To quote that sage philosopher, Kent “Flounder” Dorfman of Delta Tau Chi and Faber College:
“Oh boy, this is great!”
If the Miss Gunpowder contest is anything like last summer’s car wash, Tucker will be filling out paperwork regarding the largest stampede in Texas history.
“Even though Gunpowder is a sovereign nation, the price of admission to the Miss Gunpowder Contest shall be a valid Texas ballot for the 2024 General Election, properly and completely filled out, voting a straight Republican ticket.
The ballots shall be delivered to an approved polling place in Alpine,TX.”
Do this at sufficient carefully selected venues and events across the United States, and the Republican Party would win the General Election before the primaries are over.
Just look at that sweet petite…
Don’t know if she should be Miss Gunpowder because Mari is HOT and that could be a very explosive situation…
YOWSA! We’ve definitely got very similar taste. :).
Did I hear someone say, “Come git some?” MmmMmm good…
Titties and Bits… Titties and Bits, I want more Titties and Bits. Sorry about the vague reference to a dog food commercial there.
“Raise your children in the ways of Righteousness, and they will not deviate as they grow older.” Them’s some Righteous daughters ya got there, Sam…
The first rule of ‘Miss Gunpowder’ should be that you have to be a Miss.
Second rule is the audience can check and disqualify
To quote that sage philosopher, Kent “Flounder” Dorfman of Delta Tau Chi and Faber College:
“Oh boy, this is great!”
If the Miss Gunpowder contest is anything like last summer’s car wash, Tucker will be filling out paperwork regarding the largest stampede in Texas history.
Mari’s blue eyes are “arresting.” Beautiful artwork, Chris.
“Even though Gunpowder is a sovereign nation, the price of admission to the Miss Gunpowder Contest shall be a valid Texas ballot for the 2024 General Election, properly and completely filled out, voting a straight Republican ticket.
The ballots shall be delivered to an approved polling place in Alpine,TX.”
Do this at sufficient carefully selected venues and events across the United States, and the Republican Party would win the General Election before the primaries are over.
What with twins … maybe Kiko could be Miss Gun and Mari could be Miss Powder?
Put the two together and … BOOM!
Just thinking out loud …
“Just use what I gave you both as a team…”
Being……sultry good looks, bodacious bodies, awesome attitudes?
Look for the Rampaging SJW Rhino to either enter (NO FAIR THAT I DIDN’T WIN!) or disrupt the contest.
Want to keep a round or six of RINO AMMO on hand just in case…
And while .375 might be the legal minimum, I’ll be recommending .458.
Oddly enough I got .458 in the form of an AR rifle AND “pistol”
Ouch. Best brace that mofo SOCOM “pistol” up!
I think only a father like Zed could keep kids like this on a short leash.
Why does the phrase “Wardrobe Malfunction portent” keep running through my head?
Is the Lump-A-Saurus of Unknown Species going to try out?
Think Omar the tent maker has enough materials for a costume …