I dated a dark haired firecracker when in Navy that had that something that made necks crack. Same smile. She knew effect she had on both sexes.
Bit Irish, bit Latina, some swede and some Asian.
First date I took her to range to get a cert and buy her first gun. Cause I knew some men didn’t take no or go away as an answer.
Spent a week on islands with her when her hair started to lighten in spots. Then streak red gold…at end of week it was rose blonde.
This came as a surprise. No carpet. Hardwood. She said I passed muster and she could be blonde around me.
She was trouble. When she needed help, ditzy blonde came out. No one noticed she was carrying organic chem books or physics books.
I was her boyfriend for 2 years. Unfortunately she had girlfriends too. Her mom ruined relationship when she found out I was Navy, and worse yet a nuke.
Called command complaining. Thankfully they had her on file. I was quietly told to comply and it’d fade.
She wrote me from Texas a year or so later. Told me that this happened with each one of her 3 sisters too. She’d gotten job with Texaco, I think.
No mom around. Etc.
Would I move? Gave me three weeks to decide.
Kinda hard to do at sea…
That smirk though… sure reminder.
Tomorrow iden gets guided to a podium, says what they tell him. Everyone figures he’s dropping out as the Candidate for the Dems. So the question is, who does the DNC/PLD Leadership think is a viable candidate?
A fellow I know said with a straight face, ‘Trump.’
No way they get behind Kameltoe Harris, after all. Someone else I know, suggested AOC. I’ll admit, she’s had more Lucid Moments than Joe Bumbles…
I’d pay good money to watch either of them try to get through a debate with Trump or Vance without running off the stage or going into a complete meltdown.
A man who was elected President legally and a combat decorated Marine vs a low IQ bartender suddenly become millionaire after being elected and a cackling idiot who admitted she got her start in politics on her knees…bring it on, pay-per-view would clean up.
She said drop it, not turn it away…
Turned those sweet little cheeks just right for The Assman!
And she is looking right at me to make me feel guilty…and it worked!
Hunnert bucks in the till when they fix the fucking net…
otoh maybe we would all be better off without it…
Oh Mari!
San, Zed, Well done!
To quote Mr. Sulu, Oh My!
Mr. Sulu is unable to appreciate Mari.
I dated a dark haired firecracker when in Navy that had that something that made necks crack. Same smile. She knew effect she had on both sexes.
Bit Irish, bit Latina, some swede and some Asian.
First date I took her to range to get a cert and buy her first gun. Cause I knew some men didn’t take no or go away as an answer.
Spent a week on islands with her when her hair started to lighten in spots. Then streak red gold…at end of week it was rose blonde.
This came as a surprise. No carpet. Hardwood. She said I passed muster and she could be blonde around me.
She was trouble. When she needed help, ditzy blonde came out. No one noticed she was carrying organic chem books or physics books.
I was her boyfriend for 2 years. Unfortunately she had girlfriends too. Her mom ruined relationship when she found out I was Navy, and worse yet a nuke.
Called command complaining. Thankfully they had her on file. I was quietly told to comply and it’d fade.
She wrote me from Texas a year or so later. Told me that this happened with each one of her 3 sisters too. She’d gotten job with Texaco, I think.
No mom around. Etc.
Would I move? Gave me three weeks to decide.
Kinda hard to do at sea…
That smirk though… sure reminder.
A great sea story. Thanks, shipmate.
Why are their hips, butt, middle parts all tan but their breasts are still un-tanned? Do they walk around bottomless a lot?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Cheeky Kid!
Tomorrow iden gets guided to a podium, says what they tell him. Everyone figures he’s dropping out as the Candidate for the Dems. So the question is, who does the DNC/PLD Leadership think is a viable candidate?
A fellow I know said with a straight face, ‘Trump.’
No way they get behind Kameltoe Harris, after all. Someone else I know, suggested AOC. I’ll admit, she’s had more Lucid Moments than Joe Bumbles…
I’d pay good money to watch either of them try to get through a debate with Trump or Vance without running off the stage or going into a complete meltdown.
A man who was elected President legally and a combat decorated Marine vs a low IQ bartender suddenly become millionaire after being elected and a cackling idiot who admitted she got her start in politics on her knees…bring it on, pay-per-view would clean up.