So the DD (Double Down), I take that is has a Full Guns (Breasts Out) approach to service?
Hope they make huge tips with those hips and nips.
I feel a punny coming on.
July 6, 2015 at 10:37 pm
A reward for all.
The cut of the pants complements the cut of the jacket.
I read about a house of ill repute in SF during the California Gold Rush (certainly not now) that dressed its girls in similar fashion.
July 7, 2015 at 6:45 am
Gideon Reed
There is still a “house of ill repute” in San Francisco. It is called the State of California and it’s run by Gov.Moonbeam and the One Trick Kamel. May they soon disappear from sight and from memory, leaving only the sour whiff of their corruption.
July 7, 2015 at 9:37 pm
Now, now, don’t be comparing an honest hooker to a politician that takes your money at gunpoint and gives you what you _don’t_ want in return.
Nice toast, anxious now to see more of the club and the plans for the big opening…when will it be, who’s gonna be there, what’s the dress code (for guests not hosts), is there a program of discussions/activities or will it be free range, and most important what are the travel/accommodation arrangements for us (ahem) VIP’s?
You ready Pamela? And wear something respectable; remember this is a “gentleman’s” club, and I will certainly be one as your escort.
July 7, 2015 at 5:55 pm
Ankle length, loose fitting to hide my ccw holster and becker
Don’t hide the bling,
Cowboy Colt? OC that thing!
But leave the EBR
Locked in the car
There’s enough freaks in Texas
And thugs and Mex’es
Front-slinging their rifles
That it already stifles
The progress we’ve earned
And the grabbers we’ve spurned
We’re here to have fun
So bring your purtiest gun!
July 6, 2015 at 10:48 pm
Grunt GI
And, again my humble thanks to all my new shipmates who donated on my behalf.
Now, I have to ask, as a long-time aficionado of DBD ta-tas are you playing around with the ‘nips and tucks’ to find the most stylish or best color blend? Seems like Sunday’s awesome “strip” (no pun intended) was almost comic book quality.
Or were you just waving that artistic license cuz you can?
Either way, love to see the variety of styles..and keep up the awesome work.
Moron Labe.
July 6, 2015 at 11:21 pm
Grunt GI
I hate auto correct
July 7, 2015 at 1:54 am
I want so badly to make a jarhead joke… 😉
July 7, 2015 at 7:15 am
Chris Muir
Because I can.
July 7, 2015 at 8:11 am
Hmm…. ‘Dumb and take it.’? [;o)
July 7, 2015 at 11:51 am
Grunt GI
Hence the jarhead jokes…
Although I prefer zoomie jokes for my Air Force friends instead.
BTW, I just realized that when I made my donation (back on June 2, the Sam/Zed level), I forgot to click on the yellow button after the order was finished to get my downloads of Ninth Annual Banner and the 12 Her-acles. I thought at the time, for some reason, that the downloads would be made available after the fundraising was finished. Forgive me for not reading the fine print in the Basic Level. *SMH*
Anyway, is it possible for me to get those items downloaded now (well after the fact)?
This coming payday (this Friday I believe) I can add at least a Naomi, if not a Sam/Zed.
Will one be able to donate throughout the year? I can see me donating at least a Naomi if not every month, then every other month. Doable?
July 7, 2015 at 7:20 am
Chris Muir
DBD only fundraises once every year because all of us are besieged by appeals for money every day-DBD would get lost in the noise.This is our Event; our one time to get ‘er done, so you don’t have to think about it (the costs) all year long. Also, I can concentrate full-time on the only job I have-DBD! 🙂
July 6, 2015 at 11:46 pm
Tim Hansen
Either the economy is improving or Chris’s audience is growing, because he didn’t have to beg nearly as much this year!
Congrats on another year, we’ll be watching to see what you have in store for us.
I’m going to say audience growing. Despite the Goebbelesque nature of the LSM, and what they would have us believe about the nature of the public at large, a whole lot of same are getting fed up to the eye teeth with their PCBS. As for the attitude of the left, well, “if you’re left you aren’t right” (borrowed). As far as I know mine, “Right means correct, therefore left means wrong”, says it fairly well. And more and more are realizing that servant class mind isn’t for Americans.
July 6, 2015 at 11:55 pm
B Woodman
And an equally hearty “SALUD” to Chris the artist and all the other DBD raucous readers and rollicking remarkers. Long may DBD continue to wave the flying fickle finger of fate one finger salute to those Libtard elitists who would presume to be our betters
(I’ll have my one finger salute in the morning before going to work)
July 6, 2015 at 11:58 pm
B Woodman
My fsther (a non drinker) used to make jokes about “two fingers”. He’d hold his two fingers beside the glass straight up vertical instead of flat horizontal.
July 7, 2015 at 12:18 am
A very worthy toast. A single finger from the 3%’rs…
July 7, 2015 at 12:57 am
There you go, Chris.
Sam/Zed level this year. It’s not much for all you do for us. Thank you.
July 7, 2015 at 6:06 am
Bill G
Great to hear. And yes, let’s give a finger’s worth to out elite. Those whose wisdom so exceeds ours that they should be allowed to control our lives in all aspects.
Hmm, I had better not add what I’m thinking now, lest Homeland Insecurity not realize it was in jest.
July 7, 2015 at 6:09 am
Bill G
Snicker. As I click down my e-mail queue the item following DBD today is the Oxford Dictionary ‘Word of the Day’…and today’s word is ‘treacherous’.
I can think of any number of pictures they could use to illustrate it.
July 7, 2015 at 6:15 am
Paypal won’t accept my credit card (standard old MasterCard). Have you thought about starting a Patreon account and letting folks contribute year-round? I support a few podcasts and one other artist on there and they auto-manage levels of participation similar to what you have been doing here manually.
This would offer a continuous way to earn income and replace that advertising that has been lost, too.
July 7, 2015 at 7:26 am
Chris Muir
PP has its quirks…you can send a check of your finest to DBD’s address (it’s on the Fundraiser page which stays up until the 15th).See my comment to Woodman above;Once a year is our Event!
July 7, 2015 at 7:58 am
Unca Walt
I gotta add my 2c.
Chris, you are a standalone. In complete honesty, I have never seen such brilliant commentary so consistently accompanied by such brilliant art.
July 7, 2015 at 9:05 am
Congrats on the next year’s funding, Chris! Keep up the great work!
July 7, 2015 at 11:00 am
Chris Muir
Me? Thank all you readers! It’s my job to make this worth your while; and I do have some extra nice things coming’ up for this year.
July 7, 2015 at 9:58 am
I still think Sam is overdressed, sadly….sigh!
July 7, 2015 at 11:25 am
Congratulations, Chris. Looking forward to another great year with the DBD crew.
I’ve been watching that paybar get better and better, I toasted the probability yesterday that I’d wake up to find it gone today. Well done, Chris, for being such an inspiration. And well done, brothers and sisters, for helping to keep this place up and running.
July 7, 2015 at 1:17 pm
I love seeing a woman in uniform…..specially that one!
July 7, 2015 at 1:33 pm
I love it when you draw teh boobies. Just sayin’.
July 7, 2015 at 3:17 pm
And Chris hit my favorites with the “Goodby Google” page. Ahhh pretty lil cameltoes.
Not that I don’t “Like” the bewbies I just happen to be a laigs man. [wink]
Since today is the one finger salute day here is mine for TPTB.
. ll
_ .. _ . _ . _ . _ . nllnn . _ . _ . _ . _ (my attenpt at the bird on a qwerty keyboard)
Oh and for those who canna read between the lines …
FOAD Tyrant.
And for those who think themselves “Educated” …
Sic Semper Tyrannus.
[he crosses his fingers that the programming will reproduce his creation accurately …]
July 7, 2015 at 3:25 pm
Daggone ‘puter.
It won’t let me leave any blank spaces so kindly, in your minds eye as it were, slide the two els to the right until they match the lower half on the line below them.
I don’t think it is going to line up for me folks. Ah well …
Salute! Chris and stay safe,
July 7, 2015 at 6:03 pm
B Woodman
Close enough. GOt it the second time.
Thanks for the graphic.
Hopefully you’re not competing for Chris’ job.
We readers and viewers might have to do something about that if you were.
July 7, 2015 at 5:02 pm
Hurrah for DBD! Thanks, Chris, for providing such a fertile forum for freedom-loving friends of fecundity and frivolity! Not to mention faithfulness and fervency!
GruntGI, as a retired (non-flying, alas) Zoomie, I must share my favorite military joke (of which I humbly admit original authorship): Where do Marines go to buy their jewelry? It can only be Jarheads! (Thank you, thank you… Please! Sit down; you’re embarrassing me! Oh, I’m embarrassing myself? Yep!)
So the DD (Double Down), I take that is has a Full Guns (Breasts Out) approach to service?
Hope they make huge tips with those hips and nips.
I feel a punny coming on.
A reward for all.
The cut of the pants complements the cut of the jacket.
I read about a house of ill repute in SF during the California Gold Rush (certainly not now) that dressed its girls in similar fashion.
There is still a “house of ill repute” in San Francisco. It is called the State of California and it’s run by Gov.Moonbeam and the One Trick Kamel. May they soon disappear from sight and from memory, leaving only the sour whiff of their corruption.
Now, now, don’t be comparing an honest hooker to a politician that takes your money at gunpoint and gives you what you _don’t_ want in return.
Nice toast, anxious now to see more of the club and the plans for the big opening…when will it be, who’s gonna be there, what’s the dress code (for guests not hosts), is there a program of discussions/activities or will it be free range, and most important what are the travel/accommodation arrangements for us (ahem) VIP’s?
You ready Pamela? And wear something respectable; remember this is a “gentleman’s” club, and I will certainly be one as your escort.
Ankle length, loose fitting to hide my ccw holster and becker
Don’t hide the bling,
Cowboy Colt? OC that thing!
But leave the EBR
Locked in the car
There’s enough freaks in Texas
And thugs and Mex’es
Front-slinging their rifles
That it already stifles
The progress we’ve earned
And the grabbers we’ve spurned
We’re here to have fun
So bring your purtiest gun!
And, again my humble thanks to all my new shipmates who donated on my behalf.
Now, I have to ask, as a long-time aficionado of DBD ta-tas are you playing around with the ‘nips and tucks’ to find the most stylish or best color blend? Seems like Sunday’s awesome “strip” (no pun intended) was almost comic book quality.
Or were you just waving that artistic license cuz you can?
Either way, love to see the variety of styles..and keep up the awesome work.
Moron Labe.
I hate auto correct
I want so badly to make a jarhead joke… 😉
Because I can.
Hmm…. ‘Dumb and take it.’? [;o)
Hence the jarhead jokes…
Although I prefer zoomie jokes for my Air Force friends instead.
😛 I suppose we flatten it so you can go in and rake it smooth.
Chris. I was a bad boy and pledged/paid from USAF work. Firewall wouldn’t let me download. How do I get me Bennies?
Look in your email! 🙂
Congrats, Chris!
BTW, I just realized that when I made my donation (back on June 2, the Sam/Zed level), I forgot to click on the yellow button after the order was finished to get my downloads of Ninth Annual Banner and the 12 Her-acles. I thought at the time, for some reason, that the downloads would be made available after the fundraising was finished. Forgive me for not reading the fine print in the Basic Level. *SMH*
Anyway, is it possible for me to get those items downloaded now (well after the fact)? me at
This coming payday (this Friday I believe) I can add at least a Naomi, if not a Sam/Zed.
Will one be able to donate throughout the year? I can see me donating at least a Naomi if not every month, then every other month. Doable?
DBD only fundraises once every year because all of us are besieged by appeals for money every day-DBD would get lost in the noise.This is our Event; our one time to get ‘er done, so you don’t have to think about it (the costs) all year long. Also, I can concentrate full-time on the only job I have-DBD! 🙂
Either the economy is improving or Chris’s audience is growing, because he didn’t have to beg nearly as much this year!
Congrats on another year, we’ll be watching to see what you have in store for us.
I’m going to say audience growing. Despite the Goebbelesque nature of the LSM, and what they would have us believe about the nature of the public at large, a whole lot of same are getting fed up to the eye teeth with their PCBS. As for the attitude of the left, well, “if you’re left you aren’t right” (borrowed). As far as I know mine, “Right means correct, therefore left means wrong”, says it fairly well. And more and more are realizing that servant class mind isn’t for Americans.
And an equally hearty “SALUD” to Chris the artist and all the other DBD raucous readers and rollicking remarkers. Long may DBD continue to wave the flying fickle finger of fate one finger salute to those Libtard elitists who would presume to be our betters
(I’ll have my one finger salute in the morning before going to work)
My fsther (a non drinker) used to make jokes about “two fingers”. He’d hold his two fingers beside the glass straight up vertical instead of flat horizontal.
A very worthy toast. A single finger from the 3%’rs…
There you go, Chris.
Sam/Zed level this year. It’s not much for all you do for us. Thank you.
Great to hear. And yes, let’s give a finger’s worth to out elite. Those whose wisdom so exceeds ours that they should be allowed to control our lives in all aspects.
Hmm, I had better not add what I’m thinking now, lest Homeland Insecurity not realize it was in jest.
Snicker. As I click down my e-mail queue the item following DBD today is the Oxford Dictionary ‘Word of the Day’…and today’s word is ‘treacherous’.
I can think of any number of pictures they could use to illustrate it.
Paypal won’t accept my credit card (standard old MasterCard). Have you thought about starting a Patreon account and letting folks contribute year-round? I support a few podcasts and one other artist on there and they auto-manage levels of participation similar to what you have been doing here manually.
This would offer a continuous way to earn income and replace that advertising that has been lost, too.
PP has its quirks…you can send a check of your finest to DBD’s address (it’s on the Fundraiser page which stays up until the 15th).See my comment to Woodman above;Once a year is our Event!
I gotta add my 2c.
Chris, you are a standalone. In complete honesty, I have never seen such brilliant commentary so consistently accompanied by such brilliant art.
Congrats on the next year’s funding, Chris! Keep up the great work!
Me? Thank all you readers! It’s my job to make this worth your while; and I do have some extra nice things coming’ up for this year.
I still think Sam is overdressed, sadly….sigh!
Congratulations, Chris. Looking forward to another great year with the DBD crew.
I’ve been watching that paybar get better and better, I toasted the probability yesterday that I’d wake up to find it gone today. Well done, Chris, for being such an inspiration. And well done, brothers and sisters, for helping to keep this place up and running.
I love seeing a woman in uniform…..specially that one!
I love it when you draw teh boobies. Just sayin’.
And Chris hit my favorites with the “Goodby Google” page. Ahhh pretty lil cameltoes.
Not that I don’t “Like” the bewbies I just happen to be a laigs man. [wink]
Since today is the one finger salute day here is mine for TPTB.
. ll
_ .. _ . _ . _ . _ . nllnn . _ . _ . _ . _ (my attenpt at the bird on a qwerty keyboard)
Oh and for those who canna read between the lines …
FOAD Tyrant.
And for those who think themselves “Educated” …
Sic Semper Tyrannus.
[he crosses his fingers that the programming will reproduce his creation accurately …]
Daggone ‘puter.
It won’t let me leave any blank spaces so kindly, in your minds eye as it were, slide the two els to the right until they match the lower half on the line below them.
Something like …
. _ . _ . _ .. _ . _ ll _ . _ .
. _ . _ . _ . _ . ..nllnn . _ .
I don’t think it is going to line up for me folks. Ah well …
Salute! Chris and stay safe,
Close enough. GOt it the second time.
Thanks for the graphic.
Hopefully you’re not competing for Chris’ job.
We readers and viewers might have to do something about that if you were.
Hurrah for DBD! Thanks, Chris, for providing such a fertile forum for freedom-loving friends of fecundity and frivolity! Not to mention faithfulness and fervency!
GruntGI, as a retired (non-flying, alas) Zoomie, I must share my favorite military joke (of which I humbly admit original authorship): Where do Marines go to buy their jewelry? It can only be Jarheads! (Thank you, thank you… Please! Sit down; you’re embarrassing me! Oh, I’m embarrassing myself? Yep!)
BTW, those commenting on Sunday about alternative email services should consider Not free, but private, secure, and supports conservatism!
Sitting down now…
Does a MR762A1 count as jewelry ….
Only at Chipotle and Starbucks, and only if you’re a tactifreak wannabe…although they tend to favor a nice Norinco fAKy.