Regarding a slow start; don’t close the window until you hit your goal. It might just take longer. Times ARE tough.
I can contribute monthly, just not Don Portage level
Give me another week or two. Wife’s car had a brain fart, and mine is getting sclerotic (old age eventually get us all). Got a “You done good” check coming from my auto insurance that will go into the DbD kitty.
The banks are getting more picky for about 2 percent of y’all. Usually goes thru 2nd time or there’s always mail to address under toon like the old days of underground comics. It’s something banks do to everyone now I think I have to respond with a text for a purchase too.
This.Is.America! But not for long when we kick deepstate butt in November
being of a suspicious nature (and based on what has transpired over the last three years from the commiecrat regime), i suspect that the banks are ramping up their response to the pedophile partys’ dictate to begin stifling any and all opposition to their masters’ political run(s) by reducing available funding.
June 17, 2024 at 7:53 am
Between supporting Trump, and 2A efforts in Maine. The anti-gun crowd in the Capitol is causing problems. I did what I could.
Disabled veteran. USMC then Army. Visual impairment amongst other issues. Is there a link for a patron/patreon where you can donate, like, $10/month? Easier that way. Bidenomics has not been kind to those of us on VA compensation and setting up a small monthly pay’t instead of a single big one means I can afford to send more that way.
Today is not “No pants Monday.” Keep this ‘toon going. We need patriots and advocates to step up and be counted. Spartans, tartans, helots, stand against the hordes. Please. Thank you.
My grandfathers brother was Lonny.
I thought his given name was Leonidas.
Can you imagine my “learning” Lonny was it.
I really wanted it Leonidas.
So we got Leonbergers,instead.
We named him Avery..not Sharon.
(Avery was a family name too)
I’m just hanging in there until next month. I have $3500 dollars worth of repairs going on for our car (and no car presently) and we just had to replace our water heater that conked out on Friday night without warning. The new one will be arriving Wednesday. Try going that long with no hot water for baths. My son-in-law managed to bypass the water heater so we have running water — just no hot water. We’re just holding our breaths that nothing else breaks before July.
Failure Is Not a Option, readers.
Just write the damn’ check and send it in.
Where else would you get a year’s worth of original art, entertainment, and straight-arrow political commentary? Hm?
Do it. Don’t lose it.
Everybody always forgets the 700 Thespians, 400 Thebans, and 900 helots who also stood with the Spartans..
/\ True.
Regarding a slow start; don’t close the window until you hit your goal. It might just take longer. Times ARE tough.
I can contribute monthly, just not Don Portage level
Bad pun of the Day – The Spartans don’t need pants, they need Tartans. FREEDOM!
Give me another week or two. Wife’s car had a brain fart, and mine is getting sclerotic (old age eventually get us all). Got a “You done good” check coming from my auto insurance that will go into the DbD kitty.
Zar Belk!
I paid at the $65 level Capital One demanded verification of the purchase by text and email.
The banks are getting more picky for about 2 percent of y’all. Usually goes thru 2nd time or there’s always mail to address under toon like the old days of underground comics. It’s something banks do to everyone now I think I have to respond with a text for a purchase too.
This.Is.America! But not for long when we kick deepstate butt in November
being of a suspicious nature (and based on what has transpired over the last three years from the commiecrat regime), i suspect that the banks are ramping up their response to the pedophile partys’ dictate to begin stifling any and all opposition to their masters’ political run(s) by reducing available funding.
Between supporting Trump, and 2A efforts in Maine. The anti-gun crowd in the Capitol is causing problems. I did what I could.
The check is in the mail.
You know, what Red’s town needs is a good old fashioned doc. And what a good old fashioned doc needs is a beautious blond nurse.
Zar Belk!
Big Dawgs!
Disabled veteran. USMC then Army. Visual impairment amongst other issues. Is there a link for a patron/patreon where you can donate, like, $10/month? Easier that way. Bidenomics has not been kind to those of us on VA compensation and setting up a small monthly pay’t instead of a single big one means I can afford to send more that way.
IF you have the address to send to, don’t see any reason to prevent you from doing it, (see address listed below the panels above) …………
Today is not “No pants Monday.” Keep this ‘toon going. We need patriots and advocates to step up and be counted. Spartans, tartans, helots, stand against the hordes. Please. Thank you.
My grandfathers brother was Lonny.
I thought his given name was Leonidas.
Can you imagine my “learning” Lonny was it.
I really wanted it Leonidas.
So we got Leonbergers,instead.
We named him Avery..not Sharon.
(Avery was a family name too)
Oh,my Chex in the chute…
I’m just hanging in there until next month. I have $3500 dollars worth of repairs going on for our car (and no car presently) and we just had to replace our water heater that conked out on Friday night without warning. The new one will be arriving Wednesday. Try going that long with no hot water for baths. My son-in-law managed to bypass the water heater so we have running water — just no hot water. We’re just holding our breaths that nothing else breaks before July.
I’ll be sending a small check on the first,
I’m doing my part
Biggs Dawgus Rex®