Mine are in the backs of mostly military buses singing old songs of questionable origin and dubious quality.
Lulu would be proud of us
As would be the North Atlantic Squadron
These lyrics are the first ones I found online, many verses I know are missing and others are a little different but the gist is there…oh, btw, VERY NSFW
Definitely TMI.
clear ether
PB Blaster works great for tight nuts… Heat them up good and soak them down.
William Henry,
When only high temperature, lithium, for marine applications, grease will do, it must be love.
Jo probably prefers Jeff to wear Hoppes 9, or nothing at all.
Maybe Ballistol instead?
A whole new caliber of “high hard one.”
Just go with the Royal Purple synthetic racing oil. It’s what I have in my Plymouth Sport Fury with a bored out 526 Hemi …
Now that is funny!
Is Naomi just seeing it as TMI, or is Jo stirring up the embers in her?
what happened to 8/27?
Damned if I know. I’ll double toon and catch up Monday.
Obviously it had something to do with certain vibrations.
It sounds like Javier’s programming skills are beyond next level…
Never-Seez? Just a dab goes a long, Long, LONG, way.
Every night is Demolition Derby night at the DD !!!
A rich man uses vaseline, a poor man uses lard, but JoJo uses axle grease and gets it twice as hard…
Leading to wonder, what is it’s relaxed condition? Just how advanced is this Javier creation as to all that?
City girls use Vaseline- – – –
Country girls use lard- – – – –
Mechanics’ girls use axle grease- – – –
And get it twice as hard!
Oldarmorer and I must run in the same circles- – – – -mine are a quarter mile long, have four turns, and are paved with chert gravel!
Mine are in the backs of mostly military buses singing old songs of questionable origin and dubious quality.

Lulu would be proud of us
As would be the North Atlantic Squadron
These lyrics are the first ones I found online, many verses I know are missing and others are a little different but the gist is there…oh, btw, VERY NSFW
Oddly enough and I never knew before given the nautical slant to the lyrics it seems to be an RCAF creation…huh.
So the other Sam has consciously kept his head and mouth out of politics mostly…
But even he has had enough…
And he might’ve gotten some feedback from Zed and Dad.