Pinky was the sane one. Confined with a maniac like the Brain, the best survival ploy is to act too stupid to be a threat and just useful enough to keep one alive.
That was the survival tactic for the sons of European peasants for centuries. Kids too dumb for the military. But, just can operate, with supervision, to keep the farm producing.
I saw this in practice, many years ago. Took my mom and dad to see
a farm in Luxembourg, where dad made friends with the family during WWII. Dad could tell tales the present day father agreed with. Quite friendly bunch. When we left, dad said he though the man, then a young son, was the village idiot. I explained the tactic to dad. Dad was cal reconn. He could give directions in the rural areas he hadn’t visited in 35 years.
It’ a griffon riding the nuke a la dr. strangelove.
May 17, 2019 at 11:32 am
Today’s phone humor: Live person, office sounds, guy calling for the United Police Officers Association, pledge cards going out next week. I hung up.
One hour later, live person, same office sounds, woman calling for Childhood Leukemia Association, pledge cards going out next week. “I just got the same pitch for a police association an hour ago.” “Oh, okay, then…” I hung up.
Nor, forget that many the KKK murdered were white Republicans;
Of the 4,743 persons lynched by the KKK from 1882 to 1964, 1,297 were white Republicans.
The two countries will eliminate the tariffs on steel, aluminum and other products within 48 hours, the U.S. and Canadian governments said in a joint statement.
So as the proggies and their media lackeys whine about the hardships of the Chinese tariffs and want to move to a swift appeasement, other tariffs will fall away and ease the pain now that they have succeeded. Winning!
Well played, CM. Take a bow. I love a bad pun. (is there any other kind?)
But how do they feel about fried chicken?
Do they both have hot sauce in their purses?
No brains needed for that.
Where’s Pinky in all of this.
Pinky was the sane one. Confined with a maniac like the Brain, the best survival ploy is to act too stupid to be a threat and just useful enough to keep one alive.
That was the survival tactic for the sons of European peasants for centuries. Kids too dumb for the military. But, just can operate, with supervision, to keep the farm producing.
I saw this in practice, many years ago. Took my mom and dad to see
a farm in Luxembourg, where dad made friends with the family during WWII. Dad could tell tales the present day father agreed with. Quite friendly bunch. When we left, dad said he though the man, then a young son, was the village idiot. I explained the tactic to dad. Dad was cal reconn. He could give directions in the rural areas he hadn’t visited in 35 years.
Dammit, I was hungry for a McD’s Filet-O-Fish.
Trans Woman Gets A Tilapia Vagina. Yes, You Read That Correctly
Deserves the SoCal classic
God love Dr. Demento
That is Horrible!
It gives ground for a whole raft of terrible fish jokes.
Sometimes I wonder why women put up with us. But with today’s social whiners I know they really deserve us. Bad jokes and all.
How about the new MAGA:
Make Ameritca Great Again!
Intelligence needed? No, Cunning? Yes.
You forgot the Lingus
Speaking of those two words together…
And bad jokes…
Weird Al explains is most perfectly.
I saw him years ago at the O.C. Fair.
A cunning linguist is always is demand!
Toxic Deplorable B Woodman (at)May 17 2019 at 12:44 am
Well played, CM. Take a bow. I love a bad pun. (is there any other kind?)
A good pun is its own reword.
Ancient Greek critic: The comedies of Aeschylys are deplorable. He uses far too many puns. Does he not know that the pun is the lowest form of humor?
Aeschylys: Yes, it is the foundation upon which all the rest is built!
(Ancient rimshot!)
Zar Belk!
A good pun is its own reword. and punishment!
Two old NAZI/Socialists standing together.
I’m not sure Duke “hates” black men. Considers himself superior, for sure.
Pelosi, however…
All you eagle eyed word bending punsters missed that the CHILI Dress is back!!!
Now I just need some corn bread and Shiner Bock.
Cowboy up!
Thanks for the clue. I couldn’t decide between shoes and ducks, and neither idea was convincing.
It’ a griffon riding the nuke a la dr. strangelove.
Today’s phone humor: Live person, office sounds, guy calling for the United Police Officers Association, pledge cards going out next week. I hung up.
One hour later, live person, same office sounds, woman calling for Childhood Leukemia Association, pledge cards going out next week. “I just got the same pitch for a police association an hour ago.” “Oh, okay, then…” I hung up.
Also: Remember people, pretending to be the opposite sex may be offensive to transsexuals who really are, really.
Snapchat’s New ‘Gender Swap’ Filter Is Transphobic or Something
Those racists…
Gray Lives Matter!
Gray Matter Lives!
What do ANTIFA sing in the shower on protest days?
I’m gonna wash the gray right right out of my head!
Anyway the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to me…
Why isn’t the David Duke endorsement the Kiss of Death for a Democrat?
Candidate Nancy Pelosi demands that candidate Nancy Pelosi disavow David Duke… film at 11.
Riotously, Ilhan Omar faces the same dilemma:
But then again, let’s not forget which party was responsible for creating the KKK in the first place. They’re just returning to their roots.
Nor, forget that many the KKK murdered were white Republicans;
Of the 4,743 persons lynched by the KKK from 1882 to 1964, 1,297 were white Republicans.
Trump Trade Deal Clears Hurdle As Canada And US Agree To End Tariff Battle
The two countries will eliminate the tariffs on steel, aluminum and other products within 48 hours, the U.S. and Canadian governments said in a joint statement.
So as the proggies and their media lackeys whine about the hardships of the Chinese tariffs and want to move to a swift appeasement, other tariffs will fall away and ease the pain now that they have succeeded. Winning!