“I do solemnly swear to protect and defend from all threats, foreign and domestic……” — the preamble of the Oath of Office that any elected or conscripted individual has to recite before they can even report for training and work for the armed forces or any other government job. No room in that oath for dual citizenship.
There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag…We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language…and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.
There is no such thing as “dual citizenship” for Americans. Period. You are either solely loyal to the United States, owing fealty to no other, or you are not. Americans bend the knee to no one.
When I was making such decisions (for 15 years) for access to our most highly classified programs, it was an automatic disqualifier.
They turned a blind eye to the Holocaust nine decades ago, and they have consistently plotted to destroy Israel ever since VE Day in 1945.
When Golda Myerson aka Golda Meir helped found the state of Israel, her “social circle” in NYC cut her dead.
Read The Pledge by Leonard Slater to learn just how much these “official Jews” in government and the social upper echelon did not do to keep Israel from being killed in its cradle.
They are far-left, globalist socialist “progressives” first, “Americans” a distant second, and “Jews” dead last.
The typical progressive is allergic to any religion except progressivism, Gaia-worship, and Islam. They tend to be openly hostile to Christianity and Judaism.
And as the old saying goes, there is no more fanatical believer in any cult than someone who converted to it from something else.
Being born a Jew doesn’t make you automatically an upstanding Jewish citizen working for your people, soros is Jewish but got his start working for the germans, prying gold teeth out of Jews executed in the camps.
I have never understood why this group votes for those who want them dead, except enlightenment occurred when I saw the money involved. The Root. Control.
I have conservative jewish friends (and like all groups, including whites & blacks, “there are good ones and there are bad ones”), and have asked that very question. The answer? “Unfortunately, jews have a long history of voting against their own best interests.”
The old saying is “Two Jews, three opinions”. This is why there’s a minyan for religious purposes and the ‘designated dissenter’ for political ones.
“…A designated dissenter is the person whose job it is in a meeting to skilfully disagree with the rest of the group, no matter what. If most of the people in the room are saying A, it’s the work of the designated dissenter to point out the holes in argument A and, instead, support B. By doing so, the designated dissenter not only makes sure their own voice gets heard, but also frees up everyone else to share their own opinion—even if it breaks form with the prevailing one.
The tendency to conform is only natural because humans are wired to seek harmony. This also means, however, that a group of very intelligent individuals can lose track of their independent viewpoints with surprising alacrity, tumbling into a quagmire of unproductive, uncreative groupthink. Therein lies the negative side of influence….”
We see this in politics all the time, particularly on the left where’s it’s the preferred discussion method…the senior member says A, then the others line up to say A too because saying B, even if B is by far the best decision, gets you removed from the discussion or otherwise penalized.
March 20, 2025 at 9:38 am
Scott Bieser
“Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.”
— Ăsereṯ haDəḇārīm
On another note, and also involving the
‘Deep State’ a book by Lamar Waldron
“Legacy of Secrecy” describes how Lee
Harvey Oswald was actually the ‘Patsy’
he claimed to be, as a death bed confession
by a member of the ‘Mob’ claims they
were the ones who assassinated JFK.
The FBI and the CIA were aware of this
and went along with the ruse so as not
to be made to look ineffective.
I have not as yet read the book, but
this was told to me by a former
member of the CIA.
Some put on the kippah like a robber puts on a mask, to conceal their actions. Being a Jew doesn’t mean automatically acting in the interests of the Jewish people. Like anyone else, corruption is an individual choice that knows no race, religion or birthright.
March 20, 2025 at 12:55 pm
Just about everything said here applies equally to Christians as well. I was raised as a Methodist and the actions of today’s Methodist church appall me. Same with most other Protestant religions and Catholicism as well. Mercutio, Fuzzycurmudgeon, and Oldarmourer make good points; and I share DucMan’s apprehension.
March 20, 2025 at 6:15 pm
I had never meta Saudi that was not a total asswipe until I met a man my wife was tutoring his autistzic son. When I mentioned he was not the asswipe his fellow country men were, he laughed and said “I am a cardiac surgeon and a Saudi, I can be worse than the worse one you have dealt with! I just choose not to be!”
They have definitely been trying to kill us. Antifa did kill some, Ukraine was supposed to blow up with us in the middle. They may be still trying to get WWIII. The tanked our economy hoping to kill a lot of us. Some of our “elites”
flat out state most all of us need to die. Yes, the smell of death surrounds them.
I think you’re edging onto thin ice here. Sure, you added “Deep State”, but it sure came across as “those Jews”. Nothing Pavlovian about that. I would hate to think that something I have supported since day one has wondered off on that path. Just saying
Sometimes a good reference where you are coming from would help “rest your case” better. There are many Jews in congress that are most definitely not working in Israel’s best interests.
I have friends I am in lockstep on many issues that Champion those “poor Palestinians” that those “genocidal Israelis” are trying to kill. They ignore the decades of terrorist attacks or the organizations like HAMAS that the people of Gaza have supported and are on record for the eradication of the Jews as their goal.
March 20, 2025 at 12:09 pm
Hotrod Lincoln
Anyone, who votes for big government, gun control, “free stuff”, or any other type of concentration of power and influence in the hands of a small group of elites, is about as intelligent as a chicken who votes for Col. Sander!
With regard to the nation of Israel, it appears that they are treated by the international community (or the UN at least…) in a manner similar to the way the deep state treats the Trump administration.
Perhaps you should avoid intentionally writing ambiguous strips.
If one of your ‘right-leaning’ characters claimed that gun owners were dangerous and private weapons should be confiscated, most of your readers would say WTF…
A very good (I think) way to get past a basic problem:
No such thing as dual citizenship if you are going to hold a gummint position.
American citizens ONLY in America’s offices.
“I do solemnly swear to protect and defend from all threats, foreign and domestic……” — the preamble of the Oath of Office that any elected or conscripted individual has to recite before they can even report for training and work for the armed forces or any other government job. No room in that oath for dual citizenship.
There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag…We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language…and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.
Theodore Roosevelt
Ol’ T-R had it right!
Zar Belk!
There is no such thing as “dual citizenship” for Americans. Period. You are either solely loyal to the United States, owing fealty to no other, or you are not. Americans bend the knee to no one.
When I was making such decisions (for 15 years) for access to our most highly classified programs, it was an automatic disqualifier.
At best they are JINOs- Jews In Name Only.
They turned a blind eye to the Holocaust nine decades ago, and they have consistently plotted to destroy Israel ever since VE Day in 1945.
When Golda Myerson aka Golda Meir helped found the state of Israel, her “social circle” in NYC cut her dead.
Read The Pledge by Leonard Slater to learn just how much these “official Jews” in government and the social upper echelon did not do to keep Israel from being killed in its cradle.
They are far-left, globalist socialist “progressives” first, “Americans” a distant second, and “Jews” dead last.
The typical progressive is allergic to any religion except progressivism, Gaia-worship, and Islam. They tend to be openly hostile to Christianity and Judaism.
And as the old saying goes, there is no more fanatical believer in any cult than someone who converted to it from something else.
clear ether
Re your fifth paragraph: Chucky Schmucky Schumer heads the list.
I was just gonna ask where Chucky fit in.
I’ve always been befuddled that given their history, especially in Europe, why any Jew would be all-in for gun control.
Patriotic pro-rights Jews dub them “bagel brains.”
That is an insult to bagels everywhere.
I have no time for someone that shrieks “Never again!” while aligning themselves with those who would disarm them.
Schmuck Shumer. A prime example of a Jew who hates Jews.
Being born a Jew doesn’t make you automatically an upstanding Jewish citizen working for your people, soros is Jewish but got his start working for the germans, prying gold teeth out of Jews executed in the camps.
I have never understood why this group votes for those who want them dead, except enlightenment occurred when I saw the money involved. The Root. Control.
Progressivism is their religion. Jewish is their ethnicity.
I have conservative jewish friends (and like all groups, including whites & blacks, “there are good ones and there are bad ones”), and have asked that very question. The answer? “Unfortunately, jews have a long history of voting against their own best interests.”
The old saying is “Two Jews, three opinions”. This is why there’s a minyan for religious purposes and the ‘designated dissenter’ for political ones.
“…A designated dissenter is the person whose job it is in a meeting to skilfully disagree with the rest of the group, no matter what. If most of the people in the room are saying A, it’s the work of the designated dissenter to point out the holes in argument A and, instead, support B. By doing so, the designated dissenter not only makes sure their own voice gets heard, but also frees up everyone else to share their own opinion—even if it breaks form with the prevailing one.
The tendency to conform is only natural because humans are wired to seek harmony. This also means, however, that a group of very intelligent individuals can lose track of their independent viewpoints with surprising alacrity, tumbling into a quagmire of unproductive, uncreative groupthink. Therein lies the negative side of influence….”
We see this in politics all the time, particularly on the left where’s it’s the preferred discussion method…the senior member says A, then the others line up to say A too because saying B, even if B is by far the best decision, gets you removed from the discussion or otherwise penalized.
“Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.”
— Ăsereṯ haDəḇārīm
On another note, and also involving the
‘Deep State’ a book by Lamar Waldron
“Legacy of Secrecy” describes how Lee
Harvey Oswald was actually the ‘Patsy’
he claimed to be, as a death bed confession
by a member of the ‘Mob’ claims they
were the ones who assassinated JFK.
The FBI and the CIA were aware of this
and went along with the ruse so as not
to be made to look ineffective.
I have not as yet read the book, but
this was told to me by a former
member of the CIA.
Some assholes are Jews. Don’t hate them for being Jews, hate them for being assholes.
I’m a Jew, and I’ve voted consistently for conservatives ever since I was old enough to vote for Reagan.
Don’t lump us all into the same basket.
Some put on the kippah like a robber puts on a mask, to conceal their actions. Being a Jew doesn’t mean automatically acting in the interests of the Jewish people. Like anyone else, corruption is an individual choice that knows no race, religion or birthright.
Just about everything said here applies equally to Christians as well. I was raised as a Methodist and the actions of today’s Methodist church appall me. Same with most other Protestant religions and Catholicism as well. Mercutio, Fuzzycurmudgeon, and Oldarmourer make good points; and I share DucMan’s apprehension.
I had never meta Saudi that was not a total asswipe until I met a man my wife was tutoring his autistzic son. When I mentioned he was not the asswipe his fellow country men were, he laughed and said “I am a cardiac surgeon and a Saudi, I can be worse than the worse one you have dealt with! I just choose not to be!”
They have definitely been trying to kill us. Antifa did kill some, Ukraine was supposed to blow up with us in the middle. They may be still trying to get WWIII. The tanked our economy hoping to kill a lot of us. Some of our “elites”
flat out state most all of us need to die. Yes, the smell of death surrounds them.
I think you’re edging onto thin ice here. Sure, you added “Deep State”, but it sure came across as “those Jews”. Nothing Pavlovian about that. I would hate to think that something I have supported since day one has wondered off on that path. Just saying
DucMan, Agree completely. That panel really set me off. I’d like to see specifics, not a splatter of anti-Jew.
I rest my case.
Sometimes a good reference where you are coming from would help “rest your case” better. There are many Jews in congress that are most definitely not working in Israel’s best interests.
I have friends I am in lockstep on many issues that Champion those “poor Palestinians” that those “genocidal Israelis” are trying to kill. They ignore the decades of terrorist attacks or the organizations like HAMAS that the people of Gaza have supported and are on record for the eradication of the Jews as their goal.
Anyone, who votes for big government, gun control, “free stuff”, or any other type of concentration of power and influence in the hands of a small group of elites, is about as intelligent as a chicken who votes for Col. Sander!
With regard to the nation of Israel, it appears that they are treated by the international community (or the UN at least…) in a manner similar to the way the deep state treats the Trump administration.
Blaming Jews for the deep state is very inaccurate and very badly thought out.
Perhaps you should wait for the story arc to play out before immediately going to ‘blame the jews’.
Perhaps you should avoid intentionally writing ambiguous strips.
If one of your ‘right-leaning’ characters claimed that gun owners were dangerous and private weapons should be confiscated, most of your readers would say WTF…
Test. Lost all my passwords. Frikkin’ Brave browser.
That was from my Evil Twin. I’m the real article
Well then. The last strip and this one? Hmm. Gonna go on about Hamas being the victims next, Chris?
Looks like the hot chicks with great tits are gonna be the only reason I follow this strip any more. Then again, there are plenty of fish in the sea…