Well..I hope Americans can get the Klingons off Uranus before the election.
Sorry couldn’t resist.
June 4, 2015 at 10:50 pm
Big Boss Ogg
OOF dah… I purposely stayed away from reading the strip (snerk) for 2 weeks, and I just wallowed through some of the most glorious artwork (and material for thought) that Good Man Chris has offered in a while.
Carry on…
June 4, 2015 at 10:51 pm
I oppose using the klingons in this strip. At least the Klingons have Honor. The Obama has none.
June 5, 2015 at 2:38 am
Lucius Severus Pertinax
I hear that! General Martok would not let Obama clean his latrine!!
June 4, 2015 at 10:58 pm
spin drift
Yup,the worst thing that can happen to you in space, Klingons circling Uranus. Hey Chris will Romulon Ale be served at the Double D?
Hold Fast!
Spin Drift
June 4, 2015 at 11:44 pm
B Woodman
Grunt GI,
You went where I was going to go.
June 4, 2015 at 11:44 pm
Hey Chris will Romulon Ale be served at the Double D?
“Romulan ale? Isn’t that illegal?”
J. T. Kirk to L. McCoy, upon being presented a bottle of the afore mentioned contraband.
Worf (nursing hangover): “Romulan Ale should be illegal.”
Other command staff members: “It is.”
Quotes may not be exact
June 5, 2015 at 5:52 am
Brian H
Warp 9 would put Uranus far in the rear in an eyeblink.
June 5, 2015 at 5:58 am
More like Romulans, actually. A Klingon will get in your face and tell you it’s his way or the highway.
It’s the Romulan who will stab you in the back even when that isn’t necessarily the most efficient way to do it. Mainly just for practice, plus because he just knows he’s “better”.
/OT speaking here.
June 5, 2015 at 6:03 am
Bill G
Ah, my…since the line of comments is going down the toilet already…
Let’s hope the next election gives us a Star Fleet (enema) that will remove the liberal bowel blockage in the economy.
June 5, 2015 at 7:02 am
The next election should be cathartic in many ways.
A lightening of not only the body, but the spirit if you will.
Casting off the shackles of oppression.
Maybe only those who survive the Rite of Ascension with painstiks should hold office…
The current occupant in the Office needs discomendation.
June 5, 2015 at 7:56 am
Bad Cyborg
Why would you expect the next election to have any better outcome than any since 1980? What was it Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome? Face it, folks, there is no real difference between the two parties any more. Just two wings of the same rapacious bird (of prey. – sorry. couldn’t resist slipping another Klingon reference.).
June 5, 2015 at 8:18 am
Chris, I can’t agree with you on this one. How does doing this help Boehner “to cling to power”? It doesn’t make a bit of sense to me. In fact, this is probably going to help him lose his next primary. No sir, something else is going on. They have something on these guys – FBI files or something – which is making them act like Klingons. That story yesterday on Breitbart is really frightening. They won’t even admit if they have read the TPP or not? Something is wrong here, and unfortunately, America no longer has any “investigative reporters” to get to the bottom of it.
June 5, 2015 at 10:53 am
That is only if you think elections are run in a legitimate manner when the libs have power over the counting of votes.
It’s not the votes you get, it’s the votes you get counted.
I’m in Washington (State) where every voter gets a ballot in the mail and just has to mail it back, and only 30-40% make it back to be counted, how can that even be?
June 5, 2015 at 11:21 am
B Woodman
Joseph Stalin had it right:
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
June 5, 2015 at 8:40 am
follow the darsek
June 5, 2015 at 12:48 pm
I’ve never been comfortable with that “needs of the many” slogan. You can inerpret it any way you want. On the one hand it’s a handy “Rule of Acquisition” for capitalists (serve hamburgers, not lutefisk). But the people who quote it the most are the abusers who want to redistribute your wealth and use majority vote to destroy your rights.
June 5, 2015 at 3:30 pm
One man in the right is a majority.
And the rights of the individual outweigh the demands of the majority.
Much better than WoK quote because “need” is meaningless–and it’s the oppositions mantra, not ours.
June 5, 2015 at 5:09 pm
Hmm, that “needs of the many” crap sounds suspiciously close to the old “from each to each” socialist drivel, and anybody that takes his character cues from a movie script is likely to buy into it (and vote for Obama). Most of us here know that the real meaning is that someone or something gets to decide who gets what from who while skimming a major share for itself.
Still, the notion of self-sacrifice for the good of loved ones, brothers in arms, or in (real) public service is the basis for much of what we believe in, whether by instinct, religion, patriotism, or sense of duty. Nothing wrong with that; many will face something like a kobayashi maru test at some point; most don’t know what choice they will make until it happens, but we can all hope we would react with both logic and honor.
June 5, 2015 at 5:28 pm
B Woodman
“Still, the notion of self-sacrifice for the good of . . . ”
But that notion is decided by the INDIVIDUAL, not the “many”. I would be a wealthy retired man by now, if I hadn’t VOLUNTARILY CHOSEN to marry and raise children.
I tend to follow (most of) Ayn Rand’s “Objectivist” philosophy (“The smallest minority is the individual”), and not Karl Marx’s “collectivist” philosophy (“from, to, etc”).
June 5, 2015 at 9:49 pm
Not a collectivist? Of course not; don’t think you’d find many (any) here.
In WoK the Marxist mantra is changed by Spock to “the one” to try to hijack individualism in a thinly disguised endorsement of socialism….I guess I tend to see surreptitious communism in most everything emanating from Hollowood and DC; and I really hate being played.
JcTPatriot probably has it right. Based upon what we KNOW about Chicago-based tactics, and the weaponization of the Justice Department, INS, IRS (and other Federal agencies), it highly likely that the Dems have the goods on some of the leading GOP members of Congress.
This crop of politicians might SMELL like Klingons, but they really act like Romulans.
Maybe what we really need now is a cross dimensional breech of Jedi knights, dedicated to the restoration of liberty and freedom. Oh yeah, they already exist in the form of the Tea Party.
Well..I hope Americans can get the Klingons off Uranus before the election.
Sorry couldn’t resist.
OOF dah… I purposely stayed away from reading the strip (snerk) for 2 weeks, and I just wallowed through some of the most glorious artwork (and material for thought) that Good Man Chris has offered in a while.
Carry on…
I oppose using the klingons in this strip. At least the Klingons have Honor. The Obama has none.
I hear that! General Martok would not let Obama clean his latrine!!
Yup,the worst thing that can happen to you in space, Klingons circling Uranus. Hey Chris will Romulon Ale be served at the Double D?
Hold Fast!
Spin Drift
Grunt GI,
You went where I was going to go.
Hey Chris will Romulon Ale be served at the Double D?
“Romulan ale? Isn’t that illegal?”
J. T. Kirk to L. McCoy, upon being presented a bottle of the afore mentioned contraband.
Worf (nursing hangover): “Romulan Ale should be illegal.”
Other command staff members: “It is.”
Quotes may not be exact
Warp 9 would put Uranus far in the rear in an eyeblink.
More like Romulans, actually. A Klingon will get in your face and tell you it’s his way or the highway.
It’s the Romulan who will stab you in the back even when that isn’t necessarily the most efficient way to do it. Mainly just for practice, plus because he just knows he’s “better”.
/OT speaking here.
Ah, my…since the line of comments is going down the toilet already…
Let’s hope the next election gives us a Star Fleet (enema) that will remove the liberal bowel blockage in the economy.
The next election should be cathartic in many ways.
A lightening of not only the body, but the spirit if you will.
Casting off the shackles of oppression.
Maybe only those who survive the Rite of Ascension with painstiks should hold office…
The current occupant in the Office needs discomendation.
Why would you expect the next election to have any better outcome than any since 1980? What was it Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome? Face it, folks, there is no real difference between the two parties any more. Just two wings of the same rapacious bird (of prey. – sorry. couldn’t resist slipping another Klingon reference.).
Chris, I can’t agree with you on this one. How does doing this help Boehner “to cling to power”? It doesn’t make a bit of sense to me. In fact, this is probably going to help him lose his next primary. No sir, something else is going on. They have something on these guys – FBI files or something – which is making them act like Klingons. That story yesterday on Breitbart is really frightening. They won’t even admit if they have read the TPP or not? Something is wrong here, and unfortunately, America no longer has any “investigative reporters” to get to the bottom of it.
That is only if you think elections are run in a legitimate manner when the libs have power over the counting of votes.
It’s not the votes you get, it’s the votes you get counted.
I’m in Washington (State) where every voter gets a ballot in the mail and just has to mail it back, and only 30-40% make it back to be counted, how can that even be?
Joseph Stalin had it right:
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
follow the darsek
I’ve never been comfortable with that “needs of the many” slogan. You can inerpret it any way you want. On the one hand it’s a handy “Rule of Acquisition” for capitalists (serve hamburgers, not lutefisk). But the people who quote it the most are the abusers who want to redistribute your wealth and use majority vote to destroy your rights.
One man in the right is a majority.
And the rights of the individual outweigh the demands of the majority.
Much better than WoK quote because “need” is meaningless–and it’s the oppositions mantra, not ours.
Hmm, that “needs of the many” crap sounds suspiciously close to the old “from each to each” socialist drivel, and anybody that takes his character cues from a movie script is likely to buy into it (and vote for Obama). Most of us here know that the real meaning is that someone or something gets to decide who gets what from who while skimming a major share for itself.
Still, the notion of self-sacrifice for the good of loved ones, brothers in arms, or in (real) public service is the basis for much of what we believe in, whether by instinct, religion, patriotism, or sense of duty. Nothing wrong with that; many will face something like a kobayashi maru test at some point; most don’t know what choice they will make until it happens, but we can all hope we would react with both logic and honor.
“Still, the notion of self-sacrifice for the good of . . . ”
But that notion is decided by the INDIVIDUAL, not the “many”. I would be a wealthy retired man by now, if I hadn’t VOLUNTARILY CHOSEN to marry and raise children.
I tend to follow (most of) Ayn Rand’s “Objectivist” philosophy (“The smallest minority is the individual”), and not Karl Marx’s “collectivist” philosophy (“from, to, etc”).
Not a collectivist? Of course not; don’t think you’d find many (any) here.
In WoK the Marxist mantra is changed by Spock to “the one” to try to hijack individualism in a thinly disguised endorsement of socialism….I guess I tend to see surreptitious communism in most everything emanating from Hollowood and DC; and I really hate being played.
Paranoid much? Why yes, yes I am.
JcTPatriot probably has it right. Based upon what we KNOW about Chicago-based tactics, and the weaponization of the Justice Department, INS, IRS (and other Federal agencies), it highly likely that the Dems have the goods on some of the leading GOP members of Congress.
This crop of politicians might SMELL like Klingons, but they really act like Romulans.
Maybe what we really need now is a cross dimensional breech of Jedi knights, dedicated to the restoration of liberty and freedom. Oh yeah, they already exist in the form of the Tea Party.