And led by the same Democrat Party again as well. Isn’t the definition of insanity that you do the same thing, multiple times, and expect a different outcome?
The Civil War was the industrial urban North against the agricultural rural South. This time it will be Democrat urban versus the Republican rural, with plenty of mixed areas thrown in.
Eastern Washington, Oregon, California v. the coast;
South v. North Virginia;
Illinois v. Cook County;
Nevada v. Las Vegas;
Texas v. Austin-Houston-Dallas-San Antonio.
I’d say you’re well on target with that assessment eon. I’m not sure how we handle the traitorous RINO party though that seems to fester still in many red states.
Secession, no. Treason, yes. Subversion, yes. Sedition, yes.We need to check the criminal code and see if U.S. law applies, then apply it, legally. No drama. Just apply existing law. It worked for immigration.
This time we know, or are in the process of finding out, the origin of the funding of these “Color Revolutions” and are in the process of cutting it off.
The new independent news media, although unorganized, is allowing the populace, not just us but especially the Slaves on the Vote Plantations, to see the strings that are being pulled and eventually we’ll find out just who is pulling them.
In spite of, or perhaps because of, the Terror being doled out now and that which will continue to happen during the summer, I think the Leftist Machine BureauFascists and their street thugs alike, are setting themselves up as targets, simply because they have no real goals to aim for. There is no New World Order heaven waiting to receive them.
As I’ve stated on other forums discussing this same subject: The icing on the cake of this administration would be seeing these crooked, traitorous bastards perp-walked out of their offices in handcuffs by U.S. Marshalls or the revamped FBI and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the applicable criminal code!!
Some of us have always felt that closing the damyankee hunting season in 1865 was a big mistake. At least these days we’ve got most of the firearms and ammo manufacturers down here in the South!
Not everyone north of the Mason/Dixon line is a damnyankee, I have been made a honorary Southern Gentleman by friends in Georgia,Southern Virginia, the Carolina’s and Florida.There are many of us like minded people up here.
The nice thing about having your supporters clustered in relatively small areas where nothing is grown and almost everything comes in from the ‘red’ counties around the ‘blue’ cities, is that they’re relatively easy to blockade, especially nowadays with few roads passing through the outskirts. Of course all that’s really needed is a cell phone jammer and then cut the internet off too, they’ll fold in days if not hours. If not then once the EBT cards stop working the carnage will begin.
Speaking of South Africa, I see Hunter Biden has “self-deported” to South Africa (along with his Secret Service protective detail).
His current wife is South African (according to Benny Johnson) and they’ve taken a three month “vacation” despite Hunter claiming he’s bankrupt and unable to pay back millions he owes. Given the amount of money laundered through Hunter, it’s hard to imagine he didn’t think to set aside 10% for himself along with the 10% for the Big Guy…
Hmm 13 blue states rising up against the federal government? Didn’t we do that once before?
Absolutely zero comparison.
And led by the same Democrat Party again as well. Isn’t the definition of insanity that you do the same thing, multiple times, and expect a different outcome?
Except that this time, their side is afraid to touch a gun. It’ll be short.
This isn’t the same.
The Civil War was the industrial urban North against the agricultural rural South. This time it will be Democrat urban versus the Republican rural, with plenty of mixed areas thrown in.
Eastern Washington, Oregon, California v. the coast;
South v. North Virginia;
Illinois v. Cook County;
Nevada v. Las Vegas;
Texas v. Austin-Houston-Dallas-San Antonio.
Ohio vs. Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland. Toledo, Akron and Dayton will fold quickly once the federal money is cut off.
OH’s governor will sit in the mansion with his usual deer-caught-in-the-headlights look.
clear ether
Tennessee v. Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga
Excuse me, but isn’t this 13 states thing a conspiracy against the Federal government?
Minnesota versus Minneapolis St. Paul , the muzzis in Minneapolis will fight everything
I’d say you’re well on target with that assessment eon. I’m not sure how we handle the traitorous RINO party though that seems to fester still in many red states.
Removal from office or removal from society, whatever is needed.
Secession, no. Treason, yes. Subversion, yes. Sedition, yes.We need to check the criminal code and see if U.S. law applies, then apply it, legally. No drama. Just apply existing law. It worked for immigration.
This time we know, or are in the process of finding out, the origin of the funding of these “Color Revolutions” and are in the process of cutting it off.
The new independent news media, although unorganized, is allowing the populace, not just us but especially the Slaves on the Vote Plantations, to see the strings that are being pulled and eventually we’ll find out just who is pulling them.
In spite of, or perhaps because of, the Terror being doled out now and that which will continue to happen during the summer, I think the Leftist Machine BureauFascists and their street thugs alike, are setting themselves up as targets, simply because they have no real goals to aim for. There is no New World Order heaven waiting to receive them.
As I’ve stated on other forums discussing this same subject: The icing on the cake of this administration would be seeing these crooked, traitorous bastards perp-walked out of their offices in handcuffs by U.S. Marshalls or the revamped FBI and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the applicable criminal code!!
Some of us have always felt that closing the damyankee hunting season in 1865 was a big mistake. At least these days we’ve got most of the firearms and ammo manufacturers down here in the South!
Oh, you mean the War of Northern Aggression, don’t you . . .
Not everyone north of the Mason/Dixon line is a damnyankee, I have been made a honorary Southern Gentleman by friends in Georgia,Southern Virginia, the Carolina’s and Florida.There are many of us like minded people up here.
The nice thing about having your supporters clustered in relatively small areas where nothing is grown and almost everything comes in from the ‘red’ counties around the ‘blue’ cities, is that they’re relatively easy to blockade, especially nowadays with few roads passing through the outskirts. Of course all that’s really needed is a cell phone jammer and then cut the internet off too, they’ll fold in days if not hours. If not then once the EBT cards stop working the carnage will begin.
“Article I, Section 10: No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, … enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State…”
Speaking of South Africa, I see Hunter Biden has “self-deported” to South Africa (along with his Secret Service protective detail).
His current wife is South African (according to Benny Johnson) and they’ve taken a three month “vacation” despite Hunter claiming he’s bankrupt and unable to pay back millions he owes. Given the amount of money laundered through Hunter, it’s hard to imagine he didn’t think to set aside 10% for himself along with the 10% for the Big Guy…