Exactly my thought. Roy Bean was a flamboyant character, and they probably could use one of his ilk. But they really need someone to take up the mantle of Judge Parker.
Parker was a hanging judge because he had a lot of murderers to hang. He presided over a territory where many of the white men had been fleeing the law when they came there in the first place. Most of the men his deputies dragged back to court were the worst of the worst. Parker gave them a generally fair trial (the acquittal rate in Parker’s court was much, much higher than it is in any modern court), and if the suspect was convicted, Parker applied the penalty prescribed by law.
I _hope_ that Gunpowder will avoid recreating that bit of history.
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
I volunteer to be the Gunpowder judge. I know as little about the law as anybody, but I have a hell of a lot more common sense than most.
I’m not afraid to sentence someone to the death penalty.
At the same time, I’m not afraid to show mercy and leniency.
And if an illegal needs deporting, I say BRING UP THE TREBUCHET!
Out here at least, Arizona history shows you need only two things to found a community: a church and a saloon. In either order. Once you have those established, you get your dot on the map. Doesn’t matter what else you have, you need those two things or no dot (and no residents).
Until about 10 years ago, our rural community’s elementary school was holding all its classes (four sessions of combined grades) in three structures that comprised the original Bucket of Blood Saloon from our founding era.
THREE buildings ?
I started school in a two room schoolhouse, one for 1-6 and the other for 7-12
When you went up a grade you moved to the next row over.
We still have a couple of small schools very similar to that around here, I tend to think it would do a lot of kids a lot of good to go back to that.
In the Fourth and again in the Sixth grade I attended school in a three room schoolhouse that had four grades to a classroom/teacher. One grade per row, and just First through Eighth grades, and the third room was an assembly room. You were bused to the big city of Yokum, Texas for high-school. No inside plumbing. Outhouses and outside water fountain supplied by windmill. We had indoor cold water at home, but outhouse and no hot water. I LOVED that life.
December 2, 2023 at 12:01 am
I attended a wedding reception at the Bucket of Blood in Holbrook almost 50 years ago. Small world.
I was a court reporter back in the day and the hanging judge there once told a convict during sentencing, “By the time you get out, that parking lot is going to be an inter-galactic space port.”
Chris, I know this request has been made before, but PLEASE be more considerate of your placement of speech bubbles. All of the most beautiful parts of a flower should never be covered by “blah, blah, blah”. I know I may be selfish, but again, just a request.
Bass Reeves was real, Cogburn wasn’t. Reeves had a problem John Wayne never had – he was a black man at the height of American racism. He was tough enough to make white men respect the law even when it came with a black skin.
Don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but being an ethanol product producer comes with gobs (scientific term) of paperwork, regulations, inspections, fees and trouble with the ATF. Going to have to add at least two key people to the mix – a regulatory compliance specialist and an attorney. I spent a career being the former (both sides of the badge). It is not as easy as to may look. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.
Judge Parker not Judge Bean (he never hanged anybody…well he hanged two but one escaped). We got lots of hangin’ to do…
Exactly my thought. Roy Bean was a flamboyant character, and they probably could use one of his ilk. But they really need someone to take up the mantle of Judge Parker.
Parker was a hanging judge because he had a lot of murderers to hang. He presided over a territory where many of the white men had been fleeing the law when they came there in the first place. Most of the men his deputies dragged back to court were the worst of the worst. Parker gave them a generally fair trial (the acquittal rate in Parker’s court was much, much higher than it is in any modern court), and if the suspect was convicted, Parker applied the penalty prescribed by law.
I _hope_ that Gunpowder will avoid recreating that bit of history.
Every shiitehole should have a honest hanging judge. After about two generations we may have our country back.
Ole Judge Roy’s picture is there on the Clan site someplace.
Clan got to have a real hanger not a poser in there somewhere…
I volunteer to be the Gunpowder judge. I know as little about the law as anybody, but I have a hell of a lot more common sense than most.
I’m not afraid to sentence someone to the death penalty.
At the same time, I’m not afraid to show mercy and leniency.
And if an illegal needs deporting, I say BRING UP THE TREBUCHET!
I’m picturing Jo in a close-fitting black robe.
Judge with a built-in polygraph and PSE.
Or have Javier upgrade her with an actual veridicator.
“That was a lie. Would you like to rephrase your statement?”
clear ether
The H. Beam Piper reference did not go unnoticed
Blue statement or Red statement?
Zar Belk!
Gunpowder is doing things in the wrong order.
Out here at least, Arizona history shows you need only two things to found a community: a church and a saloon. In either order. Once you have those established, you get your dot on the map. Doesn’t matter what else you have, you need those two things or no dot (and no residents).
Until about 10 years ago, our rural community’s elementary school was holding all its classes (four sessions of combined grades) in three structures that comprised the original Bucket of Blood Saloon from our founding era.
THREE buildings ?
I started school in a two room schoolhouse, one for 1-6 and the other for 7-12
When you went up a grade you moved to the next row over.
We still have a couple of small schools very similar to that around here, I tend to think it would do a lot of kids a lot of good to go back to that.
In the Fourth and again in the Sixth grade I attended school in a three room schoolhouse that had four grades to a classroom/teacher. One grade per row, and just First through Eighth grades, and the third room was an assembly room. You were bused to the big city of Yokum, Texas for high-school. No inside plumbing. Outhouses and outside water fountain supplied by windmill. We had indoor cold water at home, but outhouse and no hot water. I LOVED that life.
I attended a wedding reception at the Bucket of Blood in Holbrook almost 50 years ago. Small world.
Given the popularity of the name, I’ve always assumed that the Bucket of Blood was some sort of franchise, the McDonalds of its day.
“I have a 12 ga. Restraining Order signed by Judge Mossberg.”
Laughed out loud when I read that.
I will be stealing it.
Sam does have a 12 ga. with ‘The Manager’ carved into the stock
“I can’t find any law against killing a Chinaman.” Judge Roy Bean
I was a court reporter back in the day and the hanging judge there once told a convict during sentencing, “By the time you get out, that parking lot is going to be an inter-galactic space port.”
Chris, I know this request has been made before, but PLEASE be more considerate of your placement of speech bubbles. All of the most beautiful parts of a flower should never be covered by “blah, blah, blah”. I know I may be selfish, but again, just a request.
Well, if your going to go with the judge, you’ll have to conjure up his marshal and arguably the greatest lawman of all time: Bass Reeves.
Rooster Cogburn, maybe?
Bass Reeves was real, Cogburn wasn’t. Reeves had a problem John Wayne never had – he was a black man at the height of American racism. He was tough enough to make white men respect the law even when it came with a black skin.
Just wtf kinda time warp we got goin’ on here now???
Already had this comment done when Da Judge popped up (spoiler?)…
OMG, not only is it already midnight, but it’s 12/6!!! How long was my nap with the old dachsund???
But then it was gone? Whiplash? Insanity?
Don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but being an ethanol product producer comes with gobs (scientific term) of paperwork, regulations, inspections, fees and trouble with the ATF. Going to have to add at least two key people to the mix – a regulatory compliance specialist and an attorney. I spent a career being the former (both sides of the badge). It is not as easy as to may look. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.
I suspect ATF agents won’t have any more luck in Gunpowder than FBI agents.