Flame throwers. That reminds me…..Did you know that there is a direct connection between temperature and intelligence? Yup…You smarten right up the closer your ass gets to the flame…..
Miss Flimsy Ghramnesty, a deep state uniparty critter kept in place by open primaries in SC, MIC money, and USAID graft among other dark sources and nefarious forces.
We’ve bailed them out too many times.
Chris, would you mind me recommending a podcast on the Nation of Israel that would enlighten regarding who they really are?
Be more accurate to say the U.S. keeps jumping in with both feet into Israel’s wars. Don’t think Hamas would still be holding hostages if Biden & Co hadn’t have forced Israel to negotiate with the terrorists.
Getting the Europeans to defend their own damn continent may require us to leave NATO (or is it now OTAN) just to get them off their welfare state asses.
Of course then we’ll have to come in late to the war in Europe for a third time.
Then again, just going full-bore isolationist isn’t a good option either with the ChiComs still making trouble.
The joker in the deck is India.
Israel wants to live in peace in their own country
The various arab countries are sworn to destroy Israel
The US has been playing one against the other for decades and propping up both sides, the Republicans help Israel, the democrats arm the terrortists.
If peace suddenly broke out in the ME this afternoon, it couldn’t last because too many of the ‘elite’ would lose too much money and the terrorists have brainwashed their children so deeply, with the help of USAID, UNRWA, and the various NGO’s that any peace would last, at most, until the eight year olds of today were old enough to take power.
All of the ordnance sold to Israel would have been better used, and a lot of money saved, by skipping the middle man and flattening the vaarious terrorist supporting countries directly until they decided to play nice.
There is no reasoning with a mullah, imam, or brainwashed arab who is convinced that everyone on the planet has to either become a muslim, pay the jizra tax and live as a sklave to muslims, or be killed for being an ‘impudent infidel.’ There is NO in-between for them except as they can use it temporarily to work themselves into a position to enforce islamic rule over everyone everywhere. There is no political consideration, no peace treaty and no ‘live and let live’, there may be the odd pause to regroup and worm their way into positions of authority as we see in Britain today, but the only acceptable end result is a totally islamic world at any cost. The largest problem the West has is that nobody can think that way or will admit it if they finally do see it, and that will be the undoing of civilizatrion as we know it.
Flame Throwers and White Phosphorus are highly motivational. Much more effective than tear gas at getting people to evacuate a structure.
Flame throwers. That reminds me…..Did you know that there is a direct connection between temperature and intelligence? Yup…You smarten right up the closer your ass gets to the flame…..
Miss Flimsy Ghramnesty, a deep state uniparty critter kept in place by open primaries in SC, MIC money, and USAID graft among other dark sources and nefarious forces.
We’ve bailed them out too many times.
Chris, would you mind me recommending a podcast on the Nation of Israel that would enlighten regarding who they really are?
It would fit commentary coming up this week, yeah.
Neo-con Deep-Staters and Ike’s warning. Stocks are booming! So are cannons.
Be more accurate to say the U.S. keeps jumping in with both feet into Israel’s wars. Don’t think Hamas would still be holding hostages if Biden & Co hadn’t have forced Israel to negotiate with the terrorists.
Getting the Europeans to defend their own damn continent may require us to leave NATO (or is it now OTAN) just to get them off their welfare state asses.
Of course then we’ll have to come in late to the war in Europe for a third time.
Then again, just going full-bore isolationist isn’t a good option either with the ChiComs still making trouble.
The joker in the deck is India.
When they get done sanitizing The War Hawk’s butt with the flamethrower, we have a quite a number here that need cleansing.
The stench of the Bloviator of the Senate. It hasn’t changed in decades.
This is why Musk was selling flamethrowers a few year ago. Prep work.
Israel wants to live in peace in their own country
The various arab countries are sworn to destroy Israel
The US has been playing one against the other for decades and propping up both sides, the Republicans help Israel, the democrats arm the terrortists.
If peace suddenly broke out in the ME this afternoon, it couldn’t last because too many of the ‘elite’ would lose too much money and the terrorists have brainwashed their children so deeply, with the help of USAID, UNRWA, and the various NGO’s that any peace would last, at most, until the eight year olds of today were old enough to take power.
All of the ordnance sold to Israel would have been better used, and a lot of money saved, by skipping the middle man and flattening the vaarious terrorist supporting countries directly until they decided to play nice.
There is no reasoning with a mullah, imam, or brainwashed arab who is convinced that everyone on the planet has to either become a muslim, pay the jizra tax and live as a sklave to muslims, or be killed for being an ‘impudent infidel.’ There is NO in-between for them except as they can use it temporarily to work themselves into a position to enforce islamic rule over everyone everywhere. There is no political consideration, no peace treaty and no ‘live and let live’, there may be the odd pause to regroup and worm their way into positions of authority as we see in Britain today, but the only acceptable end result is a totally islamic world at any cost. The largest problem the West has is that nobody can think that way or will admit it if they finally do see it, and that will be the undoing of civilizatrion as we know it.