Definitely! It was kinda shocking to me when it came out that my Senator Ted Cruz was a dually with Canada back when he ran for the Presidency. Didn’t we have a recruitment program where you could gain your citizenship after serving in the U.S. Military upon getting an honerable discharge?
Not dual citizenship, but i am of Russian Jewish ancestry, mixed in with everything else. I’m a mutt. Wanna touch my nose? Arf!
Never became a Jew (religion). Oy vey! (and yes, I like lox and bagels hahaha)
7% of congress is jewish ethnicity.
Less than 2% of the military is jewish. Considering only 2% of the US military is jewish, it is,hard to believe the US military has 25% of its members have dual citizenship with Israel.
You are absolutely correct. The Zionists who started moving to that area in the 1880s were urban Europeans. The majority did not observe the Religious tenants of Judaism. As Communism in all of it’s forms grew in popularity, the majority of ‘converts’ were Jewish, out of a sense of desperation to not be the subject of scorn, ridicule, and violence from the people they lived among.
And the Jews from before 1880? Jews have been in the middle east for thousands of years. When things started getting bad in Europe, they had few choices. Convert, assimilate or move to somewhere friendlier. The only ones who could afford to move were wealthier.
As far as being observant, how many Christians go to church every sunday? In Europe, it did not matter if you ‘observed’ or not. If you were suspected or related, that was enough.
Many Jews are Socialists not because they fear others, but because they honestly (unfortunately) believed that it was the best system.
There have been movements of common groups for hundreds of years. Puritans, Amish, Mennonite, German, Irish, Italian, Jews… they go to be with others who share values or somewhere where they will be left alone. For the most part, they flourished and made their new homes better. Welfare has destroyed that…
I was in the Navy for 20 years. Never met anyone with dual citizenship. For any country, let alone Isreal. Not that it can’t happen. It’s extremely difficult to get a security clearance with dual citizenship. Just my humble observations.
As Chris noted yesterday…wait ’til the arc finishes. Anyone who walks before that is…….well……bigoted beyond belief. Who are you and why are you here? You decide to leave before arc-finish, it is your own decision.
The only part of his statements I have doubts about is the 25% of the military having dual citizenship with Israel. I am not surprised that 25% has dual citizenship. Lots of recent immigrants chose this path. I don’t know if you even have to have US citizenship to enlist.
As for the Jewish thing, I am open to discussions. It is not antisemitism to talk about facts and numbers. It is not antisemitism to talk about attitudes; a culture that lives amongst us but actively encourages self-segregation to a significant degree is always going to cause unease with others. The attitude thing/stereotype thing works both ways. Im tired of all the “cards” the special people have. Black, Jewish, female, homosexual, etc, that exempt their entire group from criticism or even discussion. All their crying about their special “rights”. Screw that! Getting all worked up because Muir had his characters talk about this group seems excessively triggered to me. Don’t forget that one of these ladies is a newly recovering leftist; deeply held views and prejudices (not only endemic to leftists) take the longest time to heal.
There is little more difficult than acknowledging and accepting the flows of your family. Or friends. Or allies. In this, you are not compelled to disown them and pledge opposition to them and their causes, but if we are to be true to the truth, we must see them for who they are, flaws and all. We need not abandon them, but we must be honest.
From copilot AI:
“The global Jewish population is estimated to be around **15.7 million**, which is approximately **0.2% of the world’s population
The largest Jewish communities are found in **Israel** (about 7.2 million) and the **United States** (around 6.3 million) “
So basically between the US and Israel we have ALL the Jewish people and about 10% of those in Israel are Orthodox (0.02% worldwide population or 1 in 5000). No wonder I’ve never met an Orthodox Jew.
And I’d really need to meet at least a few before I could make a call on hating them all. LOL
The more concerning bit to me is that about a third of the global population is Christian, so the projected hatred for all of them is going to go horribly wrong (for the haters) at some point, perhaps now is that point.
I don’t like to hate, but since they started it, I’ll hate the haters! 😉
Oh, good grief. Epistemology matters, people. Think for yourselves! (Which I predict is Chris’ point..which I HOPE is Chris’ point…)
A simply web search is enough to show that congress is only 6% Jewish, rendering the 75% statement wildly implausible, even if you account for a stretch based on the theory that Jewish people automatically obtain Israeli citizenship upon arrival if they want it. (And btw, this is directly analogous to old anti-Catholic smears about papal allegiance conflicting with US citizenship.)
Chris, I’ll speak plainly: Publishing incindiary content in dis-integrated fragments creates unnecessary vulnerability. You’ve skated out onto thin, crackly ice here. By convention, cartoons are presumed to present a complete context and are taken at face value, without reference to disclaimers to await arc completion buried in an associated discussion forum. Your committed adversaries, can, will, and probably already have cited this panel as evidence anti-semitism on the right, which stands against both your interests, and the interests of Red Faction as a whole. I would suggest that any arc in which a few panels like this that BEG to be taken out of context WILL, and therefore this should have been presented as a complete arc work in an extended Sunday edition.
So the Jew SQUIRREL!
DOGE found this little gem while doing a general audit of the GSA, the agency that acts as the country’s checkbook and accounts receivable department.
The scam was perfect: Put in a receipt for something, in this case, an entire State dinner, then have someone hit the “recurring” box. With nobody watching, nobody would ever know.
Until now. The payments have been canceled, and she’s not the only one.
Michelle Obama Has Been Receiving a Monthly $122,000 Payment from the GSA since 2009.
Just a guess, but…perhaps Chris is using a mirror here to make a point.
Is it actually the reverse? What is the make-up of the Knesset, judiciary, Military, in Israel? Do THEY have matching numbers/percentages of “US duals”? Or with other nations? What about the same officials, “public servants” in Ukraine?…or the EU? The numbers he is using are way too specific to be mere random, too erroneous as proffered to be actually meant as seriously applied to Jews/US.
Imma play the part of the judge in nearly every courtroom drama…”Objection!”…Over ruled, but…You are on thin ice here counselor, there had better be a point to this line of questioning
LOL, love the smell of hidden irony in the morning. It’s very strong this AM.
About to head out in my old DBD POLITICALLY INCORRECT blue coveralls to put some wood filler and primer over some rehabilitated and now hardened water damaged fascia/eaves. Seems appropriate.
Absolutely off topic but so straight to the heart of it all and them all…so much haunting truth in those words.
The stuff I learn reading comic strips…boggles the mind. Sometimes it Just makes my head hurt…But thanks for what you do sveryday!
What a turn you have made…can’t say I am surprised…
I am surprised. Very surprised. This needs looking into.
Let the story arc play out…tain’t what it seems…
Glad to hear that, Chris.
Dual Citizenship = NO Gummint Position
Definitely! It was kinda shocking to me when it came out that my Senator Ted Cruz was a dually with Canada back when he ran for the Presidency. Didn’t we have a recruitment program where you could gain your citizenship after serving in the U.S. Military upon getting an honerable discharge?
Our new liebral PM’s got him beat, he has passports from three different countries and hasn’t lived here for years.
I used Grok3 to calculate Marxist Carnage spent 66% of his adult life outside of the People’s Republic of Canuckistan (formerly Canada).
If you go antisemitic you’ve lost me.
Not dual citizenship, but i am of Russian Jewish ancestry, mixed in with everything else. I’m a mutt. Wanna touch my nose? Arf!
Never became a Jew (religion). Oy vey! (and yes, I like lox and bagels hahaha)
It won’t take much more of this anti-Jewish crap before I walk away from this site forever.
Wondering WTF is up with this myself. If it keeps up, I’m outta here. Shades of 30’s Germany.
Same here!
7% of congress is jewish ethnicity.
Less than 2% of the military is jewish. Considering only 2% of the US military is jewish, it is,hard to believe the US military has 25% of its members have dual citizenship with Israel.
I spent 7 years in the Air Force and met maybe 4 Jews in my entire time. I think Chris is going somewhere else with this arc. Let it play out.
I might give it a few days, but this strip was going to be the final straw that caused me to prune several right wing strips from my RSS feed.
There’s pushing the envelope for illustration and/or entertainment.
And there’s bat sh!t nonsense.
300’s got it.
Chris, please, links to sources!
Yes please!
Yes, I would love to see the sources on this because I cant find anything approaching these numbers.
Are these accurate numbers from an authentic source? Why would this duality be such a popular thing? What’s the pay out? I’m clueless for sure.
In my opine
The country Israel is not the chosen people “Israleites” of God of the Bible
You are absolutely correct. The Zionists who started moving to that area in the 1880s were urban Europeans. The majority did not observe the Religious tenants of Judaism. As Communism in all of it’s forms grew in popularity, the majority of ‘converts’ were Jewish, out of a sense of desperation to not be the subject of scorn, ridicule, and violence from the people they lived among.
And the Jews from before 1880? Jews have been in the middle east for thousands of years. When things started getting bad in Europe, they had few choices. Convert, assimilate or move to somewhere friendlier. The only ones who could afford to move were wealthier.
As far as being observant, how many Christians go to church every sunday? In Europe, it did not matter if you ‘observed’ or not. If you were suspected or related, that was enough.
Many Jews are Socialists not because they fear others, but because they honestly (unfortunately) believed that it was the best system.
There have been movements of common groups for hundreds of years. Puritans, Amish, Mennonite, German, Irish, Italian, Jews… they go to be with others who share values or somewhere where they will be left alone. For the most part, they flourished and made their new homes better. Welfare has destroyed that…
It’s really sad to see Chris going off on this anti-Semitism kick. It’s not fact based and shows a really sick bias.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. More than just a word balloon from a hyper-mammalian cartoon character.
You are beginning to sound more and more like a Dem racist baiter with each anti-semite post.
Citations, or it’s bullshit, Muir.
It is false, just an old Internet meme.
Check your premises Mr. Muir.
I expect more than knee-jerk prejudice from you.
This is the kind of thing I expect from the Muzzies.
I was in the Navy for 20 years. Never met anyone with dual citizenship. For any country, let alone Isreal. Not that it can’t happen. It’s extremely difficult to get a security clearance with dual citizenship. Just my humble observations.
Chris, bruh; linkage…
It’s kinda your fan base to NOT blindly buy postulations w/o supporting data.
As Chris noted yesterday…wait ’til the arc finishes. Anyone who walks before that is…….well……bigoted beyond belief. Who are you and why are you here? You decide to leave before arc-finish, it is your own decision.
*Or after arc finish.*
I’ve checked this site every day for years, having some affinity for the main character…
This antisemitic rant has now pushed me away.
Too bad.
Good writing and satire is supposed to make you squirm and question, sometimes. So, hang with us. The turn.
75… OH Shiite!
The only part of his statements I have doubts about is the 25% of the military having dual citizenship with Israel. I am not surprised that 25% has dual citizenship. Lots of recent immigrants chose this path. I don’t know if you even have to have US citizenship to enlist.
As for the Jewish thing, I am open to discussions. It is not antisemitism to talk about facts and numbers. It is not antisemitism to talk about attitudes; a culture that lives amongst us but actively encourages self-segregation to a significant degree is always going to cause unease with others. The attitude thing/stereotype thing works both ways. Im tired of all the “cards” the special people have. Black, Jewish, female, homosexual, etc, that exempt their entire group from criticism or even discussion. All their crying about their special “rights”. Screw that! Getting all worked up because Muir had his characters talk about this group seems excessively triggered to me. Don’t forget that one of these ladies is a newly recovering leftist; deeply held views and prejudices (not only endemic to leftists) take the longest time to heal.
There is little more difficult than acknowledging and accepting the flows of your family. Or friends. Or allies. In this, you are not compelled to disown them and pledge opposition to them and their causes, but if we are to be true to the truth, we must see them for who they are, flaws and all. We need not abandon them, but we must be honest.
From copilot AI:
“The global Jewish population is estimated to be around **15.7 million**, which is approximately **0.2% of the world’s population
The largest Jewish communities are found in **Israel** (about 7.2 million) and the **United States** (around 6.3 million) “
So basically between the US and Israel we have ALL the Jewish people and about 10% of those in Israel are Orthodox (0.02% worldwide population or 1 in 5000). No wonder I’ve never met an Orthodox Jew.
And I’d really need to meet at least a few before I could make a call on hating them all. LOL
The more concerning bit to me is that about a third of the global population is Christian, so the projected hatred for all of them is going to go horribly wrong (for the haters) at some point, perhaps now is that point.
I don’t like to hate, but since they started it, I’ll hate the haters! 😉
Sigh. This is an old Internet meme which has been circulating since (at least) 2011.
Here’s the reality:
Oh, good grief. Epistemology matters, people. Think for yourselves! (Which I predict is Chris’ point..which I HOPE is Chris’ point…)
A simply web search is enough to show that congress is only 6% Jewish, rendering the 75% statement wildly implausible, even if you account for a stretch based on the theory that Jewish people automatically obtain Israeli citizenship upon arrival if they want it. (And btw, this is directly analogous to old anti-Catholic smears about papal allegiance conflicting with US citizenship.)
Chris, I’ll speak plainly: Publishing incindiary content in dis-integrated fragments creates unnecessary vulnerability. You’ve skated out onto thin, crackly ice here. By convention, cartoons are presumed to present a complete context and are taken at face value, without reference to disclaimers to await arc completion buried in an associated discussion forum. Your committed adversaries, can, will, and probably already have cited this panel as evidence anti-semitism on the right, which stands against both your interests, and the interests of Red Faction as a whole. I would suggest that any arc in which a few panels like this that BEG to be taken out of context WILL, and therefore this should have been presented as a complete arc work in an extended Sunday edition.
Let’s hope the ice doesn’t shatter under you.
So the Jew SQUIRREL!
DOGE found this little gem while doing a general audit of the GSA, the agency that acts as the country’s checkbook and accounts receivable department.
The scam was perfect: Put in a receipt for something, in this case, an entire State dinner, then have someone hit the “recurring” box. With nobody watching, nobody would ever know.
Until now. The payments have been canceled, and she’s not the only one.
Michelle Obama Has Been Receiving a Monthly $122,000 Payment from the GSA since 2009.
Just a guess, but…perhaps Chris is using a mirror here to make a point.
Is it actually the reverse? What is the make-up of the Knesset, judiciary, Military, in Israel? Do THEY have matching numbers/percentages of “US duals”? Or with other nations? What about the same officials, “public servants” in Ukraine?…or the EU? The numbers he is using are way too specific to be mere random, too erroneous as proffered to be actually meant as seriously applied to Jews/US.
Imma play the part of the judge in nearly every courtroom drama…”Objection!”…Over ruled, but…You are on thin ice here counselor, there had better be a point to this line of questioning
You’re close, Birddog!
In this case, I’m more than willing to say “give it time”, I think I know where it’s going and it should be well worth waiting for but time will tell.
I must be at the airport, because this is going over my head.
LOL, love the smell of hidden irony in the morning. It’s very strong this AM.
About to head out in my old DBD POLITICALLY INCORRECT blue coveralls to put some wood filler and primer over some rehabilitated and now hardened water damaged fascia/eaves. Seems appropriate.
Enjoy all.