Father Michael Louis Pfleger took a vacation to West Texas from the South Side of Chicago to celebrate not being defrocked / prosecuted for being a pedophile?
I guess another year of 700+ homey on homey homicides back in da ‘hood was more than he could handle.
No one is going to prosecute those “Special People”, they don’t even prosecute those charged with homey-cide. Those that voted for it are pleased, the others are leaving town.
Remember Compton, California. The Hispanics (and their gangs) moved in and drove the ghetto gangsters out of town. Compton went from ~100% Black with ~100 homey-cides per year to ~70% Hispanic with virtually no violent crime. Why do you think that the Dems are importing all those Illegals? Someone will have to colonize the Democratic urban ghettoes. The landowner’s profit and the politician’s grift depend on it.
They’ve also started importing illegals from further south now that they’ve found out that Mexican immigrants that succeed have a tendency to not vote Democrat anymore.
“Always accuse others of that which you are most guilty.”
Joseph Goeppels might have said it, but the Clinton’s introduced the principle in practice to the Demoncrat party. And as they say, the rest is history.
The Clintons certainly embraced the “principles”, but Zero handed out the Demorat handbook to all staff, told them it was their bible, authored by his Chicago god, “organizer” and guru S. Alinsky
(sigh) unfortunately far too many wolves masquerade as the herders of the flock. Knowing the doom many young – VERY YOUNG – girls and boys face, after being used as sextoys on their way to the border, once here they will be used up, then “parted out” in the organ market, with what’s left being finally put out of their misery and disposed of…I’ve never understood the desperation willing to buy such organs, from a source so rife with disease risk, but that’s the way of it. The lmmigrant market for all this is a $130 BILLION INDUSTRY, makes more for the Cartels controlling the Messican side of the border than the drugs do, it’s a free twofer if these victims are used as mules, to bring product in the U.S. – not bad for kids bought from their families, at $20. A head, like cattle.
Then again, Sam does tend to wear clothes that cause the vertical eye flicker in most males. It is a good counter to the Reverend/Father/Minister ploy that is so often used by the left.
My favorite (though she is gone) is a brain in a fine chassis. Sam got it in “Spades”. So did “She”.
You don’t know your own speed! Srsly, just a glitch, we all get it now and then, just hit the back button then come back and hit post again…that will usually save your comment but if yours is as brilliant, pithy, humorous and long (well, long anyway ) as mine, you might wanna do a copy paste first just in case
Where are the girls, no not those, I mean Sam’s, er, the twins, I mean the girls, okay I give up, Kiko and Mari?
They should be singing Happy Birthday to their Billarights, with special praise and attention paid to the forgotten 10th one that is about to bite the old republic in the ass…CRA Now!
And you thought CDC always lied; well, they do but sometimes they have to tell the truth first and then they are slapped down by the agenda and the narrative of their handlers, then they just change their minds…
“No one is going to prosecute those “Special People”, they don’t even prosecute those charged with homey-cide.”
Are we about to find out why? From Tucker’s show tonight:
Tucker: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of JFK?”
Source with CIA document access: “The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake.”
The eyes have it
Father Michael Louis Pfleger took a vacation to West Texas from the South Side of Chicago to celebrate not being defrocked / prosecuted for being a pedophile?
I guess another year of 700+ homey on homey homicides back in da ‘hood was more than he could handle.
Talking about Ol’ Snuffy Pleger?
We just call him Flakey Phleger
“My eyes are up here.”
“I’ve made my choice.”
YESSSS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6DP8s6GVEo
Yeah,,,how about more’ down there’
That’s the best he has ever seen.
How did that heifer get out of her pen…
And why isn’t that cleric defrocked and doing penance on his knees in a Super Max?
No one is going to prosecute those “Special People”, they don’t even prosecute those charged with homey-cide. Those that voted for it are pleased, the others are leaving town.
Remember Compton, California. The Hispanics (and their gangs) moved in and drove the ghetto gangsters out of town. Compton went from ~100% Black with ~100 homey-cides per year to ~70% Hispanic with virtually no violent crime. Why do you think that the Dems are importing all those Illegals? Someone will have to colonize the Democratic urban ghettoes. The landowner’s profit and the politician’s grift depend on it.
They’ve also started importing illegals from further south now that they’ve found out that Mexican immigrants that succeed have a tendency to not vote Democrat anymore.
“Always accuse others of that which you are most guilty.”
Joseph Goeppels, Propagandist NSDAP, DNC
So that’s what ‘tit for tat’ means.
“Always accuse others of that which you are most guilty.”
Joseph Goeppels might have said it, but the Clinton’s introduced the principle in practice to the Demoncrat party. And as they say, the rest is history.
The Clintons certainly embraced the “principles”, but Zero handed out the Demorat handbook to all staff, told them it was their bible, authored by his Chicago god, “organizer” and guru S. Alinsky
(sigh) unfortunately far too many wolves masquerade as the herders of the flock. Knowing the doom many young – VERY YOUNG – girls and boys face, after being used as sextoys on their way to the border, once here they will be used up, then “parted out” in the organ market, with what’s left being finally put out of their misery and disposed of…I’ve never understood the desperation willing to buy such organs, from a source so rife with disease risk, but that’s the way of it. The lmmigrant market for all this is a $130 BILLION INDUSTRY, makes more for the Cartels controlling the Messican side of the border than the drugs do, it’s a free twofer if these victims are used as mules, to bring product in the U.S. – not bad for kids bought from their families, at $20. A head, like cattle.
And Larry Niven thought it would be 100 years before Organlegging would become a real criminal enterprise.
Zar Belk!
Late late late term abortion and harvesting operation, si?
Glad to see the “girls” are in good shape. Always fun when Xir, “Double Wide”, starts trying to punch above her weight. ( Let the puns start. }
Xir’s weight class has no upper bound. She is doomed to always punch below her weight and lose badly.
She may be big, but she’s kinda stupid and slow.
Then again, Sam does tend to wear clothes that cause the vertical eye flicker in most males. It is a good counter to the Reverend/Father/Minister ploy that is so often used by the left.
My favorite (though she is gone) is a brain in a fine chassis. Sam got it in “Spades”. So did “She”.
You system says that I am posting too fast. On your clock, and mine, it has been three hours. Too soon ?
You don’t know your own speed! Srsly, just a glitch, we all get it now and then, just hit the back button then come back and hit post again…that will usually save your comment but if yours is as brilliant, pithy, humorous and long (well, long anyway
) as mine, you might wanna do a copy paste first just in case
Once you have gotten that message on your very first post, you realize it is a permanent bug in the blog system.
Where are the girls, no not those, I mean Sam’s, er, the twins, I mean the girls, okay I give up, Kiko and Mari?
They should be singing Happy Birthday to their Billarights, with special praise and attention paid to the forgotten 10th one that is about to bite the old republic in the ass…CRA Now!
that’s not a word.
Nor is Idahoser…
Trumpy Bear Weeps…
Another of my OT but so very connected links…
And you thought CDC always lied; well, they do but sometimes they have to tell the truth first and then they are slapped down by the agenda and the narrative of their handlers, then they just change their minds…
“No one is going to prosecute those “Special People”, they don’t even prosecute those charged with homey-cide.”
Are we about to find out why? From Tucker’s show tonight:
Tucker: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of JFK?”
Source with CIA document access: “The answer is yes. I believe they were involved.
It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake.”