Konan, Late Nite Konqueror.


  • January 20, 2025 at 1:02 am

    It’s District of Corruption. Nothing there is flyover country Normal.

    • January 20, 2025 at 1:31 am

      Pinhead would feel entirely at home.

      clear ether


  • January 20, 2025 at 5:43 am
    Unca Walt

    I now eagerly await developments.

  • January 20, 2025 at 6:05 am

    To all the TDS Antifa BLM Deep State Waste Rolls: Deceivers ALL!


    Y F A, N Y G F O!

    • January 20, 2025 at 7:35 am
      President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      If the troublemakers try to roil things up today, maybe we can clean up the voter rolls some more.

      • January 20, 2025 at 9:38 am

        One way to start is with a federal law stipulating the conditions of voting with respect to Federal Offices.
        It will be fun to see the corrupt state legislatures pretzel their way into a two-tier system that allows them to cheat for state and local offices but not for the Federal.

      • January 21, 2025 at 6:15 am

        Actually, Arizona has the opposite problem. We locked down the state and local voting, but the feds sued us to force us to allow the unconfirmed to vote federally. So we give them special ballots with only federal races on them. Be real happy i.f Trump squashes that.

  • January 20, 2025 at 7:33 am
    President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    Granted, Hercules had 12 jobs. But!! Look at the scale and impact of those 12 jobs.
    To look at the most commonly cited one, Herc, by himself, cleaned out a set of horse stables that hadn’t been touched in years, if not decades, by diverting a river to run through it. No easy feat for anyone, let alone only one.
    Any yet he wasn’t given credit for accomplishing the task, because he used the river to assist him in cleaning the stables. (Ungrateful king)

    • January 20, 2025 at 9:25 am

      The 12 Labors were just part of the story. They were done as penance for murdering his wife and children during a bout of madness laid on him by Hera. Herc was one of Zeus’ numerous bastards whom Hera was always tormenting, as well as their mothers. Hercules had the misfortune of being high on her target list. Among his other adventures, he was one of the Heros that accompanied Jason on the Quest for the Golden Fleece.

      Zar Belk!

    • January 20, 2025 at 9:27 am

      The Stables were so large that it took hundreds of slaves to muck out each day, and even then, it would require occasionally rotating through which section would be thoroughly cleaned.

      Hercules using the river showed he was an engineering genius. Shifting a river’s course through a system of Canals and channels, at the volume needed to flood the stable quickly enough to push all the crap out within the the time limit set, and have the waters gone by the time the horses and other livestock returned at night? estimates are that it would have taken about 50,000 gals of water a minute for an hour or two, and then the polluted waters would have needed a system of channels and canals to flush it into the river.

      So, figure the work needed to build the systems would have taken a hundred men about five months, more likely a year, in order for Hercules to then ‘Turn the spigot’ and accomplish the Task.

      And to tell the truth, I always wanted someone to write the story up that way…

    • January 20, 2025 at 5:14 pm

      “… by diverting a river to run through it.”
      Gov. Newscum would have diverted it to save the flies, feeding on the shit.

  • January 20, 2025 at 9:17 am

    For those needing them for their survival kit, or to be ready to send Antifa/BLM thugs to their next assignment;

    Or if you think maybe the Uke fighters could use an accurate one(Russian/Cold War Maps were deliberate crap).

    Myself, I plan on getting one for the DC Metro zone, because eventually, that will be a place needing a thorough cleaning, and my region of Florida. I figure 40 klicks radius, plus a second set for Mar-a-Lago, because the DNC/PLD will try again after Trump’s 2nd Successful Term and Administration. After Vance(or After Trump if they can steal another election). Remember, a map in hand is better than a busted cellphone with a map app…

  • January 20, 2025 at 9:33 am
    cb ~
    • January 20, 2025 at 9:52 am
      President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

      Not by The Master before whom we all must be Judged.

    • January 20, 2025 at 9:54 am

      If there was nothing to fear and no wrongdoing, why pardon them?

    • January 20, 2025 at 10:04 am

      The nice thing about pardons is the flip side.
      For those pardoned the 5th Amendment does not apply. They CAN be compelled to testify against themselves and thus reveal their co-conspiritors who were not pardoned.
      The Deep State is not off the hook.

  • January 20, 2025 at 9:57 am

    You get a pardon…and you get a pardon…everyone gets a pardon !

    We all knew it was coming but I thought he’d wait until 11:30

    Hopefully there’s a way to do an end run around ‘preemptive pardons’ a pardon is supposed to be for a crime committed and only AFTER the penalty has been served quietly and completely, otherwise it’s a commutation or expungement and it most certainly isn’t for cases where charges haven’t even been laid yet. Hopefully your Supreme Court will recognize this and rule accordingly, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

    • January 20, 2025 at 3:18 pm

      Sen Rand Paul says despite the pardons, he is determined to investigate and expose Anthony Fauci’s misdeeds. So even if Fauci cannot be jailed, at the least his crimes can be shown to the Court of Public Opinion and Fauci ostracized!!

      • January 20, 2025 at 5:17 pm

        That’s what I’ve been posting, everywhere I can. Trump’s already removed the security clearances of all 50+ FBI agents who signed off on Hunter’s laptop story. They need to go after everyone, who’s done anything, whether or not they’ve received a pardon.
        We deserve to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

      • January 20, 2025 at 8:07 pm

        He may not face criminal charges, but civil suits for all the wrongful deaths and injuries could keep him legally and financially stressed for the rest of his life.

        Zar Belk!

      • January 21, 2025 at 6:18 am

        If Trump can strongarm an international court to try Fauci for crimes against humanity, a federal pardon wont be worth squat to him.

  • January 20, 2025 at 11:40 am
    Hotrod Lincoln

    As long as the deep state has justice Roberts by the balls over his quasi-legal “adoption”- – – -SCOTUS will be a paper tiger!

  • January 20, 2025 at 11:59 am

    “We won”

    I think he means something other, and far bigger, than the election…

  • January 20, 2025 at 12:24 pm

    Don’t you have to be at least charged with a crime before you can be pardoned?

    • January 20, 2025 at 1:00 pm

      A reasonable person would think so but I’m sure that is a major court fight.
      Note pResident Byethen’s latest pardons. People that invented “law” to persecute and imprison people for doing Nothing compared to free to destroy antifa, blm, pride and any other bunch of wacko’s that smashed windows, attacked and killed some people, plus burned anything they could.

  • January 20, 2025 at 12:53 pm

    Polar Express frigid weather hitting Washington DC during inauguration.

    The “cold day in hell” has arrived.

    Best wishes to all my American friends, may we follow you soon.

  • January 20, 2025 at 1:01 pm

    Best thing about preemptive pardons?

    Bestowing them acknowledges and admits that they know what hidden horrible crimes were committed (right Fauci?) and by whom…it is a defacto plea of guilty!

    But they are being pre-pardoned to shut down the inquiries and to prevent it from climbing right up to bite biteme in the ass to lock his ass up. Much like the pardon of the pos Hunter is primarily to (attempt to) protect the “big guy”. But I have a feeling that PDJT will push through to replace our Patriots in prison for protesting 4 years ago with dozens of their evil selves to rot in jail and burn in the hereafter.

    • January 20, 2025 at 5:31 pm

      The POS Democrat PARTY issued the pardons THROUGH Biden.
      Biden doesn’t have the mental capabilities to comprehend what he’s doing.
      House Speaker Mike Johnson recently told the story of how he spent 9 weeks trying to secure a meeting with Biden regarding an executive order. When he finally got to meet with him, he had no idea or recollection of the order.

  • January 20, 2025 at 1:27 pm

    “Drill Baby Drill!”

  • January 20, 2025 at 1:35 pm

    Watching the God Emperor’s Inauguration Speech and, even though I’m Canadian, I’m inspired!! Trump isn’t holding back whatsoever. Bring on the Golden Age!!

    Now if only Canada can get their collectivist shit together and tag along!!

    • January 20, 2025 at 1:36 pm

      PS: I feel honoured and seen, Chris! Thanks!

    • January 20, 2025 at 2:27 pm

      I’d like to think that, but there are too many with their lips permanently grafted onto the gov’t teat to ever think about doing anything for themselves and they vote accordingly. Until and unless any pain they inflict on themselves by their voting habits can be laid squarely in the lap of the liebrals that bought said votes with our money instead of the media blaming Trump for everything sockboy invited, we’re doomed to freeze in the dark at the hands of guillbeault and his brainwashed lunatics…watch the paidoff peasants line up to vote en masse for carney, who fled to the Uk to screw their financial system up once he’d trashed ours. I wouldn’t mind being the 51st state, except that so many would vote demoncrap that we’d end up killing the goose that laid the golden eggs by sticking cameltoe in office, simply because cbc and ctv told them to.

      • January 20, 2025 at 3:12 pm

        I know there are many Canadians who are frustrated and angry with the state of Canada. Even folks I know who were stalwart Liberals for most of their lives are saying enough is enough.

        Trudeau the Younger can’t help himself. After his resignation announcement, he has been actively campaigning like he still wants the job. It’s like the Younger can’t understand people loath him.

        Not that I trust any politician but it seems like Poilievre might accidentally end up being pulled along by the tidal impact of Trump. Can Canada be saved? Too early to say. Poilievre is no Javier Milei… or is he?

      • January 21, 2025 at 1:55 pm

        Sorry for the late reply, but I was busy yesterday

        To my Canadian brothers .

        You are our biggest partner and we’re united by language, culture, history, and geography. That being said, I hope that you are able to join us as we extricate ourselves from the shackles of the global leftist movement. Your participation would help us as ours helps you. Perhaps together we can spread the movement to the rest of the English speaking world and in doing so save England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand as well. Your truckers and Mr. Poilievre are a good start.

      • January 21, 2025 at 2:17 pm

        GR8RDave, it does seem like the tide of populism is uplifting Canada and the roots of change for us was the Freedom Convoy.

        The Conservative Party leader at that point was a former military officer named Erin O’Toole who pretended to be conservative long enough to win the leadership and then immediately turned to the left. The result was the Conservatives losing an easily winnable election in 2021, leaving Trudeau the Younger in power.

        When the Freedom Convoy arrived, TheToole was worse than useless. While not outright condemning the movement, he refused to meet with them. His lack of leadership inspired the Conservative Members of Parliament to vote for a leadership review. Unlike the il-Liberals, the Conservative Party’s constitutional documents have that power written in.

        Once the leadership review was triggered, TheToole resigned as leader and was replaced by an interim leader who met with the Freedom Convoy leaders. The resulting leadership campaign put Pierre Poilievre in charge.

  • January 20, 2025 at 4:21 pm
    cb ~
    • January 21, 2025 at 2:07 pm

      What do you think…. Spy vs Spy -OR- V for Vendetta?

  • January 20, 2025 at 4:34 pm

    PDJT skipped the hand on the Bible? Why?

    • January 20, 2025 at 5:20 pm

      Melania was holding it, standing right next to him. I don’t like it but he probably had other things on his mind.

    • January 20, 2025 at 5:36 pm
      cb ~

      From online “The president raised his right hand and began the swearing-in before his wife, Melania, had even raised the two bibles up, and it’s unclear whether or not he put his hand on the Bibles at some point during the oath ceremony.”

      Things got rushed and he was concentrating on what Roberts was saying, imo

  • January 20, 2025 at 6:11 pm
    cb ~


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