The late Barry Sadler, who wrote the song
“Ballad of the Green Beret”, took a turn churning out historical fiction “pulp” novels.
“I, Casca “, about the Roman Legionary Casca Longinus, who put his Lance in Christ’s chest on the Cross, and was cursed by Christ to live forever, to be a soldier fighting and dying, to rise over and over again, suffering through war after war until Jesus returned for the final Reckoning…. you ever see those stories, Chris? Cuz I’m getting Deja Vue all over again…
Gor- guilty pleasure. A lot of people don’t know that the novels written by the “slave girls” were mostly the work of Anne Rampling aka Anne Rice.
January 7, 2024 at 4:06 pm
Blackrifle 081
I was just thinking about the “Casca” series just the other day! Pondering the Hollywierd writers who can’t pull a clever storyline from a series of action books, but at the same time firmly believe that America needs THREE Willy Wonka movies… (not a trilogy, but three of the same story, thank you very much.)
Now you’ve gone and upped the ante. You are my first stop every morning. You help me get past the madness that our country has descended into. To all you commenters here, thank you for the snark, the wit and the truths you share.
I wonder how the average age of the DBD regulars compares to the ancient artist who keeps churning out our daily dose of reality? Methinks the geezer level is fairly high…
^^ Indaid! Geezers we be! Just park us in a hole with lots of ammo (and a pot to piss in!) and know we’ve got you youngun’s backs. Hold center, squirt! Clean up on my AO, please. Flies are impeding my fire lines….
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
Don’t forget the pot of coffee, refilled often.
January 8, 2024 at 1:37 pm
We won’t be able to move fast enough to retreat anyway so may as well go out in a flash of glory.
Fear the old man who has nothing left to lose, he’ll go with his tongue stuck out, one finger held up and the other on a trigger.
January 7, 2024 at 5:02 pm
Well…bit of a misdirection here, “Muir is an old fart.”
Somewhat true*, but whether intentionally or not, this does not take into account that while the Artiste is kind of old, I am older, and many if not most of y’all are older still. BUT, geezers is as geezers does, so all of us I think just about to a man (or woman) are prepared to do what has to be done to the best of our ability to do it, to save this old Republic or start up a new one…
*Picture a slightly older, less studly Zed if you will. When I asked if ZO is an idealized CM he said no but I think that’s because he knew that line of questioning would lead to digging into the source material for Red…;)
Dunno about the rest but I’ve been drawing my military pension for over 30 years now and my old age and ‘second career’ pensions for a bit less. Gov’t tries to take them back in taxes but they still miss a little.
I’m drinking rum, will hit back to,you tomorrow
I could use some redux myself.
It sounds interesting.
A redux of our republic is also appealing. Sic her on “em.
Well, redux with some edits maybe…
Ever hear the kenny chesney song “A lot of things different”?
The late Barry Sadler, who wrote the song
“Ballad of the Green Beret”, took a turn churning out historical fiction “pulp” novels.
“I, Casca “, about the Roman Legionary Casca Longinus, who put his Lance in Christ’s chest on the Cross, and was cursed by Christ to live forever, to be a soldier fighting and dying, to rise over and over again, suffering through war after war until Jesus returned for the final Reckoning…. you ever see those stories, Chris? Cuz I’m getting Deja Vue all over again…
Ayuh. I read some of them, back in the day.
Sure did, and the Gor series too.
Gor- guilty pleasure. A lot of people don’t know that the novels written by the “slave girls” were mostly the work of Anne Rampling aka Anne Rice.
I was just thinking about the “Casca” series just the other day! Pondering the Hollywierd writers who can’t pull a clever storyline from a series of action books, but at the same time firmly believe that America needs THREE Willy Wonka movies… (not a trilogy, but three of the same story, thank you very much.)
I read that the third one was a prequel.
Conjure up the best Macho man Randy Savage that you can:
0hhhhhh Yeeaahhhh!
Like the Eternal (Wo)man, like Gilgamesh, one thousand plus two hundred years stretches before Sam…
Zar Belk!
Now you’ve gone and upped the ante. You are my first stop every morning. You help me get past the madness that our country has descended into. To all you commenters here, thank you for the snark, the wit and the truths you share.
Thanks, Chris.
Have had “HolyTera” bookmarked ever since first announcement. Really looking forward to Sunday mornings, now . . .
Yeah, changed the name to something that fits her penance better.
Are the original spin-offs (Redvoution and orig H.T.) still squirreled away somewhere?
Redvolution and HT originals are all archived in my external drives
Yes. I was gonna ask what happened to Holy Tera??!!!
I wonder how the average age of the DBD regulars compares to the ancient artist who keeps churning out our daily dose of reality? Methinks the geezer level is fairly high…
^^ Indaid! Geezers we be! Just park us in a hole with lots of ammo (and a pot to piss in!) and know we’ve got you youngun’s backs. Hold center, squirt! Clean up on my AO, please. Flies are impeding my fire lines….
Don’t forget the pot of coffee, refilled often.
We won’t be able to move fast enough to retreat anyway so may as well go out in a flash of glory.
Fear the old man who has nothing left to lose, he’ll go with his tongue stuck out, one finger held up and the other on a trigger.
Well…bit of a misdirection here, “Muir is an old fart.”
Somewhat true*, but whether intentionally or not, this does not take into account that while the Artiste is kind of old, I am older, and many if not most of y’all are older still. BUT, geezers is as geezers does, so all of us I think just about to a man (or woman) are prepared to do what has to be done to the best of our ability to do it, to save this old Republic or start up a new one…
*Picture a slightly older, less studly Zed if you will. When I asked if ZO is an idealized CM he said no but I think that’s because he knew that line of questioning would lead to digging into the source material for Red…;)
Geezers??? I prefer discerning grumpy old men.
Dunno about the rest but I’ve been drawing my military pension for over 30 years now and my old age and ‘second career’ pensions for a bit less. Gov’t tries to take them back in taxes but they still miss a little.
Perkiest nose
I’ve ever seen and I vote for losing the “Xs”.
I’m confused… it’s a persistent condition; but I can’t remember what level I gave, much less where I put the downloads.