito. I haven’t had a good Cuban sandwich in way too long.
William Szathmary aka Bill Dana aka Jose Jimenez was a US Army WW2 veteran who was awarded the Bronze Star. His parents were Hungarian. We always must be ready for what is likely to face us. Those young women are training to be ready.
Apply the 14th Amendment.
July 28, 2022 at 1:19 pm
Would that all immigrant waves were like the first Cubans. They got help but they also helped themselves and became extremely productive, all the while expecting to go home and raise their flag over a freed Havana as promised by JFK. But the invasion was a Keystone Kops affair, air support was non-existent and/or a failure of strategic planning all the way around.
Kennedy gets credit for turning back commie warheads in ’62 but if he had followed through in ’61 there would have been no missles enroute, an island nation less than 100 miles from the USA that was teetering on the edge of full-blown communism would have been returned to its people, and a serious threat to America would have been averted.
And you just might still be able to do bidness in Miami without being bilingual.
July 28, 2022 at 5:16 am
I see that Jo’s programming keeps her out of politics. She might not be too much help if things go “Pear Shaped”.
“AI” always had problems with target selection. “AI-Free” was dangerous to everyone in the area.
Chris, a little late now, but for old geezers like me, you should make it obvious that you can click on the support level frames to send money electronically. I didn’t figure it out until after the check was in the mail. Keep up the good work
Back to strong-hand!
But “good groups” southpaw?
Dang, still 13%? I was off.
Three days. But on the second day (Saturday 7/30) if we ain’t at 95% we will have to follow through on doing a double-tap, so’s Muir can continue eating and drawing and pithing.
Y’all be ready please.
Hear here! Though we don’t get to just “print more”, DBD’rs always git’r done!
I would imagine brass burns on the tits and it the pubic mound would be painful.
No worries … I have some cool relieving aloe lotion that I can rub onto those burns.
Well somebody here said as an RO he wouldn’t allow any skin on his range. I responded in Fla he’d have an empty range, and that a high-neck t-shirt, slick shorts, and closed sneakers is about perfect for avoiding errant brass burns.
OTOH it’s hard for me to argue against the au naturel approach. But I would suggest a table with a towel in front so if it happens the shootin’ iron can get dropped quick facing away in order to tend to the owie…don’t need no hot brass dance and muzzles sweeping around with nekkid sis standing right next to her.
That brass-burn-preventing RO was me, and I am most definitely a she.
Ah, man! The mimetic poly-alloy version of ‘It was all a dream!’
Oh, man. First time I thought about this in decades:
Jose: “My name… Jose Jimenez. I am an astronaut.”
Ed: “Well now, I see you have some of your space equipment with you. What is that called: a crash helmet?”
Jose: “Oh, I hope not…”
Haven’t thought about that in years either, thanks for jogging an old memory
SJW’s would go berzerk but that’s half the fun, it doesn’t mention breakfast tacos or it would be perfectly alright with them, they have no concept of comedy and can’t accept that someone would use their own background and ethnicity to willingly create it.
I had a little memory lapse, the comedian as was so common in the day, was a Hungarian Jew (with a bronze Star from WW2) but he grew up in a Spanish neighbourhood and used many accents in his act.
The point about sjw’s blindly raging about anything they consider to be ‘racist’, even if it’s someone using their own background to make others laugh, still stands.
They’re so intent on controlling what other people do, say, and think that they can’t comprehend that others might resent being told what they are and how to act about it. Isn’t Chappelle supposed to be untouchable to them because he’s black ?
This guy is priceless and would drive them foolish.
Those two comedians are hilarious.
Calle Ocho was once a quaint and pleasant Florida Cracker street. Miami was a lovely Southern town. Most people were very helpful to the Cuban refugees. The saying also was that they were just here until the next revolution in Cuba which people expected in 8 months to two years. help them feel at home until things get better in Cuba. ……………………. Waiting ……………..
(People from politicians, newspapers, radio, people in general, the nuns and priests all were saying that. Welcome them into your homes. Treat them like family. They will be going back soon. )
There also is now a yearly festival called Calle Ocho that has attracted over a million people to it yearly for decades.
I will not touch the cafecito. I haven’t had a good Cuban sandwich in way too long.
William Szathmary aka Bill Dana aka Jose Jimenez was a US Army WW2 veteran who was awarded the Bronze Star. His parents were Hungarian. We always must be ready for what is likely to face us. Those young women are training to be ready.
Apply the 14th Amendment.
Would that all immigrant waves were like the first Cubans. They got help but they also helped themselves and became extremely productive, all the while expecting to go home and raise their flag over a freed Havana as promised by JFK. But the invasion was a Keystone Kops affair, air support was non-existent and/or a failure of strategic planning all the way around.
Kennedy gets credit for turning back commie warheads in ’62 but if he had followed through in ’61 there would have been no missles enroute, an island nation less than 100 miles from the USA that was teetering on the edge of full-blown communism would have been returned to its people, and a serious threat to America would have been averted.
And you just might still be able to do bidness in Miami without being bilingual.
I see that Jo’s programming keeps her out of politics. She might not be too much help if things go “Pear Shaped”.
“AI” always had problems with target selection. “AI-Free” was dangerous to everyone in the area.
Chris, a little late now, but for old geezers like me, you should make it obvious that you can click on the support level frames to send money electronically. I didn’t figure it out until after the check was in the mail. Keep up the good work
Check is in the mail but won’t make it by 31st most likely.
Is one twin “taller” than the other?
Kiko’s a big girl.
I believe Hunter’s moniker for pops was Pedo Pete. Love the perkies!
Jo is perfection.
“She” is unreal!
Look at it like this, girls –
– Covid19 necessitated wrecking the Trump economy in an election year
– all 27 genders can be chosen and switched
– the 2020 election was the cleanest in human history
– the US cannot possibly go into recession under Dear Leader Joe
– the Department of Justice does not persecute law-abiding pro-Americans
– freedom is slavery and Jan6 was far worse than the Holocaust
– when we say so, you will gladly forfeit your Bill of Rights
Sleep well.
Just something more to be aware of:
No hot brass getting stuck in a bra here.
Jose Gimenez, of the notorious Gibmedats crime syndicate.
Well played, well played, indeed.
Chris, sometimes your prose almost approaches your skills in the visual arts.