Probably opened a gas valve and put a candle in the rafters. Propane and LNG are heavier than air,so when the building fills and eventually reach’s the burning candle, it goes
Somebody did this locally to commit suicide back in the early 80s, it rattled the windows in the local he high well over a mile away..
I wonder if the tunnels leading under the border filled up also? Such tunnels lead to the perfect place to hide, paper, and distribute the invading asymmetrical or symmetrical armies that they have crossing the border these past decades in smaller numbers. That would make a spectacular sort of hand shaped exploding of criminal and enemy activity when recorded from orbit. Those tunnels would logically be on the other side of the facility leading to the Mexican border. Scenes of Propane or LNG explosions are not looked at casually. That beach explosion in Spain from one small propane truck had horrific resulting sights, People were frozen in burnt place in a way like at Roman Pompeii after the ancient Mount Vesuvius eruption. That intention placement of a facility to destroy an enemy may have unfortunate collateral results. I weep for the innocents, but not for the enemy.
April 6, 2022 at 12:21 am
I’m not sure what this means, but I’m pretty sure it can’t be good.
What is the chance that a young neighbor went with a high energy, preserve the neighborhood move? Maybe a LNG or an Ammonia trailer can next to a fuel carrier with an ANFO kicker. All “farm grade” components. Gets the bugs off the windshield.
Indeed it/he is a joke…ol’ dude bumbling around the room while all the sycophants slobber on the feet of the One, don’t don’t know whether that’s funny as hell or sickening…both I guess.
Speaking of big booms and hot flashes, they learn young how to deal with thugs in my Daddy’s old hardscrabble Tennessee town; tragic, but good job kid…
You know what we need in the Rio Grande? Sharks. Sharks with lasers…And alligators. Alligators with lasers. And we need to make sure they haven’t been fed on a regular basis, which makes them both hangry species.
Never enough water or salt in the Rio Grande for sharks. Gators already live in it around Brownsville, which is partly why the crossers are upriver.
Not quite sure what would lure the gators upriver, but in a fair number of locations, there’s no flat area for them to live on, like in swamps. Rio Grande cut some pretty steep cliffs in places, and yes, they are crossing in those areas, too, since people can climb better than gators.
Bull sharks have been suspected/known to travel quite a ways upriver. See the 1916 “Matawan Monster”.
April 6, 2022 at 2:12 pm
Dastardly Dan
I’ve long held the position that the border should become our nuclear waste containment facility. Bury it shallow and about a mile wide, with plenty of signs in 24 languages about what is under that slightly-raised berm. It won’t stop all of them, but the ones that do get across will be easy enough to find with a gieger counter.
Jerry Pournelle suggested something like that in one of his columns back in the ’80s. Only he suggested using one of the craters at the National Test Site in Nevada. Dump the waste, two layers of chain link fence and signs in all major languages, and graphics simply saying “If you enter here you will die!” And let Darwin judge the contestants.
.Zar Belk!
April 6, 2022 at 10:39 am
Good piece over at Ace today on presidential puppetry and how they could actually replace The Big Guy with Our Lightbringer. But as long as Mordor is allowed to remain in control (of the nukes!) by our “objective and investigative rightwing media”, 99% of whom have stopped even asking questions, it seems of little import who the figurehead de jour happens to be.
But it is of utmost import who/what their godhead is. We had better find it and kill it because it most certainly, while hiding behind bozos and bimbos like these, intent on killing us.
I had always figured that it most likely was the Russians or the Chinese that supported the groups that placed alcohol in gasoline. The alcohol makes long term gas storage impossible. That is a strategic disadvantage for defending our nation. Also the damage the water that enters the alcohol laden fuel does massive damage to those vehicles. It also does massive economic damage beyond that. All in all alcohol in gasoline was a loss for the nation and a victory for our enemies. That truth us finally being recognized in more places and minds.
But it is supposedly GREEN. That is not true. The acreage of cropland devoted to alcohol corn is destructive to the environment, and it takes acreage away from food production.
They falsely say that it is green. In a Delusional it is GREEN.
And FY to Iowas and alcohol gas directed corn growers.
That is as I see it now.
From the web: Don’t grow corn for Ethanol, reserve the fertilizer for crops intended for food. We bought fertilizer from Russia because it was cheap, not because we couldn’t make our own. We can do it, just ramp up our own oil, fertilizer and wheat production. (I’ve been told that USA alone *could* feed the whole planet, if we so chose.)
What hath Mo (Jeff) and Jo wrought?
Drop! Ladies! Drop!
That looks like the initial stage of Trinity.
Now THAT wuz funny!
That should seal the border.
For a little while.
Until the invaders further away get there.
Or the final stage *by* The Trinity…
The apocalypse could come in a big ball of hot gas I guess.
Beats this death by a thousand cuts* I’d say.
*another torture they picked up from the chinks
He said it wouldn’t be water next time…leaves a number of other choices.
“…Won’t be the water but the fire next time!”
Lots and lots of Koreans…
There’s the welcome center problem solved.
Probably opened a gas valve and put a candle in the rafters. Propane and LNG are heavier than air,so when the building fills and eventually reach’s the burning candle, it goes
Somebody did this locally to commit suicide back in the early 80s, it rattled the windows in the local he high well over a mile away..
I wonder if the tunnels leading under the border filled up also? Such tunnels lead to the perfect place to hide, paper, and distribute the invading asymmetrical or symmetrical armies that they have crossing the border these past decades in smaller numbers. That would make a spectacular sort of hand shaped exploding of criminal and enemy activity when recorded from orbit. Those tunnels would logically be on the other side of the facility leading to the Mexican border. Scenes of Propane or LNG explosions are not looked at casually. That beach explosion in Spain from one small propane truck had horrific resulting sights, People were frozen in burnt place in a way like at Roman Pompeii after the ancient Mount Vesuvius eruption. That intention placement of a facility to destroy an enemy may have unfortunate collateral results. I weep for the innocents, but not for the enemy.
I’m not sure what this means, but I’m pretty sure it can’t be good.
See the March 3 and 4 toons.
Exactly what I was thinking! Mutual orgasm!
Sure looks like canned sunlight. Or perhaps a natural gas leak. In any event, flat on the ground is the preferred way to greet a shock wave.
कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो
लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त
“Behold, I am become Death,
The Destroyer of Worlds.”
Zar Belk!
and just like that we go from “gunsmoke” to “mad max”
What is the chance that a young neighbor went with a high energy, preserve the neighborhood move? Maybe a LNG or an Ammonia trailer can next to a fuel carrier with an ANFO kicker. All “farm grade” components. Gets the bugs off the windshield.
We are overthinking this.
South of the Border Invader cuisine meets ChiCom designed sewage system implemented by Progtard contractors on the take.
You’ll flunk out of Acting 101 for performances lightyears better than these.
Who is going to nuke this horrid charade?
“That was a joke…”
Indeed it/he is a joke…ol’ dude bumbling around the room while all the sycophants slobber on the feet of the One, don’t don’t know whether that’s funny as hell or sickening…both I guess.
But he was right; Biden WAS a joke as Vice-President. He’s a bigger joke as president.
I ain’t laughing.
Every time I think that shuffling Intelligent Furniture can’t do something stupider or more destructive, he proves me wrong.
Obama: “You’ll NEVER top my choice of ‘impeachment insurance’.”
Biden: “Hold my Boost. Watch THIS!”
Big bada boom?
No, A big China boom boom .
That explains the faint 70’s bass line I can hear through the rumblings of debris falling.
That was supposed to be Chika boom…. not China boom boom… since who’s building that it might be funnier.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
Any lube at that level of friction will combust.
Will the Dude say, it was just a weenie roast that got out of hand?
Looks like they saw the fireworks and the earth moved for them
Instant sunrise at 0-dark-30, don’t see that often, good job Javier.
I visited Baja California last week.
Yeah … those burritos are capable of just that!
In other news:
A fox on the loose at the US Capitol bit a Democrat Congressman along with a Politico reporter.
Here’s hoping for the health and recovery of the fox after biting such noxious creatures …
Yeah, they gave the anti vax shots to the wrong critter…
Here’s hoping for a round of rabies shots for the both of them.
— ” We have received several reports of aggressive fox encounters on or near the grounds of the U.S. Capitol.
For your safety, please do not approach any foxes. ” —
The DC Capitol whores and prostitutes saw a massive business shrinkage, .
Metaphor alert!
Just kidding. I wish the real Fox News was that aggressive in going after the socialists and their propagandists.
I’ve read that she was called gut and euthanized. Hope they found and rescued her kits.
Speaking of big booms and hot flashes, they learn young how to deal with thugs in my Daddy’s old hardscrabble Tennessee town; tragic, but good job kid…
Popplewell got popped well.
You know what we need in the Rio Grande? Sharks. Sharks with lasers…And alligators. Alligators with lasers. And we need to make sure they haven’t been fed on a regular basis, which makes them both hangry species.
Never enough water or salt in the Rio Grande for sharks. Gators already live in it around Brownsville, which is partly why the crossers are upriver.
Not quite sure what would lure the gators upriver, but in a fair number of locations, there’s no flat area for them to live on, like in swamps. Rio Grande cut some pretty steep cliffs in places, and yes, they are crossing in those areas, too, since people can climb better than gators.
Bull sharks have been suspected/known to travel quite a ways upriver. See the 1916 “Matawan Monster”.
I’ve long held the position that the border should become our nuclear waste containment facility. Bury it shallow and about a mile wide, with plenty of signs in 24 languages about what is under that slightly-raised berm. It won’t stop all of them, but the ones that do get across will be easy enough to find with a gieger counter.
Jerry Pournelle suggested something like that in one of his columns back in the ’80s. Only he suggested using one of the craters at the National Test Site in Nevada. Dump the waste, two layers of chain link fence and signs in all major languages, and graphics simply saying “If you enter here you will die!” And let Darwin judge the contestants.
.Zar Belk!
Good piece over at Ace today on presidential puppetry and how they could actually replace The Big Guy with Our Lightbringer. But as long as Mordor is allowed to remain in control (of the nukes!) by our “objective and investigative rightwing media”, 99% of whom have stopped even asking questions, it seems of little import who the figurehead de jour happens to be.
That’s an interesting kind of welcome…
But it is of utmost import who/what their godhead is. We had better find it and kill it because it most certainly, while hiding behind bozos and bimbos like these, intent on killing us.
OMG, the Green-Nude-Eel is a Commie. Color me shocked ~ not:
I had always figured that it most likely was the Russians or the Chinese that supported the groups that placed alcohol in gasoline. The alcohol makes long term gas storage impossible. That is a strategic disadvantage for defending our nation. Also the damage the water that enters the alcohol laden fuel does massive damage to those vehicles. It also does massive economic damage beyond that. All in all alcohol in gasoline was a loss for the nation and a victory for our enemies. That truth us finally being recognized in more places and minds.
But it is supposedly GREEN. That is not true. The acreage of cropland devoted to alcohol corn is destructive to the environment, and it takes acreage away from food production.
They falsely say that it is green. In a Delusional it is GREEN.
And FY to Iowas and alcohol gas directed corn growers.
That is as I see it now.
From the web: Don’t grow corn for Ethanol, reserve the fertilizer for crops intended for food. We bought fertilizer from Russia because it was cheap, not because we couldn’t make our own. We can do it, just ramp up our own oil, fertilizer and wheat production. (I’ve been told that USA alone *could* feed the whole planet, if we so chose.)
Haven’t we called the Greenies “Watermelons” for decades? Green on the outside, Red on the inside?
Zar Belk!
Seems Gov Abbott saw today’s toon and made a command decision:
Wise move.
Puts me in mind of Randy Newman’s “Political Science”,
“They all hate us anyhow
So let’s drop the big one now
Let’s drop the big one now.”
No amount of Duct Tape, Paint and Spit will fix that glow in the dark heap.