Given the repeatedly demonstrated fecundity, with all kinds of statistical significance, of her mother and her aunt, Kiko should release that the only effective form of birth control for her would be a cloistered convent.
A gunshop owner I knew had an old double painted white w/floral garlands wrapped around it, hanging on display. Sign read “for rent, formal weddings only” I was kinda looking for the Caddy’s fins on either side of that silleuette there…. waiting for lil’ sis to get revved up!
In addition to making you look wise and in control, it drives everyone else crazy trying to figure out if/when any shoe is going to fall. going to fall.
Oh, I expect Sam’s still getting regular “high hard ones,” though not on the trunk of a caddy. Of course, rather than howling, old snipers tend to be silent but supremely accurate.
I think maybe those dweebs have never gotten laid in such a way as to elicit the real sounds of passion and abandon. Have to record it (with notice) because in the moment they won’t hear much of nothing but the own grunts and heaves and heart pounding…
Uhmmm…my mind often goes places I never intend.
In this case…”Gawd, Imagine what’ll happen to Kiko’s tits when she is preggers, it’ll be like that weird trans teacher dudes fake ones…but REAL”
What boosts the average up is that we’ve had at least four “conspiracy theory -> fact” transitions in the past 24 hours alone, as four consecutive lies China told us about the balloon collapsed.
1) It’s a plain old meteorological balloon
2) It isn’t collecting intelligence
3) It drifted over the US by accident
4) It has no guidance
And now we’ve just learned there’s another one over Latin America.
Just imagine the process of getting that thing from ChiCom central to the great northwest at altitudes such that it doesn’t interfere with commercial flights…
Be funny as hell if the questions and answers as to why didn’t haunt and scare the living shit out of us…
Read something that said it came by way of Siberia, Alaska, Canada, etc…
February 3, 2023 at 10:15 pm
Aleutians, not Siberia, heh.
“The high-altitude balloon was spotted over Billings, Montana, on Wednesday. It flew over Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, through Canada, and into Montana. A senior defense official said the balloon is still over the U.S. but declined to say where it is now.”
February 3, 2023 at 10:20 pm
Or yeah, UFO as cb says up there…
THEN consider the distance it has flown!
Yeah yeah I know the Martians blow up their balloons on site too…
February 3, 2023 at 3:39 pm
Sex is a lot like oxygen in one respect.
You don’t take undue notice of it until you aren’t getting enough…..
The one that does NOT have her legs flailing in the air while allowing some wolf to ravage her inside and out when she KNOWS Mom and Dad (and especially Dad) will be driving right by there in earshot and mindshot…
Heavy Metal, High Times, and Werewolves of London in three consecutive days.
Nice hat trick, Chris.
Given the repeatedly demonstrated fecundity, with all kinds of statistical significance, of her mother and her aunt, Kiko should release that the only effective form of birth control for her would be a cloistered convent.
Chris, you know I like the silhouettes, but…
Frequently heard under the silvery full moon.
Howls of joy are being expressed.
A bad moon isn’t the only thing rising, apparently.
Is there a shotgun wedding, courtesy of Zed’s arsenal, in the near future?
I think it’s foregone, no shotgun necessary…
Oh, I think a shotgun should/would be present, just for formality.
The white one.
(The BBQ shotgun?)
The wedding was
a formal one.
Her papa had
A white shotgun.
Ah, a Jodie.
That takes me waaay back.
A gunshop owner I knew had an old double painted white w/floral garlands wrapped around it, hanging on display. Sign read “for rent, formal weddings only” I was kinda looking for the Caddy’s fins on either side of that silleuette there…. waiting for lil’ sis to get revved up!
No one clued to porky’s?
Gym scene with Lassie and new coach?
First thought, but then I realized I might be wrong about the source of the howling.
Lesson for Zed and Sam,
Never Miss an Opportunity to Underreact.
In addition to making you look wise and in control, it drives everyone else crazy trying to figure out if/when any shoe is going to fall. going to fall.
Looks like both shoes dropped quite some time ago….
This whole time line birth to sex has me confused
This whole time line birth to sex….
We guys have a hard time figuring out the really important things.
Jack may want to keep a watchful eye out for Roland the Zed-like Thompson gunner.
Flipside of the 45.
Roland is (was prior to decapitation) all tied up on another continent…
Norway’s Greatest Son?
Talkin’ about the man.
“figuring out the really important things”
Some of us are born totally confused.
Well we and those parents might be confused but that baby sure ain’t “Bullshit you ain’t keeping me out of the world with this stupid little thing!”
I think maybe ‘the Mama’ is a tad jealous of Jack’s response to Kiko vs Zed and her at this stage of their life.
Oh, I expect Sam’s still getting regular “high hard ones,” though not on the trunk of a caddy. Of course, rather than howling, old snipers tend to be silent but supremely accurate.
Yes – it looks like Sam’s heading home with a demanding demeanOr. . .
“Jeez, Kiko” … experience has it that a ‘screamer’ in the next room can impact the mood in your room.
Oh well, as the real estate sign once said about a new development “Get lots while you are young.”
The Letterkenny crew has a much different takes on the sounds of splendor.
I think maybe those dweebs have never gotten laid in such a way as to elicit the real sounds of passion and abandon. Have to record it (with notice) because in the moment they won’t hear much of nothing but the own grunts and heaves and heart pounding…
Uhmmm…my mind often goes places I never intend.
In this case…”Gawd, Imagine what’ll happen to Kiko’s tits when she is preggers, it’ll be like that weird trans teacher dudes fake ones…but REAL”
Just a wild guess – the “balloon” is a joint DC/CCP project to spy on MAGA Americans…
2023: the year every conspiracy theory comes true
Halley, well, the Pentagon held an ’emergency press conference’ to say they can’t say anything. So that leaves us with your theory or…
What boosts the average up is that we’ve had at least four “conspiracy theory -> fact” transitions in the past 24 hours alone, as four consecutive lies China told us about the balloon collapsed.
1) It’s a plain old meteorological balloon
2) It isn’t collecting intelligence
3) It drifted over the US by accident
4) It has no guidance
And now we’ve just learned there’s another one over Latin America.
Just imagine the process of getting that thing from ChiCom central to the great northwest at altitudes such that it doesn’t interfere with commercial flights…
Be funny as hell if the questions and answers as to why didn’t haunt and scare the living shit out of us…
Just because it came from China doesn’t mean it flew from China. There’s lots of Montana empty enough to launch a balloon without being observed.
Read something that said it came by way of Siberia, Alaska, Canada, etc…
Aleutians, not Siberia, heh.
“The high-altitude balloon was spotted over Billings, Montana, on Wednesday. It flew over Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, through Canada, and into Montana. A senior defense official said the balloon is still over the U.S. but declined to say where it is now.”
Or yeah, UFO as cb says up there…
THEN consider the distance it has flown!
Yeah yeah I know the Martians blow up their balloons on site too…
Sex is a lot like oxygen in one respect.
You don’t take undue notice of it until you aren’t getting enough…..
Which of the twins has the grey eye color? Asking for a friend
That would be Mari. Dark hair and eyes that can pierce your soul………
The one that does NOT have her legs flailing in the air while allowing some wolf to ravage her inside and out when she KNOWS Mom and Dad (and especially Dad) will be driving right by there in earshot and mindshot…
Okay, Dad rant off…
On behalf of Dads everywhere, thank you.