If the effects were permanent, the formerly “sensitive lib males” would be much happier and productive, and the entire nation would be much better off.
Well, unfortunately for the libs, the final manly aspect to kick in is the urge to use power tools. If they’re still up to that when it wears off, it might not go well for them.
12V and 650 cold cranking amps applied directly to the crank should get the required results.
January 11, 2024 at 1:32 am
Too Tall
The acid test for that raygun would be how many shots are required for Zir to demonstrate the slightest interest in men and make any attempt to be attractive?
Unfortunately, there is not a nuclear power plant large enough to generate that kind of power.
500 agents with those urges in a confined space is gonna cause a lot of impactful internal problems.
Maybe not more than residents of the Big Houses give a new resident.
Be insightful if Gleep and Gloop infiltrate the jail and get jailhouse talk as evidence. (Hope some of you get that reference.)
Power from some of the Hanger wall outlets was 550V 3phase, wakes you up on a cold morning when someone calls ‘power off-disconnect’ and it ain’t off.
January 11, 2024 at 1:09 pm
Those side effects might have a permanent effect… Those poor soyboys experiencing the joys of life for the first time and the memories of such would be a powerful incentive to change their evil ways.
Linking a X tweet about John Fetterman comments regarding Hamas/Israel that falls right into this story line. He almost sounds Republican in this tweet.
Recently went through some mental health treatments. Makes you wonder if there is some truth in this fiction.
That line of historical racism will get him a very powerful ally in the person of Musk; not just financial but there is a real lesson there for the future, Elon sees it, apparently Fetterman sees it, time enough to nip that shit in the bud.
The concept of people with no previous interest suddenly having urges to drag race is…troubling.
Particularly as those ecars are SCARY fast if you click that particular button.
At least in rural Texas they have straighter roads and decent ditches, don’t let them come into town until they have wrecked enough times to be “Sane” about their limitations.
The only ill effect is that it wears off.
If the effects were permanent, the formerly “sensitive lib males” would be much happier and productive, and the entire nation would be much better off.
Well, unfortunately for the libs, the final manly aspect to kick in is the urge to use power tools. If they’re still up to that when it wears off, it might not go well for them.
Depends on which side you’re looking from.
To a LibTurd, those are the ill effects.
Now I’m wondering…..
how many times would a LibTurd need to be shot to make those effects permanent?
Get the voltage just right, and those libturd men and women might even want to fook each other instead of carpet munching or fudge packing!
Hotrod Lincoln,
At this point I’d settle for just enough voltage, current, and time, to get them to leave the children alone.
I figure 440 Volts at 20 amps applied directly to the most sensitive portions of their anatomy for 5 seconds should do it.
In the unlikely event of any recidivism, double the voltage, amperage, and time, until the lesson is permanent.
12V and 650 cold cranking amps applied directly to the crank should get the required results.
The acid test for that raygun would be how many shots are required for Zir to demonstrate the slightest interest in men and make any attempt to be attractive?
Unfortunately, there is not a nuclear power plant large enough to generate that kind of power.
…or a diet plan endurable for the expanse of time necessary.
Like the man said “I wouldn’t f*ck that with a stolen dick”
Even clinton wouldn’t touch it…either one.
I keep seeing the scene from “Teenagers from Outer Space where they tap into high-tension lines to power a ray gun to stop the giant lobster!
500 agents with those urges in a confined space is gonna cause a lot of impactful internal problems.
Maybe not more than residents of the Big Houses give a new resident.
Be insightful if Gleep and Gloop infiltrate the jail and get jailhouse talk as evidence. (Hope some of you get that reference.)
Do they get to use the slingshot with the exploding rocks ?
Loved that show
That “raygun” looks suspiciously like the Byrna (Byrna.com) self defense device. Not a firearm according to BATFE. Possibly the wave of the future.
Just use USAF aircraft system electricity- – – – -115V 400 HZ (HURTS?) really is an attention getter when it bites someone!
You have to add three phase, too.
Power from some of the Hanger wall outlets was 550V 3phase, wakes you up on a cold morning when someone calls ‘power off-disconnect’ and it ain’t off.
Those side effects might have a permanent effect… Those poor soyboys experiencing the joys of life for the first time and the memories of such would be a powerful incentive to change their evil ways.
Linking a X tweet about John Fetterman comments regarding Hamas/Israel that falls right into this story line. He almost sounds Republican in this tweet.
Recently went through some mental health treatments. Makes you wonder if there is some truth in this fiction.
That line of historical racism will get him a very powerful ally in the person of Musk; not just financial but there is a real lesson there for the future, Elon sees it, apparently Fetterman sees it, time enough to nip that shit in the bud.
So Chris, is it a real gun or a wonderful figment of your imagination? If real, what is it?
Figment, sadly.
The concept of people with no previous interest suddenly having urges to drag race is…troubling.
Particularly as those ecars are SCARY fast if you click that particular button.
At least in rural Texas they have straighter roads and decent ditches, don’t let them come into town until they have wrecked enough times to be “Sane” about their limitations.