Taking the Ticket.


  • May 11, 2024 at 12:13 am

    Sort of like modern-day police in the UK. Fatigue covers and flak jackets instead of blue uniforms and helmets, MP5s with fixed stocks (the better to butt-stroke you with) instead of truncheons, and a look-down-their-noses attitude that tells you they consider you something they scrape off their shoes.

    It gives a whole new meaning to “What’s all this, then?”.

    “Police Constable Pan Am” isn’t funny, anymore.

    clear ether


    • May 11, 2024 at 12:38 am

      State ‘troopers’ over in Tax-a-chusetts dress like they’re getting ready to invade Poland.

      • May 11, 2024 at 12:50 am
        William Henry

        Hitler would be proud of these Massachusetts storm troopers.

    • May 11, 2024 at 1:14 am

      Clockwork Prunes

    • May 11, 2024 at 1:16 am

      Clockwork Prunes. Does Anatoly have a dinosaur grabber?

    • May 11, 2024 at 10:34 am

      Nice reference (I’m guessing) to John Cleese in ‘A Fish Called Wanda”. At least, that’s the voice I read, “What’s all this, then”, in.
      Cleese, at least, has been vocal in his dismay at the way the Brits have turned out and ‘wokeness’ in general. At least he’s better than Deniro, but that’s not saying much.

      • May 11, 2024 at 1:14 pm

        Actually it’s this one;

        And it was Graham Chapman.




      • May 12, 2024 at 12:28 am

        For me, the only John Cleese quote that comes to mind is “What’s this then? Romanes eunt domus? The people called ‘Romanes’, they go the house’?”

  • May 11, 2024 at 12:40 am
    Don D

    Well said, Eon! Well said!

  • May 11, 2024 at 12:48 am
    William Henry

    When we went to see my daughter in Connecticut back in 2017 she asked if we had pro-gun stickers on the wife’s car… Since we where going through New York state from Pennsylvania a gun friendly state I was told they look for out of state drivers with pro-gun stickers and use it as a reason to search your vehicle.

    And this surprises who?

    • May 11, 2024 at 1:51 am

      I have some friends (a married couple) who sell pro-gun shirts at gun shows. they don’t sell anything else.

      they went to a gunshow that was outside of philadelphia, and were coming home to NH through New Jersey. they got pulled over on the turnpike.

      cops pulled them both out of the van,got half an inch from their faces and started yelling “WHERE ARE THE GUNS WHERE ARE THE GUNS” while illegally tossing the car. they dumped crates full of shirts in the mud on the side of the road, going through everything. meanwhile one of the cops is bellowing at them about the location of the guns, and chest-bumping my friend, trying to provoke him into responding.

      well, the wife of the couple thought quickly..yells out “oh my god he’s having a seisure!” the husband takes the clue, shudders, and falls…right into the lane of traffic. both cops go from “find the guns” to “keep this guy from getting run over”. one drags him back behind the van, the other calls for medical backup, and they both stop searching. ambulance shows up, my friend refuses treatment, and the cops eventually go on their way.

      turns out they had some undercover cops trolling the parking lot of the gun show and putting al the license plates into a database.your plate comes up on those plate readers, they pull you over to search for guns.

    • May 11, 2024 at 2:03 am

      I knew a Colorado cop out of Greeley who told me flat out they consider Wyoming plates as probable cause.

  • May 11, 2024 at 1:36 am

    a few years back, coming home from a gun rally in concord, NH going through Bow,NH I got pulled over. the cop in question saw the Three Percenter/Nyberg Flag patch on my camera bag,

    he said “damn shame what happened to Mike Vanderboegh. you are free to go.”

    did not ask for my ID. did not ask for anything on my vehicle.

  • May 11, 2024 at 9:50 am

    Dont know if any of you listen to Glen Beck, (whom
    Fox news in their infinite wisdom shitcanned a few
    years back) this morning he was asking if you are
    better or worse off than 5 years ago. “Said that Elon
    Musk claims our paper money will be worthless

    The plans of George Soros and others for a world
    Government will be implemented, and CBDC (Central
    Bank Digital Currency) will become the ‘New’ money;
    The Govt. will dispense the funds deemed necessary
    for us serfs to survive. Everything Tracked.

    All of our utility bills have gone up, as we have to
    support the ‘Newcomers’ (future Demonrat voters)
    The electric cars they want us all to drive will report
    to the Govt. where we go and when, just as all our
    usage of anything will be reported to the Govt. and
    we will have a system similar to China`s where social
    credits and discredits are applied.

    I am hoping that there will be an actual election in
    Nov. as the Demonrats are so desperate they could
    manufacture a crisis to put it on hold, and declare
    Martial law.
    Well, that`s enough for now, God Bless America.

    • May 11, 2024 at 11:28 am

      Re: the Election
      Warn everyone that complacency is our greatest enemy.
      The win can’t be narrow but Landslide for fear that the bastards will invalidate the vote due to “election fraud” or some such.
      We don’t need a replay of the Georgia Senate race.

  • May 11, 2024 at 10:38 am

    Back in the 70’s I had to drive thru NJ and with my Texas plates I’d get speeding tickets for 56 in a 55 or illegal left turn. The whole Northeast s a scumbag haven. So happy when I got to go home in Texas.

    • May 11, 2024 at 12:30 pm

      “The whole Northeast s a scumbag haven”

      do not judge NH by NJ. the Free State Project came here for a reason.

      “live free or die, death is not the worst of evils”

    • May 11, 2024 at 1:49 pm
      William Henry

      You’ve obviously never been to rural Pennsylvania, basically everything between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg is called Pennsyltucky. Conservative, heavy armed and very few illegals or blacks, the Confederate battle flag is routinely seen on vehicles, homes and poles.

      We don’t tolerate stupid.

      • May 11, 2024 at 8:04 pm

        Well…..I know where I`m moving too.

  • May 11, 2024 at 6:46 pm

    And there are two red corners of NJ. The northwest and the south central ends of the state. Just like pennsyltucky, it’s all white an alright. In our county the dems often don’t even have a candidate for all the positions on the ballot. Why bother as they never win.



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