The media is grasping at straws taking everything he takes literally and then spinning it just a little more to change the intention entirely.
Trump is a master of saying something to make someone do something else that he intended for them to do all along and they play into his lead like byethen played into theirs. What he probably means is that the Commonwealth should join him and do their job for a change;)
The bought-and-paid-for media is panicking now that they realize nobody wants to buy what they’re selling anymore and it’s fun watching them scramble.
Once upon a time the Commonwealth meant something, now it’s just a bunch of inlaws bickering at the dinner table.
Hilarious timing. You troll us for a few days to teach us a lesson and then the master shows up to remind the world how it’s really done, LOL
Relax. Remember the one thing the lefties can never understand about Trump: take him seriously, not literally. If we ever did join the commonwealth it would become the American Commonwealth under King Donald the First.
As the late, great Poul Anderson said (title of one of his stories):”No truce with kings!”
Of course, the Commonwealth was once, and could be again, a great trade zone and customs union — a counterweight to the EU. And most of today’s Commonwealth members are republics, not Dominions. (Australia may be moving that way soon.)
There’s an interesting thought. Instead of us joining theirs, we’ll have them join ours.
March 24, 2025 at 2:24 am
Don’t believe everything you read, Sam. Otherwise somebody’s gonna have a bridge they’re gonna want to sell ya. And, dimes to doughnuts, Trump will be the troll underneath that bridge.
I’m fervently hoping that what really went down between the Crown and Team Trump during 2021-2014 will be revealed this year, along with all the other earth-shattering, globalist-destroying transformations we can now only guess at.
I’m noticing a lot of posting about Trump and Musk on FB by supposedly conservative sites is past “National Enquirer” and approaching “Weekly World News.”
It’s almost at cbc or ctv levels. Both of the mwere caught spilicing parts of Conservative leaders speeches to make it look like they’d said something they hadn’t. Exactly what you expect from a gov’t owned propaganda station and one supposedly private one that every year gets handed billions of taxdollars by a liebral gov’t to ‘report the news properly’ and that the Conservative leader has said stops the day he’s elected…just goes to show you never get between a pig and it’s trough.
March 24, 2025 at 7:31 am
Back in his development days Trump always said (to draw investors) that first you’ve got to “generate a buzz” about whatever it is, no matter how outlandish. The implementation is refined later. It’s possible that something so outlandish as the alleged Commonwealth hoop-la is meant to point out that other things he’s said are just that, trolling. So, for example, Canada should calm down, and Americans should calm down a bit about Canada, or a Gaza-Lago resort on the Med.
I think it’s worse that BOEING gets the contract for the F-47. Thus more likely to be overdue, overbudget, and overrated.
When negotiating, you can’t go up from the position you started at, only down, so you start with the most outlandish terms and go from there, you just might get more than you were willing to settle for that way. The left is so used to everyone just handing them anything they want and more without argument that they can’t deal with that and panic.
Watch for the end result of the ‘Commonwealth club application’ to be a free trade agreement on Trump’s turns to get rid of tariffs on BOTH sides, which is what he wanted to start with.
I haven’t heard about the DJT trial balloon … but I suspect, if true, he is just looking to add the U.K. as America’s 52nd or even 53rd state. King Charles would have to bend the knee to the U.S. Constitution, and he and his royals would forfeit all of their crowns and titles.
From what I can find, it sounds like someone at an event said, “Hey, the king’s wondering if you want to join the commonwealth” and Trump, in his usual way when something flies by at random, said, “Sounds fun!”
Considering that the left believes so many things that are not true and/or contradictory, President Trump can say anything and they will freak out about it. Then again they freak out if he doesn’t say anything.
Did you see DT walk by him and pat his shoulder which is not allowed, no touchy! But Trump doesn’t give a shit about that and the king popped his head up like who touched me, and he saw DT and it was ok, says a lot…
That would be a pretty damn good partnership there, all things considered.
Right at my door, and I have many Cuban friends who are now Americans (the very conservative generations around Miami do NOT call themselves Cuban-Americans but simply “Americans”). All of them love and long for their homeland but they know after all these years it may be too late for it to be what it once was.
Too late for us too, should have re-taken that place at the peak of its commie influence but we didn’t have the balls. Now, can you imagine going in to make it a state or territory? What has become of the once proud people that are still there, no doubt they have been positively ruined and turned into enslaved and oppressed pods, not sure their situation can be reversed and don’t think we need another ten or twelve million dependents.
But maybe clearing out the dregs of communism there and making it safe and welcoming for the people whose heritage is there, encouraging them to try to make it back into the wonderful Caribbean paradise it once was? Thence vacating the whole southern part of The Fla to revert to being OUR paradise as it once was…
I dunno, probably not too high up on the list but with Guantanamo there and such a strategic location for defense, maybe your idea would fly?
“should have re-taken that place at the peak of its commie influence” … Abandon Cuba but ‘liberate’ Vietnam? The swamp has been around way too long.
March 24, 2025 at 11:47 pm
PLUS, it would take away a place Russian Bear Recon planes could refuel after making a pass down the East Coast.
March 24, 2025 at 10:19 pm
Cuba is a preferred vacation spots for a lot of Canadians who should know better. When I was in the military you weren’t allowed to vacation there, although politicians did. Nuff said.
Context is everything….What are the “Internal” trade /tariff/mutual support policies “within” the Commonwealth(Common Wealth), compared to those out side of it. “Call me Family? I expect the Family Rate”
In this case that’s a good thing as we don’t want that thing back -what did DT call her?_ “fat ugly slob” not ever. The Irish people I know don’t want her either but…
Chris has been having too much fun trolling — everybody!
Want to have some fun? Watch what the left is claiming about Trump. Exaggerate & twist the hell out of what they are shoveling and send it back to them as gospel and the latest news. Watch the heads implode!
–Trump is going to reassign all ATF field agents to the FBI & CBP and fire all of the management.
–Trump is very quietly, looking at deporting AOC.
–DOGE is going to investigate how members of Congress became millionaires on congressional salaries.
Charles abdicating to convert to Orthodoxy and pursue the Russian throne would MORE than make up for his misspent life for me. But he doesn’t have the balls his cousins had. The theosophists have him more scared of their demons than of God.
And you don’t think this might be a typical Trumpian troll?
Looks exactly like all his others. So… yeah.
Consider this the max upvote, since the button is sadly missing here.
The only question is if Charles waits until we get Greenland, as a package deal.
The media is grasping at straws taking everything he takes literally and then spinning it just a little more to change the intention entirely.
Trump is a master of saying something to make someone do something else that he intended for them to do all along and they play into his lead like byethen played into theirs. What he probably means is that the Commonwealth should join him and do their job for a change;)
The bought-and-paid-for media is panicking now that they realize nobody wants to buy what they’re selling anymore and it’s fun watching them scramble.
Once upon a time the Commonwealth meant something, now it’s just a bunch of inlaws bickering at the dinner table.
It’s Sam’s turn to freak.
Poor Sam!! Talk about irresistible bait!!
Hilarious timing. You troll us for a few days to teach us a lesson and then the master shows up to remind the world how it’s really done, LOL
Relax. Remember the one thing the lefties can never understand about Trump: take him seriously, not literally. If we ever did join the commonwealth it would become the American Commonwealth under King Donald the First.
As the late, great Poul Anderson said (title of one of his stories):”No truce with kings!”
Of course, the Commonwealth was once, and could be again, a great trade zone and customs union — a counterweight to the EU. And most of today’s Commonwealth members are republics, not Dominions. (Australia may be moving that way soon.)
There’s an interesting thought. Instead of us joining theirs, we’ll have them join ours.
Don’t believe everything you read, Sam. Otherwise somebody’s gonna have a bridge they’re gonna want to sell ya. And, dimes to doughnuts, Trump will be the troll underneath that bridge.
Plus……can anyone here guess what the response would be should the “Commonwealth” attempt to enforce their gun control schemes here….on US???
Didn’t they try that back around 1775? Yeeeeeah……tell us again how THAT worked out for ya!!
I’m fervently hoping that what really went down between the Crown and Team Trump during 2021-2014 will be revealed this year, along with all the other earth-shattering, globalist-destroying transformations we can now only guess at.
Are you sure you can trust what you read about PDJT47?
Did he ACTUALLY say it?
Or is the DeMSM saying that he said it?
Not the same thing?
I’m noticing a lot of posting about Trump and Musk on FB by supposedly conservative sites is past “National Enquirer” and approaching “Weekly World News.”
It’s almost at cbc or ctv levels. Both of the mwere caught spilicing parts of Conservative leaders speeches to make it look like they’d said something they hadn’t. Exactly what you expect from a gov’t owned propaganda station and one supposedly private one that every year gets handed billions of taxdollars by a liebral gov’t to ‘report the news properly’ and that the Conservative leader has said stops the day he’s elected…just goes to show you never get between a pig and it’s trough.
Back in his development days Trump always said (to draw investors) that first you’ve got to “generate a buzz” about whatever it is, no matter how outlandish. The implementation is refined later. It’s possible that something so outlandish as the alleged Commonwealth hoop-la is meant to point out that other things he’s said are just that, trolling. So, for example, Canada should calm down, and Americans should calm down a bit about Canada, or a Gaza-Lago resort on the Med.
I think it’s worse that BOEING gets the contract for the F-47. Thus more likely to be overdue, overbudget, and overrated.
When negotiating, you can’t go up from the position you started at, only down, so you start with the most outlandish terms and go from there, you just might get more than you were willing to settle for that way. The left is so used to everyone just handing them anything they want and more without argument that they can’t deal with that and panic.
Watch for the end result of the ‘Commonwealth club application’ to be a free trade agreement on Trump’s turns to get rid of tariffs on BOTH sides, which is what he wanted to start with.
“The Art of the Deal”
‘Nuff said.
As usual the LSM mis reported. Trump likely offered to LEAD the commonwealth out of the doldrums.
I haven’t heard about the DJT trial balloon … but I suspect, if true, he is just looking to add the U.K. as America’s 52nd or even 53rd state. King Charles would have to bend the knee to the U.S. Constitution, and he and his royals would forfeit all of their crowns and titles.
I kinda like it …
From what I can find, it sounds like someone at an event said, “Hey, the king’s wondering if you want to join the commonwealth” and Trump, in his usual way when something flies by at random, said, “Sounds fun!”
Considering that the left believes so many things that are not true and/or contradictory, President Trump can say anything and they will freak out about it. Then again they freak out if he doesn’t say anything.
Rather he hooked up with the Saudi king…
Did you see DT walk by him and pat his shoulder which is not allowed, no touchy! But Trump doesn’t give a shit about that and the king popped his head up like who touched me, and he saw DT and it was ok, says a lot…
That would be a pretty damn good partnership there, all things considered.
Forget England and Gaza, convert Cuba into our vacation paradise it should be.
Meantime, back at the swamp – the best Justice money can buy?
Right at my door, and I have many Cuban friends who are now Americans (the very conservative generations around Miami do NOT call themselves Cuban-Americans but simply “Americans”). All of them love and long for their homeland but they know after all these years it may be too late for it to be what it once was.
Too late for us too, should have re-taken that place at the peak of its commie influence but we didn’t have the balls. Now, can you imagine going in to make it a state or territory? What has become of the once proud people that are still there, no doubt they have been positively ruined and turned into enslaved and oppressed pods, not sure their situation can be reversed and don’t think we need another ten or twelve million dependents.
But maybe clearing out the dregs of communism there and making it safe and welcoming for the people whose heritage is there, encouraging them to try to make it back into the wonderful Caribbean paradise it once was? Thence vacating the whole southern part of The Fla to revert to being OUR paradise as it once was…
I dunno, probably not too high up on the list but with Guantanamo there and such a strategic location for defense, maybe your idea would fly?
“should have re-taken that place at the peak of its commie influence” … Abandon Cuba but ‘liberate’ Vietnam? The swamp has been around way too long.
PLUS, it would take away a place Russian Bear Recon planes could refuel after making a pass down the East Coast.
Cuba is a preferred vacation spots for a lot of Canadians who should know better. When I was in the military you weren’t allowed to vacation there, although politicians did. Nuff said.
Context is everything….What are the “Internal” trade /tariff/mutual support policies “within” the Commonwealth(Common Wealth), compared to those out side of it. “Call me Family? I expect the Family Rate”
Ireland just gave Rosie 30 days notice to vacate that nation
Apparently fake news…
In this case that’s a good thing as we don’t want that thing back -what did DT call her?_ “fat ugly slob” not ever. The Irish people I know don’t want her either but…
Chris has been having too much fun trolling — everybody!
Want to have some fun? Watch what the left is claiming about Trump. Exaggerate & twist the hell out of what they are shoveling and send it back to them as gospel and the latest news. Watch the heads implode!
–Trump is going to reassign all ATF field agents to the FBI & CBP and fire all of the management.
–Trump is very quietly, looking at deporting AOC.
–DOGE is going to investigate how members of Congress became millionaires on congressional salaries.
Here’s the thing I’ve noticed about Trump, and I’ve heard this said about him many times before:
His supporters take him seriously, and know to not always take him literally.
His antagonist always take him literally, and never take him seriously.
Nice. You oughta write this comic!
Yup. That’s why Trudeau the Younger lost his mind when Trump said 51st state or tariffs. Hilarious!!
Charles abdicating to convert to Orthodoxy and pursue the Russian throne would MORE than make up for his misspent life for me. But he doesn’t have the balls his cousins had. The theosophists have him more scared of their demons than of God.