Self Abuse.
No Harm, No Foul.


  • August 1, 2024 at 12:12 am
    Too Tall

    Mari is far more mature than Aunt Skye. There is not even a hint of “Trust but Verify” in those eyes. The look is one of pure, unadulterated “I don’t trust you.”

  • August 1, 2024 at 12:19 am

    A hint of what In those what now? That look is pure and unadulterated all right…

  • August 1, 2024 at 12:21 am

    There are apparently a lot of people who won’t vote for Trump, but will vote against Harris. And vice versa.

    For me it comes down to which one does not want to turn the entire United States into a giant California. Which is the dream of the left coast left “post-modern progressives” who support Harris.

    If Trump wins, I hope those who are “threatening” to leave the country if he does (like Sharon Stone) actually do it this time. They believe they can “punish” us by depriving us of their wonderfulness and superior consciousness.

    For them I have two words.

    Roman. Polanski.

    Inside of a year they will be forgotten. And good riddance.

    clear ether


    • August 1, 2024 at 12:44 am

      *Inside of a year they will be forgotten.*

      Inside of a year they will realize they jumped from the frying pan into the fire. The grass on the other side just *looks* greener.

    • August 1, 2024 at 1:19 am

      Kennedy is Polling remarkably well for these circumstances. There’s a tiny but non-zero chance he could win just enough electoral votes to cause a Contingent Election. I’ve been going around his supporters’ websites encouraging them to vote Republican for Congress (regardless of who else they support on their ballots) for his sake, because if they COULD pull off causing a contingency, Even though Trump would probably still win enough of them over (as our glimpse into the average bound elector’s lives in December 2016 revealed to us), 12th amendment rules guarantee that Kennedy would not get to keep Shanahan as his VP, in any event, because the next session of Congress will NOT vote for an independent. If Republican, they will choose Vance, if Democrat, whatever loon Harris picks. That’s why it’s useful to encourage them to Vote Republican for Congress, because Vance will be a less dangerous VP for Kennedy than whatever hack becomes Harris’s running mate. That’s how I’m selling it & it’s true. About half of them will vote Democrat for Senate, probably thinking to get a “balanced” government for Moderate Kennedy to meet in the middle on (in truth it would be all deadlock), but this benefits Trump because it gets more support for at least Republicans in congress, & in the slight but non-zero chance of a contingent election, protects Trump from getting shackled to a Leftoid operative who will probably try to 25th him on Day One. If Kennedy pulls off the biggest Hail Mary Pass ever, he’ll be much better off with Vance, and we’ll be better off if we just barely get the Senate back by 50/50. A Republican house, Senate & the Heritage Foundation reforms in the Washington bureaucracy, Kennedy might not be too bad with all those in place, and he has a grudge against the Deep State, so he’d do the right thing there.
      But, no, he could MAYBE cause a contingency, but he couldn’t win over 270 unbounded electors. I bet he could win enough at in the 3rd-10th rounds to keep the convention going for a week before they finally settle on Trump, however.
      Say, what if Harris refuses to officiate Trump’s certification next January 6th, as she’s duty bound to preform? Are there any provisions for punishing her if she refuses to show up? Who would be the substitute?

    • August 1, 2024 at 6:47 am

      There are also plenty whose lives are so shallow that they will vote Harris because they “wanted to be part of something historic.” It’s the same rationalizing that got their little brains to vote for the Kenyan Lightbringer.

      • August 1, 2024 at 12:15 pm

        Up here they voted for a nice haircut and legal dope…I read an article today that said the US is scared they’ll become like Canada if the cackler ‘wins’ at 3AM like bye-then did. Pray that never happens because we’re screwed for twenty years no matter who wins, we’re still paying for sockboy’s stepfather’s lunacy and since the PM appoints Supreme Court Justices directly with no oversight or control by anyone else, he doesn’t even need to stack the Senate with ‘independents’ any more than it already is, no meaningful legislation that helps anyone will be permitted to go into effect.

      • August 1, 2024 at 12:33 pm

        Key point OA, that like there in Canuckistan, so much damage has been done in the last four years (and quite a bit lingering from the Zero admin), that it is going to be a Yuge undertaking to reverse it and assuage it, esp as the so-called media has we have seen as they review DT’s brave appearance at the black reporters thing, so horribly nasty and one-sided, can you imagine what they are going to do in Trump V2? Even when he wins the election we may still face the necessity of creating a parallel government to finally eliminate the effects of the swamp critters…tough road ahead, prepare!

    • August 1, 2024 at 11:34 am
      Walter Lane


  • August 1, 2024 at 2:50 am

    The image of the 3 of them – for some reason reminds me of Glory Road when Scar is offered “hospitality” at the Doral’s mansion… those were the days.

    • August 1, 2024 at 5:24 am

      I just recently read that book and I don’t remember that part

      • August 1, 2024 at 9:58 am

        It’s where he’s offered the Doral’s wife and 2 daughters for the night but turns them down (being with Star), which makes the Doral furious the next day… ; ) when in Rome, ya know

  • August 1, 2024 at 9:57 am

    I thought Sam was with child …

  • August 1, 2024 at 10:00 am

    Wrong site to spout such vitriol, Blather. Troll under the bridge. We are not goats or sheeple.

    • August 1, 2024 at 2:33 pm
      The Nth Doctor

      “Blather” is a drive-by troll whose comments generally get deleted as soon as Chris notices them. It never actually engages; it just flings poo and then disappears.

      In this case, the troll’s talking point du jour was that Trump is “senile and insane” (talk about projection!) and no one with a brain or a soul will vote for him.

      I can only hope it’s doing its trolling for free, because if someone is *paying* it to troll, they’re not really getting the best value for their money with that one. 😛

  • August 1, 2024 at 12:18 pm

    Sam and Skye are two umm make that four very ‘upstanding’ citizens while Mari looks straight ahead 😉

  • August 1, 2024 at 2:40 pm

    Mari Shaves. Nice to know… 😛



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