“they berate you for not have more blood to give” … Volodymyr Zelensky comes to mind.
February 28, 2023 at 9:56 am
As I saw posted on another website yesterday, “a socialist will eat the last piece of fried chicken, deny he did it, then berate the farmer for not providing more free chicken.”
February 28, 2023 at 12:35 am
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
That’s the reason that Regressives can only use circular logic. They can only make “left” turns.
(that’s a joke, son. a joke, I say. a small joke, but still a joke. what’s the matter with you, boy!? don’t you know a joke when you hear one? I tell you, that boy’s about as bright as a burned out light bulb)
And their total lack of foresight prevents them from realizing that we’ll only wind up where we started.
Abject tyranny.
And the ironic thing is that they are so short sighted they think _they_ will get to be the tyrants.
So it’s date night at the local “Rump and Hump” near D.C.?
February 28, 2023 at 12:34 pm
The young gimmies today don’t recognize the ancient words of wisom.
They get all ‘confused like’ when they can’t decide who to whine that you’re ‘discriminating’ against and just stare at you with a stunned look on their face…which I enjoy immensely.
progtards today are about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
If he’s gotta have a non-sense name, call him “Puta”, since he’s a full o’ crap whore….and not worth the price, regardless. 3-time loser for sale?
Who’s a big enough fool to buy?
‘Beto’ is actually a mispronunciation of his nickname but conservatives prefer to call him ‘Beta’ because there is no way in Hades that he an ‘alpha’ male.
Beta O’Rourke and Stacy Abrams are the twin black holes of politics, they annihilate massive amounts of Progtard campaign contributions without producing a victory.
They are so mentally dense that they emit no sign of intelligent life.
“… the left can’t stop themselves.” Ain’t that the truth. The moment one loonie lefty achieves it’s aims, another is ready to push it into the tumbril while denouncing it for not going far enough.
Regarding public safety, it’s a constant sore point for me that the left can get away with claiming it’s “For The Children” to refuse to teach basic gun safety.
beta’s tongue’s tied in the middle and flappin at both ends.
The boy should be trying to keep a low profile and ease up on the new crop of libtards right sneaky like, but he’s about as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oatmeal.
I think Foghorn is my favourite character, reminds me of my father in size and demeanor and always has.
Still, I’m twisting the remnants of what’s left of my mind into contortions that would make a liebral proud trying to figure out what a ‘woke’ rooster would sound like. He’s probably one of the few they couldn’t do it with.
“This was all predictable, and I knew it when I said it, and I was OK with it,” Adams said.”
“The media is racist.” Musk said.
And the left will not understand, after all the end justifies all of their means, and they do not understand the truth or those who stick to it regardless.
Leftists, like all parasites that are not completely eradicated, eventually kill their hosts.
As they suck the last drop of blood from your body, and face eventual starvation, they berate you for not have more blood to give!
“they berate you for not have more blood to give” … Volodymyr Zelensky comes to mind.
As I saw posted on another website yesterday, “a socialist will eat the last piece of fried chicken, deny he did it, then berate the farmer for not providing more free chicken.”
That’s the reason that Regressives can only use circular logic. They can only make “left” turns.
(that’s a joke, son. a joke, I say. a small joke, but still a joke. what’s the matter with you, boy!? don’t you know a joke when you hear one? I tell you, that boy’s about as bright as a burned out light bulb)
Foghorn Leghorn.
Or was it Senator Claghorn?
Zar Belk!
Nascar logic.
Always further left, trying to get ahead.
Sell yourself out.
Stop for new resources only to fight to keep going left.
And their total lack of foresight prevents them from realizing that we’ll only wind up where we started.
Abject tyranny.
And the ironic thing is that they are so short sighted they think _they_ will get to be the tyrants.
“… about as sharp as a pound of wet leather.”
So it’s date night at the local “Rump and Hump” near D.C.?
The young gimmies today don’t recognize the ancient words of wisom.
They get all ‘confused like’ when they can’t decide who to whine that you’re ‘discriminating’ against and just stare at you with a stunned look on their face…which I enjoy immensely.
progtards today are about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
Is it Beto?!? Is it Beta?!?
Better yet … call this wuss Betx.
Saul Alinsky had a good point … with Rule #4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
Betx has to live up to those same rules that are regularly inflicted upon the rest of society by all of these left wing monsters.
If he’s gotta have a non-sense name, call him “Puta”, since he’s a full o’ crap whore….and not worth the price, regardless. 3-time loser for sale?
Who’s a big enough fool to buy?
‘Beto’ is actually a mispronunciation of his nickname but conservatives prefer to call him ‘Beta’ because there is no way in Hades that he an ‘alpha’ male.
Beta O’Rourke and Stacy Abrams are the twin black holes of politics, they annihilate massive amounts of Progtard campaign contributions without producing a victory.
They are so mentally dense that they emit no sign of intelligent life.
6 month course in logic and English proficiency, that’s a good idea.
“… the left can’t stop themselves.” Ain’t that the truth. The moment one loonie lefty achieves it’s aims, another is ready to push it into the tumbril while denouncing it for not going far enough.
Regarding public safety, it’s a constant sore point for me that the left can get away with claiming it’s “For The Children” to refuse to teach basic gun safety.
Boy’s about as sharp as a bowling ball…Continuing Foghorn Leghorn vein.
Try Puto. He is a total sellout to lefty causes.
beta’s tongue’s tied in the middle and flappin at both ends.
The boy should be trying to keep a low profile and ease up on the new crop of libtards right sneaky like, but he’s about as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oatmeal.
I think Foghorn is my favourite character, reminds me of my father in size and demeanor and always has.
Still, I’m twisting the remnants of what’s left of my mind into contortions that would make a liebral proud trying to figure out what a ‘woke’ rooster would sound like. He’s probably one of the few they couldn’t do it with.
Foghorn was based on the character “Senator Claghorn”, a resident of Allen’s Alley on the old Fred Allen radio show.
Zar Belk!
We didn’t get that up here, but the sentiment remains the same
(As in, “He’s not playing with a full deck.”)
(and stay safe)
“The left can’t stop itself…”
Nor can they stop the truth;
“This was all predictable, and I knew it when I said it, and I was OK with it,” Adams said.”
“The media is racist.” Musk said.
And the left will not understand, after all the end justifies all of their means, and they do not understand the truth or those who stick to it regardless.
Men of conviction, and heart.