Got a scarf, two of them, one’s only 3/4 finished though.
But…like everything else, they’ve managed to destroy one of the longest running TV shows of all time for….nothing…sadly, even bringing back K9 again wouldn’t help, he’d probably be a ‘trans’ cat with a ‘rainbow’ collar instead of a tartan one and no laser.
Destroy is too meek a word. They deliberately and premeditatedly murdered it. They even bragged they were going to do it before committing the crime.
June 18, 2024 at 12:42 am
If you want to “see the plot”, look up the Doctor Who serial “The Brain of Morbius” from 1976, with Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. Most of it was lifted (or rather ripped off) bodily from that.
Absolutely. But you also had to love Leela. She defined the universe as consisting of friends and enemies, and defined the latter category as coming in two varieties; those who had been properly dealt with and those who were still alive.
My kind of lady.
June 18, 2024 at 4:53 am
My daughter crocheted me a Tom Baker Dr Who scarf Its nearly 12′ long.
That same year, I got her a sonic screwdriver.
June 18, 2024 at 7:30 am
I considered John Pertwee to be the best.
Zar Belk!
June 18, 2024 at 10:48 am
Alan Roberts
David Weber used that phrasing about enemies for treecat philosophy in the Honor Harrington world. Do you already know “who borrowed a good phrase from whom,” or do I have to go track down dates? I don’t need another project at the moment
June 18, 2024 at 10:24 pm
Hawt cuisine
June 18, 2024 at 2:14 am
if I remember correctly, The future Ruler of Earth Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock has an entrance to his lair at the center of the earth situated somewhere in Texas
Acolyte has one accomplishment. It bumped the Star Wars Christmas Special from the top of the ‘worst rated Star Wars of all time’ pile. And not just by a little bit, either.
I can’t wait for Disney’s Dr. Who to go through “bi-generation” as we watch the two gay Dr. Whos smash their cloacas together like what happened with the Space Lesbians, Gee, Disney is redefining reproduction. I hope Walt is proud.
The investors are likely outspinning him…unless it was all designed to be a massive tax writeoff from the beginning
June 18, 2024 at 10:35 am
I can’t help but think that connecting a generator to Walt would be useful, considering California’s chronic electrical famine.
June 18, 2024 at 10:17 am
DEI is a terrible business strategy. Terrible. It hasn’t cost the woke-tards enough just yet. With communist investors (pick ’em), they’ll keep spending.
As has often been shown, the Left Can’t Meme. Although they posture about being creative, they exist to destroy. So when Disney got infected with the Progressive mind virus, they ceased creating and began remaking older works.
We can still watch the original series if we feel a need for StarWars… so don’t even “hate watch” the content. Let being “the gayest StarWars ever” be put on the tombstone.
The Left is delusional, always has been and always will be.
They perpetually swap facts with fantasy when the facts get in the way.
I’m afraid this is a true mental illness that can be traced clear back to Plato and Jean-Jacques Rousseau who asserted that we could have Heaven on Earth if only we made Government our God.
The problem is this notion is the equivalent of an addictive drug that warps the thinking of those under its sway. And sadly, just like an addiction, the victim has to hit bottom and survive in order to shake it off even temporarily.
There are lessons to be learned from the stories being told, one of them is that wokeism is deadly to mass merchants like Disney, they deserve to die.
The other lesson is more worrisome, that we almost certainly will very soon be taking those cues and writing our own outrageous script for the ages, can’t wait to see the end, one way or the other.
The farce will be with you. Always.
This is not the plot you’re looking for…..
Dang comments are better’n the toon! heh
Sam shot first
Probably, and probably more than once…
but I kinda think Zedd’s shot hit the mark
Nice having Fellows and Females of the Farce with DBD!
K9 !!!! The dog without a cold nose
Got a scarf, two of them, one’s only 3/4 finished though.
But…like everything else, they’ve managed to destroy one of the longest running TV shows of all time for….nothing…sadly, even bringing back K9 again wouldn’t help, he’d probably be a ‘trans’ cat with a ‘rainbow’ collar instead of a tartan one and no laser.
Destroy is too meek a word. They deliberately and premeditatedly murdered it. They even bragged they were going to do it before committing the crime.
If you want to “see the plot”, look up the Doctor Who serial “The Brain of Morbius” from 1976, with Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. Most of it was lifted (or rather ripped off) bodily from that.
Yes, DW did it a lot better.
clear ether
Baker was THE Doctor. Sara was hawt.
Amen and agreed.
Absolutely. But you also had to love Leela. She defined the universe as consisting of friends and enemies, and defined the latter category as coming in two varieties; those who had been properly dealt with and those who were still alive.
My kind of lady.
My daughter crocheted me a Tom Baker Dr Who scarf Its nearly 12′ long.
That same year, I got her a sonic screwdriver.
I considered John Pertwee to be the best.
Zar Belk!
David Weber used that phrasing about enemies for treecat philosophy in the Honor Harrington world. Do you already know “who borrowed a good phrase from whom,” or do I have to go track down dates? I don’t need another project at the moment

Hawt cuisine
if I remember correctly, The future Ruler of Earth Overlord Dicktor Van Doomcock has an entrance to his lair at the center of the earth situated somewhere in Texas
#FreeHarvey let the stomping begin!
Acolyte has one accomplishment. It bumped the Star Wars Christmas Special from the top of the ‘worst rated Star Wars of all time’ pile. And not just by a little bit, either.
I can’t wait for Disney’s Dr. Who to go through “bi-generation” as we watch the two gay Dr. Whos smash their cloacas together like what happened with the Space Lesbians, Gee, Disney is redefining reproduction. I hope Walt is proud.
Walt is likely spinning in his grave….
The investors are likely outspinning him…unless it was all designed to be a massive tax writeoff from the beginning
I can’t help but think that connecting a generator to Walt would be useful, considering California’s chronic electrical famine.
DEI is a terrible business strategy. Terrible. It hasn’t cost the woke-tards enough just yet. With communist investors (pick ’em), they’ll keep spending.
As has often been shown, the Left Can’t Meme. Although they posture about being creative, they exist to destroy. So when Disney got infected with the Progressive mind virus, they ceased creating and began remaking older works.
We can still watch the original series if we feel a need for StarWars… so don’t even “hate watch” the content. Let being “the gayest StarWars ever” be put on the tombstone.
The Left is delusional, always has been and always will be.
They perpetually swap facts with fantasy when the facts get in the way.
I’m afraid this is a true mental illness that can be traced clear back to Plato and Jean-Jacques Rousseau who asserted that we could have Heaven on Earth if only we made Government our God.
The problem is this notion is the equivalent of an addictive drug that warps the thinking of those under its sway. And sadly, just like an addiction, the victim has to hit bottom and survive in order to shake it off even temporarily.
I’m opting for Swiss Family Robinson…Fighting the pirates…Remaining removed from the so-called civilization.
I was thinking of the treecats when I typed that. Leela was very like a treecat, in more ways than one.
This the same Leela as portrayed by Louise Jameson? Time certainly has been kind to her.
There are lessons to be learned from the stories being told, one of them is that wokeism is deadly to mass merchants like Disney, they deserve to die.
The other lesson is more worrisome, that we almost certainly will very soon be taking those cues and writing our own outrageous script for the ages, can’t wait to see the end, one way or the other.