Airline flights had become a supreme hassle with delays, long lines, luggage problems, and many other problems. My favorite was always waiting in lines of thousands of people. Like Customs with 30 some passport booths and about 10 or less open for service. Now you will be playing Airline/FAA roulette on whether it crashes.
TSA screening is even more entertaining. If you fit the “profile” of a “white supremacist” (or are just a blonde, blue-eyed hottie) expect to get cavity-searched.
Meanwhile, “no illegal people” type immigrants are fast-tracked past the queue. Because they’re “oppressed”, you know.
I’ve never flown “commercial” (OD Hueys and gray or camo’ed C-130s do not count). But I’ve heard enough stories from friends who’ve done it over the last two decades, and especially in the last four years, to know I haven’t missed anything.
Roger that on the OD Huey’s and grey/camo’d Hercs!!
January 23, 2024 at 10:48 am
While I have to conceptually agree with you, I hate to admit I enjoyed where I went in the C-21 a whole lot more than the C-12. Got there a lot quicker too.
January 23, 2024 at 10:51 am
It got that bad in the military years ago…
Round about 1989/90ish I was in charge of the ‘rear party’ coming home from a Sqn deployment in Germany.
We were bringing all the Sqn small arms and classified pubs along with some other pieces of kit like a towing tractor, etc. on a Herc.
As was the SOP for such cargo, I was armed with a sidearm as was the rest of the 4-man party.
We sat around the passenger terminal for hours, sidearms in full view, I was holding all the magazines in the event that we landed at a foreign base (which we did, Sondrestrom Greenland, nice place to visit…not a tree in sight)
Before boarding we went through the security checkpoint stffed by a couple of MP privates…young privates.
I set my sidearm in the tray along with eight loaded magazines, then she ‘wanded’ me and got upset when every other pocket pinged.
I dutifully emptied them out and she sternly informed me that my pocketknife had to go in my ‘checked’ baggage because I couldn’t have it onboard.
I said “but I can keep my gun ?…my loaded gun ?” She said “yes”
I stared at her for a long moment then decided it wasn’t worth arguing, stuck the pocketknife in my duffle bag which I would later carry on the plane to sit at my feet for the flight (after putting the rather large folding knife back in my pocket, the escape axes tend to get knocked loose in a crash), holstered my sidearm and wandered off shaking my head…after memorizing her name to pass on to a good friend of mine back at base who happened to be a senior NCO MP and he apparently had a delightful chat with her boss once he got through, since he knew him well
January 23, 2024 at 1:11 am
Lon Mead
“Fly United – Where We’re Not Happy Until You’re Not Happy.”
There are thong bikinis for ‘trans women’ and jock straps for ‘trans men.’ With his latest victory over women, a ‘trans woman’ is getting close to joining the LPGA Tour.
Heinlein saw Crazy Years coming, but he couldn’t have realized how crazy they’d be.
IIRC, Nehemia Scudder was a religious nut job as well as a hypocrite of the highest order. IF such a creature is to come into being, it would be as an overcorrection to today’s leftist wackos. Or, perhaps even a rebranding of one of today’s leftists. Here’s a little thought experiment for you. Take 10 seconds and picture in your head what Nehemia Scudder looks like…
Does your mental picture look a lot like…? (my guess is hidden in the next line; don’t cheat)
The deadly DEI virus is a variant of the dreaded TDS virus and both originate from the lethal MSM virus that shuts down all rational activity in the brain. As of today there are no known vaccines for any of this.
The CURE INJECTOR is quite large, but operates from a distance. No needles involved.
January 23, 2024 at 9:35 am
The 300
United’s been an affirmative action airline ever since the late 70s when they lost an EEOC lawsuit. When I asked one of their people “how can you possibly hire 300 hour pilots when most airlines won’t look at someone if they have less than 4000 hours” the response was “we have to hire them, that doesn’t mean we have to advance them to Captain if they can’t cut it.”
Dear Scott Kirby CEO @UnitedAirlines
and Drag Queen practitioner,
I regret to inform you that I will no longer allow my family to fly on your airline as you have clearly placed “diversity” of pilot hiring above safety of passengers and crew. As evidenced by the near aviation catastrophe of UA Boeing 777 flight 1722 from Maui to San Francisco Dec 18th 2023, where your diverse but incompetent flight crew didn’t know which flaps were causing its near disastrous dissent, coming within 750 feet of killing every one aboard your United Airline.
I cannot tell you how many @UnitedAirlines
employees have personally thanked me for my valid criticism of your careless and life threatening leadership. I look forward to your swift dismissal by UA’s board of directors before your inane actions cause the deaths of hundreds of men, women and children. After your inevitable firing you can get back to your true passion, your Drag Queen performances.
Sincerely yours,
Rob Schneider
Former 1K United Airline frequent flyer.
Hailey, you forgot one- – – – -the deadly, or at least disabling PMS virus that strikes at least once a month for a few decades and turns its host into a raging, quivering quagmire of hormonal unpredictability. That virus eventually mutates into another one, the Menopause Monster that has the “hot flash” side effect!
With as much topless tanning as Jan does, shouldn’t we assume that she’s got some sort of localized melanin deficiency in the boob area? There shouldn’t be any noticeable tan lines at all!
Artistry: Much appreciated, usually; but slight confusion factor here…
Blanket? background, poses of principals, IMHO suggest they ae laying down; but the gravity of the situation suggestes they (she, at least) are standing up.
However, no arguing with the artist…
regarding the UA hiring practices, methinks it’s time to start shorting UA stock for the next year oruntil the company nose dives into bankruptcy. . . 0007
Let’s call it by its original name DIE (before the LibTurds said “oops” and changed it).
Already with you on that. Definitely calling a thing by its name (DIE not DEI, and Bruce not… whatever the hell he renamed himself).
Airline flights had become a supreme hassle with delays, long lines, luggage problems, and many other problems. My favorite was always waiting in lines of thousands of people. Like Customs with 30 some passport booths and about 10 or less open for service. Now you will be playing Airline/FAA roulette on whether it crashes.
TSA screening is even more entertaining. If you fit the “profile” of a “white supremacist” (or are just a blonde, blue-eyed hottie) expect to get cavity-searched.
Meanwhile, “no illegal people” type immigrants are fast-tracked past the queue. Because they’re “oppressed”, you know.
I’ve never flown “commercial” (OD Hueys and gray or camo’ed C-130s do not count). But I’ve heard enough stories from friends who’ve done it over the last two decades, and especially in the last four years, to know I haven’t missed anything.
clear ether
Roger that on the OD Huey’s and grey/camo’d Hercs!!
While I have to conceptually agree with you, I hate to admit I enjoyed where I went in the C-21 a whole lot more than the C-12. Got there a lot quicker too.
It got that bad in the military years ago…
Round about 1989/90ish I was in charge of the ‘rear party’ coming home from a Sqn deployment in Germany.
We were bringing all the Sqn small arms and classified pubs along with some other pieces of kit like a towing tractor, etc. on a Herc.
As was the SOP for such cargo, I was armed with a sidearm as was the rest of the 4-man party.
We sat around the passenger terminal for hours, sidearms in full view, I was holding all the magazines in the event that we landed at a foreign base (which we did, Sondrestrom Greenland, nice place to visit…not a tree in sight)
Before boarding we went through the security checkpoint stffed by a couple of MP privates…young privates.
I set my sidearm in the tray along with eight loaded magazines, then she ‘wanded’ me and got upset when every other pocket pinged.
I dutifully emptied them out and she sternly informed me that my pocketknife had to go in my ‘checked’ baggage because I couldn’t have it onboard.
I said “but I can keep my gun ?…my loaded gun ?” She said “yes”
I stared at her for a long moment then decided it wasn’t worth arguing, stuck the pocketknife in my duffle bag which I would later carry on the plane to sit at my feet for the flight (after putting the rather large folding knife back in my pocket, the escape axes tend to get knocked loose in a crash), holstered my sidearm and wandered off shaking my head…after memorizing her name to pass on to a good friend of mine back at base who happened to be a senior NCO MP and he apparently had a delightful chat with her boss once he got through, since he knew him well
“Fly United – Where We’re Not Happy Until You’re Not Happy.”
In the name of inclusivity, the blind MUST be allowed their chance to be airline pilots, surgeons, referees, etc.!
There are thong bikinis for ‘trans women’ and jock straps for ‘trans men.’ With his latest victory over women, a ‘trans woman’ is getting close to joining the LPGA Tour.
Heinlein saw Crazy Years coming, but he couldn’t have realized how crazy they’d be.
Joe Haldeman did. See The Forever War.
clear ether
Re Heinlein: I think he did. Does the name Nehemia Scudder ring a bell?
IIRC, Nehemia Scudder was a religious nut job as well as a hypocrite of the highest order. IF such a creature is to come into being, it would be as an overcorrection to today’s leftist wackos. Or, perhaps even a rebranding of one of today’s leftists. Here’s a little thought experiment for you. Take 10 seconds and picture in your head what Nehemia Scudder looks like…
Does your mental picture look a lot like…? (my guess is hidden in the next line; don’t cheat)
The deadly DEI virus is a variant of the dreaded TDS virus and both originate from the lethal MSM virus that shuts down all rational activity in the brain. As of today there are no known vaccines for any of this.
Yeah there are:
100% cure rates can be achieved with injection of 12,270mg PbCuHPBTSMK or similar. The needle is quite large.
Unfortunately it has not been approved for human use by the FDA so is illegal for the time being.
We’re going to have to let God fix it! If we fix it we go to jail.
A friendly correction, if I may.
“The needle is quite large.”
The CURE INJECTOR is quite large, but operates from a distance. No needles involved.
United’s been an affirmative action airline ever since the late 70s when they lost an EEOC lawsuit. When I asked one of their people “how can you possibly hire 300 hour pilots when most airlines won’t look at someone if they have less than 4000 hours” the response was “we have to hire them, that doesn’t mean we have to advance them to Captain if they can’t cut it.”
From what I hear, that’s no longer true.
Sums it up pretty good, most won’t even bother sending them a letter and just fly elsewhere.
Dear Scott Kirby CEO @UnitedAirlines
and Drag Queen practitioner,
I regret to inform you that I will no longer allow my family to fly on your airline as you have clearly placed “diversity” of pilot hiring above safety of passengers and crew. As evidenced by the near aviation catastrophe of UA Boeing 777 flight 1722 from Maui to San Francisco Dec 18th 2023, where your diverse but incompetent flight crew didn’t know which flaps were causing its near disastrous dissent, coming within 750 feet of killing every one aboard your United Airline.
I cannot tell you how many @UnitedAirlines
employees have personally thanked me for my valid criticism of your careless and life threatening leadership. I look forward to your swift dismissal by UA’s board of directors before your inane actions cause the deaths of hundreds of men, women and children. After your inevitable firing you can get back to your true passion, your Drag Queen performances.
Sincerely yours,
Rob Schneider
Former 1K United Airline frequent flyer.
Hailey, you forgot one- – – – -the deadly, or at least disabling PMS virus that strikes at least once a month for a few decades and turns its host into a raging, quivering quagmire of hormonal unpredictability. That virus eventually mutates into another one, the Menopause Monster that has the “hot flash” side effect!
Correct ; )
Moving on to a much more appealing question, why is Jan’s tan so uneven?
a) perspective of view
b) a varied collection of swimsuits (when she bothers)
Either way, a very appealing view from my perspective.
With as much topless tanning as Jan does, shouldn’t we assume that she’s got some sort of localized melanin deficiency in the boob area? There shouldn’t be any noticeable tan lines at all!
Hopefully Elon is working on a better way to travel:
Sigh, you got the all inclusive pronoun wrong. It’s not ‘he-she-it’
it’s ‘she/he/it’, said fast!
She/it/he, said fast is also acceptable
Artistry: Much appreciated, usually; but slight confusion factor here…
Blanket? background, poses of principals, IMHO suggest they ae laying down; but the gravity of the situation suggestes they (she, at least) are standing up.
However, no arguing with the artist…
regarding the UA hiring practices, methinks it’s time to start shorting UA stock for the next year oruntil the company nose dives into bankruptcy. . . 0007