Too Long.
Drama Queen.


  • December 30, 2024 at 12:57 am

    Pretty much what Vivek said isn’t it?

    I for one do not see an incongruity with Musk and Trump’s visa push, quite the opposite as the latter can be seen as a necessary stop-gap measure to take up the slack of the last 50 years of “academia” until the DOE is DOA. Then maybe our kids can get some actual educatin’.

    • December 30, 2024 at 2:26 am

      The freak-out by some poorly informed MAGA types was kind of embarrassing.

      • December 30, 2024 at 8:00 am

        There have been sufficient reports of companies & head-hunting firms downgrading US resumes to allow the off-shore ones to rise to the top. I’d like to see that addressed – thoroughly – before writing people off as having a “freak-out.” Remember the “poorly informed” people who freaked out about the Covid vax… oh shucks, turned out to be ‘problematic’. The window these days between a conspiracy theory & a spoiler alert is diminishing rapidly.

        I agree that the government never saw a stop-gap measure it didn’t want to see in perpetuity. Remember the communists that considered the sunset clause on the AWB a gross error, which they won’t repeat. Bureaucratic “programs” don’t die a natural death.

    • December 30, 2024 at 3:01 am

      This is the government we’re talking about here. The is no such thing as a “stop gap measure.” It’s like a “temporary” tax hike, it’s permanent. Vivek and his Wall Street cronies are addicted to marginally educated labor that they can import as bargain basement prices. And like the tax hike, these aren’t “temporary” workers, but the job loses for Americans is permanent.
      Like any harmful addiction it needs to end, with the subsequent screaming withdrawal symptoms falling on deaf ears. And if DOE dies in the process, then all the better. Anything less is just aiding and abetting our continued abandonment of our children’s education in exchange for an inflated stock price.

      • December 30, 2024 at 12:54 pm

        @resolute, the first part of your piece argues against continuation and counting on the visas which you attribute to Vivek but that was actually Musk (and DT) arguing for them while Vivek made the irrefutable case that we have lamented here for years that the second part of your comment picks up on.

  • December 30, 2024 at 8:42 am

    If the gov’t ever stops paying part of the salaries of ‘temporary foreign workers’ and ends all the programs subsidizing employers for using them and instead holds them responsible for the actions of their employees, you’ll be surprised how good hiring local suddenly looks.

    • December 30, 2024 at 4:54 pm


  • December 30, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Perhaps it’s finally time for Ivan Illich’s book “Deschooling Society” to make a comeback?

    • December 30, 2024 at 1:19 pm

      Past time rather, by about 53 years, to address what the author saw coming and already happening in 1971.

      What he did not address is the stark truth, that the rapid descent of education began with the forced browning-out of it and its subsequent relinquishment in its entirety to government…its effect has worsened steadily and radically over the years and continues apace right now. It is the number one cause and issue with public education, or the lack of it, leading to elimination of parental involvement, total control by gov agents from the school board on up, purse string control (funding, always follow the money) by all levels of gov, and of course all of that leading to the horror in higher-learning admissions and policies that we have seen play out as the extent of it became more obvious in the last few years.

      Way too controversial for even the brown-skinned Vivek and the immigrant Musk to pick up on and publicly address but it is the irrefutable truth, that forced integration and subsequent degradation of public education played a Yuge part in leading us to where we are vis a vis our educational position in the world.

  • December 30, 2024 at 10:27 am
    Occasional Commenter

    The H1-B visa program is abused simply for the cheap labor. There’s plenty of instances revealing they’re using H1-B visas for menial work such as cooks.

    Plus, some of those those holding such visas can use chain migration to bring families over. There’s insufficient oversight on that aspect.

    Shut it all down. Do a complete overhaul of immigration. Create a new baseline without any built-in exceptions or sweetheart deals. Once we have a new baseline, then we can negotiate things like H1-B visas.

  • December 30, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    Well, having enforced H1-B visa issues for years in the Tex-Mex maritime border, I can tell you native born Americans are few and far between on the south Texas fishing boats. Only around Corpus for you get an influx of Vietnamese-Americans, now Ameticans due second generation. We can’t find enough whites or blacks who choose to do labor. End handouts for those sitting in their mom’s basement, taking bongchits, playing video games and bad-mouthing the country about what they are entitled to. Work. The dignity of work is lost due academy types who say work is some capitalist theory that should be discarded. We have sound immigration laws on the books. They have been discarded by Bide-Obamen. You pay a brilliant engineer in Dehli $20 an hour there. What do you pay them here? Does the immigrant better the State he desires to migrate to? Are they of sound mind and body? Do they intend to assimilate? The government has failed us for many years. Why don’t we privatize the immigration industry? Pitfalls versus pros?

  • December 30, 2024 at 12:45 pm

    As well as you will ever see it broken down and explained in Roger Simon’s “The Great Fake H1-B Controversy”. And I love Roger’s tag-line “the narcissism of small differences” because that’s exactly what it is.

    That and as he further makes clear, the fact that this “controversy” and as many others as they can fabricate are the doings of the mouthpieces and rabble-rousers of the leftist media; unable to gain traction on any actual issues, they are grasping at straws, desperate to create division within what right now should be a solid team.

    The key takeaway as we have said and lamented here many times over the years as the situation has worsened right before our eyes…if we don’t take back and fix our educational system in this country our country will be taken back by other educational systems from everywhere else.

  • December 30, 2024 at 1:37 pm
    Red Edwards weingarten either..I’d like her to get on a real stoic of the Aurelius strain..
    See the fuzz fly…

  • December 30, 2024 at 2:37 pm

    There are always exceptions to anything. Many really brilliant people have tendencies to be one trick ponies. There are a lot of regular people that can come up with “fixes” that never occur to the “gifted”. Also, I doubt we have anywhere near the number of real teachers that could even begin to actually teach what is needed, say, back to 18 century USA school work.
    I had, I was told, a mentor on wiring an air field that was intellectually gifted. He used hand tools for all the bolts, tapped holes, and lots of etc. Took lots of work, swearing, and being plain exhausted. When I was on my own, I immediately switched to air tools. A whole world of difference. When I got transferred, he was back on the airfield and immediately got rid of my air tool setup and was back to a long time to fix anything. Management was happy.

  • December 30, 2024 at 10:07 pm
    Chris Muir
    • December 31, 2024 at 12:06 am

      Very much enjoyed that SubStack article!! Thanks!!

    • December 31, 2024 at 1:17 am

      A lot of unnecessary words just to get to the gist that we have known and discussed here forever; our so called educational system is rotted and irrelevant to our needs and could be essentially replaced with the training academies discussed in the last few paragraphs. Could have just said that.

    • December 31, 2024 at 7:45 pm

      Well, I think I got the drift of that unending
      critique, it reminded me of the movie “Rebel
      without a cause” (James Dean).I once ran a
      business where I would encounter young
      people who would (after doing something
      nonsensical) say they are just stupid.
      In an effort to distinguish themself some
      would attempt to do crazy things when
      if they would apply themselves could
      have done something positive.

      People coming here from everywhere
      immediately look for their countrymen;
      they then try to recreate the culture they
      just left.
      This country with all it`s riches, and bounty
      created by those who have no problem
      with working hard to get ahead have made
      it possible for the ones who want a free
      ride to coast along; especially if they are
      smart enough to know how to game the
      Without immigration (legal) this country
      with it`s unique Constitution would have
      failed long ago.

      Happy New Year to all!



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