Not One. Red. Cent.
Helping Out.


  • October 5, 2024 at 12:18 am

    Aren’t these the same people that screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan?

    • October 5, 2024 at 9:05 am
      The 300

      AND the East Palestine train derailment.
      AND the Fires in Maui.

  • October 5, 2024 at 12:50 am
    President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    I don’t think this will work out the way they think it will.
    One FEMA bureaucrat has already been pummeled.
    And a lot of other people are starting to lift the mask and mutter unkind things
    BUT….go to BigCountryExpat for alternative thoughts.

  • October 5, 2024 at 2:33 am

    Define “screw up”…. if it’s intentional, and it works its NOT a screw up…

  • October 5, 2024 at 4:24 am

    Lots of these Southerners are people who tend to know how to use a shovel. That’s all I’m sayin’.

    • October 5, 2024 at 7:19 am

      We also know where the ‘gators hang out.

      Zar Belk!

  • October 5, 2024 at 6:21 am
    Unca Walt

    I wonder who is the actual dude that stopped others from helping?

    He could not walk the streets in a couple of states…

  • October 5, 2024 at 7:44 am

    Had a FEMA suit visit the shelter I was working at. He talked for 20 minutes but said NOTHING! Never aske us if we needed any food, water, or supplies. Didn’t offer any support, just YADDA-YADDA-FED-YADDA. Recovery in South Carolina has been entirely in-house. State, county, and local-level EMS, churches, VFW, Americal Legion, right down to individuals with chain saws and tractors. The power company folks have been working like Trojans, but trees have to be cleared off roads and lines before the linemen can restring and re-energize. That’s the big challenge, what roads need to be cleared to get the crews in, and how to support the people who are without power. Their houses are in good shape, but they need food, water, and sanitation. So many of the things that are taken for granted, until the lights go out. I’ll be out again next week, probably working Logistics. At 72, Command is a little leery of me swinging a chain saw all day. we all perform our assigned duties. From what we heard on the Net, North Carolina really needs help. If you want to contribute, two good outfits are Samaritan’s Purse, and the Go Fund Me site set up by President Trump.

    Zar Belk!

    • October 5, 2024 at 4:25 pm

      They used to be called Southern Baptist Disater Recovery, and operated under the Samaritan’s Purse umbrella. I worked with them in the floods we experienced in Southeast Louisiana, 2016. Awesome folks.
      But now they’re Baptists On Mission.

  • October 5, 2024 at 8:35 am
    President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    The problem with radio stations,,is that they’re physical things, not easy to hide.
    Time to re-read and take lessons from Mike Vandeboegh’s (RIP) “The Window War”.
    SipseyStreetIrregulars dot Blogspot dot com, February 2009
    A classic.

  • October 5, 2024 at 10:08 am
    C. M.

    They’re not looking at the big picture. Across the nation we are all watching this travesty, thinking about when it’s our turn and adjusting our voting to reflect our revelations.

  • October 5, 2024 at 10:16 am

    Twatwafflery of this magnitude needs to be named…

    A non-elected ‘deputy fire chief’ shut down an approved rescue operation because he wasn’t in charge of it. Typical small town powermad ‘officials’ whining because someone was doing something they didn’t know how to or weren’t getting kickbacks from. ‘Boss Hogg’ might have been a character on a TV show, but he was based on real people, lots of them.

    The whole story is just mind-boggling, or it would be if you hadn’t seen these people in action for a lot of years.

    Don’t forget, when the excrement hits the oscillator, the Federal gov’t won’t be the only, or even the biggest, enemy. Those are already among us just waiting for their chance to ‘take over’ and ‘bring order to the people’…they need to face the bricks first.

    “…Seidhom had supplies which he dropped off at a designated point, and rescued several people who were stranded or without resources, including two women who were vacationing in the area at an Airbnb. Seidhom dropped them off at the Charlotte-Douglas Airport to get a flight back home. Seidhom and his son slept on recliners in an airport pilot lounge that night. By Sunday, Seidhom’s phone was blowing up with social media posts, phone calls, and text messages, all from people begging for him to help. He and Landon made the decision to go out again and headed toward the mountain gap near Lake Lure. It was Landon who spotted a woman waving below, and they coordinated on how best to address the situation.

    Seidhom said his main concern was putting too much weight on the driveway and it crumbling from beneath. He left his son and the woman’s husband to make the three-minute flight to a group of first responders positioned along the river below the mountain.

    After he and his son loaded the woman into the chopper, Seidhom told his son to stay put and he’d be right back to get the husband, “I originally left my son, copilot, on the side of the mountain. It was kind of unstable, so I didn’t want to put more weight on the helicopter to lift back off. So, I left my son with the other victim. And I was just going to take one person down at the time,” Seidhom said.

    Seidhom landed in a parking lot at Boys Camp Road and Memorial Highway near the Lake Lure Flowering Bridge where he said he spotted a group of first responders gathered.

    Seidhom immediately connected to an out-of-state fire department chief who appeared to be in charge. Seidhom explained who he was, his experience, and began coordinating with this chief on how to best rescue the husband and get Landon back. That is, until another official, who Seidhom identified from the Lake Lure town website as assistant fire chief Chris Melton, stepped in and shut everything down. Not only did Melton shut the operation down, but he threatened Seidhom with arrest should he return with the woman’s husband….”

  • October 5, 2024 at 10:43 am
    cb ~

    Wonder who will actually ‘listen’ to any of those 200 Soros radio stations? Well, besides a few NPR addicted folks…

    • October 5, 2024 at 10:59 am

      I had the same thought.

      When I’m traveling/driving, I listen to radio sometimes but otherwise not so much. Back when I was working patrol, I had the radio on all night. That being said, folks who are traveling as part of their job (ie: truckers, police etc) have jobs so if Soros starts playing social justice nonsense 24/7, they’ll tune out.

      • October 5, 2024 at 9:35 pm

        Radio got me through many a night shift over a lot of years,.
        Once upon a time I even listened to cbc, back when it had some entertaining programs instead of constant blithering liebral indoctrination.
        I have almost 11,000 hours on air myself as an announcer/DJ in various volunteer and commercial stations and I’ve gotten calls from as far away as Texas from people listening on the ‘skip’ and being entertained enough to call a station in a foreign country 🙂 that isn’t important today.
        What soros is buying isn’t something for people to listen to, but a way to stop people from listening to anything he doesn’t want aired. I expect most of these small stations to be shut down once nobody except the dnc buys ad time, and that’s most likely the intention.
        Nowadays you have CD players, SirusXM and the internet in most commercial vehicles to keep you awake and those stations are likely just going to inconvenience small towns by their loss in an emergency, which as we’ve seen, doesn’t matter to the left one iota. or worse, be used to disseminate false information to complicate things…like voting.

    • October 5, 2024 at 1:36 pm

      The people who think “government” = “solution,” no matter how many times it doesn’t.

  • October 5, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    Off-topic but… is it really? Everything’s tied together with the Feds… FEMA, FBI, ATF… the whole DOJ is corrupt.

  • October 5, 2024 at 9:35 pm


    OFFICER: “You do not recognize Palestine as a state. You are not a supporter of Palestine. You are not permitted [here].”

    So to be on Parliament Hill you must declare your support for a state — that doesn’t exist.


  • October 6, 2024 at 2:54 pm
    Dan in Alabama

    It’s impossible to draw Soros without making him look less hideous than he really is. If that guy ain’t an actual vampire, no one is.



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