Garbage In, Garbage Out.


  • November 10, 2024 at 1:25 am

    To all those who “threatened” to leave and deprive us peasants of their wonderfulness if he won…

    “You still here?”

    clear ether


    • November 10, 2024 at 2:00 am

      They are like spoiled brat kids, threatening to hold their breath until they get their way!

      I can remember when Johnny Depp actually went through with his threat, years ago, but found that socialist France payed for their socialism with very high taxes, and he didn’t like that!

      • November 10, 2024 at 10:53 am
        The 300

        Prettyboy George Clooney did the same thing with Italy, but finally left when all the “refugees” he encouraged them to take in made the place too dangerous.

  • November 10, 2024 at 1:43 am

    What’s this?? Did Sam and Zed put a few of “the dogs” out on loan for a bit”?

    • November 10, 2024 at 2:22 am

      I saw the robot dog video on X and immediately thought this Sunday panel was a preliminary to the prez-elect asking Sam and Zed for some dogs.

    • November 10, 2024 at 12:21 pm

      Couldn’t help it, it needs a nose laser 🙂

  • November 10, 2024 at 4:12 am

    I reported the FEMA Supervisor who ordered her teams not to go to houses with Trump signs in the wake of Hurricane Milton. It appears she was fired, and her bosses have turned the whole thing over to the DoJ Special counsel, and have asked for all applicable charges be pressed.

    Apparently someone wants to keep their job, or their head, or both…

    • November 10, 2024 at 7:28 am

      Excellent. Fired is the proper term in this case vs. “respositioned within the organization.”

      I’m glad that Trump is eschewing the use of Haley or Pompeo. They have their own untrustworthy baggage. He has learned and knows he will need a loyal & resolved cabinet to do the deep cleaning necessary.

    • November 10, 2024 at 8:21 am
      Dastardly Dan

      YOU did that?
      Sir, if we ever meet, dinner’s on me!

    • November 10, 2024 at 8:24 am
      Shooter 2.5

      Thank you.

    • November 10, 2024 at 11:35 am

      Lake Placid my town, in my county, one of just three little country towns here, 70% Red is what galled this pos leftist predator, and the evil bytch was actually first called out by two of her ground troops, one of which was/is an acquaintance of an acquaintance. Then many locals and media jumped on it. And of course immediately it gets some attention from higher ups trying to save themselves. The only proper punishment for this is criminal charges -or death.

    • November 10, 2024 at 12:02 pm

      Whoever hired her and didn’t get rid of her immediately upon the first confirmed report of this needs to be fired too. The old saying is “shit rolls downhill…and gathers speed.” What that really means is when the rolling ball of shit hits the bottom, it only splatters on the lowest levels. It needs to be traced back to the starting point and everything from there on down that didn’t at least try to stop it has to go too.

      • November 10, 2024 at 4:59 pm

        Rather than the term “fired”……I prefer to use “shit-canned”! And that’s EXACTLY what this POS needs AS WELL AS PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW!!!

        The charge should be “ABUSE OF AUTHORITY UNDER COLOR OF LAW.”

  • November 10, 2024 at 7:49 am

    The commentary in many post-election articles exhibit the hysterics of the lefty biased “educated” and sufferers of “severe” TDS. Wailing and gnashing of teeth over the impact Trump’s economic policies on imported goods (mostly crap made cheap luxury items.) They also increasingly tout the (supposed) benefits of Socialism/Marxism as “The Way.” Sigh…how did we get here? I sure hope Trump goes through with abolishing the Dept of Education, I truly believe the enemy has been “marching through the institutions” far too long…

  • November 10, 2024 at 7:58 am

    An ancient meditation on civilization’s speedbrakes, from Have Space Suit, Will Travel, Ch. 3, R. A. Heinlein, (c) 1958:

    [Small-town teenager Kip Russell is working the drugstore soda fountain. He recently entered a soap-slogan contest, hoping to win a trip to the moon. Instead, he has won 17th prize, a surplus space suit. Ace Quiggle, the town jerk, sits at the fountain and starts taunting Kip.]

    “Why, if it isn’t Commander Comet, the Scourge of the Spaceways! Where’s your blaster gun, Commander? Ain’t you afraid the Galactic Overlord will make you stay in after school for running around bare-nekkid? Yuk yuk yukkity yuk!”
    A couple of girls at the fountain giggled.
    “Lay off, Ace,” I said wearily. “It’s a hot day.”
    “That’s why you’re not wearing your rubber underwear?” The girls giggled again.
    Ace smirked. He went on: “Junior, seein’ you got that clown suit, why don’t you put it to work? Run an ad in the Clarion: ‘Have Space Suit — Will Travel.’ Yukkity yuk! Or you could hire out as a scarecrow.”
    The girls snickered. I counted to ten, then again in Spanish, and in Latin, and said tensely, “Ace, just tell me what you’ll have.”
    “My usual. And snap it up — I’ve got a date on Mars.”

    The boss and I were alone shortly after. He said quietly, “Kip, a reverence for life does not require a man to respect Nature’s obvious mistakes.”
    “You need not serve Quiggle again. I don’t want his trade.”
    “Oh, I don’t mind. He’s harmless.”
    “I wonder how harmless such people are? To what extent the progress of civilization is retarded by the laughing jackasses, the empty-minded belittlers? Go home; you’ll want to make an early start tomorrow.”

    • November 10, 2024 at 12:15 pm

      Once upon a time, a friend of mine operated a non-franchise convenience store/coffee bar in a small village. I happened to be in one day, drinking coffee swapping lies and discussing the state of the world when a prototype ‘karen’ got upset at the girl behind the counter for no particular reason other than she felt like ‘putting her in her place’. My friend, who had been sitting with us at the coffee bar, got up and walked over to see what was going on. The ‘karen’ haughtily told him it was between her and the ‘counter girl’ and to go sit back down with the other ‘unemployed losers’, (of which all of us were currently serving military, save one who had just retired). He sighed and identified himself as the owner, whereupon she immediately ordered him to fire the ‘impertinent little tramp’ who’d dared tell her that she had to pay the price on the item, not what she thought it should be. He said that wasn’t going to happen and he was now considering giving her a raise, which of course generated the “I’m never shopping here again” to which he answered “that’s the first correct thing you’ve said, you aren’t allowed in here anymore”. The look on ‘karen’s’ face was priceless, this was the only convenience store for several miles in any direction, situated right at the crossroads between a larger town, the base, and the married quarters they’d built five miles down the road for some reason nobody knew. This was some 40 years ago so everyone involved is likely deceased, except maybe the girl at the counter, but I expect ‘karen’ is still voting liebral from beyond.

  • November 10, 2024 at 8:28 am
    Shooter 2.5

    Since ex mayor Giuliani was sued by the suitcase woman, I decided turn about is fair play. All those who call President Trump a nazi, sexist and racist are under the same libel and slander laws. I am going to remind them of their failing on Facebook and also remind Facebook they are spreading hate speech. Since they believe Trump is a dictator, it might lead to some sleepless nights for the haters.

  • November 10, 2024 at 10:06 am
    Too Old to Care

    Happy 249th Birthday

    • November 10, 2024 at 12:10 pm
      Pecan Scandi

      “Drop and gimme 249, Pyle.”

    • November 10, 2024 at 12:18 pm

      At least their 250th shouldn’t be under ‘woke’ rules.
      Maybe they can be Marines again and wear ‘boat cloaks’ instead of sequined gowns…

  • November 10, 2024 at 2:05 pm
  • November 10, 2024 at 3:06 pm
    cb ~

    Headline at CFP. Winning : )

    Conservative women plan to celebrate Trump victory by having more babies.
    Lefty ladies swear off sex — to punish men.

    • November 10, 2024 at 10:22 pm

      As I’ve noted elsewhere, “The very definition of win-win.”

  • November 10, 2024 at 8:09 pm

    It’s not getting the lefties where you wan tthem as much as it is putting the RINO’s in there with them where they belong, starting with ‘cocaine mitch’ and if there are enough seats to spare, murkowski and collins who may as well sit on the dem side anyway.



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