No Harm, No Foul.
French Courses.


  • August 3, 2024 at 12:54 am

    I’ll believe Obama’s the string puller the day I believe he was born in America. Hell, I might be close to believing it the day I see him string 5 minutes of coherent words together without a teleprompter. Somebody else has their hand up his ass moving his lips,and he’s just passing the orders along.

    • August 3, 2024 at 2:32 pm
      The 300

      I’ve been saying that for 5 years now. Without a teleprompter or handlers to keep him on message, he sounds like a C average student from a Grievance Studies curriculum at a community college. He’s not smart enough to pull the strings. The guys that pull the strings are a Nomenklatura of Democrat bureaucrats, big money guys, advisors and politicians, and they’ve been doing it since Barky first came on the scene during the primaries 16 years ago. That’s why the policies look so similar, and they’ll keep down that road with Kamala.

      I don’t think you’ll EVER see another independent minded Democrat as president again. They’ll be poll tested DEI hires accountable only to the Nomenklatura.

      • August 4, 2024 at 12:10 am

        Besides, pulling the strings is too much like work.
        I’m still saying “Valerie Jarrett, at the direction of George Soros, just like the first two Obama terms.

      • August 4, 2024 at 11:10 am

        soros and the wef…non-elected but contolling the vote count (and the machines) is better than actually getting any.

  • August 3, 2024 at 6:55 am
    Dastardly Dan

    Agreed. He was and still is a post turtle.

  • August 3, 2024 at 6:59 am

    Reminds me of an episode of The Wild Wild West, “The Night of the Puppeteer” where life sized puppets were controlled by Mr. Skull, who turned out to be another puppet manipulated by a Palpitane (Soros?)-like villain who was out for revenge on those who he believed had falsely accused him of treason.

    Zar Belk!

    • August 3, 2024 at 2:32 pm
      The 300

      Dr. Loveless?

  • August 3, 2024 at 11:11 am

    Have to see if those strings have any “pull” as it were, on Mike. That is still our existential danger regardless who is holding the reins. But it ain’t Zero.

  • August 3, 2024 at 11:39 am


    So my paltry c-note is in the jar, told you I would hold off until the end but hey a generous benefactor might kick in the total and end it before I got it done. The perceived value that I receive from here is ten times that at least compared to the wasted money on satellite teevee etc that I don’t even watch any more; if it wasn’t for the old lady’s house reno and deco, (and some of those how to kill your husband) shows, we wouldn’t have teevee at all.

    Anyway, thank you for your tireless (relentless?) output, don’t know how you do it, esp considering the content is not just timely but often pre-timely, don’t know how you do that either.

    Gripe time though. I HATE that checkout system that requires so much personal info that a hack will be incredibly destructive to us all, do not understand why a blind CC pmt is not possible but that’s the effed up electronic bullshit world we live in now I guess, compounded by the hate and cancel culture that makes a hack or whatever much more likely, they HATE us and they have multitudes of evil-ass tech types to keep hacking away.

    AND, after my last years hunnert no merch checked we agreed (twice) that you would send me just a nudie pen, but you never did you crooked prick 🙂 and now they’re all gone! But I am just sure there is at least one still lying around with its top down, waiting for you to pack it up an send it out to me. Right ?RIGHT?

    Anyway. Thanks again for all you do Chris, not sure what I would do without the daily DayByDay. I know you’re old, but keep it up (heh) as long as you can.

    • August 3, 2024 at 2:18 pm
      Chris Muir

      CRAP, missed that.1 nudie pen (last one) on the way to you

      • August 3, 2024 at 4:44 pm

        Doing my happy dance now. Good thing there’s no vid here, not a pretty sight! Thank you Sir!

  • August 3, 2024 at 4:18 pm
    Unca Walt

    This place is unique.

    Chris Muir is unique. I just wish this site would outdraw NBC/CNN — because it is ALWAYS straight-arrow.

    More folks need to see DBD.

    • August 3, 2024 at 11:16 pm

      There aint nobody at CNN, NBC, or any other three letter group that can “outdraw” the toons Chris creates for us to enjoy here



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