Dunno. But Ahab had to stab Moby Dick a bunch of times before he got the whale’s attention, which, of course, did not end well for Ahab, though he did beckon.
Heck I’m all for the rain of lead pellets in every inch of flab, hurt like a bitch and slowly interminably bleed the pig out, then we would have a new definition of what a GUSHER is, eww.
December 21, 2023 at 6:07 pm
Needs a bigger caliber!!
December 21, 2023 at 12:50 am
Who are our two very real looking observers there, the lady looks familiar and the cowboy sounds like it…
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Xir has nothing much to lose.
She has the oil wells.
She can sell to anyone she likes.
I’m thinking she has no children (pity the poor child with Xir as its mother….)
If Gunpowder secedes from the FedGov, Xir and everyone will get to keep the money that normally would be sent to Mordor-on-the-Potomac as tax-and-spend.
No, all Xir wants is the power of FedGov behind Xer (and every other Leftist LibTard’s) lust for all power over (what Xhe perceives as) Xer subjects.
Sorry, sour puss, ain’t gonna happen.
You’d think, if her fortune is in oil wells, she’d vote for the party that *isn’t* into ending fossil fuels. I guess her philosophy outweighs her intellect.
Once more we see why progressive “activists” are always on the job, so to speak.
Like Xir, most are “legacies”, trust-fund babies, heirs or heiresses to fortunes they would have no idea how to make on their own, and other variants of what used to be called a “rich idiot with no day job”.
And even the tenured academic radicals can rely on federal grants, as mentioned here.
On the other side are…people who actually have to work for a living.
When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, you generally can’t take time off for “counter sit-ins”.
As a result, those with the loudest voices are also those with their “own truths”- and no understanding of reality.
I took off of work for a week for J6. 1 day to pack up, drove 1700 miles straight through with a 2 1/2 hour catnap on the side of the road. Made it to my hotel early morning of the 6th.
Left the DC area on the 7th, exhausted to the point it took 2 (or maybe 3, it’s a little foggy) days to drive home. Slept 4 or 5 hours and went to work.
Cost me, between expenses and missed wages, probably $1500 out of pocket. Even in 2021 money, that ain’t hay. There’s just no way I could afford to do many of those on my own.
If I was a leftist, OTOH, I’d not only have my expenses paid, but I’d be drawing pay.
Don’t forget to report for your incarceration, they don’t need silly things like charges or proof of any illegal activity to throw away the key. The charges will come after they make a new retroactive law…maybe.
December 22, 2023 at 4:07 am
I’m too old to climb up the ramp to the cattle car. Guess I’ll have to decline. Anybody interested in taking my dog on the odd chance she survives?
December 21, 2023 at 2:06 pm
@eon: “…those with the loudest voices are also those with their “own truths”- and no understanding of reality.”
Carried further, their “own truths” is what has infected and made irrelevant everything that comes out of major media, and that loud voice and domination of the message has done the Republic and Freedom more harm than anything the likes of Xir or Braindead Biden can inflict.
I wonder if Xir is milking Fed monies like SSDI, Foodstamps, etc.
And hiding oil well incomes through LLC’s.
State and Feds frown on that. Even with those hiding the income donating heavily to Dems and Liberal cause du jour.
Chris, if you expose anything of the Xir-beast it should be limited to malfeasance.
Cops should threaten to quit if they have to strip search It after an arrest.
Maybe expose Chinese connections to the burnt down migrant housing .
Or show she has illegals kept on her land like a plantation owner two centuries ago.
Also newest kid playing AD&D 2.0 has the other kids encounter the Xir-beast.
Their horror can be a point of amusement to the parents.
A little OT: Will the worm turn? TX Lt. Governor Dan Patrick: ‘Maybe We Should Take Joe Biden off the Ballot in Texas for Allowing 8 Million People to Cross the Border’
2) while a 9-0 USSC rejection of the CO SC ruling is hoped for, it is unlikely. I expect OKBJ, the wide latina, and the artichoke to dissent. OTOH if many Red states issue comments like Patricks, that may spook those three into joining a 9-0 slap-down.
If it’s pointed out to them that letting that ruling stand means dems will be taken off of a lot more ballots than republicans, they’ll vote accordingly, or rather they’ll vote the way they’re told.
Meanwhile, up here more longtime liebral fundraisers are being appointed as ‘independent’ Senators. Saves a lot of time rigging elections and nobody needs to be put on ballots.
December 21, 2023 at 10:40 pm
Wouldn’t Republicans taking President Biden off the Democratic primary ballot be a gift to the Democrats?
Their strategists are sweating blood about how to replace him without admitting they shouldn’t have made him President in the first place.
What is this flood of not only unimpeded but also assisted, pandered and pampered (aided and abetted) invaders but an insurrection brought about by the democrat party and executive branch, to overthrow we the people and thereby our republic? Prominent democrats are already proposing to have these invaders voting (supplanting citizen votes, serving in the military (supplanting citizens), and being employed as police officers.
See the plan now?
Invaders get counted in blue state census giving them more reps in congress(and votes), Invaders take over the military (think they won’t fire or bomb citizens?) And they take over local police departments.) instead of having a neighbor cop)
Now tell me that the current administration in Washington isn’t committing sedition.
Being ‘cut off’ from federal funds isn’t a bad thing.
That’s one less thing for them to hold over your head or outright blackmail a local ‘gov’t’ with and less for those local politicians to skim the largest percentage for themselves.
There’s nothing more frustrating for a political entity than to run into someone who doesn’t want their money.
Just read a news release dated today that a company in Israel has received a multi-million dollar contract to supply ‘gamma radiation shields’ to the US, asap.
Said shields claim to be effective against ‘dirty bombs’, externally induced meltdowns of nuclear reactors and other emission sources.
Essentially, Stemrad is supplying the National Guard with about 600 gamma-proof “chastity belts”.
I assume the NG will only be deploying male personnel in event of a radiation hazard, as such devices won’t do women much good. The ovaries are too high up in the female torso.
Perfect reference, I missed that one
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Which is a pity, I’ve got a vision of the herbivore in a gauzy muumuu bounding across a field of cowpies in my head that won’t come out. I’ll try thinking sbout sandpaper to erase it, only thing after that is scratching it with a .45
“Gusher” and “Xir” do not belong together in any form of sentient communications.
Like Mrs. Ceausescu, it appears Xir will require at least five times as many rounds as other mere mortals.
Does anyone know if there is a full auto version of the whaling ship harpoon gun?
Dunno. But Ahab had to stab Moby Dick a bunch of times before he got the whale’s attention, which, of course, did not end well for Ahab, though he did beckon.
Might work, just don’t use hollowpoints, they’d expand in the flab and stop long before they got to anything vital.
Heck I’m all for the rain of lead pellets in every inch of flab, hurt like a bitch and slowly interminably bleed the pig out, then we would have a new definition of what a GUSHER is, eww.
Needs a bigger caliber!!
Who are our two very real looking observers there, the lady looks familiar and the cowboy sounds like it…
Yeah. Thinking the same.
Muir? Little help on this one?
Xir has nothing much to lose.
She has the oil wells.
She can sell to anyone she likes.
I’m thinking she has no children (pity the poor child with Xir as its mother….)
If Gunpowder secedes from the FedGov, Xir and everyone will get to keep the money that normally would be sent to Mordor-on-the-Potomac as tax-and-spend.
No, all Xir wants is the power of FedGov behind Xer (and every other Leftist LibTard’s) lust for all power over (what Xhe perceives as) Xer subjects.
Sorry, sour puss, ain’t gonna happen.
When “it” says more to lose, I was thinking in terms of hundreds of pounds!
You’d think, if her fortune is in oil wells, she’d vote for the party that *isn’t* into ending fossil fuels. I guess her philosophy outweighs her intellect.
Once more we see why progressive “activists” are always on the job, so to speak.
Like Xir, most are “legacies”, trust-fund babies, heirs or heiresses to fortunes they would have no idea how to make on their own, and other variants of what used to be called a “rich idiot with no day job”.
And even the tenured academic radicals can rely on federal grants, as mentioned here.
On the other side are…people who actually have to work for a living.
When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, you generally can’t take time off for “counter sit-ins”.
As a result, those with the loudest voices are also those with their “own truths”- and no understanding of reality.
clear ether
I took off of work for a week for J6. 1 day to pack up, drove 1700 miles straight through with a 2 1/2 hour catnap on the side of the road. Made it to my hotel early morning of the 6th.
Left the DC area on the 7th, exhausted to the point it took 2 (or maybe 3, it’s a little foggy) days to drive home. Slept 4 or 5 hours and went to work.
Cost me, between expenses and missed wages, probably $1500 out of pocket. Even in 2021 money, that ain’t hay. There’s just no way I could afford to do many of those on my own.
If I was a leftist, OTOH, I’d not only have my expenses paid, but I’d be drawing pay.
And there’s the divide in activism.
Don’t forget to report for your incarceration, they don’t need silly things like charges or proof of any illegal activity to throw away the key. The charges will come after they make a new retroactive law…maybe.
I’m too old to climb up the ramp to the cattle car. Guess I’ll have to decline. Anybody interested in taking my dog on the odd chance she survives?
@eon: “…those with the loudest voices are also those with their “own truths”- and no understanding of reality.”
Carried further, their “own truths” is what has infected and made irrelevant everything that comes out of major media, and that loud voice and domination of the message has done the Republic and Freedom more harm than anything the likes of Xir or Braindead Biden can inflict.
I wonder if Xir is milking Fed monies like SSDI, Foodstamps, etc.
And hiding oil well incomes through LLC’s.
State and Feds frown on that. Even with those hiding the income donating heavily to Dems and Liberal cause du jour.
Chris, if you expose anything of the Xir-beast it should be limited to malfeasance.
Cops should threaten to quit if they have to strip search It after an arrest.
Maybe expose Chinese connections to the burnt down migrant housing .
Or show she has illegals kept on her land like a plantation owner two centuries ago.
Also newest kid playing AD&D 2.0 has the other kids encounter the Xir-beast.
Their horror can be a point of amusement to the parents.
A little OT: Will the worm turn? TX Lt. Governor Dan Patrick: ‘Maybe We Should Take Joe Biden off the Ballot in Texas for Allowing 8 Million People to Cross the Border’
A couple of points come to mind …
1) 8MM is wa-a-ay low
2) while a 9-0 USSC rejection of the CO SC ruling is hoped for, it is unlikely. I expect OKBJ, the wide latina, and the artichoke to dissent. OTOH if many Red states issue comments like Patricks, that may spook those three into joining a 9-0 slap-down.
If it’s pointed out to them that letting that ruling stand means dems will be taken off of a lot more ballots than republicans, they’ll vote accordingly, or rather they’ll vote the way they’re told.
Meanwhile, up here more longtime liebral fundraisers are being appointed as ‘independent’ Senators. Saves a lot of time rigging elections and nobody needs to be put on ballots.
Wouldn’t Republicans taking President Biden off the Democratic primary ballot be a gift to the Democrats?
Their strategists are sweating blood about how to replace him without admitting they shouldn’t have made him President in the first place.
What is this flood of not only unimpeded but also assisted, pandered and pampered (aided and abetted) invaders but an insurrection brought about by the democrat party and executive branch, to overthrow we the people and thereby our republic? Prominent democrats are already proposing to have these invaders voting (supplanting citizen votes, serving in the military (supplanting citizens), and being employed as police officers.
See the plan now?
Invaders get counted in blue state census giving them more reps in congress(and votes), Invaders take over the military (think they won’t fire or bomb citizens?) And they take over local police departments.) instead of having a neighbor cop)
Now tell me that the current administration in Washington isn’t committing sedition.
Being ‘cut off’ from federal funds isn’t a bad thing.
That’s one less thing for them to hold over your head or outright blackmail a local ‘gov’t’ with and less for those local politicians to skim the largest percentage for themselves.
There’s nothing more frustrating for a political entity than to run into someone who doesn’t want their money.
Threatening to pull Biden off the ballot is just matching the bet. Raise the ante by threatening to put a succession referendum on the ballot.
Oh hell, do it anyway.
Shouldn’t that cow be out in the field grazing?
Personally, I think she’s udderly stupid!
Just read a news release dated today that a company in Israel has received a multi-million dollar contract to supply ‘gamma radiation shields’ to the US, asap.
Said shields claim to be effective against ‘dirty bombs’, externally induced meltdowns of nuclear reactors and other emission sources.
Essentially, Stemrad is supplying the National Guard with about 600 gamma-proof “chastity belts”.
I assume the NG will only be deploying male personnel in event of a radiation hazard, as such devices won’t do women much good. The ovaries are too high up in the female torso.
clear ether
Heh. You will not need night scopes or infrared if they all glow in the dark. Ol’Xir will look like lighthouse beacon.
More like Rover from The Prisoner.
Perfect reference, I missed that one
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Which is a pity, I’ve got a vision of the herbivore in a gauzy muumuu bounding across a field of cowpies in my head that won’t come out. I’ll try thinking sbout sandpaper to erase it, only thing after that is scratching it with a .45