Flat Palm’s Up/
Butt whoopin’ when they are young so the don’t need it when they are older.
Raising kids is simple (I did not say easy). Just give them what ever they want. The key is the choices.
A) Behave and obey. B) Die.
Pick one.
Treat them like little adults from the get-go… or end up with an eighteen-year-old child.
When both child and parent get too old for hand-to-ass whuppin’ then comes the heavy wooden spoon.
They broke several of them on me in my pre teens. They hurt a lot. By my teen years I started behaving. It felt so good when they stopped.
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Flat Palm’s Up/
Butt whoopin’ when they are young so the don’t need it when they are older.
Raising kids is simple (I did not say easy). Just give them what ever they want. The key is the choices.
A) Behave and obey.
B) Die.
Pick one.
Treat them like little adults from the get-go… or end up with an eighteen-year-old child.
When both child and parent get too old for hand-to-ass whuppin’ then comes the heavy wooden spoon.
They broke several of them on me in my pre teens. They hurt a lot. By my teen years I started behaving. It felt so good when they stopped.