Back when Mossberg especially incorporated quality (before their Walmart sell-out). Neat old .22, and one of those we spoke of that is sans-numbers IIRC.
June 13, 2019 at 1:14 am
Lon Mead
Dang, indeed.
June 13, 2019 at 1:40 am
Been there done that over 90% of my body with a trip to the ER.
June 13, 2019 at 2:41 am
Lucius Severus Pertinax
UV toxicity?
June 13, 2019 at 2:52 am
As I heard Conan talk about it back on NBC: ‘I’m Irish. We don’t tan, we spontaneously combust.’
June 13, 2019 at 11:20 am
Sun poisoning is no fun.
June 13, 2019 at 3:03 am
Too Tall
Ah, the joys of a mis-spent youth.
All but 10%, huh?
Your tan lines must have been a work of art.
June 13, 2019 at 11:21 am
String bikini with square holes.
June 14, 2019 at 11:51 pm
Too Tall
I can only imagine….
June 13, 2019 at 6:23 am
Dang! Still need any lotion on that?
June 13, 2019 at 6:25 am
Bill G
I learned at a young age that I burn easily. At 30, I learned the hard way that I’d lost enough of the hair on top of my head to burn there, too. I also learned that skin peeling off through a still significant amount of hair REALLY itches.
June 13, 2019 at 8:34 am
William Henry
What’s the 64,000 dollar question… do nipples burn and peel?
Next baby-step commonsense gun law, ban spire points in favor of round nose bullets to reduce injuries and prevent sniping. Coming soon to an Amerika near you.
June 13, 2019 at 11:06 pm
Wake me when they get to pointy sticks. I need me a summer estate.
Love that badass ugly girl. But who could take the every day onslaught, even intentionally putting her and family at personal risk, that the “media” has waged against her? The left and its tools know they can’t win a fair fight on the facts and issues, so they try to make it impossible to find good people willing to subject themselves to the danger and abuse. If they win, that will be why.
June 13, 2019 at 4:59 pm
She’s top of her game, rules the press corp like a boss, and is 36 with three kids at home. “Veni, vidi, vici.” Now’s a good time to get out while it’s quiet. She won.
June 13, 2019 at 8:48 pm
Punta Gorda
It also frees her up for other endeavors should she choose.
@kadaka and Punta Gorda: Yes on both of those, but as to the former, while she wins, we lose…her brand of dealing with those partisan, petulant children of the press corps will be very difficult to replace, largely due to the conditions I mentioned above but also due to her unique presence, competence and genuine and obvious devotion, sense of purpose and belief in the goodness of America.
As to her future endeavors, godspeed and more power to her…but let us just hope that the conditions and factors involved do not extrapolate to one or ten levels up the chain. OMB is a tough and brilliant badass streetfighter…but he’s human, he’s over 70, and he has limitless other interests, pursuits, and comforts available to him. The only damn thing that can prevent that is the support of us, his employers and supporters…and a patriotism and purity of purpose beyond any I’ve ever seen.
OTOH, from disappointment sometimes comes opportunity…
Daily briefings were halted a while back as it became obvious that the fake news media used them as a forum for lies and attacks against the President, the administration, and the press secretary herself…sometimes as I mentioned above sparking threats and personal risks.
Wouldn’t it be funny if in the age of tweet if the daily briefings were resumed but were just a roll of tweets from the accounts of the prez and his spokespeople, and the only questions or interactions from the pool people was likewise by tweet?
They couldn’t not cover the tweet output and they would be deprived of on-camera attacks and commentary disguised as questions with their inquiries reduced to sitting there furiously punching keys on their devices and waiting for any response to roll by on the screen in front of them. Heh.
So, only mad Dawgs, Englishman and half-nude red-heads go out in the noon day sun?
My compliments to Kipling, and Chris!
Although, the exact wording came from Noel Coward.
The lady’s not for the burning!
It rubs the sunscreen lotion on its skin and it gets the hose.
One must never burn the breast, be they Chicken, Turkey, or smokin’ hot redhead…
By the way, I got a really swell .22 cal rifle as a gift. A Mossberg 152K. Semi-auto, 18 inch heavy barrel, with a fold-down grip;
Tight groups, even without a scope, and this rifle was made around 1961. You know, when Quality was more than just a word…
Thou shalt not drag and drop images into comment boxes.
Here’s one with that fold-down forward grip option:
Yeah, I did image address which was real short, Don’t know what happened.
Looking at what was pasted, you didn’t get the url, you got the coding. That’s never good.
He broke the margins! Into the barrel with him!
Oh wait, this isn’t Ace of Spades.
Delightful device! Classic bunny buster.
Back when Mossberg especially incorporated quality (before their Walmart sell-out). Neat old .22, and one of those we spoke of that is sans-numbers IIRC.
Dang, indeed.
Been there done that over 90% of my body with a trip to the ER.
UV toxicity?
As I heard Conan talk about it back on NBC: ‘I’m Irish. We don’t tan, we spontaneously combust.’
Sun poisoning is no fun.
Ah, the joys of a mis-spent youth.
All but 10%, huh?
Your tan lines must have been a work of art.
String bikini with square holes.
I can only imagine….
Dang! Still need any lotion on that?
I learned at a young age that I burn easily. At 30, I learned the hard way that I’d lost enough of the hair on top of my head to burn there, too. I also learned that skin peeling off through a still significant amount of hair REALLY itches.
What’s the 64,000 dollar question… do nipples burn and peel?
Just needs a good titty f–k and liberal application of the proceeds of that.
(Don’t know the SPF of that, just sounds like a fun “exercise”).
Need the voice of experience here…Pamela? 🙂
Well at least Sam is getting plenty of Vitamin D (or is that Vitamin DD?) 😀
Yes, you do note a flaw…’Half Nude’ is only half enough.
Imagine living in a country where the government thinks the citizens can’t be trusted with ice picks and sharp pencils.
British county begins pilot program to reduce domestic violence through the…replacement of pointy knives with blunt ones
Next baby-step commonsense gun law, ban spire points in favor of round nose bullets to reduce injuries and prevent sniping. Coming soon to an Amerika near you.
Wake me when they get to pointy sticks. I need me a summer estate.
Irish girl sunbathing
Is there a body missing from the local funeral parlor…
Parlor, Pallor… Meh…
The Official Suntan Lotion of Ireland
Ah, man….
Love that badass ugly girl. But who could take the every day onslaught, even intentionally putting her and family at personal risk, that the “media” has waged against her? The left and its tools know they can’t win a fair fight on the facts and issues, so they try to make it impossible to find good people willing to subject themselves to the danger and abuse. If they win, that will be why.
She’s top of her game, rules the press corp like a boss, and is 36 with three kids at home. “Veni, vidi, vici.” Now’s a good time to get out while it’s quiet. She won.
It also frees her up for other endeavors should she choose.
@kadaka and Punta Gorda: Yes on both of those, but as to the former, while she wins, we lose…her brand of dealing with those partisan, petulant children of the press corps will be very difficult to replace, largely due to the conditions I mentioned above but also due to her unique presence, competence and genuine and obvious devotion, sense of purpose and belief in the goodness of America.
As to her future endeavors, godspeed and more power to her…but let us just hope that the conditions and factors involved do not extrapolate to one or ten levels up the chain. OMB is a tough and brilliant badass streetfighter…but he’s human, he’s over 70, and he has limitless other interests, pursuits, and comforts available to him. The only damn thing that can prevent that is the support of us, his employers and supporters…and a patriotism and purity of purpose beyond any I’ve ever seen.
OTOH, from disappointment sometimes comes opportunity…
Daily briefings were halted a while back as it became obvious that the fake news media used them as a forum for lies and attacks against the President, the administration, and the press secretary herself…sometimes as I mentioned above sparking threats and personal risks.
Wouldn’t it be funny if in the age of tweet if the daily briefings were resumed but were just a roll of tweets from the accounts of the prez and his spokespeople, and the only questions or interactions from the pool people was likewise by tweet?
They couldn’t not cover the tweet output and they would be deprived of on-camera attacks and commentary disguised as questions with their inquiries reduced to sitting there furiously punching keys on their devices and waiting for any response to roll by on the screen in front of them. Heh.
I had forgotten a bunch of these. Good reminder.
Biden Claims There Wasn’t A ‘Hint of a Scandal’ During the Obama/Biden Administration, Here are Ten
How did they get away with all this?
The media (paid) knelt before them eager to service the every whim of their gods.