And led by the same Democrat Party again as well. Isn’t the definition of insanity that you do the same thing, multiple times, and expect a different outcome?
The Civil War was the industrial urban North against the agricultural rural South. This time it will be Democrat urban versus the Republican rural, with plenty of mixed areas thrown in.
Eastern Washington, Oregon, California v. the coast;
South v. North Virginia;
Illinois v. Cook County;
Nevada v. Las Vegas;
Texas v. Austin-Houston-Dallas-San Antonio.
I’d say you’re well on target with that assessment eon. I’m not sure how we handle the traitorous RINO party though that seems to fester still in many red states.
Hmm 13 blue states rising up against the federal government? Didn’t we do that once before?
And led by the same Democrat Party again as well. Isn’t the definition of insanity that you do the same thing, multiple times, and expect a different outcome?
Except that this time, their side is afraid to touch a gun. It’ll be short.
This isn’t the same.
The Civil War was the industrial urban North against the agricultural rural South. This time it will be Democrat urban versus the Republican rural, with plenty of mixed areas thrown in.
Eastern Washington, Oregon, California v. the coast;
South v. North Virginia;
Illinois v. Cook County;
Nevada v. Las Vegas;
Texas v. Austin-Houston-Dallas-San Antonio.
Ohio vs. Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland. Toledo, Akron and Dayton will fold quickly once the federal money is cut off.
OH’s governor will sit in the mansion with his usual deer-caught-in-the-headlights look.
clear ether
Minnesota versus Minneapolis St. Paul , the muzzis in Minneapolis will fight everything
I’d say you’re well on target with that assessment eon. I’m not sure how we handle the traitorous RINO party though that seems to fester still in many red states.
Removal from office or removal from society, whatever is needed.