As soon as I heard the refrain, I knew it was a parody of another song I knew well but just couldn’t place (because all I could hear now was the earworm of the parody refrain). It took me a couple more minutes before I finally dredged up: Poisoning Pigeons in The Park by Tom Lehrer.
Reminds me of an interview I saw with Green activists. They told the interviewer the “demonstrations” defacing art and blocking traffic were necessary because the world has to do something to avoid a “climate change catastrophe.”
The interviewer asked them if they realized by ticking people off they were actually making it *less* likely anyone would do what they want.
Their answer was they had to demonstrate because climate change would destroy the world unless something is done.
Rince, repeat, same answer.
They were so wrapped around “climate change” the idea that their “demonstrations” were harming their cause just bounced off,
Their ‘education ” has reduced them to the level of a talking doll. Pull the string, and you’ll get the same answers, no matter what your question wss.
Add to that, ANYONE who could look at Skye and then refer to her as “dude” (first frame) has just demonstrated their complete ABSENCE of ANY basic intelligence/intellect!!!
“My mind is made up- – – – -don’t confuse me with facts!” Six decades of government control over public education has washed common sense completely out of the minds of several generations of kids. Now they’re just compliant little drones, regurgitating the propaganda their “professors” dish out by the metric ton. If a couple of them would be so kind as to come by and talk to my garden fir a while, I’d save a small fortune on fertilizer expense!
I volunteer to put “her” up against the wall….NOW!
One less not-so-useful idiot to have to deal with later.
Yeah, but what KIND of American are you?
As soon as I heard the refrain, I knew it was a parody of another song I knew well but just couldn’t place (because all I could hear now was the earworm of the parody refrain). It took me a couple more minutes before I finally dredged up: Poisoning Pigeons in The Park by Tom Lehrer.
For them, I just go with the pronoun “it”.
Lyrane-IV thanks you.
Zar Belk!
Reminds me of an interview I saw with Green activists. They told the interviewer the “demonstrations” defacing art and blocking traffic were necessary because the world has to do something to avoid a “climate change catastrophe.”
The interviewer asked them if they realized by ticking people off they were actually making it *less* likely anyone would do what they want.
Their answer was they had to demonstrate because climate change would destroy the world unless something is done.
Rince, repeat, same answer.
They were so wrapped around “climate change” the idea that their “demonstrations” were harming their cause just bounced off,
It’s their way of telling you that they are completely ineffective people who know only how to follow one script, whether it is wrong or right.
and the best part for the provocateurs of the ‘new order’ is that they don’t even have to be paid…even soros runs out of money eventually
Really? When have they followed the right ones?
“But this one goes up to eleven…”
Their ‘education ” has reduced them to the level of a talking doll. Pull the string, and you’ll get the same answers, no matter what your question wss.
The left is so thoroughly convinced of their rectitude that facts just bounce off of them.
Become a Leftist and have instant moral and intellectual superiority.
Profound, that.
Their minds are made up. Don’t you dare try to confuse them with FACTS!
Zar Belk!
Like every tenet of lib/prog orthodoxy……facts alter them entirely.
Add to that, ANYONE who could look at Skye and then refer to her as “dude” (first frame) has just demonstrated their complete ABSENCE of ANY basic intelligence/intellect!!!
“My mind is made up- – – – -don’t confuse me with facts!” Six decades of government control over public education has washed common sense completely out of the minds of several generations of kids. Now they’re just compliant little drones, regurgitating the propaganda their “professors” dish out by the metric ton. If a couple of them would be so kind as to come by and talk to my garden fir a while, I’d save a small fortune on fertilizer expense!