No you don’t want to not have the fireworks! Still easy to keep it safe though, just use a long pole to drop that thang in, then stand back and enjoy the show…and bonus if the temp and the time is right that will be the deliciousest turkey you ever had!
December 1, 2022 at 12:39 am
William Henry
unfortunately in today’s society most people have no idea what those words mean.
pretty much like using the word mulatto… I doubt if many blacks would even know what it means.
Which would make their kids 3/16-a-roons. Not sure if there’s a term for that. Easier to call them 1875s (3/16″= 0.1875″) or go metric and call them 4.7s.
December 1, 2022 at 12:48 am
I remember a social studies book in elementary school talking about mulatto and mestizo populations. I don’t remember if it was Brazil or Mexico now.
It’s funny I was just mentioning that to my wife last week, that a passage like that would never be in a schoolbook today.
In New Spain, there were Negro slaves and most of the population was part Indio. They had an interesting caste system. Peninsulares (from Spain) were top of the heap. Then came Criollos, who were born in Mexico but were all or mostly white. Mestizos were part Indio, Mulatos were part Negro, Coyotes were mostly Indio, and there were other classes.
In Brazil, there was little intermarriage between whites and Indios, but there were and are a lot of Mulatos.
Cafe mullato basically was coffee heavy on the cream. Same joke they made about their ancestry coming to be. First multilingual pun or entendre I ever learned.
Well, springing from the hills of Tennessee, there is no doubt there is some element of ‘roon coursing through my otherwise Redneck system. Same for most all of us I imagine…we are not white, we are white-ish.
I’m thinking the math doesn’t add up unless we’re talking Jan and Javier. It’s my understanding that Damon isn’t mixed. But that would assume that Jan’s mother was halfsies, which were referred to as mulattoes when I was young.
By those standards, my ex was quadroon, and my kids octaroon. Or, less formally, they’d all be “high yeller”.
History is a big place. I would surmise that 98% of black folks in America got white folks in the woodpile (as we used to say) somewhere in the old family tree lot.
My folks always said it backwards of that; “A negra in the woodpile”.
Which most all of us did and do. The sport was figuring out just where in the woodpile that occurred. Turns out, amongst our hill-country Scots-Irish and Cherokee lines, there were several.
I recall a conversation between my Mother and her Mother on ancestry. They were throwing all sorts of stuff around, including some that I don’t think were actual ethnic groups (black Russian, white Russian?). After a while my Grandmother looked at my father and said “Jim, who’s in your family?” to which he replied, deadpan, “Mostly white folks.”
My Irish ancestors were running from the Crown Heads of Europe all the way back to the Plantagenets. (They had a bad habit of shooting at tax collectors, and missing.) Got chased out of France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, France again, got transported to Canada just in time for that little set-to outside Quebec. Then wound up getting transported south, some stopped in New England, others got all the way to Louisiana. The Austrian side is a real mélange. I figure I can throw a dart at Eastern Europe and call anywhere it hits home. Thank you, Roman slave traders.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Clan Duncan here
December 2, 2022 at 8:21 pm
McDonald, but on the Irish side.
December 1, 2022 at 8:28 am
We did our 23+Me DNA tests, and my spouse turned out to be 0.5% more Neanderthal than average. My DNA turned out to be 63% human, which was worryingly high…
American, but officially, according to the USMC, I’m Swedish. Got into trouble in intake with the “What nationality” question, I put American, which led to this condensed exchange (a pile of questions and “Sir, … Sir!” omitted :
Private, where were your parents born? Minnesota.
On a farm near Erhart, St. Paul. Grandparents in Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York. Lutheran, Mennonite, Amish. Ancestors fought in both sides of the Civil War. Both sides of the American Revolution. Jacob Trites had six sons, three on each. All survived, the Loyalists moved to Newfoundland where their King gave them land grants.
Someone came to this country who was not born here! Who? Seven-great-grandfather sailed from Stockholm with his parents when he was two!
DI: “Lt! The private is Swedish!”
I told this at Christmas dinner and Grandmother exploded “They SAILED from Stockholm! They were NORWEGIAN!” She insisted that this had to be corrected at once. For several hours she tried to get me to call the Corps, the Governor, the President, the Norwegian Ambassador, … that slur on her ancestry must be removed!
Now, a half century later, I think it probable that he (and his parents) were half Sammi and half Norwegian.
Is your Jacob Trites, b. 1803, d. 1890, of New Brunswick, Canada, with a son (1 of 9 children: 6 boys and 3 girls) Stewart Trites, b. 1844, d. 1913, also of New Brunswick, Canada?
Honestly, I do not know. Jacob is one of my extended family’s “traditional” names. I do know that there is a large “tribe” of distant relations in Canada that some of my (over a hundred) first cousins correspond with, that’s the depth of my knowledge.
December 2, 2022 at 12:05 am
“Someone came to this country who was not born here! Who?”
Sounds like the grilling my 104yo mother gives everyone.
I can’t remember how I answered that question when I joined the Air Force, because I’m very much an American mutt. One grandfather was “French” but looked Algonquin, so he’s probably of mixed-blood French Canadian ancestry. My other three grandparents were each a mix of German, English, and Scottish. And when my grandmother tried to trace her ancestry, she learned that half her ancestors came from a village in Bavaria that was settled by Italians…
Or perhaps I could claim to be German like my stepfather. All of his ancestors are from a community of Mennonites that migrated together from Germany to Iowa in the 1890’s – but the village they came from is now in Poland.
I sent a swab in to a genetic testing company.
I got a letter back saying ‘do not mix samples’.
Mostly Eastern European Jew and English on one side
Mostly Irish (via Scotland as mercenaries) on the other
Mixed with a little of everything passing through
Native, Negroid, Oriental, Neandertal, etc, etc, etc.
Lowland Scot here, to Ireland, to South Carolina in 1763, to Tennessee in the 1820’s on one side of the family. British and Cherokee on the other. Makes me a certified mutt, and proud of it!
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
ARF! Want some kibble?
Seriously, though, I think the one thing that we all have in common is something that genetics may never be able to measure — the trait of adventure, boldness, risk. While our ancestors sallied forth to new worlds and lands, the weak, timid, and cowardly were left behind.
I use to claim 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Pole, 1/2 German. Based on the current map, my sisters and brother are 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Bavarian, and 1/2 Pole, as the part of Germany Mom’s mother was born in has been Polish since 1945.
December 1, 2022 at 10:09 pm
That has been my theory about urban Blacks. Many of the individuals sold into slavery were the dim, degenerate, violent that were useless to their tribes. The problem isn’t “race”, the problem is the slavery selection process that exported the worst of the population to the West. They were traded for trinkets. The Igbo had an interesting welfare/debtor system. If you fell into debt, you “lost your freedom” and were placed under the supervision of a successful person or family. If that debtor prospered, everyone benefitted. If you were a persistentbscrew-up, you got sent to the Arabs or to the boats. The founding slave population was thus enriched in screw-ups.
I don’t know if the “normal” Blacks are descendants of “POW”s or kidnap victims or if they are an example of genetic “escape”, but the troubles in our urban ghettos should come as no surprise. I suspect that those are descendants of those selected by failure.
Our area has several “settlements” of normal Blacks that are several centuries old. Some are smart, some are just getting by, but the crime rate is ridiculously low and the church communities pre-date the civil war.
Clearly, the African-Americans have at least two subpopulations. For those out here, away from the Democratic centers, we use the “N” word a lot, Neighbors. When I worked down in the “city”, I got invited to many late night food and booze runs. It was immediately clear that us “big guys” were expected to be a “screen” for the “fleet”. There was lots to be concerned about. I don’t even ride the light rail down there any longer.
New immigrants were, until recently, a completely different kettle of fish.
December 1, 2022 at 6:35 pm
I remember reading that the Dems consider anyone with a drop of African blood to be an Octoroon. Family got here in 1624. According to the DNA I’m descended from Lief Erickson on my Dad’s side and from Vlad the Impaler on my Mom’s.
Mom’s been doing our family tree since 1959. Once we know who came over, when, and from where, we don’t care to look much further back. We know from history why they left there. They’re too far in the past to be all that relevant to our family history, and we aren’t interested in claiming descent from anyone famous, royal, whatever. The folks who came over here are far more interesting.
The heads exploding in Austin would make Sam’s Turkey Launches look like an air rifle shooting BBs.
Speaking of which, somebody posted a youtube short today on how to properly deep fry a turkey without it exploding. Just sayin’
No you don’t want to not have the fireworks! Still easy to keep it safe though, just use a long pole to drop that thang in, then stand back and enjoy the show…and bonus if the temp and the time is right that will be the deliciousest turkey you ever had!
unfortunately in today’s society most people have no idea what those words mean.
pretty much like using the word mulatto… I doubt if many blacks would even know what it means.
He has it backwards. The child of a quadroon (one fourth) is an octoroon (one eighth black).
Which would make their kids 3/16-a-roons. Not sure if there’s a term for that. Easier to call them 1875s (3/16″= 0.1875″) or go metric and call them 4.7s.
I remember a social studies book in elementary school talking about mulatto and mestizo populations. I don’t remember if it was Brazil or Mexico now.
It’s funny I was just mentioning that to my wife last week, that a passage like that would never be in a schoolbook today.
In New Spain, there were Negro slaves and most of the population was part Indio. They had an interesting caste system. Peninsulares (from Spain) were top of the heap. Then came Criollos, who were born in Mexico but were all or mostly white. Mestizos were part Indio, Mulatos were part Negro, Coyotes were mostly Indio, and there were other classes.
In Brazil, there was little intermarriage between whites and Indios, but there were and are a lot of Mulatos.
Mullato > Brazil
Mestizo > Hispanic countries.
Cafe mullato basically was coffee heavy on the cream. Same joke they made about their ancestry coming to be. First multilingual pun or entendre I ever learned.
Well, springing from the hills of Tennessee, there is no doubt there is some element of ‘roon coursing through my otherwise Redneck system. Same for most all of us I imagine…we are not white, we are white-ish.
Wouldn’t Javier be one-half of Jan’s one-eighth (octaroon)? Quadroon is one-quarter, not one-sixteenth.
If Jan is 1/8 and Damon is 1/4, that would make Javier 3/16.
I was told there wasn’t going to be any math !!
Quintroon, but wasn’t Red talking about Damon?
I’m thinking the math doesn’t add up unless we’re talking Jan and Javier. It’s my understanding that Damon isn’t mixed. But that would assume that Jan’s mother was halfsies, which were referred to as mulattoes when I was young.
By those standards, my ex was quadroon, and my kids octaroon. Or, less formally, they’d all be “high yeller”.
Now we’re all just mixed.
Damon has green eyes.
D is blackish!
By his own admission, Damon isn’t black, he’s “more of an eggshell tan” according to the archives (Nov. 07, 2002) of this wonderful ‘toon.
Hexaroon? This shit gets confusing.
3/16 = tridekaoctoroon?
Calling each other “racist” names under the same rationale that ghetto Afro-Americans call each other by The “N” Word, and no one blinks an eye.
When I was in high school we had a black guy with carrot orange hair… we would tease him about having a Irishmen in the family tree somewhere.
History is a big place. I would surmise that 98% of black folks in America got white folks in the woodpile (as we used to say) somewhere in the old family tree lot.
My folks always said it backwards of that; “A negra in the woodpile”.
Which most all of us did and do. The sport was figuring out just where in the woodpile that occurred. Turns out, amongst our hill-country Scots-Irish and Cherokee lines, there were several.
Hence, “Whitish”.
When has Damon not had his sunglasses on? I have been reading Day by Day since it started and I cannot remember ever seeing Damon’s eyes
Maybe 3-4 times!
3-4 times in 20 FRICKIN ‘ YEARS!
and isn’t he an orphan?
Thoroughbred Mongrels R’ Us
I recall a conversation between my Mother and her Mother on ancestry. They were throwing all sorts of stuff around, including some that I don’t think were actual ethnic groups (black Russian, white Russian?). After a while my Grandmother looked at my father and said “Jim, who’s in your family?” to which he replied, deadpan, “Mostly white folks.”
My Irish ancestors were running from the Crown Heads of Europe all the way back to the Plantagenets. (They had a bad habit of shooting at tax collectors, and missing.) Got chased out of France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, France again, got transported to Canada just in time for that little set-to outside Quebec. Then wound up getting transported south, some stopped in New England, others got all the way to Louisiana. The Austrian side is a real mélange. I figure I can throw a dart at Eastern Europe and call anywhere it hits home. Thank you, Roman slave traders.
Zar Belk!
“They had a bad habit of shooting at tax collectors, and missing.” Robert A. Heinlein warned that strong drink can cause this.
This is why we must stress rigor in firearms training. Missing shots against tax collectors is inexcusable! s/
Direct descendant of Robert the Bruce here.
My Clan ~
Clan Duncan here
McDonald, but on the Irish side.
We did our 23+Me DNA tests, and my spouse turned out to be 0.5% more Neanderthal than average. My DNA turned out to be 63% human, which was worryingly high…
Mine used to be 70+% alcohol, but now it is 90% coffee.
So you’re saying the blood level in your caffeine system is dangerously high?
Everybody’s got a cousin in Miami.
Nope. Orlando.
My family name is West Country English/Welsh borderer, in other words Old Saxon. It’s often mistaken for German.
My first verified ancestor came to the Colonies around 1739 to avoid a date at Tyburn Hill. He was a known horse thief.
On mother’s side, they’re a mixed bag of “Pennsylvania Dutch” (“Deutsch”- German), French, and Romanian.
There used to be a UKL basketball player with the same last name as me. He looked surprisingly like Denzel Washington, including skin tone.
So yes, I’m a genuine American. I’m a mutt.
May I feel your nose?
American, but officially, according to the USMC, I’m Swedish. Got into trouble in intake with the “What nationality” question, I put American, which led to this condensed exchange (a pile of questions and “Sir, … Sir!” omitted :
Private, where were your parents born? Minnesota.
On a farm near Erhart, St. Paul. Grandparents in Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York. Lutheran, Mennonite, Amish. Ancestors fought in both sides of the Civil War. Both sides of the American Revolution. Jacob Trites had six sons, three on each. All survived, the Loyalists moved to Newfoundland where their King gave them land grants.
Someone came to this country who was not born here! Who? Seven-great-grandfather sailed from Stockholm with his parents when he was two!
DI: “Lt! The private is Swedish!”
I told this at Christmas dinner and Grandmother exploded “They SAILED from Stockholm! They were NORWEGIAN!” She insisted that this had to be corrected at once. For several hours she tried to get me to call the Corps, the Governor, the President, the Norwegian Ambassador, … that slur on her ancestry must be removed!
Now, a half century later, I think it probable that he (and his parents) were half Sammi and half Norwegian.
Is your Jacob Trites, b. 1803, d. 1890, of New Brunswick, Canada, with a son (1 of 9 children: 6 boys and 3 girls) Stewart Trites, b. 1844, d. 1913, also of New Brunswick, Canada?
Honestly, I do not know. Jacob is one of my extended family’s “traditional” names. I do know that there is a large “tribe” of distant relations in Canada that some of my (over a hundred) first cousins correspond with, that’s the depth of my knowledge.
“Someone came to this country who was not born here! Who?”
Sounds like the grilling my 104yo mother gives everyone.
I can’t remember how I answered that question when I joined the Air Force, because I’m very much an American mutt. One grandfather was “French” but looked Algonquin, so he’s probably of mixed-blood French Canadian ancestry. My other three grandparents were each a mix of German, English, and Scottish. And when my grandmother tried to trace her ancestry, she learned that half her ancestors came from a village in Bavaria that was settled by Italians…
Or perhaps I could claim to be German like my stepfather. All of his ancestors are from a community of Mennonites that migrated together from Germany to Iowa in the 1890’s – but the village they came from is now in Poland.
I sent a swab in to a genetic testing company.
I got a letter back saying ‘do not mix samples’.
Mostly Eastern European Jew and English on one side
Mostly Irish (via Scotland as mercenaries) on the other
Mixed with a little of everything passing through
Native, Negroid, Oriental, Neandertal, etc, etc, etc.
Lowland Scot here, to Ireland, to South Carolina in 1763, to Tennessee in the 1820’s on one side of the family. British and Cherokee on the other. Makes me a certified mutt, and proud of it!
ARF! Want some kibble?
Seriously, though, I think the one thing that we all have in common is something that genetics may never be able to measure — the trait of adventure, boldness, risk. While our ancestors sallied forth to new worlds and lands, the weak, timid, and cowardly were left behind.
I use to claim 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Pole, 1/2 German. Based on the current map, my sisters and brother are 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Bavarian, and 1/2 Pole, as the part of Germany Mom’s mother was born in has been Polish since 1945.
That has been my theory about urban Blacks. Many of the individuals sold into slavery were the dim, degenerate, violent that were useless to their tribes. The problem isn’t “race”, the problem is the slavery selection process that exported the worst of the population to the West. They were traded for trinkets. The Igbo had an interesting welfare/debtor system. If you fell into debt, you “lost your freedom” and were placed under the supervision of a successful person or family. If that debtor prospered, everyone benefitted. If you were a persistentbscrew-up, you got sent to the Arabs or to the boats. The founding slave population was thus enriched in screw-ups.
I don’t know if the “normal” Blacks are descendants of “POW”s or kidnap victims or if they are an example of genetic “escape”, but the troubles in our urban ghettos should come as no surprise. I suspect that those are descendants of those selected by failure.
Our area has several “settlements” of normal Blacks that are several centuries old. Some are smart, some are just getting by, but the crime rate is ridiculously low and the church communities pre-date the civil war.
Clearly, the African-Americans have at least two subpopulations. For those out here, away from the Democratic centers, we use the “N” word a lot, Neighbors. When I worked down in the “city”, I got invited to many late night food and booze runs. It was immediately clear that us “big guys” were expected to be a “screen” for the “fleet”. There was lots to be concerned about. I don’t even ride the light rail down there any longer.
New immigrants were, until recently, a completely different kettle of fish.
I remember reading that the Dems consider anyone with a drop of African blood to be an Octoroon. Family got here in 1624. According to the DNA I’m descended from Lief Erickson on my Dad’s side and from Vlad the Impaler on my Mom’s.
Mom’s been doing our family tree since 1959. Once we know who came over, when, and from where, we don’t care to look much further back. We know from history why they left there. They’re too far in the past to be all that relevant to our family history, and we aren’t interested in claiming descent from anyone famous, royal, whatever. The folks who came over here are far more interesting.