Eat It.


  • June 9, 2024 at 12:46 am
    President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    I have a few thoughts about women and voting. But I’ll write ’em down tomorrow after a (hopefully good) night’s sleep.
    It’s late, it was hot today, and I was busy.
    Thank goodness our swamp cooler is working, and working well.

    • June 9, 2024 at 10:01 am
      John D. Egbert

      I think it was Woodrow Wilson Smith (aka Lazarus Long) who opined: “Give women the vote? We should never have taught them to talk!”

    • June 9, 2024 at 8:53 pm
      President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      Ok, late in the day. Been one of those sleepy, sleep in Sundays.

      On to the cartoon above;
      I think we need to go back to some of the Founding Father’s Days as far as who is eligible to vote, and who is not.
      IIRC (and I’m not a historical scholar on this by any means), one had to be a property owner to be able to cast a ballot.There were other restrictions (black, female, Indian, slave/indentured servant) as well, back then. Not gonna go there, in today’s society,all that is irrelevant. It’s not who you are, but what you do, that counts.

      This is a Work In Progress. If you can come up with a cogent reason to change something about it, please educate us. If you’re just going to scream about “what-about-ism”, please don’t.

      I propose that we go back to most of those requirements for being eligible to vote; mainly, first, a property owner, be it a house, commercial property, a business,,,,people with “skin in the game”. Military can and should vote. If there’s anyone one with more “skin in the game” then military, I don’t know who it is. First responders come in a close second (small pun)
      Students, those on welfare, prisoners, illegals (duh!), aliens with visas (work or student), DACA (US born children of illegals)…..NO VOTE.

      Voting rights can be removed (permanently or temporarily) from a US citizen by being on welfare and/or being tried, convicted, and sentenced to a term in prison. Those voting rights can be reinstated by coming off welfare and/or no longer being a prisoner (many reasons).

      I want to throw in something about paying/not paying taxes, but that is a whole ‘nother kettle of fish. The 16th & 17th Amendments need to be rescinded. They both feed into, and reinforce each other. 7/8 of Gooberment needs to be abolished. The Gooberment doesn’t have an income problem, it has a spending problem. But enough of that.

      Enough for now. Have a good night, and talk to a’y’all later.

      • June 14, 2024 at 7:01 am

        As a general matter, I agree that voting ought to be limited to those with a stake in society – skin in the game. Those who are dependent on society for sustenance – welfare recipients, students with government support, and perhaps pensioners – should not have a say in determining how much society gives them. Felons, of course, lose the right to vote…but with the plethora of ‘felonies’ today, there is nuance there.

        Women are more difficult. There is no doubt that women are typically far more security oriented than men, and far less willing to take risks or stand up against a crowd consensus. I doubt there would be a significant welfare state if women did not vote.

        Paradoxically, women both oppose war involving themselves or their children and are far more bellicose than men and far more likely to support confiscatory taxes.

        Yet, we all know many women who are highly sensible, conservative, and add to the body politic. I just don’t know how we can devise a generally applicable rule to sort the ‘good’ from the ‘bad’…

    • June 10, 2024 at 3:50 am

      It’s not women in general, as such, it is that we’ve been suckered into removing all but the absolute MINIMUM of republican fool voting filters, regardless of sex.
      Some genuinely irrational Misogynist assumptions aside, early republican theorists quite honestly had a devil of a time developing a theory on how to reliably keep a majority of foolish women from voting while making sure wise women were able to do so.
      Of course there are wise and foolish women, the problem was predicting them, on average, on the level of population RELIABLY, and they HONESTLY couldn’t figure it out! They only knew for sure that the same predictors in men did NOT motivate women in the same ways.
      For example, men who own and have to manage large swaths of property and major responsibilities are typically steered to vote wisely. But women with such things might vote stupidly as often as wisely, regardless of the consequences to their properties or responsibilities. Misogynistic speculations aside, it seemed just, well, WISER to not allow them the vote in the absence of knowing how to cultivate a republican culture of self discipline that could apply to women.
      Well, we’ve got enough data now to figure it out after 100 years, we only had to learn it the very hard way of almost losing our republic.
      Below the age of 65, only married women with at least one child should be allowed to vote.
      We should mostly go back to the old rule of only allowing men with property to vote, but make an exception for men who served in the military, provided they’re not dishonorably discharged.
      However, wisdom tends to accrue in most people with age, so allow people who have failed to achieve these milestones the vote over the age of 65.
      Unfortunately, we will probably have to start a new republic from scratch before we can try this.

  • June 9, 2024 at 1:37 am

    Wives are like congressmen — it’s never yours that is the problem, it’s all the other ones.
    That’s assuming you took the time to pick carefully, which I did.
    My mother, on the other hand, is a lifelong socialist when it comes to who she actually casts votes for, and yet would deny it with her dying breath.

    • June 9, 2024 at 2:13 am

      My mother’s sisters were like that. Hated males (including their own husbands and male children), were proud “New Deal” Democrats, didn’t like “blacks” (but needed their votes to keep those nasty Rethuglicans out of power), wanted “government” to “take care” of them (but nobody else), and on and on and on.

      Other than myself and one grandson who ran away from home at 18 to join the USAF- he retired after 30, went to Boeing as a project manager, has a beautiful wife and three grown children, two Ph.d sons and daughter a DVM- the boys all ended up alcoholic, drug-dependent, and/or dead (at least one was a suicide).

      To their dying day(s) they insisted everything that went “wrong” was everybody else’s fault- for not doing what they demanded every second of every day.

      And oh yes, they were certain that we were “tricked” into both World Wars by guess who? Hint- starts with “J”, rhymes with “views”.

      Yes, they were not only “blue dog” femynyst Democrats, they were perfect progressives.

      They never understood why my mother, God rest her soul, thought they were insane. Of course, when they were reading Father Coughlin’s tracts in their teenage years, my mother was reading Astounding and Amazing Stories

      clear ether


  • June 9, 2024 at 3:24 am

    I found out what ersatz means today. Interesting word, can be used as in, brandon is an ersatz for Trump. I do believe I did that right.
    Little pun there I made.
    I like your blog, just wish I could afford to pass some money to you to support the work you do operating this blog and coming up with story lines that keep us interested out here in the ether. Much success to you into the future.

    • June 9, 2024 at 10:49 am

      Bro you’ve been around the peanut gallery here for a while…can you not shake loose at least a Lincoln to pay for play?

      Also, ersatz just means an inferior version or replacement. While Braindead is certainly inferior to Trump he couldn’t replace DT’s right foot, and in fact his media lackeys have turned on him and are right now assembling a list of replacements…and his name should never be spoken in the same line with Trump. The possibilities are frightening.

      • June 9, 2024 at 2:25 pm
        Poppa Gary

        JTC – a little bold of you to think you know the circumstances Heltau is living under, especially given the current state of the economy under Xiden and the leftists.
        Perhaps Heltau is already having to choose between certain foods or medicine, maybe the water heater and\or other things have failed (we once had a washing machine, water heater and something else fail within the same couple of weeks), or who knows what.
        That Lincoln that seems so insignificant to you, may make the difference in someone else budget.

    • June 10, 2024 at 4:34 pm

      I’m not sure how you are using ersatz in your example. It would have been more accurate just to say that Brandon is an ersatz president, Trump just muddies the example. As in “Impossible Burger is an ersatz hamburger.”

  • June 9, 2024 at 3:46 am

    and russia continues to shriek about nuclear war like a bully who finally ran into someone with a gun.

    appeasement is the road to war. feed the alligator all your friends and he’s still hungry when it’s your turn.

    • June 9, 2024 at 10:00 am

      I don’t think we have much to worry about with regard to nuclear war.
      Except for who holds the “football” anyway.
      Both Putin and Xi have reliability problems with their delivery systems and both empires are stuck together with paper and spit, and they know it.
      Granted they can push us a long way with just the thought of losing a city or three, but then we have to consider whether or not they would be doing us a favor, politically speaking.
      What they need to fear is our payback.
      Even as recently as the Lockdown we had the value of Logistics rammed home to us.
      What do you think is going to happen to their Kleptocracies after we chop their transportation systems into little tiny pieces.
      Our greatest weapon won’t be the nukes, it’ll be the Small Diameter Bomb.

      • June 9, 2024 at 10:11 am
        John D. Egbert

        Re paragraph two: “. . . a city or three.” I can think of seven that would greatly improve the nation by their demise: LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, DC, NY. Imagine how much cleaner the air would be, figuratively if not literally . . .

      • June 10, 2024 at 4:39 pm

        After 9/11, the chickenhawks were demanding outrageous “security enhancements” with the argument, “How would you feel if your opposition were responsible for a bunch of terrorists smuggling in a suitcase nuke and taking out a major American city?” My response was invariably, “Do I get to choose the city?”

  • June 9, 2024 at 4:32 am

    Apropos of nothing, I was once gifted a very old tobacco pouch with a handful of .44-40 cartridges in it. I then went out and bought a .44-40, because cartridges. After which, I went out and bought a couple of boxes of .44-40.

    When asked why I didn’t start with the ones I already had, I shook my head and replied, “Those cartridges are over a hundred years old! You don’t think I’m gonna shoot them out of a brand new pistol, do you?”

    • June 9, 2024 at 6:26 am
      Unca Walt

      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now there is sumpin’ I regret. Back in 1960, I chanced upon a paper box of .45’s.

      The rims were stamped “1918” and had lead bullets.

      Like a young idjit, I shot them all up. The powder made sparks.

    • June 9, 2024 at 10:54 am

      Bren, you have left me wondering if it’s the brand new shooty iron or the hunnert year old cartridges you are protecting there…

  • June 9, 2024 at 9:19 am

    Seems like many of the shrieking crowd are women. Seems the rotund, wild hair color, piercings, and really bad attitudes seem to be the most violent and aggressive.

    • June 9, 2024 at 9:58 am

      Like the colors of poisonous snakes and insects the Woke hair dye/tattoos are there as a warning to others

    • June 9, 2024 at 6:11 pm

      Rotund, too fluffy for their height.
      Live in mexafornia, money is a bit tight here. Just replaced a 54 year old electric water heater 50 gallons. I am surprised also that it lasted that long. Got a new one 40 gallons of water that it will hold.
      Electric bill went down about 10 dollars after that replacement. Don’t matter, they are going to increase the electric rate to 25% more. Something about saving the planet and having less power plants to make electricity. So there’s that going on here in the fruit and nut state. No agricultural referred to at anytime. Plus milk is going for 4.39 per gallon here, up from 3.22 a gallon just a week ago. brandonomits is sure working in my neck of the woods. Fuel is at 4.65 a gallon to start with then goes up to 5.30 or so for the hard stuff. Eggs are at 4 to 8 dollars for 12, and so on. I believe they have quite building back, just setting everything on fire.
      Will look into my various change storage bottles, maybe enough there to help you out.

      • June 9, 2024 at 8:07 pm
        Chris Muir


  • June 9, 2024 at 11:52 am

    Not all of us are shrieking harpies. I’ve been a conservative all my life even in my teens, courtesy of my father, who was a young doctor in the Navy in WW2. (He’d be 110 now if he were still alive) I’m 76, still married to my first and only love, who is 81. In our 51 years of marriage we raised 7 children to be conservatives, too.

    I learned to handle a gun late in life, after we retired and moved to Texas. We both got LTCs the year after we got here. We’ll live here for the rest of our lives, finally among people who think like we do. I fear for the rest of the country, but I still have hope that we will somehow bring ourselves through this mess.

    Thank you, Chris, for DBD. It’s a bright point in my day, and I never miss it. Money is tight right now, but I’ll try to send at least a little for your fundraiser after we finish getting the car and the front door fixed.

    Best regards,


    • June 9, 2024 at 4:51 pm

      Sounds like you all did well, your dad did well, and we’re better off that you all are in this world.

    • June 9, 2024 at 8:07 pm
      Chris Muir


    • June 9, 2024 at 8:24 pm
      President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      LTCs? Lieutenant Colonels?

      • June 9, 2024 at 11:11 pm

        License to Carry. 😀

  • June 9, 2024 at 10:09 pm

    This retired Canadian dug in and made his annual donation… a bit more than usual despite facing the reality of having to replace the roof (sigh…)… because CM needs to keep a roof over his head too…

    Come on, folks… make it happen…



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