Never attribute to criminal misconduct that which can be adequately explained by total stupidity.
The level of incompetence displayed far exceeds what the press is reporting.
The USS GETTYSBURG was 10 miles aft of the USS HARRY S. TRUMAN and fired TWICE on a flight of three F-18s recovering aboard the TRUMAN who were checked in and communicating with Marshal (Approach Control).
The lead F-18 was hit, and the crew members, to be known hereafter as General Lee and General Pickett, ejected, and were safely recovered.
The crew of the second F-18 saw the missile, dove, accelerated, and turned to defeat the missile. They watched the missile run out of fuel, impact the water, and explode 100 yards abeam their jet. These two deserve Air Medals for saving the taxpayers around $80 million.
Incredibly, it was the Landing Signals Officer (call sign “Paddles”} recovering aircraft on the port side, aft, of the TRUMAN who was the first to call “Cease Fire.”
To make matters worse, the Commanding Officer of the USS GETTYSBURG was specifically trained for, and was designated as the Anti-Air Warfare Commander (call sign “Alpha Whiskey”) for the TRUMAN battle group.
This is what happens when you switch the system to auto and let the computer do the work, it can react to a threat far faster than any human ever could but has no judgement.
Then again, in active combat with dozens if not hundreds of incoming threats it’s a necessity. The biggest question is going to be why was the system operating with no enemy threat in the immediate area ? drone watch making everyone jumpy ?
One good thing out if it, they proved the missiles’ reliability.
Anyone remember the USS Vincennes incident, Persian Gulf 3 July 1988?
The Ticonderoga-class cruisers were designed from the keel up as AAW (Anti-Air Warfare) platforms. They were literally built around the Aegis air-defense computer fire control system.
The thing with Aegis is, once it’s activated in for-real, not-a-drill Air Defense mode, it tends to react to perceived threats a lot faster than a human controller can react to tell it not to shoot. Also, when the threat is “over” Aegis doesn’t instantly stand down. It is programmed to stay active for an unspecified time just in case somebody tries a last Parthian shot.
That’s how the Vincennes ended up shooting down an Iranian airliner, and it’s probably what happened here, too.
clear ether
December 24, 2024 at 1:43 am
Ten mils aft. That is near the point of not seeing what is on the other side of the horizon. Interesting.
The USS GETTYSBURG was positioned midway between the Marshal stack (recovery holding pattern) which starts at 180 degrees relative, 20 NM, 5000 feet MSL, and the carrier.
She was the Plane Guard, in position to rescue aircrew in the event of a landing mishap,, not create mishaps by shooting down recovering aircraft.
One could accuse the USS GETTYSBURG of a loss of Situational Awareness, except that it cannot be demonstrated that there were sufficient functioning brain cells onboard to have Situational Awareness in the first place.
NORAD was a good idea 40 years ago (maybe) but my understanding is their technology hasn’t kept up with the times, so to speak.
Mind you, as long as the People’s Republic of Canuckistan (formerly Canada) is misled by Dear Leader Trudeau the Younger, it’s far more important to put tampons in the men’s washrooms on Canadian Forces buildings than silly things like sovereignty. After all, Canuckistan is the world’s first “post-national” country… according to the Younger…
and tell the Navy they can’t sing ‘Heart of Oak’ anymore after a hundred years of proud use…while sending ‘gender advisors’ as military aid to Ukraine…nice to see he’s got his priorities straight.
You’d never see that sort of incident here because to quote sockboy himself, “we don’t needf to whip out our F-18’s and show everyone how big they are”…that and all the missiles are TX’d anyway.
Just goes to show, nothing changes, when his step-father was PM in the early 80’s I loaded depth charges on an Argus fill dated 1944 to be dropped as a disposal operation, according to the aircrew, out of a stick of eight, seven went off on impact with the water and the eighth was a dud.
It will be interesting to find if purge of various navy officers in the last 4 years have left a leader on the Gettysburg that’s more ‘acceptable’ in the political navy.
I’m going to wait for the review, But I Predict that the CIC for Gettysburg will be emptied out of everyone of Enlisted Grade four and above, and that the Ship’s Captain, XO and the Weapons Control Officer will be relieved for cause, and possibly face a courts Martial.
Yeah thanks TT; I looked it up.
My point was that on Fox and
especially Newsmax they should
have led with that event.
The wife saw it on Facebook.
December 24, 2024 at 9:01 am
All of this speculation about Dire Consequences to be faced by “those in charge” assumes the review isn’t being conducted by a DEI dominated Command and the review board they select.
I would not put it past the Corporate Fascist Club wannabes to take the opportunity to can more patriots in favor of their preferred lackeys.
Our military is far too woke and lacking in Testicular Fortitude, but there was a time not so long ago where:
1. The VF-11 Red Rippers’ Corrosion Control Shop would have had side number 100 repainted to look like the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazard by sunup. The names under the canopy would have been “General Lee” and “General Pickett.” (Name two military leaders defeated by Gettysburg, who survived?)
2. The Red Rippers’ wives and girlfriends would have worn Daisy Dukes and totally inappropriate T-shirts to the Fly-In at the end of cruise.
3. The VF-11 Ready Room and their guests would have turned up for the next Strike Fighter Ball dressed as the cast from “Gone with the Wind.”
I’ve see this before! If this goes as usual they will try and pin it on someone from the enlisted ranks. Especially if the responsible individual is an Academy grad. The Ring Knocker Protection club will be in full be going full bore!
CO, CICO, OPS, WEPS are all going down like the Hindenberg. The two guys who survived have one helluva story, thankfully. This mishap was completely avoidable. Merry Christmas to the pilots and their families. Mercy, but only a tad, to those who nearly killed them.
Could one of you old sailors tell an old soldier why the Gettysburg fired two missiles at three aircraft? As a Fort Bliss (Air Defense School) graduate, I would have fired four missiles.
Please at least tell me that the crew firing the missile were diverse and enjoying equity.
Ok, I laughed out loud at this.
You know the Avionics Tech that signed off the IFF gripe on the Hornet is sweating bullets right now.
You mean the incoming ordnance homing beacon ?
A few people are in a HEAP of trouble. I wonder who is going to be sacrificed? What a Happy Christmass they be gonna have.
Never attribute to criminal misconduct that which can be adequately explained by total stupidity.
The level of incompetence displayed far exceeds what the press is reporting.
The USS GETTYSBURG was 10 miles aft of the USS HARRY S. TRUMAN and fired TWICE on a flight of three F-18s recovering aboard the TRUMAN who were checked in and communicating with Marshal (Approach Control).
The lead F-18 was hit, and the crew members, to be known hereafter as General Lee and General Pickett, ejected, and were safely recovered.
The crew of the second F-18 saw the missile, dove, accelerated, and turned to defeat the missile. They watched the missile run out of fuel, impact the water, and explode 100 yards abeam their jet. These two deserve Air Medals for saving the taxpayers around $80 million.
Incredibly, it was the Landing Signals Officer (call sign “Paddles”} recovering aircraft on the port side, aft, of the TRUMAN who was the first to call “Cease Fire.”
To make matters worse, the Commanding Officer of the USS GETTYSBURG was specifically trained for, and was designated as the Anti-Air Warfare Commander (call sign “Alpha Whiskey”) for the TRUMAN battle group.
Even the Babylon Bee couldn’t make this stuff up.
This is what happens when you switch the system to auto and let the computer do the work, it can react to a threat far faster than any human ever could but has no judgement.
Then again, in active combat with dozens if not hundreds of incoming threats it’s a necessity. The biggest question is going to be why was the system operating with no enemy threat in the immediate area ? drone watch making everyone jumpy ?
One good thing out if it, they proved the missiles’ reliability.
Anyone remember the USS Vincennes incident, Persian Gulf 3 July 1988?
The Ticonderoga-class cruisers were designed from the keel up as AAW (Anti-Air Warfare) platforms. They were literally built around the Aegis air-defense computer fire control system.
The thing with Aegis is, once it’s activated in for-real, not-a-drill Air Defense mode, it tends to react to perceived threats a lot faster than a human controller can react to tell it not to shoot. Also, when the threat is “over” Aegis doesn’t instantly stand down. It is programmed to stay active for an unspecified time just in case somebody tries a last Parthian shot.
That’s how the Vincennes ended up shooting down an Iranian airliner, and it’s probably what happened here, too.
clear ether
Ten mils aft. That is near the point of not seeing what is on the other side of the horizon. Interesting.
The USS GETTYSBURG was positioned midway between the Marshal stack (recovery holding pattern) which starts at 180 degrees relative, 20 NM, 5000 feet MSL, and the carrier.
She was the Plane Guard, in position to rescue aircrew in the event of a landing mishap,, not create mishaps by shooting down recovering aircraft.
One could accuse the USS GETTYSBURG of a loss of Situational Awareness, except that it cannot be demonstrated that there were sufficient functioning brain cells onboard to have Situational Awareness in the first place.
Thanks for the insights. Jeebers.
Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Cooper’s Four Rules are far more critical when you are packing multi-million SM-2 missiles.
The level of stupidity manifested in this mishap is terminal.
NORAD was a good idea 40 years ago (maybe) but my understanding is their technology hasn’t kept up with the times, so to speak.
Mind you, as long as the People’s Republic of Canuckistan (formerly Canada) is misled by Dear Leader Trudeau the Younger, it’s far more important to put tampons in the men’s washrooms on Canadian Forces buildings than silly things like sovereignty. After all, Canuckistan is the world’s first “post-national” country… according to the Younger…
and tell the Navy they can’t sing ‘Heart of Oak’ anymore after a hundred years of proud use…while sending ‘gender advisors’ as military aid to Ukraine…nice to see he’s got his priorities straight.
You’d never see that sort of incident here because to quote sockboy himself, “we don’t needf to whip out our F-18’s and show everyone how big they are”…that and all the missiles are TX’d anyway.
Just goes to show, nothing changes, when his step-father was PM in the early 80’s I loaded depth charges on an Argus fill dated 1944 to be dropped as a disposal operation, according to the aircrew, out of a stick of eight, seven went off on impact with the water and the eighth was a dud.
It will be interesting to find if purge of various navy officers in the last 4 years have left a leader on the Gettysburg that’s more ‘acceptable’ in the political navy.
the last 4 years ? ‘bama purged over a hundred Generals and Admirals to make way for his handpicked ‘woke brigade’.
And don’t forget “clot shot or exit”
I’m going to wait for the review, But I Predict that the CIC for Gettysburg will be emptied out of everyone of Enlisted Grade four and above, and that the Ship’s Captain, XO and the Weapons Control Officer will be relieved for cause, and possibly face a courts Martial.
Unless they voted for the Democrats…
I’m just *REALLY* curious as to just exactly WHAT was the impetus to fire on those FA-18’s in the FIRST place???
Was there an IFF glitch that failed to ID at least 2 of the 3 Hornets that were all stacked for recovery on the TRUMAN????
SOME command level asses on the GETTYSBURG should damn well be on a spit roasting for this.
WTF? Checked all channels, not a word
bout this.
Yeah thanks TT; I looked it up.
My point was that on Fox and
especially Newsmax they should
have led with that event.
The wife saw it on Facebook.
All of this speculation about Dire Consequences to be faced by “those in charge” assumes the review isn’t being conducted by a DEI dominated Command and the review board they select.
I would not put it past the Corporate Fascist Club wannabes to take the opportunity to can more patriots in favor of their preferred lackeys.
Our military is far too woke and lacking in Testicular Fortitude, but there was a time not so long ago where:
1. The VF-11 Red Rippers’ Corrosion Control Shop would have had side number 100 repainted to look like the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazard by sunup. The names under the canopy would have been “General Lee” and “General Pickett.” (Name two military leaders defeated by Gettysburg, who survived?)
2. The Red Rippers’ wives and girlfriends would have worn Daisy Dukes and totally inappropriate T-shirts to the Fly-In at the end of cruise.
3. The VF-11 Ready Room and their guests would have turned up for the next Strike Fighter Ball dressed as the cast from “Gone with the Wind.”
I’ve see this before! If this goes as usual they will try and pin it on someone from the enlisted ranks. Especially if the responsible individual is an Academy grad. The Ring Knocker Protection club will be in full be going full bore!
CO, CICO, OPS, WEPS are all going down like the Hindenberg. The two guys who survived have one helluva story, thankfully. This mishap was completely avoidable. Merry Christmas to the pilots and their families. Mercy, but only a tad, to those who nearly killed them.
Could one of you old sailors tell an old soldier why the Gettysburg fired two missiles at three aircraft? As a Fort Bliss (Air Defense School) graduate, I would have fired four missiles.
What is being said so far: