No More Monitors.


  • November 13, 2024 at 12:14 am


  • November 13, 2024 at 12:16 am

    I tried posting a thumbs-up emoji. It didn’t work.
    Anyway, brava, Skye!!

  • November 13, 2024 at 12:49 am

    Over the next years going to be a bunch of little Donalds for obvious reasons and maybe some Elons in recognition of his push for rebuilding the American birthrate…here’s hoping quite a few are from awakened Moms like Skye…

  • November 13, 2024 at 4:36 am

    Kid’s gotta be like four or five years old by now. Think he’ll notice?

  • November 13, 2024 at 7:46 am

    Halleluia! Another soul has been saved! The Evil that started with Wilson and LBJ has finally been recognized and the WOKE masses are realizing they’ve been played for fools!

    Zar Belk!

    • November 13, 2024 at 10:17 am

      Although “There’s a sucker born every minute” is falsely attributed to P.T. Barnum, it was obviously well recognized even in antiquity.
      It is the inspiration for the Trivium, the lower division of of the Seven Liberal Arts of a classical education.
      Unlike some I make a hard distinction between a Liberal and a Progressive.
      To my mind a Liberal is open minded and will listen to any argument, can discern the facts, and will change his mind when confronted with the facts.
      A Progressive had no use for facts, he/she/it is always and forever “RIGHT” no matter how ridiculous the belief.
      Wilson was an outstanding example of a Progressive. A supposed scholar who had not use for the wisdom of the Framers of the Constitution who recognized that _any_ Government can be corrupted, just as his (Wilson’s) Administrative State has proven to be.

  • November 13, 2024 at 7:49 am

    Photog at Orion’s Cold Fire has a related observation:

    Zar Belk!

    • November 13, 2024 at 8:37 am

      I’m not as optimistic.

      I’m a lab guy. I also have a degree in applied and abnormal psychology. One of the things we get into there is the psychology of criminals, and another is the psychology of cults.

      As Dinesh d’Souza found out during his stint as a political prisoner (he wrote a book that the PTB didn’t like), criminals as a rule have a clear different psychology than most people. They don’t believe in “hard work” or indeed in any work; they believe in their own innate superiority plus “luck”.

      They look down on law-abiding citizens as simply animals to be exploited as they please. As Eli Wallach said in The Magnificent Seven (1960), they believe that “If God did not intend them to be sheared, He would not have made them sheep”.

      D’Souza also learned that criminals regard politicians as being exactly like them- just with better “luck” on average. From all indications, they’re pretty much correct in that assumption. it’s probably why progressive politicians seem to love criminals.

      As for cults, they tend to follow a predictable trajectory. First they convince themselves of their innate superiority (there’s that again) and their greater degree of “enlightenment”. Then they proselytize, i.e. try to convince non-members to join, submit and above all “believe”.

      When others reject them, they become angry. And then they move into the phase of “cleansing”. that is, if others refuse to believe and submit, they must be purged so the cult can reign supreme.

      That is how “holy wars” begin. Islam’s history of repeated campaigns of “submit or die” is the classic example.

      Progressivism is a combination of people having the criminal mentality (“I am superior, and when I lose it’s because of ‘bad luck'”) and cultism (“How can you not see how much more enlightened I am and why will you not submit to my God?”).

      Neither one admits of error. That is, they never “learn from experience”. Instead, they alibi. “We didn’t lose, we were sabotaged; people didn’t believe hard enough, or give us enough money, or enough power, or etc.”.

      And as such, when they lose…they seek revenge.

      I suspect that is the next step of the “woke”. “If you will not submit, well, we’ll just have to kill you to create Utopia.”

      Civil War 2? Not likely.

      Late 1960’s-early 1970’s Weather Underground/SDS terrorism? Very likely.

      I’m just wondering who’s going to be Patty Hearst this time around.

      clear ether


      • November 13, 2024 at 8:51 am

        I am just a damned ol’ electrician. Retired, but still upright and sucking air.
        You put a lot of words there, but damn . . . you wrote it in a way that makes perfect sense. I now understand the mind of the criminal, aka politician and/or liberal.
        I also now understand why the damn democrat across the street began screeching when I told her “Good morning”, as she was taking down her Harris/Wolz signs.

      • November 13, 2024 at 10:13 am

        Eon, you always have some kind of wisdom
        to give us, and this is one of your best.

        The new Democrat party is truly evil, and
        now is in denial; next step is anger.
        A buddy of mine (Mil. Vet) was getting
        gas (his truck has flags and military
        stickers) and a sleezy looking man came
        up to him and said “So, did you vote for
        Trump?” My friend said absolutely, to
        which Mr. scumbag said “Why don`t you
        go home and kill yourself?” My buddy
        said “Why don`t I kill You?” the guy
        walked away.

        anyone with Trump/Vance stickers on
        their vehicle should expect that it may
        be damaged. These people are truly
        evil, and are capable of anything.

      • November 13, 2024 at 10:20 am

        I’ve known cult members that escaped and became productive members of society, but they remain tainted by the blend of narcissism and sociopath you describe and have no hesitation to stab you in the back when it benefits them. The true borderline personality disorder folks are not redeemable to function in society. The commonality for creation of what is currently described as a personality disorder is very revealing.

        Personally I think it would be best to segregate them all away from the rest of us permanently.

      • November 13, 2024 at 10:36 am
        Tom Stockton


        I don’t recognize the acronym PTB. Looking on Google, I found Pre-Term Birth, and read some of the negative life patterns that come from it. Is this the PTB you’re referring to?

        I found your post to be rather enlightening, and I fully agree with what you’ve written.

        I also find DBD teaching me things I didn’t know about — and thing I feel better off knowing about.

        eon, thank you, Chris Muir, and other “posters” here for continuing to open my eyes to the real world. It’s not too late for this old dog to learn new tricks!

        Tom Stockton

      • November 13, 2024 at 11:06 am

        @ Tom Stockton;

        PTB= Powers That Be. Meaning, people with power and influence, not necessarily earned.

        It’s an acronym I actually picked up right here on DbD.




      • November 13, 2024 at 11:56 am

        Hidden psychopaths naturally gravitate toward the law and medicine.
        –Dr. Robert Hare, developer of the ‘psychopath checklist’ used by NATO and govt’s

  • November 13, 2024 at 9:11 am
    John Carifidy

    Great post, eon, thank you for the summary of D’Souza’s book.

    The only thought I have on todays strip is where did Skye’s ugly tat go?

    • November 13, 2024 at 12:24 pm
      Unca Walt

      Her “sleeves” were removed several babies back.

      • November 13, 2024 at 3:14 pm
        Chris Muir

        Thank God for readers, I had forgotten when…

      • November 13, 2024 at 8:13 pm

        Removal of Skye’s sleeves was one of her turning points. She’s had several but keeps backsliding.

  • November 13, 2024 at 1:32 pm

    “Civil War 2? Not likely.” Totally out of our hands and unknowable at this time.

    “Late 1960’s-early 1970’s Weather Underground/SDS terrorism? Very likely.” No. The times and the players and the agenda are all completely

    “Who is Patty 2? Hearst this time”. No one. All of us will be their hostages and their converted is their plan.

    What a total waste of time reading some talking head writer twit decrying psychiatry by substituting his own false and ignorant version of it. None of that shit matters a whit to what is being arrayed against us. No “brainwashing” necessary for the various arms of their agenda-driven hatred of us and blind belief in the power and perfection of their selves and their drivers. If/when their offensive begins, total and complete destruction of them is the correct path, and the one that the new admin is quite certain to follow. Fuck the bs “underground” and fuck the stupidity and diversion of Patty, all irrelevant to our current reality.

    But as to CW2? Depends on the definition but the process may begin as outlined above and expanded to any and all instigators and protectors of such absolute hatred of the Republic, by whatever means necessary. Civil War? Yes that does meet the definition of a fashion, hopefully less violent and divisive than V1, but possibly necessary for the same reasons of self-determination and self-governance as before so the actual path and actual process will be up to these new radicals who fancy themselves as cultural freedom fighters but are really just playing the older than time game of following the money and power by stealing the former and forcing the latter.

    The Constitutional Republic of America may still be necessary to differentiate and establish separate sovereignty. Hope not, but that is their decision.

  • November 13, 2024 at 1:48 pm

    Sometimes we get so hung up on the “players” as it were, that we miss the real players in the battle against their force and their control…this girl is a badass!

  • November 13, 2024 at 2:44 pm

    been waiting patiently all year for certain leopards here to change their spots, but nada. yet…

    maybe the big reveals coming up will throw them for a loop…?

    • November 13, 2024 at 4:09 pm

      Leopards and changing spots oh no!

      How long we been waiting on the big news and big reveal?

      You know what, it’s just been (finally) happening all around us!

  • November 13, 2024 at 5:16 pm

    Lots of Cabinet and Department head picks sending liebrals into fits, but for one that should make their little heads explode…
    BATF Director…Ted Nugent !!

    • November 13, 2024 at 5:56 pm

      Even better…the non-politician the establishment spent millions of dollars trying to beat in a primary and barely squeaked past…by a couple of hundred ‘votes’ and a lot of rather dubious tactics.

    • November 13, 2024 at 8:15 pm

      Yup… watching the Mockingbird Media and other ilLiberals blowing up over appointments is quite amusing. I think the most visceral one so far was over Matt Gaetz as AG. Incredible!!

      • November 13, 2024 at 9:38 pm

        It’s almost like they were afraid it was going to cost them personally…


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