President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
The three retired woke multi-star “orificers” may be a joke, but they still wield considerable power among their admirers, and that, unfortunately, will get people killed.
These ex-generals are like all left-wing experts (definition of ex-spurt: little drip). Attention getters yes, but since not on our side of the pipe ignore them.
May each day forward bring smiles and contentment to one and all ~ Merry Christmas
So said my old Daddy many many times. I’m sure he was wrong about something sometime, but not that I’m aware of.
December 24, 2021 at 11:15 am
I only came in contact with Eaton, who was a political hack with all of the personal warmth of a brick. None of the officers I knew who came into contact with him reported that he was smart, or quick on the pick up.
Tomorrow is the big day and I would like to say to Chris and all the folks on Day By Day to please have a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Me and my two dogs will.
Beattie shows that what the media label an “insurrection” is almost certainly better described as a “Fedsurrection.”
Somewhere out there is the perfect bombshell, perhaps resembling Sam, or Naomi, or Jo, or Jan, or Skye, awaiting her opportunity, and to her I can only say Marry Chris, Miss!
To edit Halley’s exhortation just a smidge, let me suggest a Woman of like age and inclination, if not disposition. Not a young’un, not a granny (although many examples of each can be hot), but a good strong supportive lady to be there and be with…nothing like it.
I’d wrap one up in a package for you if I could, problem is, this is NOT the kind of present the giver can choose, only the receiver, as only *he* will feel that electric physical then mental charge when the right one comes along, or more exactly when you get off your ass and choose the right one before you end up perusing the old ladies as a fellow resident at the Shady Rest.
So you’ll have to settle for a song from me…love it, and a lot of truth there…but ignore that last line, got all I can handle.
Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and best hopes for the New Year and beyond to Chris and all my meatspace and cyberspace friends -and I do consider you people my friends and compatriots- here in the gallery of observers and contributors at the Double D Ranch.
December 24, 2021 at 10:42 am
Merry Christmas To Y’all!
Keep your head on a swivel and a foot on the brake. I am sure they are trying to kill us out there.
Retired brigadier-general Steven Anderson was US army’s head of logistics at the Pentagon… so the kind of wizard who though leaving billions of dollars of fully functional military equipment in Assholeistan was a good idea…
Retired major-general Paul Eaton, deployed to train the Iraqi armed forces for the US operations is also an advisor for VoteVets, a liberal political action committee…
Retired major general Antonio Taguba exposed the torture of Iraqi prisoners by US troops at the Abu Ghraib prison…
Yeah, that sounds like the kind of guys who’d want to strictly review of the chain of command with service members and ferret out mutineers and guards against insurrectionists and curb the political propaganda among the military… which is code for oust anyone with an intact moral compass and/or respect for the Constitution…
The whole world agrees: Joe Biden was taking calls from the NORAD Santa tracking program and a dad ended the call with “Merry Christmas, and Let’s Go Brandon.”
Link I saw and thought I had posted earlier (and that I had called a stocking stuffer from Uncle Joe) said Biden agreed with and repeated the salutation…no?
Seven Days in May…
Beat me to it Hogman, but I almost prefer the last scene from, Fail Safe.
Good movie, better book
Moe, Larry, and Curly would represent a significant increase in intelligence and integrity over the three “woke” retired generals.
That is so true.
Ain’t THAT the cotton-pickin’ truth. >:-(
What about Shep? The Forgotten Stooge.
Look out for the fourth Critter
Shemp. One of the original Stooges actually, and real-life brother to Moe and Curly.
But let’s face it, Curly was the king of the Stooges, even if he was not an original.
With some flexibility to the definitions of “insurrection”, generals”, “military”, and “elected”, I’m for it.
That a ball cap on Z?
Looks like a Yooper snow blowing hat. Also found worn in Minnesota.
The three retired woke multi-star “orificers” may be a joke, but they still wield considerable power among their admirers, and that, unfortunately, will get people killed.
These ex-generals are like all left-wing experts (definition of ex-spurt: little drip). Attention getters yes, but since not on our side of the pipe ignore them.
May each day forward bring smiles and contentment to one and all ~ Merry Christmas
“Ex is a has-been, spurt’s just a drip.”
So said my old Daddy many many times. I’m sure he was wrong about something sometime, but not that I’m aware of.
I only came in contact with Eaton, who was a political hack with all of the personal warmth of a brick. None of the officers I knew who came into contact with him reported that he was smart, or quick on the pick up.
At least the Thee Stooges were funny those 3 generals aren’t
The Stooges were the characters. The actors who portrayed them were consummate professionals.
Zar Belk!
Tomorrow is the big day and I would like to say to Chris and all the folks on Day By Day to please have a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Me and my two dogs will.
A Merry and Joyous Christmas and a totally Happy New Year on all.
Looking forward to having the entire family over for our celebration, especially my three granddaughters, ages 6 1/2, 3 1/2, and two and a half weeks!
Beattie shows that what the media label an “insurrection” is almost certainly better described as a “Fedsurrection.”
Merry Christmas
to all who read and comment on this strip. It would be on the funny pages, except it is not leftist like Doonesberry.
That, and it has t*s.
You mean TITTEHS?
It has Bosoms of the Bountiful kind.
Not to be confused with kittehs =^,^=
Nothing like a good old fashioned t* party.
How can he draw that strip when he is so far left his left thumb is where his little finger belongs.
Who are the “retired woke generals” plotting this? Is one of them Wesley “Weasley” Clark?
” Jiggs ” Casey where are you????
Somewhere out there is the perfect bombshell, perhaps resembling Sam, or Naomi, or Jo, or Jan, or Skye, awaiting her opportunity, and to her I can only say Marry Chris, Miss!
Yup, I got to start cruising retirement homes soon for one.
Heh yourself young man…
To edit Halley’s exhortation just a smidge, let me suggest a Woman of like age and inclination, if not disposition. Not a young’un, not a granny (although many examples of each can be hot), but a good strong supportive lady to be there and be with…nothing like it.
I’d wrap one up in a package for you if I could, problem is, this is NOT the kind of present the giver can choose, only the receiver, as only *he* will feel that electric physical then mental charge when the right one comes along, or more exactly when you get off your ass and choose the right one before you end up perusing the old ladies as a fellow resident at the Shady Rest.
So you’ll have to settle for a song from me…love it, and a lot of truth there…but ignore that last line, got all I can handle.
Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and best hopes for the New Year and beyond to Chris and all my meatspace and cyberspace friends -and I do consider you people my friends and compatriots- here in the gallery of observers and contributors at the Double D Ranch.
Merry Christmas To Y’all!
Keep your head on a swivel and a foot on the brake. I am sure they are trying to kill us out there.
Hmmm… let’s see…
Retired brigadier-general Steven Anderson was US army’s head of logistics at the Pentagon… so the kind of wizard who though leaving billions of dollars of fully functional military equipment in Assholeistan was a good idea…
Retired major-general Paul Eaton, deployed to train the Iraqi armed forces for the US operations is also an advisor for VoteVets, a liberal political action committee…
Retired major general Antonio Taguba exposed the torture of Iraqi prisoners by US troops at the Abu Ghraib prison…
Yeah, that sounds like the kind of guys who’d want to strictly review of the chain of command with service members and ferret out mutineers and guards against insurrectionists and curb the political propaganda among the military… which is code for oust anyone with an intact moral compass and/or respect for the Constitution…
OTOH, they could be helping us choose our Force for the CRA.
The whole world agrees: Joe Biden was taking calls from the NORAD Santa tracking program and a dad ended the call with “Merry Christmas, and Let’s Go Brandon.”
Link I saw and thought I had posted earlier (and that I had called a stocking stuffer from Uncle Joe) said Biden agreed with and repeated the salutation…no?
The most interesting part was how dinged they were that 124 retired ‘Flag Officers 4 America’ disagreed with them. So, 41::1 odds?
Hope springs eternal…
Merry Christmas