Very Fine People.
She’s Got Big Balls.


  • February 8, 2025 at 12:33 am

    Bless her heart, Mia is getting close. And it appears the Bewb Fairy brought ample blessings to Mia… and Travis…

  • February 8, 2025 at 1:05 am

    Call the White House, get Sky 1 cleared for the oil burner route.

    clear ether


  • February 8, 2025 at 1:11 am

    Switchin’ squawkin’ and on the roll.

    • February 8, 2025 at 3:22 am

      She’s a’ squawkin’ 1200; VFR…..Voluptuous, Firm n’ Round!

  • February 8, 2025 at 9:18 am
    Rex Smith

    Y’all brought back old DEW Line days. Learned to write backwards/mirror-image.

  • February 8, 2025 at 11:13 am
    CDR 215

    Too bad she wasn’t holding the phone in her right hand…

  • February 8, 2025 at 11:22 am

    Video of Tim Pool interviewing former USAID workers

  • February 8, 2025 at 11:26 am
    Red Ed

    That’s skye?..I get all these women’s confused..they kinda do alike stuff.
    The hairstyle diffs…they get preggers..they all easy on de eyes,tho..

    • February 8, 2025 at 1:35 pm

      This is Mia, the oops daughter of Naomi and Zed in the sandy lands. She was rescued during/after the disastrous Afghanistan pullout. DNA testing confirmed parentage… eventually…

      Initially Mia was helping with the brood of children around the ranch when she caught the eye of Travis (bbq chef and former Special Agent) and, as the old saying goes, one thing led to another.

      Of late, Mia has been working in the Swamp as a SkyeNews reporter… carefully guarded by certain of Javier’s robotic friends.

      • February 8, 2025 at 3:05 pm

        Wayne – I think Ed was referring to panel 2. Without her long-gone tats, it’s often hard to tell Sam and Skye apart. Sam’s hair is redder (-ish). I say (-ish), because some of us are somewhat red/green color blind. I often go by context to determine which sister is involved in the conversation.

      • February 8, 2025 at 4:41 pm
        Chris Muir

        Ya know, I never thought about some being colorblind.I have a hard time between green and blue in low light. I will have Skye get a new tattoo, and I know just the one…

  • February 8, 2025 at 12:03 pm

    This is a Birth announcement Chris will have to keep track of. I’m still working on Sam and Zed’s first son’s birth…

    • February 8, 2025 at 3:21 pm
      Chris Muir


  • February 8, 2025 at 2:53 pm

    So sockboy hs decided that Trump’s threat of tariffs was just a prelude to an invasion to ‘annex’ Canada so the greedy ‘muricans can take all our resources…and apparently, according to the bought-and-paid-for media all of us veterans are “oiling up our rifles”, the ones sockboy decided were now illegal to own and confiscated, and “sharpening our knives”…which are illegal to carry outside of your kitchen…unless you’re a sikh or muslim, and all you yanks should be scared because “two thirds of international war crimes legislation was written as a result of Canadian actions in prior wars.”…first I ever heard of that last one and I wrote exams on military history…
    Anyone who has a rifle should already have it ‘oiled’ and dull knives are dangerous, but if the tanks do roll down the Trans-Canada, I’ll be the one standing in the middle of the road in front of them…directing traffic.

    The one thing Ms Castreau forgets is that trump can’t just make us the ’51st state’ by saying so…we’re bigger than the entire US so we’d have to be at least ten or twelve states, probably eleven since he’d be crazy to take Quebec even if they begged him to, and since enough up here vote liebral/ndp already, he’d just be bringing in a dozen new ‘blue’ states and 10 million socialist voters thereby guaranteeing democrats would be running the House and Senate forever…..not gonna happen. That and as far as I can tell, adding new States requires a Constitutional Amendment which also isn’t going to happen. Maybe a territory ? or two ? The west would probably go for it, and the maritimes would if promised their votes would be bought with ‘gov’t money’ forever.

    • February 8, 2025 at 4:15 pm

      “two thirds of international war crimes legislation was written as a result of Canadian actions in prior wars.”
      That’s something a Canadian leader should brag about?

      Adding states doesn’t require a constitutional amendment. Otherwise, Hawaii and Alaska would be in there right around the Poll Tax.

      • February 8, 2025 at 4:44 pm

        I don’t claim to be an expert, or even well versed in Constitutional law, either in the US or up here, although when your Constitution has a clause saying the gov’t can ignore it whenever they feel like it as ours does, it’s not much of a Constitution…then again it was put in by sockboy’s stepdaddy so what would you expect other than a bailout hatch ?

        I was reading that the US at first wanted a Constitutional Amendment to admit new States, but that was changed to an Act of Congress instead, so I used the wrong term for it.

        Still, why would Trump want to admit a bunch of new States all getting new Senators, Congressmen and Electoral College votes who would in all likelhood end up being at least 60% democrats and put them in power indefinitely ? Even our Conservatives are mostly equivalent to US democrats, while the libs/ndp are more like the communist party.

      • February 8, 2025 at 4:47 pm

        “two thirds of international war crimes legislation was written as a result of Canadian actions in prior wars.”
        That’s something a Canadian leader should brag about?

        Just because a politician or a ‘reporter’ says it, doesn’t mean that it’s true…that statement was supposedly offered to him by a couple of anonymous ‘veterans’ who obviously weren’t because they support the same guy that cut their benefits and withheld equipment from a warzone.

      • February 8, 2025 at 9:09 pm

        “Still, why would Trump want to admit a bunch of new States”
        I don’t think he really does. He was just trolling Canadians. Same way he trolled Prince Harry today. President Shitposter. I’m loving it.

        There’s a gentlemen’s agreement of long standing that states can only be admitted in pairs — one red for one blue. At least there was when we did our last four. But if Democrats are willing to bust the basic constitution to admit DC, what’s a mere gentlemen’s agreement worth?

      • February 9, 2025 at 1:51 am

        Henry, the thing to keep in mind is Trudeau the Younger, much like Trudeau the Elder (maybe father but who knows?), is a Quebec Supremacist. They believe Canada belongs to Quebec and those heathen English Canadians are dangerous, especially during times of war.

        To be fair, when the Canadians go to war, they do tend to be very effective warriors. Mind you, that was before Trudeau the Younger put tampons in the men’s room.

      • February 9, 2025 at 2:57 am

        Oh, I’ll stipulate I never thought of them as ineffective. I just never thought of them as so effective that they get gigged for it. Especially since we rarely hear of that happening to any of the adrenaline-poisoned cowboys we have down here.

  • February 9, 2025 at 5:12 pm
    Red Ed

    Yeah.,sam&skye..but both are so eye easy I really don’t care..but they do different stuffs,innit



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