How can progressives demand “gender-affirming care” here and oppose “female genital mutilation” in Islamic and African countries simultaneously?
My hypothesis is that their mental aberration allows them to hold entirely opposite and contradictory beliefs at the same time, while insisting that both are absolutely “good” and “true” and that they in fact do not,/b> contradict each other.
Or is it the “It’s not wrong when we do it” factor?
I haven’t heard any condemnation about how women are being treated in fundamentalist Muslim countries lately. That would be Islamophobic.
I do remember all the way back to 2011, when progressives were demonstrating against infant circumcision. They wore white t-shirts with “bloody” crotches, and carried signs saying, “People are born perfect, don’t change them.”
There’s no dissonance if they memoryhole yesterday and focus exclusively on the cause du jour.
Remember Clinton’s “it depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is”?
I think that was one of the first blatant revelations that the Left were going to openly ignore facts, truth, logic and sanity.
If you push ideas, like words can mean whatever you choose, or 2 plus 2 can equal 5, then it makes it so easy to push an agenda.
Ideas, words and beliefs being beyond flexible, you can claim men are women, Antifa is the opposite of fascist, going trillions into debt is prosperous, Biden is a genius, and Muslims treat women with equality while conservative, straight, white males create oppression against women, simply by existing!
Leftists exist in an entirely solipsistic universe in which only their own immediate thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of the moment are acknowledged as “real”, and anything which does not match their personal concept of reality at that particular moment is discarded as “false consciousness” and simply not acknowledged to exist.
For them, “I reject your reality and substitute my own” isn’t merely a punchline; it’s their actual state of existence from moment to moment.
The FGM activism became a conflict of interest obvious to a fifth-grader, so it was quietly shelved. Those women are no longer “important.”
Leftist activism is never about victims, it’s about weaponizing their grievances.
The entire Democrat ethos is nothing but narcissism disguising itself as altruism.
They use different words, so different “rules” apply. They are all about words in the “narrative”.Different narrative; different words; different rules. It is very easy for them. Nothing is absolute except the party narrative. Different words mean a different thing. It ain’t “jargon”, it is a different reality according to the words. “genital mutilation” and “gender affirming care” are different because the words are different. You primitive absolutists don’t understand the nuances of the narrative. The “narrative” is reality.
I think it would be more accurate to say that “Nothing is absolute except the party.” The narrative is far from reality. It is their delusional view, and it will be adjusted to suit the “feel good” cause of the moment.
No, but I watched Edmund O’Brian in 1984 when I was eight years old, and read the book a few years later. Scared the hell out of me then, and is making a revolutionary of me now.
“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell
They definitely have an altered perception of reality. In the old days we called it insanity. But that’s not PC these days. I think they call themselves, or rather “identify”, as democrats or something like that.
‘kafir’ is an insulting reference to a black woman so take your choice. Lotsa black wimmin in WDC who think their poo does not smell but instinctively know their place in the muslin world.
Kafir – an Arabic and Islamic term which, in the Islamic tradition, refers to a person who disbelieves in God as per Islam, or denies his authority, or rejects the tenets of Islam. The term is often translated as “infidel”.
Kafiroon – Disbeliever, Unbeliever, basically Infidel.
June 27, 2023 at 1:12 pm
Probably. Wasn’t one of the Congresswymyn that was all for hyper-feminism, but still kissed Billy-boy Clinton’s ass during the Lewinsky sex scandals?
As long as it’s not one of the pervert beer companies.
Just make it a Sam Adam’s, Jan….
How can progressives demand “gender-affirming care” here and oppose “female genital mutilation” in Islamic and African countries simultaneously?
My hypothesis is that their mental aberration allows them to hold entirely opposite and contradictory beliefs at the same time, while insisting that both are absolutely “good” and “true” and that they in fact do not,/b> contradict each other.
Or is it the “It’s not wrong when we do it” factor?
clear ether
I haven’t heard any condemnation about how women are being treated in fundamentalist Muslim countries lately. That would be Islamophobic.
I do remember all the way back to 2011, when progressives were demonstrating against infant circumcision. They wore white t-shirts with “bloody” crotches, and carried signs saying, “People are born perfect, don’t change them.”
There’s no dissonance if they memoryhole yesterday and focus exclusively on the cause du jour.
Remember Clinton’s “it depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is”?
I think that was one of the first blatant revelations that the Left were going to openly ignore facts, truth, logic and sanity.
If you push ideas, like words can mean whatever you choose, or 2 plus 2 can equal 5, then it makes it so easy to push an agenda.
Ideas, words and beliefs being beyond flexible, you can claim men are women, Antifa is the opposite of fascist, going trillions into debt is prosperous, Biden is a genius, and Muslims treat women with equality while conservative, straight, white males create oppression against women, simply by existing!
“War is peace”
“Freedom is slavery”
“Ignorance is strength”
“2+2=5 if the Party says so!”
Zar Belk!
I vote for: “It’s not wrong when we do it” factor.
Leftists exist in an entirely solipsistic universe in which only their own immediate thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of the moment are acknowledged as “real”, and anything which does not match their personal concept of reality at that particular moment is discarded as “false consciousness” and simply not acknowledged to exist.
For them, “I reject your reality and substitute my own” isn’t merely a punchline; it’s their actual state of existence from moment to moment.
The FGM activism became a conflict of interest obvious to a fifth-grader, so it was quietly shelved. Those women are no longer “important.”
Leftist activism is never about victims, it’s about weaponizing their grievances.
The entire Democrat ethos is nothing but narcissism disguising itself as altruism.
They use different words, so different “rules” apply. They are all about words in the “narrative”.Different narrative; different words; different rules. It is very easy for them. Nothing is absolute except the party narrative. Different words mean a different thing. It ain’t “jargon”, it is a different reality according to the words. “genital mutilation” and “gender affirming care” are different because the words are different. You primitive absolutists don’t understand the nuances of the narrative. The “narrative” is reality.
“Nothing is absolute except the party narrative.”
I think it would be more accurate to say that “Nothing is absolute except the party.” The narrative is far from reality. It is their delusional view, and it will be adjusted to suit the “feel good” cause of the moment.
To paraphrase Inigo Montoya: “You use the words; I do not believe you know what they mean. . .”
Using their own rules against them is excellent policy.
I’m struck by how much life imitates art. Anybody watch PCU a couple decades ago?
No, but I watched Edmund O’Brian in 1984 when I was eight years old, and read the book a few years later. Scared the hell out of me then, and is making a revolutionary of me now.
“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell
Zar Belk!
They definitely have an altered perception of reality. In the old days we called it insanity. But that’s not PC these days. I think they call themselves, or rather “identify”, as democrats or something like that.
I wonder who Damon ran off? SanFranNan?
‘kafir’ is an insulting reference to a black woman so take your choice. Lotsa black wimmin in WDC who think their poo does not smell but instinctively know their place in the muslin world.
Kafir – an Arabic and Islamic term which, in the Islamic tradition, refers to a person who disbelieves in God as per Islam, or denies his authority, or rejects the tenets of Islam. The term is often translated as “infidel”.
Kafiroon – Disbeliever, Unbeliever, basically Infidel.
Probably. Wasn’t one of the Congresswymyn that was all for hyper-feminism, but still kissed Billy-boy Clinton’s ass during the Lewinsky sex scandals?
Zar Belk!
How many shots did she need afterwards?
Tok Beer (takbir) and a Mo’ham sandwich.