We’re not all extinct, and we’re coming out of the shadows now!
Hmm…that beer Damon’s holding looks like a Corona. If they were at home in Argentina I’d expect to see a Quilmes or Patagonia. If they were in Texas I’d expect a Shiner. I wonder where they’re hanging out.
My neanderthal friend will be amused by all this. His view is that Tolkien was right (in a line at the end of LoTR) about people wondering if they have inherited a little of hobbit genes, but it’s the primitive hominids that lurk in us “advanced” critters.
I agree with Jan that the primitive doesn’t always make us worse, but keeps us in the real world.
The lunatic liebral ‘ladies’ were so proud of having sex with anyone they’d just met or gotten a random phone message from that they made abortion on demand part of their platform to deal with the inevitable pregnancies from their uncontrolled actions. Now they claim to be able to stop having sex completely for the next four years just by shaving their heads…rrriiggghhhttttt
From what I’ve seen, I damn well would not want to be in the same room with most of them. Reminds me of the libber shrills back when i was in college in the ’70s: Unkempt, unmannered, unwashed, and un-touchable.
Zar Belk!
November 9, 2024 at 11:13 pm
My first thought for most of them is ‘I wouldn’t fuck that with a stolen dick”, but soy boys have to settle for leftovers and they can have them.
Now if only the Secret Service can back off from Didn’t Earn It (fat chance) stubby women and UNimpressive communication/cooperation with everybody/anybody except their own inner circle…
…Trump may live a while longer.
LATE PS: What’s this about the US filing charges for three “murder for hire” Trump would-be assassins? Are we failing that badly at being American?
You can diet fat off, stupid goes right to the bone
November 9, 2024 at 11:17 pm
For libtards that is, I don’t intend for that to even slightly pertain to anyone here and looking at the way the threads line up it could unintentionally look like it.
November 9, 2024 at 8:41 am
Shooter 2.5
Just a reminder that Trump won a battle. He did not win a war. Those that hate our country still live among us.
the hard part is getting the other side to mend their ways. They have to see their motives are wrong. The colleges have to weed out the chaff.
I’m afraid the Regressives are thoroughly entrenched.
It will quite literally be generations before “Higher Learning” institutions can reform their Socialist (Fascist, Communist, Progressive, etc etc ad nauseam) ways.
This is because the curse of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his notion that we can have Heaven On Earth if only we would make Government our God is so damned seductive.
Those institutions will never concede that the ultimate source of Corruption is Human Nature and that Government only amplifies that Corruption.
Universities, rather than being the seats of intelligent discourse and discovery they once were, are now nothing more than a business handing out pieces of paper for being able to regurgitate meaningless drivel on a moment’s notice.
You can slow down the ‘higher learning institutions’ quite easily. Simply make it known to all applicants that a degree in ‘gender studies’ or the equivalent doesn’t guarantee you an income, and have ‘starbucks and the other repositories of woke knowledge’ add a statement that possessing a degree means you’re overqualified for slinging coffee and flipping burgers and applications there will be discarded because if you can’t get a real job with that piece of paper then you obviously aren’t equipped to handle menial tasks.
Add in a ‘no job, no tuition’ Federal clause to the funding for said degree mills stating that if a graduate of one of their programs hasn’t found full employment at the wage they were told they’d make after graduation, then the University has to pay the difference between ‘chief die officer’ salary and Burger Thing’s shift supervisor until they do Student populations would crater to only those showing a desire to learn and question everything, the way it should be.
November 9, 2024 at 10:46 am
You never win a war with communists unless you exterminate them. Not even if you have a peace treaty that gives you everything you wanted – because to leftists, a promise is not something to keep, but a ploy to keep their opposition peaceful while they plan the next attack.
Forget mending them or negotiating with them or trying to placate them…fuck them! It is NOT time to be magnanimous and gracious winners, chopping the rot off at the top did NOT kill the roots and they will grow back.
So. Finish them off with benign neglect that they have foisted on us and ours for these many years, let them starve for the attention, the power, and the control that they live for and will die without! Totally ignore them as much as possible in every manner possible, end their mandates, change their one-sided laws, claw every one of their entrenched operatives out of the fold.
If we don’t take advantage of the political and social capital that we have earned, they will use every one of their tentacles to regrow and redress what they believe is our evil, while exploiting what they will see as our weakness.
They beauty is, I believe Trump (and certainly Vance and somewhat Elon) know and understand all of that, and will go after the critical changes full force and asap.
I was still in the FFL biz during Trump V1 and saw what I had predicted and expected, a Trump Slump in demand and sales of firearms, what people saw as their critical immediate need was somewhat assuaged by him and his approach to all regulation including guns, and a far less likely need to prepare for their own gov to come around with the no-knock seizures.
Well we know happened to that particular market dynamic around Jan. 2020, massive demand and sales, shortages, prices skyrocketing even more drastically and even more urgently, than before.
And now, absolutely there will be a new slump, for every possible good reason. So if you stockpiled as you should have, just rest assured you did what you had to do and you are secure knowing you will not have to go through that again if the worst happens 4 years hence. But if you didn’t, now is the time to buck the market trends and take advantage of the Yuge inventory clearances that will come, slowly at first but by this time next year will be in liquidation mode…BUY WHAT YOU CAN WHEN YOU CAN, at what will be about half the price of a month ago.
We’re not all extinct, and we’re coming out of the shadows now!
Hmm…that beer Damon’s holding looks like a Corona. If they were at home in Argentina I’d expect to see a Quilmes or Patagonia. If they were in Texas I’d expect a Shiner. I wonder where they’re hanging out.
My neanderthal friend will be amused by all this. His view is that Tolkien was right (in a line at the end of LoTR) about people wondering if they have inherited a little of hobbit genes, but it’s the primitive hominids that lurk in us “advanced” critters.
I agree with Jan that the primitive doesn’t always make us worse, but keeps us in the real world.
Won’t be long until the song Troglodyte is back on the charts.
“Gotta find a woman, gotta find a woman…” – The Caveman
“I’ll sock it to you baby….” – Bertha, Bertha Butt, one of the Butt sisters
The lunatic liebral ‘ladies’ were so proud of having sex with anyone they’d just met or gotten a random phone message from that they made abortion on demand part of their platform to deal with the inevitable pregnancies from their uncontrolled actions. Now they claim to be able to stop having sex completely for the next four years just by shaving their heads…rrriiggghhhttttt
From what I’ve seen, I damn well would not want to be in the same room with most of them. Reminds me of the libber shrills back when i was in college in the ’70s: Unkempt, unmannered, unwashed, and un-touchable.
Zar Belk!
My first thought for most of them is ‘I wouldn’t fuck that with a stolen dick”, but soy boys have to settle for leftovers and they can have them.
Ha ha! Now they can’t!
“Femmunists” I love it!
Now if only the Secret Service can back off from Didn’t Earn It (fat chance) stubby women and UNimpressive communication/cooperation with everybody/anybody except their own inner circle…
…Trump may live a while longer.
LATE PS: What’s this about the US filing charges for three “murder for hire” Trump would-be assassins? Are we failing that badly at being American?
Did I misread it? “Survival of the Tittiest?”
I mean everytime I reread that panel… same damned thing.
Am I wrong?
Need to be careful with those beers, otherwise it will be survival of the “fattest”.
You can diet fat off, stupid goes right to the bone
For libtards that is, I don’t intend for that to even slightly pertain to anyone here and looking at the way the threads line up it could unintentionally look like it.
Just a reminder that Trump won a battle. He did not win a war. Those that hate our country still live among us.
the hard part is getting the other side to mend their ways. They have to see their motives are wrong. The colleges have to weed out the chaff.
I’m afraid the Regressives are thoroughly entrenched.
It will quite literally be generations before “Higher Learning” institutions can reform their Socialist (Fascist, Communist, Progressive, etc etc ad nauseam) ways.
This is because the curse of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his notion that we can have Heaven On Earth if only we would make Government our God is so damned seductive.
Those institutions will never concede that the ultimate source of Corruption is Human Nature and that Government only amplifies that Corruption.
Universities, rather than being the seats of intelligent discourse and discovery they once were, are now nothing more than a business handing out pieces of paper for being able to regurgitate meaningless drivel on a moment’s notice.
You can slow down the ‘higher learning institutions’ quite easily. Simply make it known to all applicants that a degree in ‘gender studies’ or the equivalent doesn’t guarantee you an income, and have ‘starbucks and the other repositories of woke knowledge’ add a statement that possessing a degree means you’re overqualified for slinging coffee and flipping burgers and applications there will be discarded because if you can’t get a real job with that piece of paper then you obviously aren’t equipped to handle menial tasks.
Add in a ‘no job, no tuition’ Federal clause to the funding for said degree mills stating that if a graduate of one of their programs hasn’t found full employment at the wage they were told they’d make after graduation, then the University has to pay the difference between ‘chief die officer’ salary and Burger Thing’s shift supervisor until they do
Student populations would crater to only those showing a desire to learn and question everything, the way it should be.
You never win a war with communists unless you exterminate them. Not even if you have a peace treaty that gives you everything you wanted – because to leftists, a promise is not something to keep, but a ploy to keep their opposition peaceful while they plan the next attack.
Well said……..VERY WELL SAID!!!!!!
Forget mending them or negotiating with them or trying to placate them…fuck them! It is NOT time to be magnanimous and gracious winners, chopping the rot off at the top did NOT kill the roots and they will grow back.
So. Finish them off with benign neglect that they have foisted on us and ours for these many years, let them starve for the attention, the power, and the control that they live for and will die without! Totally ignore them as much as possible in every manner possible, end their mandates, change their one-sided laws, claw every one of their entrenched operatives out of the fold.
If we don’t take advantage of the political and social capital that we have earned, they will use every one of their tentacles to regrow and redress what they believe is our evil, while exploiting what they will see as our weakness.
They beauty is, I believe Trump (and certainly Vance and somewhat Elon) know and understand all of that, and will go after the critical changes full force and asap.
I was still in the FFL biz during Trump V1 and saw what I had predicted and expected, a Trump Slump in demand and sales of firearms, what people saw as their critical immediate need was somewhat assuaged by him and his approach to all regulation including guns, and a far less likely need to prepare for their own gov to come around with the no-knock seizures.
Well we know happened to that particular market dynamic around Jan. 2020, massive demand and sales, shortages, prices skyrocketing even more drastically and even more urgently, than before.
And now, absolutely there will be a new slump, for every possible good reason. So if you stockpiled as you should have, just rest assured you did what you had to do and you are secure knowing you will not have to go through that again if the worst happens 4 years hence. But if you didn’t, now is the time to buck the market trends and take advantage of the Yuge inventory clearances that will come, slowly at first but by this time next year will be in liquidation mode…BUY WHAT YOU CAN WHEN YOU CAN, at what will be about half the price of a month ago.