We need a trackback on all found gift.
Authority, author, how long, has it been renewed, what was there before.
Track it all back. The grimy didn’t just start with Biden.
Go back to Nixon’s era. Track totals through name changes, end recipients, and again mission.
Then charge all involved in fed fraud, wire fraud, RICO, 1862 violations, deprivation of rights, etc.
Prove it was ongoing.
Then slam em hard.
Someone is going to ‘count the gold’. Hope they realize… Fort Knox has only half the Treasury’s holdings, the rest split between West Point and Denver.
Good thing, because the claim is ‘only’ about half a Trillion in today’s dollars at Ft Knox. They did say the book value was $$42.42/oz.?! Put me down for a few hundred oz. At that price 🙂
I would like to see the entire process, from application for monies, who reviewed and approved as well as who are the principals in these NGOs and others.
Part of the challenge is, just like Biden’s shell companies, it may be difficult to completely trace to different groups. Some of the charts I have seen show an ellaborate laundering scheme with the funds being moved around to try to “cleanse” the fatthey are GOV funds.
Cant hardly wait for the Epstein files to
be released, big time squirmin in DC,
also that (insert descriptive) heinous
person in Ga. will hopefully get all
she deserves.
Another one is that arrogant Maine
Gov. bye bye to that career.
Make no mistake, they still want all of that and then some. We can and should be so proud of the direction we are heading. BUT, now is not the time for complacency.
And while I love what Trump Corp. is achieving at the moment, keep your discernment sharp. He did remark that he had no problem suspending the Constitution regarding the 2020 election fraud.
February 22, 2025 at 1:13 pm
OT again, and I do really like Pam Blondie very much…but I don’t want her or anybody editing or reviewing, just release the list raw asap and let the shit fall where it may!
Speaking of gravy trains, this one is derailed!
There ya go…orchestrated by the artist of the deal, we will no longer hand unlimited funds to the crooked poser in ukraine…we will buy critical goods that we need in exchange, no more free shit for anybody!
Let the caterwauling commence. Their tears of pain/rage move me not at all.
They can water my violets for all I care.
clear ether
I hear liberal tears are good on cornflakes.
But NOT anywhere behind the rear axle, please.
We need a trackback on all found gift.
Authority, author, how long, has it been renewed, what was there before.
Track it all back. The grimy didn’t just start with Biden.
Go back to Nixon’s era. Track totals through name changes, end recipients, and again mission.
Then charge all involved in fed fraud, wire fraud, RICO, 1862 violations, deprivation of rights, etc.
Prove it was ongoing.
Then slam em hard.
1862 violations? Please elaborate.
The internet can be your friend, which is what I did to find out about that line.
Which you plan to keep secret rather than share in our quasi-public forum, which was the intent of the question. So…?
Kinda interested about Uranium One…
Someone is going to ‘count the gold’. Hope they realize… Fort Knox has only half the Treasury’s holdings, the rest split between West Point and Denver.
What about the Federal Reserve in NYC? John McClain wouldnt have lied to us, would he?
Good thing, because the claim is ‘only’ about half a Trillion in today’s dollars at Ft Knox. They did say the book value was $$42.42/oz.?! Put me down for a few hundred oz. At that price 🙂
Imagine the arrogance of parking literally billions in various banks, waiting to be stolen away by their minions.
So much for the Congress holding the purse strings!!
We need a detailed list of which NGO got what money and how it tracked back to which Senator or House member
I’m afraid a lot of that info is in “blank fields” of the various agencies’ data bases.
Blaming it all on Data Entry Clerks, next.
I would like to see the entire process, from application for monies, who reviewed and approved as well as who are the principals in these NGOs and others.
Part of the challenge is, just like Biden’s shell companies, it may be difficult to completely trace to different groups. Some of the charts I have seen show an ellaborate laundering scheme with the funds being moved around to try to “cleanse” the fatthey are GOV funds.
Cant hardly wait for the Epstein files to
be released, big time squirmin in DC,
also that (insert descriptive) heinous
person in Ga. will hopefully get all
she deserves.
Another one is that arrogant Maine
Gov. bye bye to that career.
Mills is a graduate of the Lucy van Pelt “If You Can’t Be Right, Be Wrong at the Top of Your Lungs” School of Diplomacy.
OTOH, Maine is the best argument yet against Ranked Choice Balloting.
The schadenfreude sweetens my covefe.
I don’t know if I can do four years of this without an insulin pump.
Pity we can’t have this up here.
This is getting so sweet, it may make my diabetes flare up!
Zar Belk!
Most excellent Chris! But…. it oughtta be ‘The Rope Dance’ instead of the bus!!
Y’all take care,
Mike in FLA.
The big yellow tumbrel 😉
Beat make that a shops’ hawser. Any ordinary rope wouldn’t be able to hold that weight.
Perfectly good sip of coffee shot out the nose across the keyboard. I5s good to have you well again, Chris. Crooks. Exposed.
Our gracious host is back from the infirmary, and Mari is back to playing peek-a-boob.
Yes. All is right with the world.
Basically we are talking about the same people that wanted us, silenced/no voice, imprisoned/’reeducated’, or as many exclaimed, killed.
Make no mistake, they still want all of that and then some. We can and should be so proud of the direction we are heading. BUT, now is not the time for complacency.
And while I love what Trump Corp. is achieving at the moment, keep your discernment sharp. He did remark that he had no problem suspending the Constitution regarding the 2020 election fraud.
OT again, and I do really like Pam Blondie very much…but I don’t want her or anybody editing or reviewing, just release the list raw asap and let the shit fall where it may!
Stacey belongs on the front of the GRAVY TRAIN!
Speaking of gravy trains, this one is derailed!
There ya go…orchestrated by the artist of the deal, we will no longer hand unlimited funds to the crooked poser in ukraine…we will buy critical goods that we need in exchange, no more free shit for anybody!
Elon says…
While other trains are on track and picking up speed…
Whoo whoo baby!